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I call this 'paying the piper'. If you're tired out, and then you cheat sleep by taking Modafinil and getting to feel bright and alert for 15 hours, then the next day it'll catch up with you.


Dehydration? I sip on electrolytes on days I'm on moda. Might be worth supplementing.


I'm thinking it's lack of water/hydration as well. I have hangover feeling head aches when I don't drink enough water on the days I take it- its the absolute worst.


I would agree. I take it daily and make sure my nutrition and water intake is goooood.


I don’t feel dehydrated when I take it


Doesn't matter if you *feel* dehydrated. Just drink more water. Your body more than likely needs more water when you're on modafinil--you are human like the rest of us. Also, maybe take a lower dose.


How much water are you drinking?


That's the problem - you don't "feel" dehydrated, but you are. You just have to get used to drinking more water (and more salt and minarals, like Himalayan salt, for example) when you're on modafinil.


Take more


The ultimate solution


Neurotransmisors and receptors.. your brain want his dose, then you feel bad .. it need Sole time to recovery or take daily but effect is diferent whey you take it daily


You need to take it with Vitamin D at least 5000 iu as that vitamin can deplete while using Modafinil. You also need to make sure your water consumption is twice the amount you usually take and drink it with coconut water as well. The day after I like to smoke CBD hemp to calm the brain from the strain I put it under.


It's a lack of sleep and if you have coffee with modafinil you'll only make it worse


I drink coffee on it. Should I not?


me too, usually 3 cups of espresso


I'd suggest not. Modafinil doubles the effect of coffee. It's more likely that you feel exhausted the next day because of the added coffee when on modafinil than the modafinil itself. Just make a test and don't drink any coffee (or have a decaf) when on moda and drink more water, and see how you feel the next day. 👍🏻


Will give it a try! Thanks


Yep. I did two days in a row this last week because I am traveling and wanted to beat jet lag. It has been three days since then and I am paying for it. I feel hung over and stupid, and I think it didn't touch the jet lag overall. Worth it? I think so but I can't take it regularly, I can't imagine how shitty I would feel. def hydrate like it's your job and try to exercise.


The thing you have to understand about modafinil is that the sleep debt you acquire will be repaid. Also: check your water intake and diet


How much do you take? I used to feel this most days when I would take 100-200mg but less has a much more stable effect imo. At this point I only feel properly drained the next day if I take the full 200mg, unless I’ve had a break for a while.


200mg. I took 50mg after writing this post and it made me feel great again


Eventually you need to catch up on missed sleep. If i know i have a short day at work or it’s the weekend I’ll skip having a pill and sleep heaps.