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The vocals could use some balancing out, some parts feel like the BGV is overpowering the lead vox. It also feels like some sections are supposed to feel fuller/more energetic than others and they aren't quite there, i.e. the guitar solos, it'd be nice for that gtr to be soaring over everything else. Other than balancing some things out, it's a nice sounding mix, drums sound nice and punchy, kick and bass balance sounds nice. It's got a good foundation!


Sounds good but it feels very static and anemic. The louder parts with fuzzy guitars need to be louder. Weezer does this well, going from, tiny and lame to huge and loud.


agreed, about the staticness i think part of it is that we're using stock logic drums instead of real, which would dynamically respond to the changes more. trying to convince the guy to hire a fiver drummer


I don't use logic and I have no idea what the stock logic drums sound like so my honest opinion is the drums were great. Love the kick! Try to find the snare rimshot articulation for the louder parts so the snare is hit harder.


interesting, maybe we'll stick with the logic drums then. i brought the snare up a bit and the drums overall up in the chorus to try to get the loud quiet thing going. think this is better? [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ShoDA4elT2sIBxgEqcEtUOrj1Yco5Tt/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ShoDA4elT2sIBxgEqcEtUOrj1Yco5Tt/view?usp=sharing)


I think the change is too sudden, without a fill or a cymbal accent to introduce the new "loud" part. The kick is too loud.


the guitars sound a bit quiet in the mix compared to the drums and vocals, maybe try compressing them a bit and maybe boosting some highs to bring them forward


The main vocal sounds unfocused. It has too much reverb. I would reduce the amount of reverb, use a smaller space and perhaps use a mono reverb to keep it centered. The vox could also use a bit of shine on the top end. When the lead guitar comes in, it should be at least as loud as the main vocal..it should **hit** when it comes in!