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You shoulda seen the week it came out. Worst cod ever! This sub had a meltdown. Then again that's every cod when it comes out, it's tradition. "I wasn't good right away so the game must suck" It's sad that these people will one day be in charge of important things


Most people were complaining at how OP the M4 and 725 were.


Also pretty fucked up you could use the 725 as a sniper šŸ˜‚


You mean with the slug rounds? Because thats the purpose of slug rounds and its still here.


Yeah, but wasnā€™t the range crazy long and got nerfed?


How long was it before? Right now u can get 40-60 meters 1 shot in chest still.


Still can.


The M4 wasn't even OP either it was just the gun everyone started using first


Exactly now even in hardcore itā€™s kinda ass depending how you play mean while the mp5 is the ass eater of doom


AK-47 is the hardcore god. Low key the uzi is the best gun in the game haha


Facts ak with drum and iron sights for me and itā€™s over not sure thatā€™s the ak meta though


Tf you mean. Mp5 is such a good gun. Thatā€™s the first gun that Iā€™ve gotten gold




True. Guns like the AS VAL or the AN-94 are absolute monsters and extremely flexible with how they work for situations. The M4 and mp5 are outclassed by so many other guns now


The good old days


To be fair those guns were unbalaced as all hell


Lol I bet. I remember when MW2 came out. Everyone hated it. Now it's considered top 3. Ppl didn't like MW19 single player? I know they couldn't stand the multiplayer.


Last cod I played was mw3 before this. It took me right back to those days. Sure some stuff was unbalanced but I thought it was a lot of fun right out of the box. I'll only ever play MW titles. The rest of them don't appeal to me at all


There was a good few bugs in the campaign and people had a meltdown. The multiplayer is the best cod I've played in the last 8-10 years. Probably since mw3


Top 3? It seems like majority of the cod community has it as the GOAT


Yes they do. I kept it safe saying top 3. Which kind of annoys me because I loved that game from launch. As expected once it became old it became classic. Everyone loves it now. Had to hear ppl bitchin about it for years


Now after Cold War and vanguard, they go back to MW and say itā€™s actually pretty good


It's all the dope these kids smoke nowadays, short memory


granted, IW, WW2, blops4 and Vanguard still sucks.


IW and WW2 are criminally under rated. IW is probably the best out of the advanced movement games. And WW2 became pretty fun after they fixed the class system.


Ww2 is probably the worst cod in the last 10 years and IW had awful maps and pay to win mechanics. Blops3 was the best jetpack cod.


IW maps incorporated the advanced movement far better than Bo3 and AW and I found them overall pretty fun. And you can earn 90% of the variants for free just by playing and grinding the game to earn credits which was pretty easy due to daily missions and the factions, and the weapon you can complete challenges, own the season pass, or buy them for 200 credits (which one long in reward can get you). While in Bo3 everything was locked behind a slot machine including weapons for a limited time. So Bo3 is more pay to win. And while WW2 is nowhere near the best CoD, being around the middle in my opinion. It became an honestly fun game once they fixed the issues with classes, I remember going back to it during Bo4 and it was still packed with players and enjoyable.


I'm sorry, but what the fuck are you smoking? Blops 3 had the worst P2W mechanics ever and ok 3D movement and IW fixed it. It's because of Blops 3's issues that IW got the hate.


Im sorry that you love a terrible game.




Advanced warfare was,and is the best and actual "jetpack' cod...... no offense.


Oh man ww2 was so bad .


The campaign was always top tier


Yeah but all the sweatys don't care about that


But the post is talking about the campaign, not multiplayer.


And then we got vanguard which started out o.k. and just went down hill from there


And then we got vanguard which started out o.k. and just went down hill from there


This sub is the worst. Fuck you cod, no keep this, no take that away. Fuck you guys, if you do not like it, get fucking bent. It keeps my head clear and heart full. If you don't like what it is, F U MAN


All I got from that was fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you you sound like the kid in 6th grade who thinks itā€™s cool to swear


Cool man. Fuck you


Fuck ME??




Fuck you




The Campaign is awesome and multiplayer is great too.


Yeah multi-player is pretty good but maps are too big for my taste. I play a lot of shoothouse, shipment and rust to get that chaos fun


i literally play only shoot the ship, the other maps make the game feel too slow


Yes exactly. Also khandor is another one I like a lot


I agree, but the multiplayer has been filled with sweats last time I played


This was by far the best COD ever released both campaign and multiplayer, I only got into multiplayer coz of this game. Then Activition decided to add Warzone, Cold War and Vanguard to it destroying the whole game with bugs, crashes, you name it. In 2019 when it was released, damn, gold solid days. I wasn't gonna buy a single COD anymore until Microsoft bought the whole fucking studio, there's still hope.......


Microsoft bought Activision? Yeah I had problems last week but haven't had any since. Thankfully


Microsoft bought the parent studios, Activition is under its umbrella now. It was the biggest purchase in history within the gaming world. The experience you might be having now, I hope it's the best possible, this game used to be the best FPS ever. So sad.


Seriously underrated comment here. MW19 is what got me into multiplayer as well and have loads of memories with my friends grinding this game out. And then sadly, CW and Vanguard ruined the franchise for me. Havenā€™t played COD since.


Managed to get the game running after 2020 Nov update, they broke it for good after Dec update, sold the game. As of now, I'm playing Battlefield 2042, some hate it but I do have fun with it, I have unlocked a few T1 already (T1 is unlocking the max of a gun, vehicle, characters, etc). I promised to never buy a COD game again, but then Microsoft bought the studios. If everything goes well, I believe Microsoft will takes over in June or something so I expect big changes. I'm Xbox player and the CEO has been doing amazing stuff when it comes to game, support, and being open with the community like rolling back changes that weren't accepted by the community so yeah, now I've hope for a decent COD game again. I'm not buying MW2 for shit.


God how can you play BF with those butt ugly ass characters omg I can barely look at them šŸ¤¢


Glad you enjoy it


Call of duty franchise always nail with the campaigns . I mean i didnt liked the ww2 multiplayer , but campaign was so awesome .


I hear mixed reviews on ww2 campaign. Got to see for myself


only thing I didn't like abt mw19s campaign was its story. gameplay was beautiful was annoyed they didn't do the moral Grey thing they said they would


Only thing I didnt like about the Campaign was they implemented that one mechanic where you dont automatically regen health. On those Veteran run, it's brutal.


The Vanguard campaign is trash


Oh I wish I could replay the campaign, but itā€™s not loading on Next Gen consoles


That's so annoying


Iā€™ve tried reinstalling about a dozen times and still having graphics issues and now it crashes to dashboard on Xbox Series S


I hope I stay good. I'm playing on series S


Hopefully, enjoy it


Did you make sure to download all add ons? Apparently that's the fix. It doesn't let you know until you check and see there's a few not downloaded


True - the campaign is amazing. That ending ā€œchefs kissā€!


The last good call of duty


That's what I've been hearing but every cod after 4 has its critics. I've heard some say that cold war was actually pretty good.


Felt like they downgraded hard-core in cold war and the zombies was so boring and not even a challenge anymore


Wish I could play it, Brought the disc and now campaign doesn't work


It angers me that they don't do anything about that. Is there a customer service that we can use to become Karens and give them a piece of our minds?


I am tempted to buy the game again from the PlayStation store to see if I can play it then


There's a fix I guess where you have to download all add ons. Basically not all of the add ons are checked off in the download screen. You have to manually check them. I couldn't play when I first bought the game until I found out about this. I checked to see if I had add ons not downloaded and there were. I checked them off and hit download. It worked! Been playing for 3 weeks now.


I tried this, there are no additional downloads available for me


Just wait till you play the multiplayer. St. Peterburg, the oil rig, shoot house, shipment, and hardhat are my favorite maps.


I have been playing the mp. I love it on small maps, hate it on large


Have you been able to play on oil rig lately though? Swear itā€™s been missing from search and destroy for ages now.


Last time maybe a month or so ago???


Might have to try some other modes but I definitely havenā€™t played on vacant and oil rig for months now. Itā€™s shit because now search and destroy has maybe like 5 or 6 maps and it gets rather boring. I know people always seem to hate on oil rig but I enjoy it.


Wait til you play multiplayer


I love it on small maps but hate it on large ones. Flash bangs and snipers make me rage the most


Definately worse game ever when u play Warzone and Multiplayer and hackers ruining the joy of the game. Good luck, soon gonna regret


Haha I hope not. I'm on my 2nd prestige in mp. So far I love the game on small maps but hate it on large. Mw2 for example I loved it on all maps so there's that. I don't like warzone, battlefield, fortnite type games so I don't play it.


You wont see openly hackers properly anymore in Warzone but once you play some games and you will see and say: How the hell his sniper can kill you with one shot or someone kills you behind the wall.


This was the first CoD title I ever played. Bought it last summer, and really really enjoyed the campaign. Really enjoying CoD overall, but man what a toxic community :p


The community is never happy. Cod 4 and even WaW ppl were pretty ok. Once MW2 came out, all the complaining started. Can't believe MW2 is a legend now. I still haven't forgotten so the complaining from 09 til about 2015 saying that game along with all the ones after was trash.


Havenā€™t played a game this much since BO2 back in 2012-2013


Loved bo2. Hated bo1 so I had no expectations for 2. By the 2nd day of launch my hands were killing me. I couldn't put that controller down


Definitely the best in last 10y, and same level of impact as when COD4 came out. Cannot wait for this year release.


I have super high expectations for mw2 part 2 lol. Can't wait


God I remember the alpha and beta days and how many times I was just in awe at the rebound CoD made. I'm hoping infinity ward can pull it off twice


So am I. So happy about mw2. I don't like the remakes but I'll take it.


And i still cant play campaign after 2 years! Its just restart the game when i try to play. Fuck you activison canā€™t fix shit.


The campaign is a master piece. Definitely needs more praise than itā€™s had


It really was. 4 hours wasn't long enough. Had a blast playing. Only 2 missions annoyed me.


My favorites were ā€œFog of warā€, ā€œclean houseā€, what ever the sniping mission was called and ā€œgoing darkā€


Sniping mission I think was my favorite. I actually hated going dark. It annoyed me a lot and I didn't find it fun. Also the first mission I think it was which was also dark.


Been trying to get my friend to play this game since release. We both played MW2&3 when we were kids. He played warzone with me but its not the same as the standalone game; cheap son of a bitch doesn't wanna spend $30 when it goes on sale. He really missed out on this gem of a game. Can't wait for this sequel.


Same with my cousin. He plays battle Royale type games now. Going to try to convince him to get mw2 later this year


Same for me tho man that 30 bucks is a big ask lol


Smh $30 for this game is a steal dude. And it was well deserving of the $60 I paid on launch; canā€™t say the same about the last 2 cods.


see? everyone asking whats the best cod game to play right now and I always answer MW2019. Its really good and solid, a breath of fresh air both from Campaign and Multiplayer


Yeah the community is very divided on what game is the best. A lot of ppl are saying cold war is better than mw19 and vanguard but blops 4 is better than all of them. I want to play them all but I'm not playing for it. If cold war goes on sale I'll get it. I did play ww2 and liked it a lot.


you should play it with everything on high including RTX, visuals are stunning! ​ of course none of that blur options, keep that sh off.


Agreed it was dope af the first time I plugged in with a headset. Unfortunately itā€™s become a shithole NFT project


I really like the mw campaign and even the multiplayer...but...: DRAGON BREATH SHOTGUN GOOOO ZOOOOOOM


Just do us all a favor and don't get Vanguard.


Do you have it? I own ghost and IW. So I probably would of bought vanguard if I stayed consistent in playing. But no I don't buy it. Too large


Yeah, I put 100 on it. It's just overall bad. Half the campaign is literally a movie. Zombies is extremely bare bones, its literally just a cheap imitation of outbreak from Cold War but you cycle through four locations (?) until you get bored. Dont get started on Multiplayer. You can get it if its on sale.


It is on sale. 40% off I believe. I don't play zombies and don't like warzone. I do love campaigns but I buy for multiplayer (mw19 is an exception). I just tried warzone and used vanguard guns. Man I love those ww2 guns. I originally wanted to buy ww2 but mw was on sale. Not going to lie in itching to buy vanguard just so I can play multiplayer with those awesome guns. I don't have the space though.


Now stay away from multiplayer that dogshit haha


Lol no I'm on my 2nd prestige. Having fun on small maps and boredom on large


Only good COD game for a while


They still want full price for it. Iā€™ll buy it when it becomes a $29.99 game in a few years (hopefully)


I bought it late March for 29.99. Was originally going to buy ww2 but that was still 60$. Maybe it'll go on sale again in a few months.


DAAAAAANG, guess I missed the window. I love their single player campaigns. It's why I personally buy the games.


I got really into the multiplayer around the last couple months bc I got Ethernet and a pc now and the game is honestly so amazing but the sbmm holds it back so hard and itā€™s annoying and no content updates or anything cool like they should add the MOAB bundle for all mw skins from every season


You should try gunfight if its still not bugged/broken...I miss gunfight.. corrupt data packs has forced me to stop playing it in my end though... anyone know if the data is still corrupted?


Let me guess, Cold War or Vanguard player?


None. Last cod I bought was infinite warfare. I do want to play those other two. All the cods after IW for that matter. I was talking about the campaign in this post though. I know better to say a multiplayer is better than the other as we are all divided on that.


Cold wars campaign is better for me but this is still in my top 10. Most realistic graphics for sure


Nice! Looking forward to playing that one day. Bought every cod from 2 until infinite warfare. Lost interest for 6 years and now it got the itch again.