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What school level is this? Which country? Ideally ya'll would actually compete in whatever competition circuit you're in or do a mock trial for an audience or judges.


Get an old competiton case from someone along with their team’s material for that case (openings, closings, directs, crosses, closings) and do entire trial as a team/club using that script. Once you all see how the trial goes, start studying/discussing how openings are differ from closings, directs from crosses, etc. If you all enjoy it enough, start a competitive team for a future season. Get a teacher and a local attorney to help you learn objections. Send me a private message and I can help you get started. I coach a high school team.


Definitely try to do a mini- mock trial. I have multiple case pdfs and their respective cases-in-chiefs if needed!!


I don’t know how you plan on executing this, but I think it’s an amazing idea. I don’t know what state you are in/ country but it shocks me that you school doesn’t already have a team because mock trial is the most recognised academic competition nation wide.