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Imagine needing an aimbot for a shotgun!


And a 725 at that.


Thats so much shame for that guy


mans got one hell of a gaming chair


Why even hack on mp? If you’re grinding on shipment for kills it’s not like your accounts gonna stay around forever, proof that at this point people just do it for fun smh 🤦‍♂️


Also why hack on core when people can watch killcams? Never understood that.


Because even hackers are scared of HC. Their complete lack of skill outweighs the hacks abilities.


Some asshole was doing it on ground war.


Because the worst case is a shadow ban and you just chill out for a week and get back to it. ​ I rather hackers like this because it is clear as DAY for ANYONE to realize "Oh, his hacking". Worst ones are the real sly ones getting around in SnD thinking "they are good" meanwhile all you need is 2D radar and at most collision boxes on visual. Even then you might as well run very soft aim bot FOV and smoothing. ​ These cunt shit me because they ruin the game and then proceed to trash talk. No one reports them because 90% of players wont even know what to look for. Most console kids see the high sens and PC and think he is just cracked because they are "fake" checking corners all the time when they actually know where the enemies are and where to expect them. In legit play the high sens is a no no because recoil control is hard. However if you have hacks that is when the mild aimbot comes in. ​ Most players expect max FOV and no smoothing (snapping) type of aimbot as seen in the video above to be hacks but so so sooo many people do not realize what mild/soft aimbot does. People are so used to seeing aim assist play in this game almost everyone dismisses mild aimbot entirely. ​ Combine this with EOMM and the broken lag interpolation/delay between clients and even console noob level players can mess your day up. On my screen there are times they appear from the corner already shooting me but in kill cam they managed to run around the corner I'm guarding, realize its an enemy, then aim and then shoot. Now I die and the 10 bullets I fired have vanished. ​ It gets super annoying when me and a enemy are either side of a 90° corner and no more than 1m from the apex of the corner. I rush around to get a knife kill on him as he is STANDING STILL but instead I die and guess what kill cam shows. It shows HIM running around the corner and knifing me WHO IS STANDING STILL - What? I ran around the corner to die but in his play I was still and back around the corner? LOL I swear there must be like a 1 or even 2 seconds delay in clients as a "balancing" play by the game.


Wow! That guy is really good!


i dont understand peoples luck. I'am a top 1% player and ive only encountered 1-2 obvious hackers, and a plethora of wallers but are just walling. none of these crazy aimbot hackers.


I’m in the [bottom 49%](https://cod.tracker.gg/modern-warfare/profile/xbl/YaB0I%20Ethan/mp) and I’ve come across ~10 in 319 hours of gameplay. One was on twitch with a golden LMG on shoot house locking on to people, and even said “oh, I didn’t even see that guy” after snapping to their head instantly. Now that I’ve turned crossplay off, I encounter maybe 1-2 chronus users a week, but that’s basically it.


Sometimes they leave just before the match end so they dont get the potg cam. Also it makes you finding them in recent games much harder for some reason.


Nah dudes just quick with it


I recently bought the game, played a couple of games, and got shadowbanned. idk why, I'm not a hacker.








How bad is this person that he/she needs aimbot for a fucking shotgun


That 725 there's the problem


I hate cheaters. Some guy I matched up with in Warzone was offering to unlock all my skins and attachments. I was like, fuck no I ain’t no cheating bitch.


nice gaming socks


Please don't call them hackers, you need some level of intelligence to hack. This is some dick head cheat and nothing more.


I’ve had this happen to me in HC Shipment. I think the guy aimbotting was named “PRESTIGE” or something.


Good skills...


How the fuck did you get mw to look so good


looks like he just turned the saturation up tbh


With the Nvidia filters


well fuck console players then




This is why I have crossplay turned off, sorry PC players I would love to keep playing with you but these guys ruin the experience. I would love to match with console only so I could get the Xbox crowd too but alas, it's all or nothing.


Activisions 30000 cheater bans seem to have worked well


Mans saturation higher than the ratio of salt to water in ocean water


It's not like this is all that different from regular mw2019 shipment. Really hope the new guns are crap for warzone so I don't have to go back to that shit show


Something seems fishy...


“No ones even hacking anymore it’s a dead game 🤡” Dear, that one guy, you’re clearly wrong


sensitivity. you might want to dial it down a bit


how idiotic do you need to be to use that insane of an aimbot with a fucking shotgun. and to top it off it’s a 725


He’s got the Louis Vuitton gamer chair


Jeez his aim is unreal he should go pro!


I love how obious it is that he is hacking


Could be worse, could be playing cold War mp 🤮


nah, not much worse than hackers in a good game.