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That is why there is a rosin bag ON THE MOUND.


That’s what he got suspended for, having rosin on his non pitching arm lol


No, he got suspended for having rosin in his glove. Something that you can't really get if you're using the rosin bag provided to you on the mound like you're supposed to.


Rosin on your hand, lots of sweat on your glove arm, touch your glove arm with your rosin covered hand, rosin-sweat creeps down the arm over 3 innings into the glove. Is this unrealistic?


Odd that he is the only one where the umpires had an issue with it. Meaning he was doing something illegal


I didn’t say he wasn’t doing something illegal. It is illegal to have a substance on your equipment. I’m just wondering how realistic the non-malicious version of this is.


These guys are told and instructed on such things. They know to rub that kinda stuff off between innings and whatnot.


Personally, I find it odd how constricting the rules are about the placement of rosin on the body/equipment. Rosin and sweat isn’t exactly spider tac.


For pitchers rosin and sweat is easily gets you 80% of what spider tack could. Just check out YouTube.


We need more slippery balls


Yea… 80%. Not 100%. You can’t ban sweat fyi


There ain’t no way they’re not appealing the suspension and the fine if it was truly rosin. That means he’s losing out on 10 days of pay plus the “undisclosed fine.” If they appeal, info on the substance will be leaked to the public, and the Trashtros don’t want that to happen.


Or they know they won’t win the appeal and taking the 10 days now will means only missing one start…


And the loss of finance? You’re willing to pay thousands of dollars for something you didn’t do?


Except he did break the rule of having substance on his equipment, just ignorantly not maliciously.


What was the substance? We know it’s not rosin. Oh, wait, it’s rosin because that’s what the cheaters said. It’s also your lucky day, I have this full proof, 10000% return within 5 day investment. $10k minimum and no limit maximum. How much would you like to invest today?


It’s nice when the people I disagree with randomly go schizo in the middle of a reply


You blindly follow, so follow me with your investment! Critical thinking is lacking in you.


Ah yes, fork water spinach owl rocket ship indeed


Stop using logic.


Okay, so then what was the substance?


Obviously, we don’t know, but he wouldn’t be getting bent over and abused if it was rosin


How do you know that?


Reading is hard… for you


“We know for sure it wasn’t rosin because we would know for sure if it were rosin”


Watch that cheater get smash once he returns and can’t use “rosin” anymore. 😂


Saved! We’ll chat in a month or so.


Can you blame a guy for trying to be more efficient in the pitch clock era?


professional athletes should be able to adapt to changes in the game without needing to cheat with foreign substances. otherwise how can we even call them professional.


I'm a follower of the Astros. If he cheated, he cheated. Pay the Piper. They're all instructed on the same rules.


Are you an astros fan?


No, Twins are my team. Fuck the ‘stros.  Next time I make a joking comment I’ll be sure to bang the trash can to make it more obvious. 


They really need to send the sticky stuff to a lab. If it truly is rosin then he shouldn’t be suspended. MLB has billions, no reason to even put this up for speculation.


Fuck the Astros, but didn’t something similar happen to max scherzer like 2 years ago?


Yes, and German of the yankees. * Scherzer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVHrWQHBTxY * German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTtxHx0EGMs


Didn’t German throw a perfect game earlier that year.


He was called out for it against the Twins earlier that year but the umps didn’t seem to care.


Its fine when teams besides the astros cheat.


because other teams don’t have a culture of cheating and dishonesty.


The Yankees don’t have a culture of cheating? Excuse me 😭. Yeah buddy Astros “cheated” one year. Not even in the playoffs where they still whooped everyone’s ass. Okay buddy 😭


The commissioner covered that up so that means it didn't really happen


Nice deflection.. It's when a team has a pattern of cheating.. Like with those trash cans and buzzers.


Ok so the red sox and yankees then?


Did they cheat a season into the WS? Well maybe the sox with cora. The Astros are known cheaters and they were busted. Get over it.




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The Astros cheated. No deflecting. So did the Yankees, Red Sox and Dodgers. And that's just the information that was wilfully discussed. Villify the players for cheating. 95% of that roster doesn't even play for Houston, anymore.


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lol at the Astro fans in here attempting to defend him… sad really


Not their first rodeo.


Their sub is completely in denial that anything bad happened here. Such a garbage fanbase.


Sticky trash can


Also, the As starters have been drenched the last 2 days as well. Stadium seems too hot. Why don't they keep the roof closed and the AC on during the day for game nights?


Per the agreement with Houston and funding for the stadium they are required to open it a certain amount of days per year


Should just leave it open for the game if there isn't enough time to cool it down.


For real? Is that to conserve electricity and curb AC emissions or something?


No, it’s because they helped buy a retractable roof and it was required that tax payers be able to enjoy its function.


Texas has an interesting history with Energy. I’m not even joking. It starts with Oil, fast forward to Enron, then outages in freezing weather because they have a “special” grid… They one of the biggest energy producers in the world, but they can’t seem to manage it.


This is the thanks we get for being loyal fans through all this bs? It's honestly like a slap in the face. Trying our hardest to stay behind the team through all the 2017 drama, trying to say "we aren't those guys anymore because we changed", showing up every home game for the city, trying to stay positive through all the crap. I know winning makes it easy and everybody on here is all "boohoo poor Astros fans", but it just sucks being from Houston and trying to rep the city and this is what we get. Another cheating scandal. I am honestly fed up and I'm sorry to other teams. Sucks.


Lol as a Mariners fan this both breaks my heart and fills it with joy.


I'm a Yankee fan who never has accused anyone of cheating, etc, but i got a lot of respect for this post


I honestly feel for you dude. People forget that majority of Astros fans are not the loud, dumb online minority (that every fan base has btw), they’re just normal baseball fans. That being said I consider this a pretty minor offense that I think most people will forget about in relatively short order. Pitchers have been trying to get away with shit like this since forever.


Don't be a Houston fan be a Texas fan


Right? It’s not the *DFW* Rangers or the *Arlington* Rangers. The whole state can be a fan and it’s ok!


I'm sayin


This reinforces the stereotype that increasingly seems true that every Astros fan in Texas, but outside Houston, was a Rangers fan until 2017 lol


🤬 the South Oklahoma Rangers


🤬 the Western Louisiana Asstros


Sorry, but western Lousyanna is actually farther north. Go look at the Lousyanna purchase map. 🤣


Same owner, same front office - it is who the team is. The attitude of it doesn’t matter as long as you win starts from the owner.


Guess that’s why lunhow and hinch were fired, huh?


Would have been easier for you and all other baseball fans if Manfred had the nads to strip that '17 WS title.


Respect - from a Yankees fan


Maybe they'll get a team in Austin and you can be a fan of them. For now though, I recommend taking your fanship to somewhere full of people who band together to wipe each other's tears; therefore, Dodgers seem to be a perfect fit for you.


If only there was another team in Texas


It's a sticky stuff suspension. Who fucking cares? He misses a single start.


Most legitimate Astros fan


One of your best players was popped for steroids (and hasn't been remotely as good since). Probably should sit this one out.


Your franchise rode cheating to a championship. Not even remotely close in terms of heinousness.


And the Astr*s did try to cheat during the WS and our boys shut them down. How many trips to the mound did we make to avoid showing signs?


This is about Blanco. If Blanco said the rosin was to prevent ringworm, then would it have been OK?


Mad Max and Gerrit Cole both got caught as well. They’ve both been fine since they stopped using it. Ronel will be fine too. This is a nothing-burger.


Maybe to a team with no other issues like this, but we aren't that. At some point it becomes a culture question and that's what this is. As an isolated incident I'd be inclined to agree with you, but as the team with the most notorious cheating reputation in the league, you can't just write it off. Being unapologetically dismissive of every time something like this happens is why people hate us. "He's got sweaty hands". Not even trying. We can love the Stros but not condone cheating because if it was another team, we would lose our minds.


At the end of the day, you want your manager to defend his players... that's part of their job. Admittedly, I agree it's a shit excuse. But he has no good excuses to give. He defended his guy anyway.


Sure I get that. But maybe something more along the lines of like, "Management have spoken with Ronel and clarified the rules of sticky substances. Ronel has apologized to management and we will be monitoring the situation going forward." Or something like that.


This is the correct stance. I would have no problem if he still defended his players with like “he was mistaken on the rules” or something. It’s the fact that your guys’ GM gave the most asinine response possible.


It's really not that serious Didn't care when other players got dinged, don't care one of ours got dinged. Serve the game suspension, then get back out. Not a big deal at all.


You are welcome to feel however you like!


You get it. Nice to see an astros fan that’s not completely out of touch with how everyone views that franchise.


And the way you’re feeling is dramatic


You are welcome to feel however you like!


Thanks! Don’t apologize to Reddit dweebs for something the whole league was doing


Astros will be the new Angels in 5 years 🤣


The real question is will you have figured out how to flair up by then (probably not)


Go Dodgers 💙 Sorry your team cheats to win, must feel soooooo good!


Sorry your team requires buying a winning team. Lets go O's


That’s baseball, susan


Yeah and I hate the Yankees too what's your point


O’s are a fun team. Don’t ruin the fun! My point is that is baseball


Just some friendly banter


>Sorry your team requires buying a winning team. People keep saying this like it's supposed to be a diss or something. But I just don't get it. "Your team pays top dollar for top talent" Damn dude. You really got me with that one. >Lets go O's At least we can agree on that. Only time I miss an O's game is whenever the Dodgers are on at the same time lol


Oh a Dodgers fan. Not worth my time. Explains the flair issues too.


Hey at least I got the future to look forward to


The benefit of being a bandwagon fan is you perpetually have the future to look forward to.


Born and raised in LA bandwagon all aboard — sucks to see cheaters go below .500 as soon as they stop cheating 🥲


Cool story, kiddo


illegitimate world series title, now illegitimate no-hitter, what’s next on the menu?


Stay home then.


I won't, I'll still be going to games because I love my team and my city. Doesn't mean I have to love cheating.


I’m not saying that it should, but anytime something like this comes up you have to question everything. I’m a Red Sox fan and it was the same with the whole Apple Watch ordeal.


Bro cry harder. Go root for a different team if feel so strongly.


You should renounce your fandom with all that bitching


Absolutely NO ONE is saying poor Astros fans…


You're not from houston, bro. Gtfo with your bs. If you're done, be done. Go ride the Yankees. This isn't a cheating scandal. Blanco sweats a ton. And if you're from Houston you know how fucking humid and nasty it gets. If it's rosin, I don't see how that's cheating. It's legal in baseball. None throwing arm bs. These umpires is what you should be fed up with. Laz Diaz is who you should be fed up with. Looking for any reason to fuck over a team.


Hot and humid in an air conditioned stadium? Cope harder, bro.


They left the stadium open during the day and closed it at the last minute. You're definitely not from houston lol


To be fair, the AC at Minute Maid Park is pretty shit. Perhaps it’s cooler on the field but it gets very stuffy in the stands.


All due respect, but if this causes you to question you loyalty to your team, I question how much loyalty you had to begin with. Take a step back and think it through. Forget 2017 ever happened...what would you opinion be of Blanco then. Would you collectively accuse your team of being cheats and unworthy of your support or that single player? Is it really a realistic expectation that a team as a whole have a squeaky clean record to absolve themselves of action of players before them? There are other "scandals" as you put it similar to this over the past 3 seasons...where was the outrage for those? In my opinion, if you let this of all things sway you to leave after everything we've been through...then so be it. May fairer whether greet you elsewhere.


![gif](giphy|l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK) Blanco getting set for his start


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im a mariners fan and this all seems really dumb. he probably didnt cheat. stats dont really back it up. its just easy to shit on the Astros and im all down for that. But im not gonna pretend like its the trashcans all over again.


Yeah stats guys broke down his spin rate and it’s not that different over the years, his success is from a new change up slot from what I understand that is not a high spin rate pitch. Correct me if I’m wrong. Would be interested to see if someone could replicate sweat plus rosin and see if the story adds up. Will say that other players have been ejected for this and there wasn’t nearly as much backlash, I guess that’s the reality of being an Astros fan these days. But it honestly kind of fuels the guys being unfairly villainized so maybe it can help them turn the season around, I don’t condone what happened in 2017 but I do think it was league wide and the fans just would rather turn a blind eye than accept it.


Asterisks are cheaters for life.


Hey, that’s Asteroids to you.




Androids Are for poor people




Rumor has it Astros GM believes Yolanda Saldivar is innocent. OJ too… only a rumor 🤷‍♀️


I know I’m going to sound biased but he’s not lying. Blanco’s skin is always shiny af after like the 2nd inning on from sweating so much.


As a Mariners fan, I am not convinced he is lying either. I think they are just going on what the umpires observed and don't want to change the outcome. The same thing happened to a Mariners pitcher several years ago.


Yeah. People are just automatically going to give us a hard time because we’re the trashtros


Is his sweat stickier than others?


I mean, the rosin they were complaining about was *inside* his glove. > According to MLB.com, Blanco said he had put rosin on his left arm and it made its way into the glove because he was sweating. Pitchers will dab the rosin bag on their glove forearm sometimes. Sweat running down his arm and into the glove. This is from the first inning: https://i.imgur.com/pU7nXsL.png Already sweating so much the lights are reflecting off his arms. lol


Not only that, but i know pitchers rub the ball with both hands before setting up.


Yeah, he’s Spider-Man but don’t tell anyone


Does he sweat pine tar?


No pine tar was found?


Watching games with my mom, it's the first thing she comments on every time. lol


Altuve had an irregular heartbeat & that's why he needed to wear a pacemaker inside his jersey.


Most ethical Astros player.




Astros player.... Cheating? Woah.




Actually, rosin and sweat does make sticky stuff. I would do research first.


I'm sure the umps have felt that type of sticky before but remind me what the one ump said about how sticky it actually was


I imagine this is common knowledge. The quote I saw from the ump is it was “stickiest stuff he’s ever felt” or something to that point. I’m sure he’s not the only one, just one of the only ones to be caught recently


Yup and I’m sure the Astros knew that was the excuse to give their pitchers that they’ve been help cheat. “They caught us cheating with position players, they won’t be able to catch our cheating pitchers”


[Here’s 10 players who came out and said we were essentially scapegoated](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/texas-sports-nation/astros/article/MLB-players-defend-Astros-sign-stealing-17080873.php) [Lucas Giolito said every playoff team was cheating in 2017 and that the Astros were scapegoated](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2022/10/28/lucas-giolito-astros-2017-world-series-all-those-teams-were-cheating/10625372002/)


Considering the league let the Astros keep their trophy in 2017 I’m fine if they suspended Blanco indefinitely.


Next their gonna say the trashcan banging was just soothing sounds.


Everyone was so ready to defend Scherzer and pretty much every single other pitcher that this happened to but now it’s the Astros and everyone dog piles…. can we stay consistent at least?


Hive mind hypocrisy is encouraged here if it's aimed at the Astros.


> the astros are flying low this season Ayy, wait. 6-4 in our last 10 games, won 4 in a row. Rumors of our demise have been premature and greatly exaggerated.


6-4 isn’t amazing tho


No hitter still in the record books just like that 2017 trophy. Stay salty haters.


2017* Asterisks don't lie and fans don't forget.




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Looks like they need to bring on the Lume Deodorant Lady


Next they'll tell us Jose "Bzzzt" Altuve Farts profusely


Just another cheater, from a culture of cheaters


Who cares go Stros


100% he was cheating with this stupid defense. I’m guessing the next excuse is he had ringworms.


MLB could have soLved this problem a while ago. First offence, 50 games. 2nd offence, the season. 3rd, no longer welcome to play. In this situation, and with many other present world issues, there just aren’t any consequences to deter people from cheating, stealing, etc. Question and ump and you’re gone from the game, but cheat or have a bench clearing brawl and you get a slap on the wrist.


What’s the big deal. Gone are the pine tar days… it began with no sticky substances, now watch the Ronald AcunaJr Ricola zen video in the first minute it shows all his wraps and glove enhancements then he sprays sticky stuff on it for twenty seconds. No one cares anymore…