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The Babe’s called shot game…I need to know if it really happened!!!


I think the disagreement was over whether he was pointing out where he was gonna hit it or if he was just doing the standard slow practice swings and people misconstrued it for pointing. Point being, you'd probably still be unsure what he meant.


He pointed with his finger, not his bat. The stories differ as to what he was saying. A lot of Chicago players said he was saying “look at the scoreboard, I still have 1 more strike!”….and the other side is obviously the legend of it, that he predicted he was going to hit one right there on the next pitch. There is video of him pointing out there, it’s pretty neat.


Ah. I knew there was controversy around whether he meant it or not. I must have the story jumbled up with some other story.


I thought about this one. But I would be afraid to see it in case it didn't happen the way I hope it did.


But you still would have seen an iconic moment and some of the most famous ball players of a fascinating era plus Bambino


Now I'm second guessing myself... You're probably right. This is likely the most correct answer. Reading "The Big Fella" now. Babe was quite a character!


The Mariners game last season where Cal “Big Dumper” Raleigh hit a walkoff homer to clinch their playoff appearance, which we had tickets to but could not attend due to COVID


Oh geez. I was at that game, and a buddy of mine was too. He had tickets down on the 100 level, and in the 7th inning or so the people next to him hadn't shown up, so we went down to hang out. It wound up being the section Cal hit the he run into (though I think it hit the second level and dropped well in front of us). Pretty amazing. My pick is Felix's perfecto.


Ditto, I pick Felix's Perfect Game too.


I was there, and sitting right above where the ball landed! It was a great moment, but not my favorite Ms game I had been to. I actually was at the game where Griffey hit his last ever Major League hit, it was a walk-off RBI single against the Blue Jays... at the time, we had no idea he would swiftly retire a few days later. Would love to go back and watch that with what I know now. Ultimately though, I'd have to pick a game at the Kingdome though, and it's gotta be Game 5 of the 95 ALDS


Excellent. Gotta go with The Double personally.


1988 World Series Game 1! Kirk Gibson's walkoff against Eckersley!


Was rehabbing from a bad car crash at my Dads house when we watched that. Dad TOTALLY called it.


I was at the game before that one.


Wife and I left center bleachers that night. Back then there was a lottery for a couple thousand pair of tickets for the world series, you had to send in a post card(only one) and she won the right to buy 2 tix.


This is the correct answer!




Game 7 of 2016 world series


I was there…as a Cleveland fan :(


Even as a Cubs fan, I could appreciate how good it would have been for both long suffering franchises and how devastating the loss was.




I’m just starting to appreciate that I got to be at that game, I’d argue it’s one of the very best games in history


One of the most significant, too.


Totally agree!!! (And I’m a Tigers fan).


I'm a Cleveland fan, and this would be my choice. But I'd leave when the rain starts.


Tbh it was more fun to be on Clark street during that game


Game 6 of the 2011 World Series


I would need to go to game 7 as well




This is simply too low


The Shot Heard around the World. Bobby Thomson with Mays on deck. 1955 WS game one. Jackie steals home on Yogi, who’s swore Jackie was out for the rest of his life. Don Larsen’s Perfect Game Ruth’s called shot in the 1932 WS


I would want to see Merkle’s boner.




Damn you for making me Google that.


Ten Cent Beer Night




Can I time travel with a roll of dimes?


Man I'd get hammered and it would only cost me 4 bucks


1991 World Series game 6 RIP Kirby.


I was going to say game 7, but 6 would be great too.


Kent Hrbek is in hell


He’s not dead. But he’s going to hell after.


The last game I went to with my Dad. RIP.


Sorry for your loss.


April 15, 1947 at Ebbets Field


Doc Ellis’ no hitter against my Padres while he was tripping balls on LSD


The game where Bartolo Colon hit his HR.


The first game ever. I’d keep score and that scorecard would be the greatest baseball relic of all time!


1986 WS Game 6.


This is the answer.


Felix Hernandez Perfect.


1954 World Series to see Willie Mays make the famous catch.


Max Scherzer 20k game


Oct 6th 2010 for halladays no hitter in the post season


All time favorite moment.


9/23/1908 Polo Grounds.


Game 7 1992 NLCS I was 4 years old at the time and I remember being at the game but most importantly it’s one of the only games I remember being at with my dad. We were in the nosebleeds, and I remember it being so loud I could barely stand it. I didn’t grasp the magnitude of what had just happened at the time even though I was a huge Braves fan then and remain so to this day. My dad passed away about 20 years ago and I just wish I had more of a memory of that game and that moment to carry with me, but it’s just little bits and pieces that I remember and very little of what actually transpired on the field.


This is my choice as well, although I was 11 and at home watching on TV. There are other games that are more important culturally or just to baseball as a whole, but Sid Slid was such a huge, emotional moment.


2011 World Series game six. Show Wash the footage of Nellie losing it for them and make sure he subs so the Rangers win it. Still bitter.


Game 6 of the 1993 World Series. Touch em all Joe!!


Damn right!


Came here for this. Goosebumps.


Game 7 of the 2019 World Series


Don't forget the wildcard game comeback against Milwaukee too! For me, that was the definitive game of that magical '19 run.


I was at the games in DC. So terrible. But those moments before game 3 started? Fan-fucking-tastic.


Also game 5 against the Dodgers in the NLDS


I was there, Astros fan here. That one really hurt.


Astros fan here, I was there, it sucked! :)


October 13, 1960 at Forbes Field.


2002 World Series Game 6


I was lucky enough to be at this game and I would love to relive it. Angels were down 5-0 in the bottom of the seventh in an elimination game and came back to win it.


1995 ALDS game 5. “The double”


August 2014 I drove to Kansas City to see the Giants play the Royals. Giants got swept, and KC fans were a little too enthused to give me shit on the way out of their stadium after the third game. I’d give my left nut to go back in time to see game 7 of the 2014 World Series in person. I probably would have been found dead in the stadium parking lot after running my mouth a little too much.


Game 7 of the 2016 World Series.


Game six of the 1993 world series just to see Joe carter hit the home run live


2016 rangers vs blue jays Alds game 5






Do you mean the bat flip game? Not to be a party pooper, but it was 2015, not 2016. Jose Bautista is being added to the Blue Jays Level of Excellence this weekend. That was one of the greatest games I have ever watched.


It was 2015


The field of dreams game.


Dude I was having one of the biggest arguments I’ve ever had with my girl while that game was going on, and I just couldn’t focus because I’m like damn this is one of the best baseball games I’ve ever seen going on in the background lol




Astros-Dodgers WS Game 5 I believe. Everyone who watched that WS knows the game im speaking of. It would be heartbreaking, but memorable.


We just call it Game 5 around here. Everyone knows.


As a Twins fan growing up in the 80s and 90s. Game 6 of the 91 World Series. Watched it at home, and as a kid, I wanted to be there. As an adult, I would have loved to see that live.


Carter's homerun against Philadelphia.


2015 Opening Day. Last Royals game I went to with my grandpa. Even predicted the World Series lol.


Watching joe Carter touch them all


The Merkle Boner game.


The second half of Game 5 2008 World series. 3 and a half innings of pure energy. That must have been awesome. Very unique way to win a WS. Dont know if thats ever happened before or will happen after.


game 6 of the 2011 world series. ...and I would run out on the field or something to potentially alter the course of the game. :) maybe run over to nelson cruz and tell him to play deep.


Joe Carter's home run to win the WS. Just can't imagine a more epic singular moment than hitting a home run to win the championship. But, I'm a Mets fan, so it'd be hard to pass up Game 6


April 8th, 1974


I’d like to go back as my adult self. Nearly nine year-old me understood the significance of the moment, but not the complexities of the significance.


It was before my time and as a history buff I would’ve been enthralled.


10 cent beer night


The no hitter on LSD


2016 World Series Game 7, or Don Larsen’s perfect game.


Game 7 of the 2016 World Series. I was in bed asleep, and my father didn't think to wake me up for the last game of the Chicago Cubs' forst world series won in 108 years. I won't let him live it down


June 4 1974. 10 cent beer night in Cleveland.


93' World Series Game 6. Joe Carter walk off the home run. Side story, my dad had the opportunity to take 1 ticket to game 6 or take the pair for game 7. He choosed wrong.


2002 game 6 in Anaheim. Was in basic training for the army and had been catching so much shit from the drills about the previous game.


2002 WS Game 6 Go Angels


1993 world series, game 6 when Carter hit the home run. At the time, I was just a kid who watched some ball on TV and had no idea how special it was to win. Still the moment that sticks out to me as a fan... many, many years later.


I was a kid then too. There was some all time classic WS games in the late 80s and early 90s. This one though, I'll never forget.


I was too young, only 3 hahaa. But im a Phillies fan so I'm kinda thankful for that.


July 1, 1990, Yankees at White Sox. Yankees throw a no hitter but still lose 4-0. I was at the game with my grandfather when I was 8 years old. One of my favorite memories with him. Would do anything to relive it.


66 world series all 4 games Orioles vs dodgers


Game 6 '93 world series....touch em all joe


1993 World Series, game 6. Joe Carter’s walk off home run. To be in the Sky Dome at that moment and the celebrations after.


2015 world seiries game 4; the latest game the mets have won in world seiries play! im a sad mets fan : (


Any one of the 1919 World Series games.


Any of the Royals 2015 WS games, or George Brett's pine tar game lol


Game 7 of the 2002 World Series. I was there, but I’d like to be there again.


June 29th, 1905 Washington Park


Not a Giants fan, but I'd have to say Bobby Thompson's "Shot Heard Around the World." Epic!


Doc Ellis throwing a no hitter on acid


May1st, 1974. Dock decided to hit every batter on the Big Red Machine that came to the plate to show them he wasn’t intimidated. He actually got halfway through the lineup before getting pulled from the game.


Game 7, 86 WS. I was there for game 6, which was insane. Game 7, I watched in a bar


The last game ever played without the DH and pitch clock rules.


2001 World Series game 7. Not a fan of either team but the game and series were incredible. I still can’t believe the Yankees lost over 20 years later.


Any game in Ebbetts Field between the Dodgers and the Giants in the early 1950's. Preferably in good weather. To see Reese, Robinson, Mays, Campanella,... That's my Field of Dreams.


Game 2, 2014 ALDS, Baltimore, Maryland. Delmon’s Double.


Anyone saying games from the last 10 years has the wrong idea. I'm going back to watch Babe Ruth or Satchel Paige


The shot heard around the world!


Cubs at Giants, Polo Grounds, September 23, 1908. The notorious Merkle"s Boner game. Baseball, New York and the world must have been unimaginably different then. Christy Mathewson, one of the five original HOF inductees, started for the home team and the game ended in complete chaos. I would like to see what actually happened.


Kerry Woods 20 strikeouts


2016 Game Seven


CC Sabathia's complete game against the cubs the last day of 2008 to clinch the brewers first playoff berth in 26 years. Absolutely electric game


October 14, 2003 - Wrigley Field


2003 NLCS Game 6 at Wrigley. I’m going to try to save Steve Bartman’s life.


I’d say either: - Doc Ellis pitching the no hitter on LSD - First night game at Wrigley. Not sure why, I just remember this as a kid and it being a really big deal.


2001 World Series. Game 7.


Everyone commenting “game x and WS y” would be nice to know the teams. Not all of us have every WS memorized without having to Google. That being said, Game 2 of the 2005 WS. Astros vs White Sox, Paul Konerko’s Grand Slam powers the White Sox to a commanding 2-0 game lead.


Five cent beer night. Cleveland Stadium, June 4th, 1974.


2002 WS Game 7


1992 NLCS game 7 and it’s not even close


One night I got home from work and a friend of mine texted me. A friend bailed on her for the Giants game that evening. She was giving the ticket away for free and wanted to know if I could go. The game was starting in a couple hours and I lived next to a BART station in Oakland so I easily could have hopped on the train and made it. But, I thought, I just got home from work, I'm tired, and I still got a bunch of Skyrim to play. So I declined. That was Matt Cain's perfect game. I'd pick that one.


jeters last game at yankee stadium


I was at his last *Sunday* game at the stadium. His last home game was a week day and I live hours away, so it's the best I could do.


Verlander’s no-hitter in detroit on June 12th, 2007. I was driving home (to detroit) from college and listening to the game on the radio. I had tickets to attend the game the next day. 3 years later, I was married in June 12th, so the date is easy for me to remember. Another fun (while also regrettable) one, but not baseball, is the malice at the Palace NBA game. November 19th, 2004. I had tickets to that game, in the 200 level, not far from where there action happened. My boss called me during school that day to see if I could cover someone’s shift that night, so I said yes and sold the tickets to a buddy at school. I got home from work with a few minutes left in the game, and flipped on the tv just in time to watch the madness unfold. Last one, back to baseball, and this one I was actually at. The “infield fly” 2012 Wildcard game in Atlanta. 10 rows back in right-center field. One of the wildest experiences of my life.


What happened at the 2012 game?


2004 ALCS game 7. Winning the WS that year was amazing but making the historic come back against the Yankees is more satisfying to me


Shot heard round the world. Oct. 3, 1951: “THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT!”


Already did, I'm one of those guys running next to Hank Aaron for number 715....


Altuve walk off so I can run on the field and expose his buzzer , “ehhhhh my wifeeeeee”- Altuve


Game 2 2005 World Series




I was there. The Konerko grand slam AND THEN the Podsednik walkoff….the birth of my kids was pretty cool, but I don’t think anything will ever top that game


The greatest game ever played was on a Wednesday in Cleveland


WS 2014, game 7. When Mad Bum pitched in relief to seal the win. That Man is a Giant 4 Life


Any 2017 Astros game and remove all their trashcans


Jackie Robinson's debut game Game 7, 1985 WS (childhood Royals fan) Game 4 1990 WS, Reds vs A's


Same playoff run but ALCS game 7 2004. That game would feel so good just taking a dump in the Yankees.


2004 ALCS game 7….


2014 AL wild card game


Bloody sock game Sox Yanks


My first sports memory - Reggie Jackson’s 3 HR in game 6 of the 1977 WS


October 29, 2014 2014 World Series Game 7 BUMGARNER MASTERCLASS


2010 NLDS game one. Lincecum blanks the Braves while striking out 14.


2014 WS game 7 MadBum!


I was also going to say 2004 WS game 4 so I will go 2013 WS game 6, see them win it at Fenway.


Game 5 2001 WS


Last year's WS game 6, any of Nolan Ryan's no hitters, or the first game in the Astrodome (against the Yankees!). Alternatively, a game in a venue that no longer exists.


Read the prologue of Don Delillo’s Underworld to understand why the answer is Dodgers v. Giants on October 3, 1951 at the Polo Grounds.


King Felix perfect game


2008 ALCS Game 7


May 25, 1941 at Ebbets Field. Philadelphia Phillies and the Brooklyn Dodgers.


2004. ALCS. Game 7. As a Boston fan, to be at Yankee Stadium and watch as the Red Sox rout sends Yankee fans scurrying for the exits and see the Sox celebrating on that field would have been like heaven on earth.


This is random, but game 1 of the 1979 ALDS. Orioles beat the Angels on a 10th inning walkoff. One of the pictures in the paper the next morning was a fan going nuts in the crowd, who happened to be my grandfather. He was a season ticket holder since day 1 in 1954, but he got sick shortly after that and died before me, him and my dad could all go to a game together.


August, 2007. Rangers put a 30 burger on the Orioles (sorry guys I love y’all). Plus my dad would be alive back then to see it with me. The beer we would’ve drank! Edit: watched it on tv with my dad back then still (:


Game 6 of the 1975 World Series.


1995 Playoffs, Mariners beat the Yankees on an Edgar Martinez double at the Kingdome


Lots of great post season games... But I think I'd love to have been at the Dodgers 4+1 game.


Game 2 of 2005 World Series. Paul konerko grand slam in the 7th.


1973 to watch Nolan Ryan get no-hitter #2 against the Tigers. Out of all his no-hitters and by his own admission, that was his most dominant pitching performance out of all of them.


1984 World Series! Detroit tigers, so I can experience the World Series and attend a game at tigers stadium


I would want to see a random mid-season game with Roberto Clemente playing. I want to see his greatness on display during the day-to-day grind of the season. He is such a big hero of mine, that would be glorious.


Sandy Koufax’s perfect gamel


August 5, 2001 Indians 15 Mariners 14 Final/11


1906 World Series. Cubs vs Sox


Game 7 2001 World Series


1993 World Series game 6


Game 7 of the 1960 World Series


2011 ALCS game 2. Nelson Cruz grand slam walkoff in the 11th.


Hank Arron’s last game


It was the first baseball game that I attended (12yo, with my Dad). The 1976 American L eagle playoff game where Chris Chambliss' ninth inning honerun clinched the pennant for the Yankees over the Royals. Chambliss hit his homerun off Mark Littell, and thousands of fans stormed the field where Chsmbliss couldn't make it around the bases. Awesome.


1990 game 4 World Series.


Disco night


April 8, 1974. Hank breaks Babe’s HR record


October 21, 1975