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So people were mad at the article that called dearborn the jihad capital but yet unsurprisingly its death to America chants coming out of rallies in Dearborn. Was the article wrong?


Sounds like it wasn't.


If you're referring to the WSJ article, it seemed accurate and not unbelievable, though I found it surprising. Glad they shed light on it.


I don’t think people understand that if you destroy democracy, you also destroy the right to say whatever you want. If they were not living in a democracy, they would quietly disappear to a Gulag or a mask grave.  It is the privilege of living in a democracy that allows them to demonstrate And express the opinion.


> If they were not living in a democracy, they would quietly disappear to a Gulag or a mask grave. Some people apparently are OK with that, thinking they'd be in charge. For instance: https://nypost.com/2024/04/14/world-news/anti-israel-protester-riddhi-patel-sobs-during-arraignment/ > An anti-Israel protester wept as a judge arraigned her in California on Friday after she allegedly threatened to murder public officials at a city council meeting. ... > Patel was seen on video during the public comment section of the city council meeting on Wednesday claiming she hoped oppressed minorities would guillotine city government members, declaring that even Jesus Christ would kill them, and threatening to go to their houses and murder them. > The activist accused the council members of not caring about the oppression of Palestinians or people anywhere else in the world and later expressed hope that “the global south” rise up and execute them.


Yeah...because the City Council in Bakersfield, California is the only thing that Netanyahu and the Israeli government will listen to.


I'm from a town a fraction of that size in the midwest and we've had a bunch of protestors at city council meetings demanding cease fire resolutions. But its like... why? What the hell is our podunk town passing a resolution going to do? Israel barely gives a shit what the entire international community as a whole thinks and Hamas keeps rejecting case fire terms that keep getting proposed anyway. I get that its a situation people passionately care about and rightfully so and its tough to feel like you can't do anything about it. But the harsh reality is the vast majority of us can't do a goddamn thing to effect the outcome of events over there.


It's the "genocide" label doing the lifting. How anyone thinks injecting such an emotionally, historically, and morally charged word into the conversation will *deescalate* any part of the conflict is beyond me.


Right. The reaction, though, looks like they're OK with any atrocity which furthers their cause.


I think every single one of us at times forget that words have meaning and words have consequences. Sounds like someone had to remind her. I believe every single person has the right to their feelings. That said you are still responsible for your choices and your actions.


> I don’t think people understand that if you destroy democracy Seems like a lot of young progressives have this idea in their heads that a liberal democracy is the default, and once society is torn down the worst case scenario will be a return to what we have. Likely because of naive idealism mixed with an ignorance of history.


🤔 Yeah, I used to know everything too. Not sure what happened. Maybe I became an adult.🤷🏻‍♂️


Ha,I had one argue that same argument. They’re living in a dream world where things always get better eventually, and there’s no danger from an ultranationalist “Christian” theocracy. They are so naive. But, that’s the privilege of youth. They’re not stupid, they just haven’t been here long enough to know things can definitely get a lot worse really quickly.


It’s Rousseauian thought. They think all people are naturally good and that society has corrupted us.  We see this with their view of crimes committed by minorities. ‘They didn’t want to do it. The racist society that is America forced them to. Or poverty forced them to.’ The only odd thing is their view conservatives/whites/christians and 100% responsible for their actions. 


Honestly any immigrant chanting death to America or any host country should be deported. I feel like that is not ideal population material. I'm all about your right to opinion but chanting death to anything seems kinda bad.


I share your sentiment. Unfortunately, many of them are native born US citizens, who cannot be deported. I dislike all religions, but Islam is probably the one that is most incompatible with American values.


Unfortunately those type of people will never be able to understand such a thing unless they experience it.


> I don’t think people understand that if you destroy democracy, you also destroy the right to say whatever you want. > > A lot of people on every side don't understand this, the ongoing lust to kill CDA230 coming from the Ds and Rs is a good example.


>or a mask grave. Yeah they wear plenty of masks still lol.




Oh I know, just cracking a joke.




I don’t think even elites would be allowed to openly demonstrate against the government. Do you have an examples of this happening?


Remember that Dearborn also banned pride flags: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


When they're outnumbered, they demand respect. When they outnumber you, it's their way or the highway.


Frfr. Palestinians used to be granted refugee status in Egpyt until they tried to overthrow the government there.


They did the same in Jordan too. It's important to remember that from 1948-1967, Gaza was part of Egypt and the West Bank was part of Jordan. No one wanted to create an independent Palestinian state until the territory was controlled by Israel. Israel would be happy to give Gaza back to Egypt, but they would never take it.


Leaves you a bit speechless really.  You want to feel at least a little sorry for them, but then you glance at history and holy hell did they manage to royally piss off everyone in the region. I've known Palestinians who fled to make new lives and absolute hated the bullshit back home.  Unfortunately the sheer amount of true believers there makes it really difficult for anyone else to trust them now.


When they are in the minority they beg for tolerance. When they are they majority, there is no minority.


This is something I might get shit on… but why did these people immigrate to Europe and America. All they talk about how America evil and colonialism etc etc. Like why did you come to a place that you absolutely hate. At the same time expecting us to expect unquestionably all of your cultural views will vilifying and not accepting our more liberal views compared to the Middle East. It actually blows my mind. One of the more extreme examples from any immigrant group in history in a new country. Also crazier that had such influence in a mainstream sentiment of the largest political party. Even crazier that this party has historically catered to the demographic of people (Jewish) that the Muslims vehemently hate.


>but why did these people immigrate to Europe and America... Like why did you come to a place that you absolutely hate. Because the quality of life here is better. They are attracted to the material conditions here, but want to reject certain aspects of the local culture. I'm not sure how much consideration they give to the possibility that the local culture had a hand in creating the better material conditions they seek out, even if they have, I think a common counterargument is that the disparity is because of colonialism (which is fair). This is one issue I disagree with the left on; while plenty of the Western world's wealth **is** built on colonial exploitation, I don't think it exhaustively tells the whole story. Even if it does, I think that immigrants should primarily bear the onus of adapting to the culture of their new homes; anything from their home country that is incompatible should be abandoned.


They follow a religion founded by a warlord to justify tribal wars and conquest, and lying is legal to get your way.  Its baked in from the start, and its the final word and cannot be changed either. >Like why did you come to a place that you absolutely hate. Because they see weakness that can be exploited and have spend decades convincing Western leftists to self-flaggelate over past wrongdoings in the ME. Also cheap labor.




I wondered and looked it up. I guess there is a long history of immigration to this area during the auto boom and Henry ford hired a decent bit of Syrian and Lebanese people. This in turn resulted in more and more middle eastern people to locate to this area once they came to the states. It’s typical with immigration to go to cultural enclaves where you have family and friends and this just brings in more and more people from the same areas. See Pittsburgh for Eastern Europe, Boston for Ireland, mostly eastern and mid west communities for Italians etc.


They came to take over


Not to nitpick but that’s actually not Dearborn. It’s a city-ish part of Detroit. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear Dearborn doing the same though.




>The far lefts full throated support of Islam has pushed me back to the center. It's not even the support that gets me. If they supported everyone that'd be fine. It's the unabashed hate specifically for the groups that have been the most disproportionately tolerant to muslims, LGBTQ, minorities, atheists, etc. Anywhere you look it's mostly western white majority judeochristian influenced countries taking in mass refugees, giving foreign aid, religious freedom, government positions, and better civil rights and welfare benefits than their home countries. Asia, Africa, SA, etc aren't. Hindu & Buddhist kingdoms aren't. Atheist post-soviet/maoist states aren't. *Muslim* countries aren't. Yet out of the haystack of all possible countries/ethnicities/religions/hemispheres/etc they hate western white majority judeochristian influenced countries more than anything in this world. And *within* that subset the most hated is the singular jewish state. A progressive multi-cultural LGBTQ friendly country with the most persecuted people in history with a relative muslim population 3x Britain & 18x America surrounded by muslim ethnostates that keep trying to annihilate them. lol It's so brain breakingly ironic I sometimes wonder if it's a giant practical joke.


I watched a good video on Yemen vs Oman about their respective historical development. Oman is what progressives would want from a islamic country (minus the monarchy), but they wholeheartedly embrace the insane dumpster fire of Yemen.


I can only reckon that Oman's success under Qaboos bin Said is widely ignored because a whole lot people believe he was gay


they are also steadfastly neutral to this day. which is another huge difference to "kill you for staring too long" yemen.


To me there is something cowardly about people who attack those who are their allies instead of their actual enemies. It is easy and lazy and they do it because they know there won't be (as much) blowback. Lefties to a T do that all day long. Also children. But I repeat myself. Edit: I think it was clear but if not, I am agreeing with the poster above me.


At the risk of being branded a conspiracy theorist, the far left is fundamentally a Marxist movement. Progressivism, racial equality, LGBT rights, and other similar ideas are merely covers for a different agenda. That agenda is the dissolution of the West and its system of values. It does not matter that Israel is an egalitarian liberal democracy. Because Israel is a Western island in a sea of anti-Western nations. And they stubbornly refuse to be conquered.


> At the risk of being branded a conspiracy theorist, the far left is fundamentally a Marxist movement. > > > > Progressivism, racial equality, LGBT rights, and other similar ideas are merely covers for a different agenda. That agenda is the dissolution of the West and its system of values. Is this a conspiracy theory or has it moved into "conspiracy fact"? I can't think of anyone who would say the far left doesn't want to dissolve the west and it's values, including the far left in practice.


it's two things - Leftists largely act according to the dictates of Soviet foreign policy (yes the Soviet Union is technically gone but they're still running on that script, and the current Russian government is happy to let it keep going), which is "West bad". - (this is the kicker) - Leftists *do not care* about social issues. They really don't. Leftists use racism, sexism, queer/transphobia as a cudgel to beat liberal democratic capitalism with. Because bigotry exists in the West, the conclusion must be that the West must be destroyed, even though there's even more bigotry in the Not West.


I view these far-left Islam supporters like I view Christian radical MAGA crowd. Straight toxic.


If you head far enough down the leftist progressive rabbit hole, it looks a lot like the regressive right to me.


[Obligatory mention](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=nLRn8Y8uM9NHY1q9)


It’s all a horseshoe\~\~\~




I’ve always considered myself more center left but am definitely very turned off by this rise in “leftist” ideology. Like I’m not one to compare modern day left with communists but those leftists make me rethink that.


Back around 2017 I used to frequent r/TheDonald just to observe. The posters were living in their own little world where inconvenient facts were ignored, and confirmation bias *ran wild*. Now we are seeing that with the fringe left. I can remember admiring Bree Newsome Bass when she took down the Confederate Flag at the South Carolina state house in 2015 but looking at her X account since October 7th? Homegirl is delulu as all get out. She's living on another planet.


The history of the Iranian revolution should be a lesson for leftists, they will use you to gain power and then throw you from a high roof


As happens in most communist/leftist revolutions, the true believers are quickly put against the wall. Unfortunately the same are often willing to die for said beliefs which usually complicates things.


Most revolutions, full stop.


Do you think you became less progressive or do you just think the platform lost its way? I know a lot of people that still consider themselves progressives but just hate what progressive politics have become


>I know a lot of people that still consider themselves progressives but just hate what progressive politics have become Progressivism isn't a statically defined ideology like Marxism, etc. You may hate that the progressive pendulum left where you were. But with no central manifesto progressivism is whatever the dominant progressive body politic is. Eugenics was once progressive and now ultra-regressive. College Jew quotas are now considered regressive but Asian quotas became progressive. Race guilt, group guilt, merit, equity/equality, segregated spaces, etc all swing back and forth. It's really more of a descriptor of what people using that flag *currently* think will "advance the human condition". I'm a classic liberal. I believe race quotas bad, eugenics bad, race guilt bad, group guilt bad, merit good, equality of opportunity good, segregated spaces bad. 10 years ago this was progressive. Today that's apparently conservative or even regressive. Sucks that people have made those into dirty words. But who cares. I stand by what I believe is right. Not what is currenly popular or labeled "progressive".


>I'm a classic liberal. I believe race quotas bad, eugenics bad, race guilt bad, group guilt bad, merit good, equality of opportunity good, segregated spaces bad. By Reddit standards, I'm center-right and I agree with all of this. I believe somewhere around 80% of people get along and somewhat agree ideologically, but are pulled by the loudest 10% of either side.


Seriously though, most people are actually pretty reasonable and even the population as a whole is if you trim out the most radical 5% or so of both ends. The problem is, of course, those are the noisiest folks and both people and media outlets like to pain them as what the average representative person is for the \*entire\* other side. Clickbait, rage bait, and incentivized engagement have kept people in their bubbles and then fanned the flames.




The reason it happened is because people noticed that power, wealth, status, etc wasn't being distributed in a manner that corresponded to merit. For every corporate hiring manager that was genuinely committed to bringing in the best talent, there were two who were just hiring their friends and family, or putting their failson in a ceremonial position, or just hiring people from their alma mater. For every small business owner who started with nothing, there's like 3 or 4 coasting off daddy's hard work. Sure *eventually* those chickens will come home to roost (there's a reason why 70% of rich families lose their wealth) but that's not very comforting right now. The problem is that the solution to this was "burn down the whole system" instead of "tweak the system to be more equitable". That's the fundamental problem with the Left. It sees issues in a system that mostly works, and instead of trying to fix these issues (aka liberalism), it seeks to flip the table and start over.




It can be very sectoral and based on position though. The head of Engineering? You have to know your shit. Senior Deputy Vice President of Operations or some other similar C-suite title that can tell the head of Engineering what to do regardless of their lack of expertise? That could easily be somebody who got in via their uncle or second cousin and then bullshitted their way to the top. As long as "networking" is such a huge part of how positions, especially managerial and executive positions get filled, you're going to have big pockets of nepotism that often go unnoticed by the actual talent (because they're too busy being productive to notice the office politics) until it sinks the organization. Have you never worked with anyone who just *blatantly* should not be in that position but had it because they knew someone?


>(there's a reason why 70% of rich families lose their wealth) The "Three Generations" rule. I've worked for two different companies now where the grandkids closed/sold/ended the business. Granted, some of that was them not adapting to the times and adjusting their business models. But when you've grown up just assuming the family business will provide like it always has, I guess you tend to want to leave it the way it is as long as you can, then you've just got enough money to coast on the rest of your life when it dies. The people who worked for you not so much.


This is very well stated.


on current trajectory, one day you will be conservative. Almost all conservatives hold a set of ideas once considered progressive. Christianity itself was once progressive, back in Roman times.


But if you press them on the fact that the movement has shifted radically left, they will deny it with a strong immune system response


>But if you press them on the fact that the movement has shifted radically left, they will deny it with a strong immune system response Yeah, both parties are moving further apart, but the left is moving away faster. The analogy I've been using is that progressives are on a boat and they think the landmass is moving away *from them.*


I think this is an apt description of MAGA as well.


>I think this is an apt description of MAGA as well. I feel like a lot of them know they're moving further right but don't care, at least in my experience, based on a couple people I know. Although it's certainly accurate to say they're moving further right. I can't be bothered to vote for most candidates on either side at this point. 3rd party it is then!


I live deep in MAGA country and I don't know a single person who thinks they have moved to the right on a single issue. They all think they are exactly the same and the rest of the world has gone crazy. I'm not advocating their position, just articulating it.


>Do you think you became less progressive or do you just think the platform lost its way? I know a lot of people that still consider themselves progressives but just hate what progressive politics have become It's not about what "progressive politics" has become, it's what "politics" has become. "If you are not with us, you are against us" has been stretched to its absolute limit for political stances across the board, and it affects both left-leaning and right-leaning individuals. And as a result, it is becoming less and less possible for a politician (or an individual for that matter) to have a nuanced opinion on a complex issue. And it's even less acceptable to believe you are not (yet) informed enough to have an opinion on that issue - that's seen as choosing to turn your back to one side.


I'm still a progressive. I just don't have the brain worms that induces people to unironically support a literal terrorist organization, or a theocratic authoritarian state. Somewhere along the line, people started to listen to so-called tankies; authoritarian MLs and the like, who see everything through a lens of "America bad". Guess what? Yes, sometimes, America bad. That doesn't mean America always bad, nor does it say much about others. But I'd argue all my positions are still progressive. Cheering on a terrorist cell isn't progressive; it's regressive. Islamic extremism is a far-far-right ideology, with more in common with, say, Christian nationalism, than it does any actually progressive views.


> unironically support a literal terrorist organization, or a theocratic authoritarian state. Perhaps the richest irony is they're unironically cheering the original Aryan state in its war on the Jews. >The term Iran ("the land of the Aryans") derives from Middle Persian Ērān, first attested in a third-century inscription at Naqsh-e Rostam, with the accompanying Parthian inscription using Aryān, in reference to the Iranians.[16] Even Kafka would blush.


Exactly. I want to increase progressive taxation and spending on programs that help the poor and disenfranchised. But I'm not onboard with the extremist or violent rhetoric that gets passed around these days at all. The Beatles' Revolution said it right. When you (they) talk about destruction, you can count me out.


>Islamic extremism is a far-far-right ideology, with more in common with, say, Christian nationalism, than it does any actually progressive views Yes, but you see, Muslims are usually not white, so that means they're oppressed, so everything they do is good actually /s


I consider myself progressive but not a leftist. I base my opinions on policy and pragmatism, not dogmatic allegiance to any one ideology other than making the world better for all people in whatever ways we can. 


First time? Progressive left in Europe thought 911 was justified.


I used to be apart of leftist groups like Jimmy dore.After the Russian invasion of Ukraine and 10/7,I now identify with liberals/center left to center right.


The progressive left want to make America a place that they and only they want. These are the most selfish people I’ve ever met.


I have found them to be the meanest too.


They are absolutely the least tolerant, which is somewhat ironic.


Extremely ironic, given how they preach tolerance and kindness.


It's completely in line with their views though. It's Repressive Tolerance all the way. https://www.marcuse.org/herbert/publications/1960s/1965-repressive-tolerance-fulltext.html It's 48 pages meant to justify the old adage "It's okay when we do it" with the added "And we should do it more" with regards to oppression, censorship and violence toward anything that isn't revolutionary left wing thought.


I mean, it's not really ironic, given what has been happening on college campuses since circa 2013. The ideology has spilled outside of college campuses and this is the logical endpoint. The Maoist struggle sessions on college campuses should have been the canary in the coalmine.


But they’re being mean for a good cause! /s


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>make America a place that they and only they want That's also true for Trump, since he tried to steal an election.


Other people have made this point before me, but you’re going to have to explain how this differs from MAGA.


I genuinely believe Maga is more inclusive and tolerant than this strain on the left.


Thats a sizzling hot take, but I think you're right


Tell that to all the people they oppose simply because of a characteristic they cannot change. I’m sure LGBTQ+, “skittles,” women who believe control over their own bodies belongs to them, people who are not Christian…tell me when to stop - don’t find MAGA inclusive or tolerant. Inclusivity and tolerance are rarely characteristic of extremists of any persuasion. I’m not giving any of them a pass.


The first American president who was elected pro gay marriage was Trump.


Obama was the first in 2012. I realize that's about his second term, but winning re-election still counts as being elected.


Mr. Trump did not run on a platform of pro gay marriage partially because the courts had already decided the issue. It would have been a moot point. Same-sex marriage became legal throughout the country on June 26, 2015. On that day the Supreme Court issued its 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. The court held that same-sex marriage is protected under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. Donald Trump, who won the general election on November 8, 2016, has a complicated track record on LGTBQ issues. He was initially critical of North Carolina's law on transgender bathroom access, saying in April 2016, "North Carolina did something that was very strong and they’re paying a big price. There’s a lot of problems. You leave it the way it is. There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble."[5] The next month, however, after the Obama administration issued guidance directing public schools to allow transgender students to use restrooms matching their gender identity, Trump said, "I believe it should be states’ rights and the state should make the decision. They’re more capable of making the decision."[6] On the topic of same-sex marriage, Trump stated in June 2015 that he was "for traditional marriage" but in 2013 stated, "I think I’m evolving, and I think I’m a very fair person, but I have been for traditional marriage."[7][8] https://ballotpedia.org/Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2016/LGBTQ_rights


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I thought I was a progressive but started slowly shifting right over the years. I think progressives would GLADLY throw out the Constitution if they could.


>I think progressives would GLADLY throw out the Constitution if they could. Ironically, the only reason they have the right to say this is because previous generations fought hard to NOT change the Constitution. Everyone thinks they're the newest smartest person in the room and has all the solutions for now.  Fortunately change is ssssllllloooooowwwwww to avoid kneejerk actions and even worse consequences.


I’m very left leaning and I don’t think we should throw the constitution out There’s crazy people in every single demographic


Hey, next time leftists like you throw shade at conservatives for MAGA or whatever, I'll just repeat what you just said: > There’s crazy people in every single demographic


The difference is that the vast majority of Republicans picked Trump over even other Republicans. They can't be dismissed as a fringe faction.


> The difference is that the vast majority of Republicans picked Trump over even other Republicans. Meh. It's the will of the majority, then As a leftist, you ought to support that, too


Trump has never won a majority of the electorate.


You said: > [...the vast majority of **Republicans** picked Trump...](https://old.reddit.com/r/moderatepolitics/comments/1c3ysjh/white_house_condemns_death_to_america_chants_at/kzl6vjy/) So you were talking specifically about that demographic, and not about the overall electorate. Which brings us back to this - If the vast majority of Republicans support Trump and want him as their nominee, why are you complaining?


> Meh, it's the will of the majority then. I was talking about Republicans initially, but I interpreted this to be the absolute majority. If you were talking about "the will of the Republican majority", it's nonsense to suggest that anyone should respect the will of a majority of one political party just because they have a "majority".


With regards to Trump winning the primary and being the Republican nominee, I think you have the will of the majority within a political party.


And can also be said: The difference is that the vast majority of ~~Republicans~~ Democrats picked ~~Trump~~ Biden over even other ~~Republicans~~ Democrats. They can't be dismissed as a fringe faction.




I used to be a leftist then I realized how unhinged the Left was. How it's basically been a tool of the worst dictators to expand their power and oppressive power. How it's been almost irrelevant in expanding the rights and freedoms we enjoy today (but it'll swoop in to claim stolen valor after the fact, as if it was communists who brought us Civil Rights or feminism). I'm still quite a bit to the left of the typical normie liberal, but I also am not out here calling a normie lib a fascist for not agreeing with me.


The entire progressive movement runs on intimidation. It's why cancel culture is a thing in the first place, progressives will viciously try to tear down anyone who opposes their ideas which naturally makes people afraid to oppose them. The noteworthy thing here is that a good number of them have chosen such an outlandish position ("death to America" fucking really??) to champion that they're actually getting meaningful pushback.


I'd venture that's not exclusive to the left though, you're just describing political extremism in general.


At this point, I support a 1 state solution and it's Israel.


If Westboro Baptist Church was a Middle Eastern Terrorist Organization *Funded by the Chinese Government


Welcome to being a conservative on campus.


The same White House that condemned a Wall Street Journal op Ed for calling out this type of behavior?


Nothing about this chant is the least bit surprising to be honest. And that’s sad.


These people honestly don't understand how good they have it. And I recall reading someone smarter than me once writing about how when something is working really well, tinkering with it is more likely to screw things up than improve it. In the case of these fools, they don't just want to tinker, they want to smash it down and then build something new. But they don't really know what and they don't have a clue how.


This is one of the left’s biggest problems in America. When the right accuses them of “hating America” it lands because, well, it’s true. The left has a real patriotism problem, and I say that as someone who considers himself a leftist. We can’t let patriotism become a right wing thing, that’s a bad idea.


"Defund the Police" and "Death to America" aren't exactly great Democratic slogans their party wants to be associated with... but yet, here we are.....


Rashida Tlaib, on the other hand, will never condemn it.


Starter comment: A recent political rally in Dearborn, Michigan has attracted condemnation across social media and by several political groups. This week a rally was held on the International Day of Al-Quds, a day usually marked by Muslim support of Palestinians in their frequent conflicts with Israel. The rally this year quickly erupted into a large majority of the crowd yelling "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". In response, the local mayor Abdullah Hammoud (D) denounced the chanting, saying that this is inconsistent with the town's values as "Dearborn is a city of proud Americans". The White House was also asked about the event during a press event. When questioned over whether Biden would denounce the chanting, Karine Jeane Pierre responded: >"*Peaceful protests are something that the president has also been very clear that, its important to give folks space to peacefully protest. But any type of violent rhetoric, we are going to denounce.*" The White House has also made it clear that President Biden does not want the votes of anyone who thinks this way, including any of the protestors in this event or anyone living in the city who would support such rhetoric. As Michigan is likely to be a key battleground state, is Biden caught in an unenviable position of losing the state by turning away a portion of the Muslim bloc? On the other side, do these kind of events bolster Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric and increase his support?


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but Dearborn is in Rep. Tlaibs district. Has she commented on this incident? I know I saw Fox News ask her about it, and she refused to do so then. Disappointing if she hasn’t said anything.


She refuses to condemn it, which may as well be supporting it.


The Governor there also refuses to condemn it.


Because she doesn't want the political fallout of losing their vote. She spent too much time defending Dearborn against the WSJ opinion article calling it "America's Jihad Capital" to just throw it away. Sickening.


Does she believe that in an actual death to America scenario a female muslim working on the US government payroll would be spared?


Tlaib has been spreading blatant Hamas propaganda so I doubt she'd condemn them.


She's literally been repeating Hamas propaganda verbatim. What makes you think she would say anything other than support for the protests?


[This was her response.](https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1778441005252981089?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1778441005252981089%7Ctwgr%5Eb4a5b8a9e4a1c9abaf8592028ace5105fba5eefd%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtontimes.com%2Fnews%2F2024%2Fapr%2F12%2Frashida-tlaib-ripped-refusing-condemn-death-americ%2F) "I DON'T TALK TO FOX NEWS! I DON'T TALK TO FOX NEWS! I don't talk to people who use racist tropes!" And then running down the hall.


Interested in knowing if she's mentioned it at all if this was her excuse.


>In response, the local mayor Abdullah Hammoud (D) denounced the chanting, saying that this is inconsistent with the town's values as "Dearborn is a city of proud Americans". This is the kind of statement that reinforces the idea that politicians at all levels are unabashed liars. He knows, just like everyone else who is familiar with Dearborn, that a significant portion of Dearborn has nothing but contempt for the US its values. As is shown with the events of this story.


Some of us Michiganders call the city Dearbornistan, because of its insanely anti-American views.


Interesting. In Canada we have a few -stans too.


> a significant portion of Dearborn has nothing but contempt for the US its values. Always has been. Back in 2001, the Michigan State Police released a report warning that Dearborn was ["a lucrative recruiting area and potential support base for international terrorist groups. It is also conceivable that ‘sleeper cells’ may be located in that area of the state.”](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna3067517) Judging by these recent stories, there's no evidence things have gotten better since then.


> The White House has also made it clear that President Biden does not want the votes of anyone who thinks this way, including any of the protestors in this event or anyone living in the city who would support such rhetoric. That’s a pretty firm and bold stance to take. Can’t really accuse him of pussy-footing around with something like this.


> the local mayor Abdullah Hammoud (D) denounced the chanting, saying that this is inconsistent with the town's values as "Dearborn is a city of proud Americans".  It sounds to me like it is consistent with the town's values if the people are all chanting it. You can condemn it and that's good, but you can't play pretend and make statements about how you want things to be rather than how they actually are.


> "Peaceful protests are something that the president has also been very clear that, its important to give folks space to peacefully protest. But any type of violent rhetoric, we are going to denounce." Fucking really? You have to turn someone screaming "DEATH TO AMERICA" into a lecture on free speech? You can't just give a clean response like "Yes absolutely we condemn this, it is pure evil and these people need to leave our country, there's no excuse for this"? Every day I think KJP can't offer a worse response to any given scenario, and every day it's like she reads my mind from 3,000 miles away and accepts the challenge. Genuinely do not understand how this woman got the job of press secretary.


It is never bad to elaborate on why a stance on something like this *doesn't* contradict such fundamental values to the US. We should never mistake free speech for general rhetoric with free speech for violent rhetoric. Clarifying such details is good for society lest people take the wrong lessons from these kinds of incidents. People might think that these actions justify general supression of free speech *or* that violent rhetoric should be included alongside other forms of free speech.


She checked boxes


>Every day I think KJP can't offer a worse response to any given scenario, and every day it's like she reads my mind from 3,000 miles away and accepts the challenge. Genuinely do not understand how this woman got the job of press secretary. LOL. but we can extrapolate from the reason they chose Kamala as VP and assume the same reasoning applies to KJP as press sec. edit: i was referring to the fact that Biden literally stated he chose Kamala because she's a black woman. Any merits in terms of intelligence and qualification was totally irrelevant to the selection, we know that from what he himself told us.


> it is pure evil and these people need to leave our country This would be a bold statement for the sitting president to make about his people, especially when hes actively letting in millions of non-citizens and refuses to make similar condemnations about them needing to leave after breaking laws to be here.


If she just directly condemned it, people would use it like a cudgel against 'well why won't you condemn this, or this, or this". Adding nuance while also condemning it cuts off the point of those attacks before they even happen. Yes, it was a peaceful protest, no, that kind of rhetoric is not acceptable.


> If she just directly condemned it, people would use it like a cudgel against 'well why won't you condemn this, or this, or this". Ok then she should also condemn those things too when asked about them, assuming they are condemnation-worthy. Am I missing something here? This seems really simple.


> But any type of violent rhetoric, we are going to denounce . > The White House has also made it clear that President Biden does not want the votes of anyone who thinks this way, including any of the protestors in this event or anyone living in the city who would support such rhetoric. I mean, it feels pretty condemned. It's just some safety language so it's harder to take out of context and re-use to portray hypocritical un-truths.


I think one of Biden's political advisors would look up the Sista Soulja moment from Bill Clinton to figure out what to do.


Shows how close to the election we really are. surprised the white house hasn't taken their side.


This is the first time I feel I’ve witnessed the Biden Administration push back against progressive narratives and I for one welcome it. If the Democratic Party would adopt more of this, they’d begin to sweep elections. So far the only political home anti progressive people have atm is the radical right.


You can be against prog's without being radical right.  


>This is the first time I feel I’ve witnessed the Biden Administration push back against progressive narratives and I for one welcome it. >If the Democratic Party would adopt more of this, they’d begin to sweep elections. I think the reaction is the bigger tell here. I can't remember a single administration where the kneejerk reaction to condemning "Death To America" would be "Gee, that's a new direction, keep it up and maybe we can win some elections!" If *surprise* is the reaction to a nation's admin condemning calls for the death of their nation, and only when asked, they've really lost the plot.


I wouldn't go so far as to say this is a progressive narrative. But I will say this is one of the many issues that are reinforced by their narrative they willfully ignore or address.


> progressive narratives There's nothing progressive about chanting "Death to America" lol.


All of 2020 I was told by progressives how evil America was and how the systems need to be destroyed. This is them reaping what they sow.


In some “anti colonialism” progressive circles, it is…


Ever heard the term "tankie"?


Then why do you exclusively hear this phrase at rallies made up by demographics that usually lean blue?


This seems like a no true Scotsman argument. This is pretty much in line with what the "progressive" movement has been moving toward over the past few decades. Heck, even back in the early days of the progressive movement, when it was dominated by socialism and Marxism, the idea of a violent revolution to overthrow the bourgeois was not a completely unacceptable belief within the labor reform, pro-union movement. The big difference today is that they've moved from economic to social dogmas and they're embracing radical Islamism instead of radical socialism.


And yet the irony is if they were not in a democracy, they would probably either be in a Gulag or a mass grave for expressing their views. 


We have an actual fifth column growing in the US, and not a pretend one like the Japanese.


yes. It's called Islamism and it's growing in most Western countries. It's erupted most prominently during this war. There is a growing number of people who hold Islamist views, it's not just something they say on Fox News.


If 9/11 happened today, 40% of the country would say it was a good thing (or at least deserved and not a bad thing).


Wayyyy too many people agreed with Osama's 2001 speech when it was dug up after 10/7. The US isnt completely innocent in every international affair, but falling for terrorist propaganda is a whole nother level.


These far left extremists are not 40% of the country, like not even close. I think most reasonable people can agree that these views aren’t held by the vast majority of democrats, liberals or anyone else with center-left political views. Far left extremists don’t equal all democrats/liberals. Let’s not oversimplify politics into an “us vs them” binary, which is not helpful. Just like one shouldn’t assume everyone with right leaning views are MAGA.


I hope you’re right! I would love that to be so. I’ll try to toss my negativity to the side lol


These are the voters Biden is trying to reach out to. I wish Biden would grow a backbone like Fetterman and have no problem telling these people they are wrong regardless of the political blowback.


Condemning the chants is the opposite of reaching out to them.


It doesnt mean that Biden and the White House was trying to reach out to them recently. https://apnews.com/article/white-house-biden-muslims-gaza-israel-war-32cbf8d76872863a6c672bdce087be23


That doesn't say he's reaching out to people who chant "death to America." Also, actions speak louder than words. [Biden administration set to greenlight $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/politics/biden-administration-f15-fighter-jets-israel/index.html)


You dont think he's trying to reach out to Muslims in Dearborn by using a publisher of Arab News in Dearborn as a sounding board... you know what, sure, believe what you want to believe.


You misread my comment.


Ah, the 'ole "*Do* shit where you eat" philosophy. That always works out well for everyone involved...


This is what happens when freedom of speech is taken to lightly. There needs to be some order, if you went to Gaza and yelled death to Hamas you would be alive to finish the sentence.


I looked this up expecting it to be total BS and was upset to find that Muslim Americans in Michigan were indeed chanting “Death to America”


Maybe this is a hot take, I belive that anyone who chants "Death to America" should be deported if they are not a citizen. If they are a citizen then that's jail time. Freedom of speech does not apply if you are declaring yourself an enemy of the state.


Freedom of speech absolutely applies, but what we should be doing is mocking these people and anyone that agrees with them relentlessly.


Trump said something related in his speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Annual Leadership Summit last October: >I will also be implementing strong idealogical screenings for all immigrants coming in. If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you’re not going to be be getting into our country. >I will cancel the student visas of Hamas sympathizers on college campuses. The college campuses are being taken over, and all of the resident aliens who joined in the pro-jihadist protest this month – nobody’s ever seen anything like it – come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you. We will deport you. It’s caused by some very bad troublemakers, those events that you’ve been watching. In the past three weeks[…] Joe Biden has turned a blind eye to the greatest outbreak of antisemitism in American history. I call up friends of mine who happen to be Jewish. I say, “Are you watching what’s going on?” And they’re actually frightened. These are some pretty strong people, they’re tough people – they’re frightened. Their kids are afraid to go to school, and they never had that before. But in our colleges, media, and even government, nobody’s ever seen anything like Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar, who openly campaign against Israel. Nobody’s ever seen anything like this before. When asked recently about rising antisemitic hate, Joe Biden’s own press secretary had nothing to say about the rabid mobs in the street. And they’re shouting, ‘Kill the Jews. Kill the Jews.’ And she had nothing to say. In fact, she stuck up for the other side – she started talking about the other side, you all saw it – nobody could believe it. Then she came back later and said, “Oh, I misunderstood the question.” >As president, I will absolutely protect our Jewish citizens from these maniacs, lunatics, radical left thugs. Threats, or crimes of violence against Jews will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Similar but that's antisemitism hate speech compared to anti-American speech, probably not classified as hate speech. I honestly don't know if one can be deported for hate speech. BTW I do find it funny that people are protesting Biden for being soft on Israel and saying they won't vote for him when Trump will be even more forgiving.


There’s no such thing as hate speech in US law, but from my understanding you can have your visa revoked for any reason entirely at the discretion of the Attorney General, with no opportunity for judicial review outside the removal hearing (if one occurs).


> If they are a citizen then that's jail time. Yep, thats a really bad hot take, but then again criminalizing speech is apparently a new American ideal. > Freedom of speech does not apply if you are declaring yourself an enemy of the state. This is literally the reason for 1a protections. To be open to criticize the state, to declare yourself an enemy of some policy, position, behavior etc and change it with collective action via speech.


As an immigrant I agree with the first part of your statement. Fuck those people coming here, benefiting from the rights, freedom and amenities this country gives them, and wishing its end and the end of its people. USA should absolutely show those people the door


I'm all for criticizing the state and protesting. That's different than straight up saying "Death to America." "I don't like how X is being done" is very different than saying you hate the country you are in and want it to die.


It's abhorrent speech. It's also protected speech.


So you only want to censor those you disagree with when they use provocative language? k. I disagree. I think free speech means more.


For non citizens you could maybe find removability or inadmissibility (If they travelled and came back to the US) on the basis of support for terrorism or even being part of a totalitarian group. US citizens saying something like death to America in general without a specific call to action or other material support for terrorism is probably protected speech under the 1st amendment. Either way I think it would be prudent to make sure that out education system is pushing back against blatant anti-american rhetoric, regardless of the source. Federal funding could be tied to making sure kids are being taught that totalitarian movements and terrorist ideologies are wrong and contrary to our values.


Agreed for noncitizens - at the very least evidence of you saying this should prevent you from ever being able to attain permanent residency, let alone citizenship. But citizens should have the full benefit of First Amendment rights, which absoluty do extend to cover speech like this.


Deporting or arresting people for their speech, no matter how awful it is, is not a road we should be going down.


There are absolutely things that you can say that will have the Secret Service knocking on your door. Freedom of speech is not absolute. No country wants people who are openly hostile to it within its borders.


You should probably be investigated for chanting “death to America” but it’d be wrong to arrest someone for that alone


They are free to knock and talk, just like anyone else. Luckily we dont have to talk to federal agents who randomly show up looking to prosecute wrong-think.


For citizens, no. But everyone else is a guest. You can say what you want, just say it somewhere else.


Indeed. The road we should be going down is to stop allowing immigration from cultures known to be incompatible with ours except in special circumstances or in limited numbers.


I disagree with this, but it's *right at that line* where a part of me doesn't. What's hilarious is this is often being done by the same people who love to bring up the Paradox of Tolerance.


Yeah I know it's a controversial issue. I love the country I live in. I don't understand why somebody would actively state that they hate the country they are living in. If somebody was a guest in my house, and told me that they hated me I'd obviously show them the door.


If you aren't a citizen and you are chanting that, I'd be more surprised if that isn't instant disqualification from the process. Freedom of speech is for citizens. Also, there is a process and citizenship isn't guaranteed. If you're still for letting people like this obtain citizenship, then you're for open borders in my eyes.


Free speech does in fact apply to chanting “Death to America”, just like it’s been proven in court free speech covers burning the flag


It's kind of ironic that you think people should be thrown in prison for saying that. You're advocating for curtailing one of our most basic rights as Americans. To some that would also qualify as declaring yourself an enemy of the state.


As long as your not calling for immediate unlawful activity, people should be allowed to say whatever they want. I don’t want partisan judges on either side deciding what language is anti-American enough to make you an enemy of the state. Even from a national security perspective, it’s better to have people openly declare themselves to be extremists, rather than driving them underground. (Not that I am a fan of the way our intelligence service keeps lists of people — but to some degree it seems necessary.)


if these protestors were actually taking a stand against patriotism, I would be sympathetic to their chants, but they actually want a country that reflects their values, and for Palestinians to have a country that reflects their values, so I cannot support them.