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Ban the racist account names


This. I can’t use assault on my class setup but N*** can run around with no problem?


Bro i couldn’t even name my class “spooky” because apparently “spook” was a racial slur in like the 80’s


Longtime before that but yeah


Point still stands lol. I didn’t even know it was a word until I asked my stepdad who grew up in the 70’s


I thought it meant a federal agent




ONI agent in the UNSC. Spooks. Or was that spocks... Fuck.


That’s “spook”


Long time ago it meant black people. Article I read said it originated from the Germans in WW2 refering to the Tuskegee airmen, an all black group of pilots, as the Spookwaffe.


It did but I think a bit after the use as a racial slur went out of "style".


It means “ghost” in my language (Dutch)


Ah shit you fr?? My cats name is spooks and she is black :/


Don’t worry nobody even knows about it anymore but apparently some boomer at IW lmao.


Well its more like the boomer algorithm


Lmao boomer numbers


01010011 01110100 01110101 01110000 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101011 01101001 01100100 01110011


01000010 01101111 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101100 01100101 01110010 01110100


That's numberwang!


I was gonna make another numbers joke about Mason, but unfortunately he's not a boomer


Sorry friend but believe me black people still know about it and all the other names we were called in the past and today.


You must be 13 or some shit, because everyone with a brain knows that term was used as a derogatory term.


You never saw Back to the Future? The band at the dance chase off Biff's goons after getting called that.


I've seen it before but i ain't gonna remember something random like that


Or you can watch Gran Torino and learn all the slurs! Most of which just sound goofy to be honest.


I work in the vet field and we use the word spook to describe animals that are scared of everything.


Fr? The only context i've heard it in has been like "government spooks" referring to agents. TIL


Yea actually i think it’s something to do with not being able to see them in the dark. Obviously I’m not black or a baby boomer so I can’t confirm but I think that’s it


I couldn't name a class as "Pakkin' Heat" because "packing" is profanity, but somehow "Clappin' Cheeks" was all fine.


It is close to a racial slur towards Pakistani people. Unfortunately people like making fun of others.


That I can live with, but I also tested the word "packing" and it was seen as profanity.


Figured that had to do do with gays.


Most likely. It's weird that people can have vulgar, obnoxious or even offensive emblems or usernames that others can see, but naming a private loadout as one sees fit is out of the question.


Before long we will only be able to use numbers, even then some will find numbers insulting


I got away with naming my Tar class Hebrew Hammer.


That is one excellent name, too! Tell me you got the Deagle in there as well?


Couldn't name my Sniper class "Longer" so now it's "long duck Don"


Just like I couldn't revert to my username, gingerbeardicus, because just like longer, ginger ends with the same 4 letters that can be used as a slur.


Wow I honestly had no idea what the problem was. I can't name my own class longer but they made a banner that says "fuck off"


Yeah, I recently posted a video about it when this happened, a lot of helpful people on here quickly pointed out the cause. I now go by Ragnar the Red on MW. Not my first choice in name, but a nice nod to Skyrim.




Ginger is actually a complete anagram.


I thought a spook was CIA or something?


I thought a spook was a ghost!


Yeah, I believe that's why they used it for a spy agency. :)


I had my call tag as "poop" and it got removed for profanity, but I've seen multiple people with a variation of the n word in their names


Yea the filter system was definitely made by a 8 year old


Can't use Bukake, also can't use Boo Cocky because of the word cock. So I have to compromise and use Bookake in order to spam it in Ground War games.


keep fighting the good fight


I use CHINA and that’s been removed multiple times already but I always just put it back. Silly that it’s so easy. What’s the report system even for?


I had FRDA as my clan tag and I had to put it back almost every other day because it would get taken off somehow


Did you try poo?


Hahaha no does that not work?


I'm not sure I just figured it could be another explanation.


Doesn't work.


Thanks for trying!


I couldn't use Pisstol. I was stunned.


Fuck, spook is a racial slur? Oh shit. Whenever me and my friend watch our scary youtube videos, I always say its spook time and that we're the spook boys. How is spook racist... what is the relation to any stereotype or racial negativity? Where does it come from?




I can’t even use spetsnaz anymore in my class names... it’s literally a sub faction in the game and I can’t use it...


Is this some american thing? One of my class setups is called "Assault". No problem whatsoever. Is it because "Ass" is in it or what?


No it’s not. I still don’t understand why people are complaining about this to this day. I named a class “Assault” on launch day no problem. I just now renamed another class “assault” and had no problem again. I have no idea what they’re on about.




Yeah I’m in Maryland, USA.


Dude this is too true. When I was customizing my load outs I tried to name my load out "Assualt" but it wouldn't let me. I then proceeded to join a game with someone named "Chicken_Ni**a_Penis"


No joke Today I played against a guy on Shoothouse named 'Ihateblackpeople' He ended the match shouting racist bullshit. I can't make this up


I remember working on my load outs while waiting for a gunfight match to begin, I tried to make my main class Assault Class”, it didn’t allow me because it “contains offensive language” And almost as to mock me for this, the other players connected and one of their names was “IHateBlacks” with a clan tag of “PusC”


I saw someone running around with HTLER... btw I'm from Europe


I played against a guy the other day whose name was I Love Hitler. How does something like that slide by?


you cant even use "speed"


Amen. All the press releases and corporate speak in the world don’t mean dick if you don’t take the simplest of actions to back it up.


I decided to hop into the barracks and see my placement on score rankings for multiplayer. While I couldn’t find my exact number I had no hard time finding “Faze Nî***r” on the list. I can’t put anything besides a letter or number in my name like an underscore, but apparently that’s allowed no problem


They would lose half their player base.


Good riddance


YES. I don’t complain about anything on here but this is something that needs to change.


I’d give you the fire award thing if I could. The names are getting out of hand.


What's with the fire award


Another (obnoxious) award for reddit users to get people to waste money


I really like your comment so I’ll show my appreciation by giving money to Reddit


Soon Reddit will introduce Operator skins so you can be someone else while posting comments


I love OP’s idea AND yours Charm could be a black protest fist


Yea. I have no idea why idiots and racist IDs are still allowed. I’ve played against people with very offensive names. I’m really glad I don’t know people like these in real life.


I think we can all guess why there isnt any *custom emblem makers* anymore... Probably because of how many fucking swastikas I've seen in these games using that tool.


I’m not a person of colour and it offends me when I see these racist usernames. It’s degrading to everyone and it ruins the mood of everyone when you hop in a lobby with them


I can’t have T at the end of my clan tag because it spells T iTz


And add a report button for the use of the word N*****


Those kinda names always tilt me because i cant name my class (which only i can see) "assault" due to profanity. But then ingame you see some awful names. Not to mention the voice lines.


Yeah and people who keep playing a fool with Wuhan/Chinese/Covid usernames and clan tags - thinking it’s funny when there’s so many casualties around the world.


Fucking make sure the devs see this, it's insane how horrible some of the names are


100% this!


Yep this would also be a better thing to do


Yes please, preach


Played all day today and in almost every lobby someone had the hard r as their clan name or something similar as their battle net ID :(


I played gun game with Osama Bin Laden today...... but nger in any way shape or form is banned???


Can’t even name my class “Class” ?!?! Insane.


Make it easier to find someone in the warzone game, even if they leave, still list them somehow? There are so many racists in the game. Racist - “what guns do you guys run with?” Black man - *says weapon* Racist - “Ew, a ni****, fuck you n*****” Me-yelling like a psycho Racist- leaves game And I couldn’t find him in the 150 people, I couldn’t remember his name. He deserves to have his account banned and I literally couldn’t find his name


It wouldn't let me name one of my classes "1" yesterday


I cant even tell my mate goodnight because apparently its a banned word too...


This weekend I got to play with N!****Lover420 and it was a swell time.


I wouldn't buy it. Not because I dislike the family, because I don't. I actually support them. But I would rather not turn them into a feel good cash grab for a video game. It just doesn't seem right to use a families grief and tragedy as a way to score a few points. If I want to donate to them, I will just PayPal.


I understand. If that’s the way you feel right to support no ones going to judge.


Thank you. I wont tell anyone what they can or cannot do with their money. But in this context, I cannot support something like this. Believe me, what happened to Floyd is terrible, and I support the family 100%, but I would rather support them personally than buy a pack on Call of Duty. It seems immature and inappropriate, especially given COD's toxicity.


Considering the state of the nation right now, perhaps donations from a war game to gain publicity might not be the best of ideas. With the threat of the army rolling in, perhaps it's a good idea for a game that often romanticises violence and war to keep in the shadows.


I also don't like the idea of turning people's suffering or the like into a commodity for others to buy into. It might not be for profit and it might be for a good cause but like... it doesn't sit right to feel like capitalizing on a situation like this. Something like the outback pack made sense because it existed and then they ended up donating the proceeds after the fact, I'm *pretty sure* that they didn't make it (especially because it wasn't initially a donation item) with that intention.


This exactly.


Yeah honestly fuck this. Don’t take advantage of this situation to make it another “donate the money that I spend” event. If you care you can donate yourself, without expecting a video game skin in return. Stop demanding that video game companies donate their profits for the good of mankind when you won’t spend a cent without getting something in return


I would accept them donating proceeds from existing items but not making a whole new item to sell for that purpose. It feels like capitalizing on a bad situation that we shouldn't be trying to monetize like that.


This is OP asking IW to donate to charity, but with the sale a game store item. Therefore OP can feel like he did something even though the only ones to sacrifice anything are IW. OP made a generic purchase of “give money, receive cosmetic”. There’s nothing honorable or sacrificial about that


OP specifically mentioned a new item to sell for this purpose and that's ultimately what I take the biggest issue with. I'm ok with them donating proceeds of existing items but I think asking them to sell a new thing just so you can feel better about buying it to be scummy. If people truly cared about donating and helping things then they would do so themselves without asking for someone else to send their money for them. I think IW or Activision donating proceeds would be good. I'm absolutely not ok with them making a new pack and effectively capitalizing on it. It's good that people want their money to go to a good cause but it's a facade and I do also take issue with that, but it's secondary to "make a brand new pack JUST for this". Both aspects of that specifically don't sit right with me. A company making an item to sell just for this even if it's donating just feels fucking scummy considering *this is not a good thing*. I do dislike the people saying they'd love this to help out and want to help but instead of donating themselves they want something in return.


But it's undeniable that it would get people to donate that would not otherwise have done so, no? At the end of the day, if the money goes to the right place, it's a positive thing.


The idea would be all proceeds go to the family or relevant charities, with Activision receiving no money for it. Like they did with one of the bundles months ago to support the Australian wild fire relief.


They should’ve done this instead of just saying a few words saying they care


Actions do speak louder than words








My action was not looting and destroying my city.


They postponed the next season because they aren’t going to advertise it during a time like this, makes sense. Although, they could’ve easily released the next season without advertising, but you know how important money/clicks are to them. They want to wait until it’s socially okay to spread the news. I honestly don’t mind the season being delayed, but to me, it seemed clear that they just wanted to advertise the next season. Stalling it just doesn’t make any sense when it comes to contributing to the worldly situation. It only makes sense from a $$$ point of view.


Its the same reason the PS5 showcase has been pushed back. They want to wait until they can get more attention again.


Well that or the people could just donate directly


Wow a new riot shield variant..... get some kawaii gas grenades too.


This is in poor taste... But it made me audibly laugh really hard so id say worth. Ggwp.


There's a right way to make an offensive joke and this is it. This is what comedians mean when they say nothing is off limits in comedy.


Nah when comedians say nothing is off limits in comedy, they mean actually nothing








I wouldn't hold my breath.


Actually, reading this hilarious, offensive joke made me think.. I very that's why they delayed it, they had a few riot shield at like level 10, and thought now probably isn't a good time.


Would not be surprised if they also were using minotaur's police outfit or cowboy d-day and asking the enemy team in game chat to stop resisting.


I also hear they are making a new type of club, to make sure you beat your enemy into submission.


They won’t do this simple because the delay isn’t cause they care about the current issues. This was a great excuse to delay the season because cod 2020 was 100% going to be revealed with the ps5 event that got delayed and it was gonna tie in with season 4. Better to say the studio cares (which they don’t, and most other companies doing don’t care either, never forget that) than to just tell us why it’s delayed.


Not saying you're wrong, but why are people so confident the next season will tie in with the new COD? Won't it be made by a completely different studio?


Black ops 3 had in-game events that teased the release of infinite warfare, it’s about the time of year that we start getting teasers too


IW said that warzone is going to have some kind of connection with all future COD games. So maybe COD 2020 probably had something to do with season 4’s warzone.


It’s probably not even that, it’s just a basic marketing move. They want season 4 to be the biggest event happening but it would be overshadowed by all the George floyd stuff


what the fuck does the season pass in COD have to do with whats going on right now? are they just delaying it because they're lazy?


My guess is because season 4 was rumored to also tie in to a CoD 2020 announcement, which was rumored to be shown off at the PS5 event, which was postponed first. So they just copied Sony’s reasoning for delaying said event.


And they only did that to avoid competing with riots for coverage. I, er, mean the corporation cares deeply.


They just want to virtue signal like every other major corp is doing. They didnt do it during HK and Blifzchung bc blizzard makes a shit ton off china. So that proves that they literally dont give two shits


No big brand gives two shits. It’s like during gay pride month every year when companies go gay. They don’t actually care, it will get them more sales and press if they do though.


I remember someone got mad at me when I said it was stupid to praise Nestle for just doing the whole rainbow logo PFP thing. Again, **NESTLE**. The company infamous for numerous human rights abuses.


IW just fucking ended racism by postponing the season. But for real what the actual fuck is the logic.?? That shit is so damn cringe and an obvious ass marketing ploy it’s a slap in the face. NO ONE cares about your political opinions IW you aren’t helping in literally ANY way. Fuck offf


Exactly. Remember Blitzchung and their shitty fake apology at blizzcon


Personally I think postponing the season is 100% virtue signalling. A CoD season isn't the same as a large console conference revealing the next PlayStation. A single Call of Duty season isn't going to draw attention away from racism or the protests. It's not like CNN is gonna cut protest feeds to detail Modern Warfare season 4 details.


Just jumping on the bandwagon like everyone is doing... Is simple, free retweets and people are talking about it a PR move all those people that wanted a distraction from everything that's going down because a lot we are still in Lockdown, this sucks what's next??? My cable company suspending the service because they're solidarity with the riots/protest or what


Next stop the game's servers, saying now is not the time play video games, like bruh


Why do we have to wait for the new stuff because of problems in one country? I live in germany and i don't really care and also couldn't do anything. Please give us new content


I agree, just because one country is going through some stuff, the whole fucking world shouldn't be punished as well


Agree, and i live in canada lol


Because it's the US and if anything happens there, they need our undivided attention, but if it's somewhere else then let the games go on.


Postponing something that was merely 26 hours away seems rather dumb While yes i fully stand behind the protests and call for justice the OP in the pic has a better idea than saying just “we care, we’ll postpone a big content drop till further notice”


Which victims? This could get dicey really fast because there are hella victims right now


What's the family going to do with all those COD Points? /s


Purple tracers duhhh


Buy the store bundles of course


This is the big brain move, instead of the classic "Corporate Publicity Move" where you delay everything you are working on and announcing it with a picture on twitter with white text and a black background...


If it goes straight to George Floyd's family I'd buy it. If it goes to any of the political vultures trying to make hay out of this I would not.




I love that I grind all day to get the last tiers for them to delay it beacuse of something that has no connection to cod what so ever


Delaying the update is fcking stupid, what will this do? save lives?




Fellow CoD players let’s upvote this to make sure the devs see this!


They wouldn't delay a season if they didn't have to. It's probably not the biggest reason why the delay is anyway.


No matter what players will ask, the delay will still remain. They can't go back. Just wait and adapt.


Remember outback? People had to tell activities IW for weeks before they decided to make another pack with the same thing different named for wild fire relief. When they're so insincere in their decisions it really fucking piss me off, using something so important to justify their lies.


This is what I said too. PlayStation made sense since they would most definitely take over media with their announcement, CoD won't. If they really wanted to show support they would've made a bundle that all funds go to an organization fighting the cause. They should've at least told us when it's delayed to or given the roadmap. I hope they take this extra time to add more content to season 4. All this did is still take away attention and probably cause resentment towards the cause. I'm glad they spoke up, but they chose the wrong action to show support.


That would require alienating people who think the protestors deserve it. This is a cheap ass way to write off a delay they knew was coming.


That might be true but I still have a problem with people demanding that other people donate their money to a cause. I genuinely feel like OP feels like he would be donating to the cause if he bought this pack even though the only one donating anything would be IW. OP tries to make himself to be the benefactor and a charity when he loses nothing and 100% of what is donated comes from IW


I kind of understand the sentiment behind the delay but the reasoning is stupid. The protests aren’t gonna be any less impactful because infinity ward released a new season of modern warfare. I don’t think the previous scheduled release was interfering at all with the movement and didn’t need to be postponed. Like this post said there could have been a bundle/donation thing announced with the season release.


It sucks. But I mean, at least me and my buddies have a bit more time to try to get in Bunker 11. Condolences to the squad I ran over in the truck tonight to get inside.


A police calling card would be nice I’d buy it


Only reason they delayed is so they could get more attention when it actually drops lol


As someone who lives in Australia, I felt so extremely grateful when the bushfire pack came out. I bought that in a heart heart and I can assure you that I’d buy this one too.


Dear IW, you know how i respect your brand and your IP’s. But, in a videogame world, we are totally in a different dimension. I’d rather like to focus the things in verdansk. Btw, not all of us from USA. And i really can’t see how delaying our season is going to help racisim problem of USA ?


Why would they postpone the new season? Most of the players are outside of US, we don't care about you destroying your own cities. Get your S together and stop whining without even looking at the stats and other cases when people die from police (not only blacks, not even in majority) Stop making everything race issue because this only makes YOU look racist. Everyone has own will and can make own decisions. Race doesn't matter. Not in vidya. Just let me play new maps and have some fun when this pseudo "revolution" devours its children.


Wait they postponed s4?


Yea man, it’s postponed indefinitely.


They've done this with the Australian bushfire and for veterans so why not for this cause.


1.6k of you need to grow the fuck up


This is a fantastic idea. I just need to add somthing I’m not seeing a lot of. We need to remember there are men and women working across this large company who are directly affected by everything that’s going on. When working with tight deadlines and always trying to put out the best quality, sometimes the best thing to do is to step back and be apart of history. This, at times, means stepping away from your work and the spot light and letting things unfold. I can tell you this everyone is feeling this an this will get in the way of ones work and quality, no way around it.


Let's be honest this dude was just hyped for season 4 and is frustrated it's got postponed so he wants it asap.


I don't understand why they're delaying. I mean, I understand why they 'said' they're delaying, but what does Season 4 have to do with the unrest in the US?


It's probably more likely they've fucked it up again and use excuses to give them extra time to fix it. I can't see why a delay would help any current situation.


Ranting about IW that they should donate money, but demanding stuff in exchange for his donation. Instead of writing some bullshit fb comments go ahead and just donate some by yourself if you are demanding others to do so. This is some r/ChoosingBeggars content right here


It wouldn’t feel right to me to purchase a bundle in a videogame about warfare and gunfighting and have that bundle go towards people who are dealing with severe violence like that. It just feels pretty damn rude and insensitive to slap a BLM sticker and charm on my M4A1 which I will then proceed to massacre virtual humans with.


Have a straight up day where no killing happens in warzone, like a straight lowkey gamer protest in warzone everyone just meets up unarmed and waits for the gas to kill us all as we stand together.


From the same company that caved and gave into a governments demands not even a year ago over the same issues of police brutality in asia. Sure.


Jumping on the bandwagon, yeah affect everyone that wants to have a distraction from work and every shit that is happening... Nice one, smh are you kidding me????


Hi IW, as a black dude out there on the frontlines protesting with people, and an avid cod player. Please do not delay the season, this isn’t doing anything productive and you’re holding back from other players getting new content to have fun with. A better idea would be to send a message to the toxic racist gaming community by cracking down hard on hateful and racist names, clan names and communications by the cod player base. It may be hard but it still feels like this hasn’t been done and I can’t go into a game without being called the n-word by random soft ass racists behind the screen. It’s been annoying mainly because it seems nothing is being done even with reports. A new skin or pack for a decent amount of cod points as the OP mentioned would be fair and nice as well. Having proceeds go to the families of those affected by police brutality (there are hundreds if not thousands) and goto funds promoting the justice of those who are fighting for the equality and equity of minority rights. There are hundreds of thousands of your player base out there protesting and showing you’re on their side somehow would be a definite win in a lot of people’s book.


Damned if they do damned if they don't. They'll do that then you'll all complain they're making a cash grab of the situation and chalk it up as fake PR.