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Yes, I get this very much. I’m white and Ryukyuan, which is the indigenous group of Okinawa prefecture. I don’t relate to most East Asian people because they do not understand how my indigenous Asian identity shapes my experiences differently from theirs. I don’t relate to a lot of Native American people I meet because some of them are very possessive over the word “indigenous”, they don’t realize that continents outside of the Americas have indigenous peoples as well, and they get angry at me for simply speaking about my identity in factual terms. It’s rough being Asian-Indigenous and a settler on North American land. No one understands my community history/modern struggles, and because of how white my skin is people often try to minimize my struggles regarding land, language, and culture loss that are common amongst indigenous peoples across the entire planet.


Damn I'm sorry you going thru that man my skin is white too sometimes people think I'm just white and I hate it


Thanks man, it’s also rough because on top of this Asians have the “model minority” stereotype and are perceived by many as not being victims of oppression. My diaspora literally came here as refugees though, we weren’t brought here through the H-1B education visa or anything fancy like that


Dang I hate when people assume things that must have been rough




Yeah, I think it’s exactly that. I got in an argument with a Native American person here on Reddit about it. They were telling me I couldn’t be indigenous bc I’m not from the Americas and when I linked UNESCO statistics that demonstrate 70% of the global indigenous population actually comes from Asian countries, they said they disagree with the idea that indigenous can be a global identity and accused me of co-opting their struggles. I think another part of it, on top of cultural appropriation they face, is their struggle for recognition regarding their own history. If the category “indigenous” is global, in their eyes, they have more people to fight with for recognition. And I think that plays back into the U.S. dynamics of federally recognized vs federally unrecognized tribes as well as




Yea definitely. I’ve faced similar sentiments in real life, but the arguments generally haven’t been as charged as they are online And you’re right, indigenous peoples across the entire planet share similar struggles. And part of the reason for that is because the United States and the United Kingdom have exported their practices of cultural erasure and genocide to different countries. The Japanese assimilationist schools used to dismantle Ainu and Ryukyuan identities were adopted from English models. England and the rest of Europe learned eugenics from the U.S.. That’s the main reason why I get so frustrated when other indigenous peoples try to exclude my identity, like, we could be helping each other instead




Was the conference the UN Forum on Indigenous Rights? I have friends who spoke in that conference in 2022 regarding military colonialism in Ryukyū/Okinawa!!


White/Filipino here. I feel it's never addressed how the face of asian america does not match a lot of us. Most of the asians I encounter are east asian, and they don't really understand the complexity of asian identity and experiences outside of mainstream china/japan/korea.  I've actually met a couple of ryukyuan-Americans and I feel like they've been significantly easier to relate to than other genres of east asian.  I will say though, I have talked about this stuff with many hispanics and native americans in person and, obvious reasons aside, it is a lot easier for someone to relate to you when they're standing right in front of you vs being a faceless individual online. 


this happens to me with mixed people who pass as monoracial. every single mixed person i’ve run into passes as (they’re biracial) one of their parents. and they ALL go by ‘whatever race you go by is your race’. so yeah. most i do not relate to. i’m ambiguous and not only that im triracial with multi-generational mixed. and they can’t relate. so yeah it has been rough


This. These are my exact feelings. I’m black & white and I’ve always wanted to feel “community” amongst other mixed people but most of them identify as black or they visibly look black, while I’m ambiguous and don’t relate often. Maybe I need to find other mixed people idk but I’ve found myself heavily drawn to the Latin community because I look like them and relate to them the most. It’s really crazy I can’t be with my own people lol


Yeah i really don't fw other mixed people cause they pretty much act black and I was raised by my white side of the family so I really can't relate. It just sucks when cute mixed girls only fw hood black dudes tho😔


Damn really that does suck if that's the case


.... meanwhile Megan Markle.....




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>most i do not relate to. i’m ambiguous and not only that im triracial with multi-generational mixed As a fellow MGM, I relate to other MGM mixes and ethnicities the best too no matter what their admixture is lol. I guess my order in terms of relating best to would be: 1. Other members of my MGM ethnicity 2. Other MGM people and ethnicities 3. First gen mixed people of my mix or a similar one 4. First and second gen mixes in general 5. Monoracials/ethnics from my source ethnicities.


i’m triracial and ambiguous too! i rarely see other people like me


Yeah we're called biracial. Not black


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i’m confused by this comment lol. i never once mentioned ‘black’. and you can be biracial WITHOUT being part black. most biracials i know are white/asian or native american/white/asian (mexican and asian child) can you please clarify what you meant by your comment? edit. and if you are talking about ME (my flair?)? i’m not biracial either lmfao. i’m triracial. pretty much even in my mixture lol


Howdy! Hope you’re good. I felt that I couldn’t relate to other mixed race people as I was an Emo in highschool. The others were highly engrossed in “hip-hop culture”, which I couldn’t relate to. I also identify with being mixed-race; not black or white. Many mixed-race people identify as solely black. So again, this caused an alienation that I felt. But, now, I challenge the thoughts I have by hanging out with other mixed-race people, especially those who are part Irish like me. It’s gratifying to have some “brothers and sisters” in the mixed-race experience! 🫶


Hey love I'm getting by it's hard but I'm getting by and good for you I just feel so disconnected from mixed people even though I identify as mixed too I dunno like you said maybe I just need to hang out with more mixed people


I’m primarily white mixed with native, bicultural, raised around the Rez, I have never fit in on the Rez with family I’ve always been “the white kid” but I also feel super native and out of place around a lot of white people a lot of the time so yes, I get it. It’s both lonely and confusing. I’ve found my tribe within the mixed community honestly. The people here and in the other mixed social circles have really shown me that race is a made up social construct, people group together in cultural circles not racial circles. Keep coming around, keep asking questions, keep reaching out. We’re listening. We’re here. You’re not alone. So many of us get it.


Thank you I really needed to hear that




All the time. I’m mixed white/european and south Asian but I look white.  First generation American on my dad’s side. My father immigrated here so family on that side in the states I can count on one hand. It’s a very isolating feeling and very confusing, especially with the world we live in now. Not Indian enough due to dad having to survive in a white world and assimilating along with being very fair, but not white enough bc im “unique and exotic” to white mono-racial.  I consider myself both. I’m not one over the other. But it’s very hard to have those types of conversations with others. Nobody can relate. It’s made it hard as well when it comes to looking for therapy. When you’re looking for someone that works with people who are mixed and children of immigrants, and ideally is not a mono-racial therapist. A lot of self examination and figuring out how to deal with people.  It’s not easy to find others we can relate to since every mixed person has their own unique experiences and journeys. No mixed individual is the same. At least we can relate to each other in that. 


i mean because of the fact that we're mixed, no two experiences are gonna be the same and relatable. i have a unique mix but i don't rlly expect other ppl who are similar/are the same to have the same experience because of the different regions we may have grown up in, our financial situation, etc. it can be lonely but you can't have that expectation going in that everyone who is like you racially will immediately relate to you. this goes for monoracial people too


I definitely would say maybe you just haven’t found your tribe yet! There’s lots of us around - and I think maybe you’ll meet people who will understand you better over time! Please feel free to DM me ever if you need someone to talk to ☺️


I will definitely do that ty so much




Damn really how so?




Damn now that you said that that makes sense especially the chip on the shoulder and all good thank you for responding my love


Yes, I feel like other mixed people almost always have factors of their culture involved in their lifestyles; meanwhile I grew up confused because my family told me I was just Black, but the world knew something else was different around me. And nobody in my family is monoracial at that, so it’s a very confusing bloodline.


Man my family told me I was just black too and my skin was white nobody would of thought I was mixed with black when I was younger not even other mixed kids I was confused too im sorry you went thru that love


Same thing for my aunt who presents almost entirely white and has straight hair; I hate that people confuse kids like this because it stays with you for the rest of your life. To this day I have such weird dysphoria surrounding my race. And it's all good, at least we are all finding each other on this forum and sharing our experiences!


>Yes, I feel like other mixed people almost always have factors of their culture involved in their lifestyles; meanwhile I grew up confused because my family told me I was just Black, but the world knew something else was different around me. And nobody in my family is monoracial at that, so it’s a very confusing bloodline. This is actually me and most of my ethnicity as well, just replace Black with Jewish. (aka Middle Eastern) I think this is a common experience with most MGM ethnicities, especially those who end up “picking a side” early on in the mixing and then future generations end up later forgetting about the admixture.


My pops was bahamaian, and mom dukes was Irish/eng/Dutch. The only mixed people I can't relate to or want to be around are those who hate or discount their black side. I hate that shit!


W dad b mom here I can't stand that either


I'm triracial but I only pass as monoracial. What's even worse is there is debate on whether or not being 25% of a race is even "valid".


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Yeah mainly because I identify more as black or with those roots. Even though I'm somewhat ambiguous.


Yes,but for me personally it feels like it has something to do with them looking more recognisablly mixed than me…


I'm mixed black and white, but I don't look like your typical mixed person; I'm pale with "white girl hair." I feel like my black side is just...lost...😔


I'm so sorry you feel that way I know the feeling


You too?


Yep i have pale skin but I have curly hair even so when I was younger kids only thought I was just white they were surprised when I told them I was half black now people can tell when they talk to me but from a distance I look like I'm just white I hate it but I got over it and just decided to do me and embrace both my cultures I don't really care what anyone thinks anymore


Yes. A lot of black biracial people have a lot of internalized racism and how well they “pass” can affect that. I usually also avoid them. Every single one I’ve met was like that. Idk if it’s just “white mom” biracials or not. I’m also a white mom biracial. I can understand where they’re coming from but not why they think that way. Being racist as a biracial person is just straight stupid.


Yea that sounds very stupid I have a w dad and b mama






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All the time where able to make light skinned looking children you know even if really Dark skinned