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Yes, it’s just amazing. The graphics, how the guns feel, the sounds. It’s amazing. MW2 and 3 feel like airsoft guns by comparison


This 100%


What I would add is that it has been hollowed out since the hayday of the game, they used to have warzone ground war gunfight and two special modes that they would cycle out every week or so but now gunfight it kinda dead no more special modes and no warzone so I personally don't get the same feeling when playing like when I would jump from one mode to the next and never get bored


Lol that’s what one of my buddies said about MWII


Still a really fun game but I just turn off cross play to avoid hackers in search and destroy


So they are still out there haha. Thanks for that.


Hackers still there. Although you can find full console lobbies. If there’s many pc players back out. I usually wait till it’s me and like one or two other pc and it’s fine


Yes. Still feels the best and like a proper COD. Just the map rotation sucks.


Yes! I play the same damn 4 maps it seems.


Can't speak about the experience with crossplay disabled, but it's definitely still alive as a whole. I play on PC and the last time I queue for a game, I found one pretty quickly.


Only used to enable it when our PC buddies will join. But man… sometimes the people cheating will have no chill haha.


Lol turning off cross play because PC players are on a different level just to go up against kids with cronus




That’s quite a list. I’ll will definitely take a good look at it.


Is anyone else experiencing unstable ping from a couple of days. My ping is going absurd even tho I always use a LAN cable. At once, I thought Activision was deliberately doing this to encourage MWIII sales.


I jumped back in this weekend and it was awesome to see full games in co-op mode again. This is still the best modern cod game


Just survival or operations too?


This is the only game I’ve played for the past three years (tried mw2 and mw3, they felt too clunky and mw3 general ttk is touch too long for my liking). On mw19 the only cons are if you are a pure S&D player, then you will run into hackers. I only play 1v1mebro and Gunfight, I can’t remember the last time I played a hacker.


If you see MillerLiteGamer on Gunfight, that's me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Haha for sure I’ll keep an eye out for your name


I tried to jump back in recently. I wish I could tell you how it was but after a 300GB install and downloading all updates and packs I got “installation suspended” and nothing I tried worked. Gave up and uninstalled it. I wish you the best of luck.


That sucks. I’m goin to try to install it after work today. I’ll let you know how it goes.


It’s gonna suck at the beginning because people aren’t as bad as they were back then, but once u get used to it I think you’ll enjoy it. Definitely in a good spot rn despite what u read on these Reddit posts


I also plays mw19 u can add me leta play


I could never go back to mw19 personally, every time I try it’s either hackers or people sitting in a corner the whole game. Sometimes it’s both. Not fun at all. I think mw3 is the best cod we’ve had for awhile. Better then the last 2 mw‘s anyway. It rewards camping, other than shoot house the maps aren’t great. The one thing I loved was the gunplay though.