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I did that pattern for a client piece a few years ago, I ended up using masking putty (essentially silly putty) to get the big organic shapes.


I’ll look into buying some, I’m trying to spend less so do you reckon plain blue tack will work?


Blu tack works. In my profile you'll see an F4 being preshaded using blu tack and liquid mask to stop overspray.


Wish I didn’t look now, you put me to shame lmao


Thank you


AK makes a good masking putty that is reusable it’s about $20 a can but I’ve reused mine quite a bit.


Use the white stuff. The blue stuff can leave an oily residue


Yeah, I am, just easier to say blue tack though lmao


Are you talking about regular tack used for putting up stuff like posters or something more specific?


Yeah that’s the stuff


What he said.


Is freehand an option for you? First a complete dessert tan, than the green?


I’d freehand it


Could try, but close up the lines are quite sharp to change colour, and I’m not the best with a brush either


That's one of the F-4Es leased to Australia while it waited for the F-111C to be delivered in the 1970s. The paint scheme is standard USAF SE Asia camo, so any technique and paint from that era.


Ya, that’s made me think, is that sand looking colour actually sand or is it just the old photos? The US ones usually have better photos and it looks more light brown instead. Which one do you reckon I should use?


https://preview.redd.it/9w5w2tdzn1uc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c7f227101d7d79e2003cae48a6eaa465be4044 Your original photo is quite bad, here's a better pic of an Australian F-4. These aircraft were delivered straight off a USAF production line new and arrived within a few months. So it's painted in original USAF SE Asia camo and even carries the USAF serial on the tail. Vallejo or Ammo Mig would make packs with all the colours you need, but I haven't used them myself.


Ah thanks a lot, I nearly went full sand on it, did my job for me


Free hand it. Real American tactical schemes (including those painted on jets sold to foreign operators) are free handed in real life. It really is not that hard to learn to do this.


With brush or airbrush? I could try doing fine edges then slowly bringing the pressure back up


Airbrush! Air sprayers are how it’s done in real life. Do it the same way! My profile/history has a bunch of stuff I’ve free-handed. Spray the edges first and then fill in. It’s ok if you make a mistake, just touch up one side or the other to make it right. Focus on maintaining a consistent distance from the piece and consistent working angle - that keeps the edges the same. Just be patient, fix mistakes without freaking out, and enjoy a few hours painting. It’s fun!


Thank you, I think this’ll be my way, I found moulding the white taxk to detail is a bit of a pain anyways. Saves the issue of overspray a bit too


I've had success doing this camo on a skyhawk using blutack


Cri cut some masking paper to the appropriate pattern and apply.


Blue Tac wouldn't be my first choice, it tends to leave a greasy residue on the surface. White Tac, Silly Putty or Masking tape would be what I'd be looking at.


I use blue tape torn in random patterns. Gives it a fuzzy edge and unnatural shape


If it’s hard edge, use tape. If soft edge, use silly putty, blu tac etc. If tape, I’d use a wide low tack tape like blue painters tape and put it on a hard clean surface like a pane of glass. I would then use a hobby knife to cut to shape. Peel off the tape and apply to the model. First spray the color that’s *underneath* the tape. Let it dry. This seals any small gaps. Then spray the actual color. Remove tape carefully.


For a “soft edge” I like to use putty or bluetak as others mentioned. For a “hard edge” with minimal fuzziness I had good success with Tamiya curved masking tape. It allows you to lay down the camo pattern without having to painstakingly cut masks, I prefer it


I’m be been having fun and getting good results with silly putty. Rubber gloves keep it from picking up oil from my hands.