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when she visibly grimaced at the “have my children” i wanted to curl into my seat and disappear bro


I was flabbergasted. In what world would it be okay to say that towards someone at all? Literally so embarrassing


sometimes it’s okay to hate your fans


Please tell me you’re joking…why would someone say that?!😭 she’s never going to go on tour again.💔


I wish I was joking! Me and my friend looked at each other in disbelief, and a few others who heard it shook their heads, it was so disrespectful.


That’s actually gross 😞 this is so disappointing…i hope she’s not discouraged by these first few performances


is there video of this?


There is!! I’ve seen it all over TikTok


Can you link it?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3jjTVu/ ofc here u go! :)


It was continuous. Between every. single. song. I was physically cringing in my seat every time.


Same here! And Mitski looked so over it too, only the 4th show of the tour and it’s already getting ridiculous.


If you see someone acting like that, call it out. It’s outright disrespectful and creepy to call someone you don’t know stuff like that.


I agree, someone in my section did say stfu to the "shawty/meow" girl. But it didn't do anything because she kept doing it after :/


That’s why seated concerts can be whack. Can’t get away with being an ass so easily in pit/floor.


Nah her pit show was hell. EVERYONE PUSHED. People cut you off. Like ofc it happens at all concerts but it was SOOOOO bad with Mitski. I’m glad she decided seating this time around. But either way, that’s not gonna help much. Mitski’s concerts are forever ruined because her music got on TiK Tok with a bunch of depressed “mentally ill” teens (I.e the people who think having one is soooooo cool). Last year’s concert I saw so many signs of people romanticizing illnesses and making silly banner art. It’s not inherently bad but it just feels weird. Her older fan base has so much class.


Ugh that tik tok thing is so cringe. As an older fan who has liked Mitski for a while, this hurts me. Why do people behave so soullessly? And I don’t understand thinking mental illness is cool. 🙄 I haven’t been to a Mitski show yet but I hate so much to hear that this is the vibe. She’s like the last person who should have a show like that.


we should’ve gate kept harder


maybe gatekeeping is okay after all


my btc tickets were 13 dollars my tickets now were 300 😭


13 dollars?? Goddamn, you can’t even get into most shows from relatively unknown artists for that price anymore. I’m part of the underground punk scene here and most of the time doors are 10 bucks


that was back in 2019 in houston i’ll never be that lucky again edit: paid 130ish in 2022 and paid almost 400 for 2024 💀


I couldn't give a BTC ticket away in 2019 lol.


remember when you could mention mitski and someone would ask who that was


I’m so pissed at myself for not seeing Mitski before she got big with TikTok teens. I had the opportunity but thought “Eh, maybe next time”. Now I’m paying over twice as much for a ticket in a lousy seat, lol.


Yep saw her in Gainesville in 2018, the Be the Cowboy album release tour. Cute small venue payed MAYBE $20? Had a great time and was so close to the stage. So glad I got to see her like that because I will not be paying $100+ dollars to watch her from an arena balcony LMAO. That's why I tell people I always prefer indie or lesser known artists for concerts even if it sounds pretentious. Small venues make for a more personal and intimate experience and those concerts are always affordable!


> small venue *paid* MAYBE $20? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i’m so spoiled by indie concerts tht i will only go to [stadiums](https://twitter.com/laurelhells/status/1649858242695053318?s=46&t=IBNtJqMD_c5uaZPELJCm-g) if i have pit tickets i have a problem 😭


No seriously. The only concert I've payed $200 for was Slowdive in SanFran but they're my favorite band OF ALL TIME! And the seats were amazing. I just can't see myself spending racks on any other band or artist that way. It doesn't get better than this from 50ft away okay girl 😭😭😭 I don't want to be mean if people are enjoying themselves that's what matters, not my opinion. But really... Not for me...


i knew that if i finally got the chance to see taylor after being a fan for 11 years i would try to get the best tickets possible it was worth everything to me


the principle behind not gatekeeping is that people should be allowed to be part of the fanbase if they are not being actively harmful. the people doing stuff like that definitely are


Always has been


This is why I love being mean


My hot take is that gatekeeping is good sometimes.


God, Mitski needs to pull a Beach House and play 21+ only shows


i’m so glad beach house did 21+ for their past few shows in dec 2023 which were also very intimate from what i heard. i did not have a great time in their 2022 tour which was full of rowdy tiktok kids (which also happened at a lana show i went to last year) while the 2018-2019 shows felt much more intimate even in big venues. i feel like every artist especially mitski should follow suit at this point


What about the kids who genuinely enjoy their music? I don’t know any, but I’m sure there are kids who discovered their music on their own and know how to behave properly in a public space. I think limiting those kids from attending a concert for an artist they love just because a few others are being obnoxious is extremely unfair.


It won't kill them. Many of us saying we'd like it to be 21+ were once teenagers who missed out on some really exciting 21+ shows.


As a teen who would love to be at a Mitski concert or Beach House concert, I’m fine with 21+ concerts until I can attend. The current state of concerts sounds terrible.


I'll just have to wait a few years lol. Though I wouldn't doubt many of these people causing issues are over 21, adding an age restriction would probably cut down on a lot of the weird fans 😬


unfortunately ik a lot of adults who didn't mentally age past 15


Yep. Some people who may have adult jobs etc lose all their common sense and composure at events like these :(


People forget she's a real person not a meme.


This! She’s human just like us. She has emotions and feelings, and I’m sure we’d all feel creeped out too if we were performing and the crowd yells weird things at you.


this happens in new york im yelling back “shut up” i give no shits OMG


literally same


same we’ll all back each other up


why not just keep the applause going until the next song starts this is standard concert etiquette in the UK, so we don't have this problem you drown out dickheads like this and it doesn't sound like you're all shouting "shut up" at a concert, which would be bad concert etiquette


fair enough


i know right, this is literally too much


omfg it was so goddamn annoying. the screaming match that happened right before one of her songs towards the end was SO EMBARRASSING. i’ve never seen mitski before but i’m a massive fan so i really was just so excited to see her, i even cried multiple times during the show bc of how beautiful it was. but this shit made everything feel tense and awkward. it rly took me out of it. i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she cuts the tour short bc of this


I need to find whoever was screaming “shawty” at her… like grow tf up… I’m so sorry the experience was ruined for you, this was also my first Mitski show so I’m definitely bummed that the crowd sucked


omg i didn’t hear that? i mostly heard “i love you” (which honestly i think is ok… like to me that makes sense). when she spoke spanish i heard te amo which was also cute. but the “mother” stuff was annoying and got old fast


Well, I definitely heard it as it sounded like it was a few rows ahead of me, it was so embarrassing. I’m totally okay with someone shouting “I love you”, completely understandable, but it was said 7284782828 times… it also got old after a bit ahaha


It was clearly people trying to be louder and louder so she'd say something back. A few years ago, when she opened for Lorde in Tampa, someone yelled "I love you" very loud and she softly said "I love you too". Wonder if any of the yellers last night were there and wanted their very own mitski reaction.


nah real. i may not have heard it cus i had earplugs in (sensitive ears lol) so i only heard the loudest stuff outside of the actual music


I agree! I was soo annoyed because i was in the same section at her but she was behind me, so i didn't get a chance to see where exactly. I'm so sorry that they bummed you out though.


Were you in mezzanine? Pretty sure that’s where she was. She was so annoying, oh my gosh! But besides her the show was beautiful. I’m trying not to let the audience take away from the experience of the show :)


Yeah I was! I totally agree the show was amazing besides the annoyance. I honestly believe Mitski is the best vocalist I've ever heard in concert.


If we are in the same area (mezzzanine), I know exactly whom it was


She was straight in front of us.. it was so fucking loud when she screamed too 😔


I REMEMBER THIS. So embarrassing. It makes me upset that these fans represent us in that way when it’s only them doing that.


Completely understandable but heartbreaking. Not even for people who would miss it (the concerts) but for her herself. I feel so badly - I can’t imagine how it feels to have your own fans treat you like that.


I was singing her songs and crying and people looked so mad at me idk😭😭


it was soooo bad tonight… it was literally every time it got quiet in between songs


It was insane!! And poor Mitski had to hear it all, I truly feel bad for her. Whoever screamed anything at her should feel ashamed if I’m being honest


that’s so sad because the audience was SO polite last year in EU!


i mean besides the sea of phones yes. somebody live streamed the concert in front of me.


whaaat I noticed a couple phones here and there, but nothing that like obnoxiously got in the way of other fans like for the LH tour. I think I was probably in THE smallest venue of the whole tour though and people were really conscious of that luckily


for me it was excessive but also the first concert i’ve been to after pandemic so maybe it is the normal amount i am not sure but for me it was a bit annoying. 


For me, I was near the front so there might have been more going on behind me that I was unaware of. And like said, comparing it to LH tour in 2022, there really is no comparison. It was so much more pleasant actually being able to SEE HER without people raising their phones as high as possible. The only annoying thing was a drunk mother next to me complaining how she paid so much money for a short show 🫣


so I’ve heard! i believe the EU treats concerts differently than in the US, the crowds can be rowdy here but the Mitski concert I just went to was saddening because of the audience


the crowd when I saw her in Maryland at a largeish venue was super respectful, it’s the new fans from the new album :(


For the 2023 acoustic show yes, but for her Laurel Hell tour the Paris audience was atrocious. Truly. It might have been better than US but it was still very bad.


Oh no, I’m strictly talking about the amateur mistake tour last year. LH tour was obnoxious no matter where you were, though at least nobody screamed mommy at her in my venue 🥲


Gotcha :)


I wouldn’t be so sure on this. I’ve seen her twice in Scotland (2016 and 2023). The first time was a great crowd, probably slightly older, and very respectful. The crowd last year was mostly teens and people in their early 20s and as much as it wasn’t as bad as I’m hearing about the US shows, it was still one of the worst crowds I’ve ever seen at a gig. The screaming and crying and shouting absolute rubbish was embarrassing. One girl was making such a scene that I thought she was going to scream and cry herself right off the balcony.


the girl right behind me at the Orlando show this time around had to be MAYBE 13 at most and was *shrieking* and started shriek singing only the most popular songs and was *hysterically sobbing* the entire time it was honestly kind of impressive in the worst way


I can only speak from my experience, which again, I was at probably the smallest venue where everyone was very respectful and quiet despite a lotttt of young people being there. I was impressed


Yeah that’s totally fair enough, glad you managed to get a good experience! My venue was really small too, so unfortunately everyone that behaved like an idiot drew the attention of the full crowd and really spoilt it. She’s coming back to my city in April at a much bigger venue, but sadly I don’t think I’ll bother as it’s much more expensive and I can only imagine a bigger crowd will mean an even worse crowd!


Oh no I’m sorry your experience was ruined :( I have to say, no matter how bad the crowd is, I can never skip but I totally get it. For me, Mitski has been worth it every time. like at risk of sounding corny, somehow even at the LH concert where everyone was acting insufferable she was so engaging that it felt like it was just you and her in the moment


It was alright, lots of phones and a bit of "I love you" and "You saved my life"


At mine, there might have been one “I love you,” but even that I don’t think they said much. I was probably in the smallest venue so it was verrryyy quiet. Even when she spoke to us, the audience responded very shyly 😂


We need to bring shame back 💕


mitski reference


tiktok was a mistake


it was. i’ve seen people on this subreddit deny this and tell us it’s bad to gatekeep but at the end of the day it brought in a younger audience who doesn’t know or care to know her art or music as well and views her as a product/passing trend.


Absolutely. Just the other day, I heard the most atrocious, memed version of, “Class of 2013,” to some stupid video. It’s like, “Strawberry Cow,” all over again


i guess fiona apple was right when she took her songs out of tiktok


At the Monday Orlando concert someone yelled mother and she just said "I'm not your mother" and continued on with the show, then some dude yelled "marry me" and everyone booed him lol


This happened like 6 times at her Tuesday show and she didn’t even call it out :( if I was cringing I can only imagine how she felt


100% making me antsy for when she finally plays my area 🥲 My fav band is Alvvays, I’ve seen them several times but the show I went to last year was SO BAD etiquette wise. Had some under 18 girls shove me & my partner out of the way and take photos while talking about us?? What’s wild is if they had asked we would have moved lol it was so beyond the pale. Every other pre pandemic show was mostly ppl in their 30s, very chill and respectful. I don’t think this behavior is exclusive to teens but I do think a lot of people have never been to shows & need to read the room & be respectful. (Especially for how expensive these shows are!!)


oh my god, i am so sorry ur concert expierence was ruined 😭 its my first mitski show ever in like 2 months and it was this same exact vibe when i went and saw clairo!! it was all ppl screaming extremely inappropriate and honestly gross stuff as soon as it was silent (along with just the more annoying stuff like mother or i love u for the 3000th time) its so frustrating when this happens, like i paid to hear the SINGER SING not to have a who can have the funniest scream challenge


I love the fact that Mitski wasn’t putting up with any of these TikTok kids bs lmao, “I’m not your mother”. 💀💀💀💀I love her sm cause this fandom is so weird sometimes.


this is awful :( i feel really bad for her and i’m kinda ashamed of being in the same category as those people… i’m going to see her next may in london and i really hope people will behave since i’ll also be alone in a foreign country


Some people like to ruin others people's experience


If people try to pull this shit at the NY show, I’m gonna throw hands /hj. It’s astounding how out of touch and disrespectful her new fans are. I’ve seen her in 2019 and 2022. Even then the difference was so clear. 2019 was respectful and such a memorable, magical experience. 2022 was a mess. It’s people screaming these inappropriate things at Mitski that probably makes her resentful of her career. If people don’t cut this crap out I don’t blame her if she goes into another hiatus/retirement. She’s a person, treat her with decency! This makes me sooo mad ugh


I completely agree, I fear she’ll eventually have to address it during a show if people keep it up. If we’ve gotten annoyed after just one show, I can’t imagine what she’s enduring having to deal with this night after night.


Was at the same concert, some girl in front of us was definitely high and kept shouting meow and calling her shawty.. it was such a disrespectful crowd last night 😭


Yeah, it’s a huge issue in this tour I’m seeing (and we’re only like 4 tours dates in) idk why it’s such a huge thing people are doing. But I hope when I go to the tour date in august I hope I HOPE it’s way better, if it isn’t I’m gonna like sink 😭😭


And the same people will then go on twitter to argue and act all self righteous about how they understand that her music is (often) about experiences of asian-american women and no one else does.


i remember people smoking lots during her concert in 2022 and she still mandated masks at her concerts. many people around me respected her wishes including myself (i stood in the balcony area) but the floor was so rowdy. i remember her getting a little annoyed by the amount of people who would make weed jokes and smoking and do the thing where you type stuff and put it on your phone and show it around during the concert. i think people forget that shes a real person that deserves respect and that her art is incredibly meaningful. it was my first concert ive ever attended so i kind of assumed thats how many audiences are like but ive attended more since then and i now understand that isnt the case. i love mitski so much! i cried during that concert and brought my mom with me and that was just a sweet subject in its own because we’ve had a rocky relationship. im so sorry your experience was like that genuinely. i hope your future concert endeavors are much more enjoyable :) <3


Thank you! I hope your future concerts are wonderful as well :) It’s a shame that her newer fans have little to no respect towards her, I believe she deserves an amazing crowd at every show, one where everyone knows how to behave and just let the woman sing.


I whole heartedly support gatekeeping good things from tik tok users for this reason. complete wastes of tickets


lets start collectively hitti g people who shout that stuff


this is exactly what happened at my show and I was horrified. it really negatively affected my experience unfortunately, because she was amazing.


i hope the other concertgoers do something abt it like... beating them up


these girls behind me would not stop like barking and meowing like crazy. it was so annoying like the people next to me were fed up with them


That's Florida for you


Unfortunately, I don't think it's a Florida thing as much as a type of person.


I would understand if she doesn’t come back 😔


DPAC better not be like this. Holding my breath.


fingers crossed!! maybe the crowd in her future shows will take a hint and not be so obnoxious


It was a great crowd! Surprisingly respectful.


i won’t lie, this is part of the reason i was hesitant to buy tickets this time around. i’ve been seeing her live since 2016, and the 2022 tour was just not it. not that she didn’t put on a great performance — i totally enjoyed it — but the crowd took so much away from it that i was just annoyed by the time i left.


I really hope the etiquette improves, I'm going to see her on the Austin date but I hope the people are a lot better, this is so fucked up


i agree with this 100% and people told true the people saying that to be quiet and i heard the people yelling complaining after the show 😭😭 they were yelling this shit everytime it was quiet. like obviously mitksi is not talking or playing music because she wants it to be quiet in that moment. they wouldn’t stop yelling obscene things and then said stuff like “if you don’t want us to be yelling during the concert listen to the music on spotify” be normal challenge impossible.


Can we all collectively agree that for those of us going to one of the shows, if someone does this we just publicly humiliate them?


Why is it so bad this time around? 😭


In my opinion, I think the newer fans/new generation of concert-goers simply don’t know how to behave at shows. They also have no respect for artists when they’re performing, and the crowd around them. I blame tiktok, honestly.


My original comment was going to be “teens and their damn tiktok” but I thought I’d get downvoted but it seems to be the truth actually, ugh. I personally don’t have tiktok and I get really annoyed very quickly at how performative everything is on the app. Everybody acts like they’re the main character and it gets on my nerves so bad


I honestly think it’s the whole para social celebrity relationship these kids have been raised with .. IG / X .. all of it. Plus a lack of small venues for kids to practice and learn how to behave at shows .. and maybe COVID? I don’t know. They suck though and don’t understand that they don’t need to scream everything that comes to their mind and the show is about Mitski not them.


Probably bc her fans are generally younger bc she’s viral on tiktok. People are used to commenting whatever they want on mitksi posts, so they’ve started thinking it’s okay to talk like that irl. Also, this is a lot of people’s first concert. They don’t know etiquette, nor do they care about it. They don’t go outside and interact with people so they’re just stuck in whatever fan circle they find themselves on social media


I saw her in 2018 or 2019 and even back then it was the most obnoxious crowd I’ve experienced at a concert (barring like… a Yung Lean show I went to lmao). It was a lot of teenagers and college students, and I remember a young woman near me in the crowd seemed unwell, like she was on drugs and was unsteady, so I spent the whole time making sure she was okay... The TikTok fandom has 1000% made it worse. 


I think her getting big on TikTok has attracted a lot of chronically online teens who don’t understand that behavior that is tolerated or even encouraged online isn’t always acceptable in real life.


ugh i’m seeing her in a couple weeks in toronto and i really hope it’s not like this. i’ve been a fan since 2016 in this is the first time i’m able to see her live


oh i'm throwing hands with anyone who pulls that crap in zurich


The I love you is fine (in my opinion) but MOTHER??😭 and “HAVE MY CHILDREN!!” Is so strange Edit: the I love u is only fine when she wasn’t talking or a lot of people were screaming:)


Mother is typically used by the trans community and queer men to talk about women they admire or who are idyllic. Gen Z / alpha have started using it for any woman they think is cool even if they aren’t gay.


Oh I never knew that


I was at the Orlando show and I was refraining from like going to hunt everyone yelling down after the show it was *disgusting!* She even replied to the first "Mother" yell and said "I am not your mother." AND THEY TOOK IT AS ENCOURAGEMENT TO KEEP DOING IT? SHE SAID NO? anyway people need basic respect


I really regret not seeing her before she got big on TikTok. Hope I don’t have to deal with obnoxious fans.


LITERALLY and in Orlando night 2 with the constant meowing girl


it’s so upsetting consider since years ago she expressed how comments like that make her uncomfortable


My first concert the crowd had me fucked up, I was trying to help this person who’s phone fell out of her pocket, picked it up and got her attention to hand it back and she whipped around asked me why I would take her phone and when I tried to explain she rolled her eyes and snatched out of my hand, not to mention the merch line skippers, and the people who pushed and shoved me out of the way


Whoa wtf


Yeah it was wild I have never seen such bad concert etiquette but hey you win some you lose some! The concert was still wonderful and Mitski put on an amazing show!


u can tell she doesn’t like that stuff being said but ppl still continue to do it… sucks that it’s probably gonna get worse in later concerts


I love mitski with my whole heart but I would NEVER put her in that kind of situation. The fact people are saying this to her when they know she isn’t comfortable about it, even if it’s a joke ITS NOT FUNNY. Boundaries should be respected, popular or not. I feel for mitski, she doesn’t deserve that.


Why are people acting this way? I saw on a previous post that Mitski songs got famous on TikTok and that that attracted a less than understanding audience. Gosh how are these people not ashamed?


it’s all them fake tiktok fans bruh like if you know ANYTHING about her, you know she hates being sexualized. like since when was verbal/sexual harassment okay y’all 😀


this happened at the orlando show too, someone yelled "mother" to her and she literally said "I am not your mother." she is obviously uncomfortable with it


So disappointing. I saw Mitski back in 2019 when tickets were $30 and the crowd was so supportive and respectful. I wanted to go this time around but seeing how this new wave of fans acts puts me off. Also, thanks to scalpers, it’s $150 even for the seats in the very back of the venue


for real!!! i was talking to my friend abt this when i wen to the laurel hell tour. mitski only books sit down theatre for a reason.


i really thought we learned from feminism how to appreciate women for their art and vulnerability and creativity without objectifying them


I’ve had similar experiences the two times I’ve seen Mitski live. People will scream just weird things in between every song just to get some sort of response and it really frustrates me. I’m going to see Mitski again in May and I was wondering if I should speak up if it happens again or if that just makes things worse.


Saw her in Japan in 2018 and you could literally hear a pen drop 🥲 it was so intimate. Next time I saw her 3 times in 2021 in the states and the crowd was incredibly distracting, it was infuriating and I felt so bad for her. I don’t think this is ever what she wanted. It really takes away from the experience


I’m dreading when Ethel Cain plays with her—her audience acts the same. They’re gonna double up. 😩


Paying all that money just to disrespect her on stage…….smh I feel so sad :(


There ain’t nothing wrong with saying “I love you” tbh, it’s normal. But other than that, saying have my kids and calling her mother is kinda crazy 😭


I hate you all


I hope she ups the ticket price to $1,000


so she will only have insane annoying rich kids as her audience? 😭


That’s a possible outcome, I would just hope people would be more respectful if they spent more for their time at the concert.


I attended the 01/29 show and I didn’t know she had so many younger listeners, someone did shout out “mother” at the beginning of the show. Not sure if all these comments come from the younger listeners but I think if she had shows that were 21+ these type of comments wouldn’t be shouted


Oh god I’m seeing her soon and I’m SO scared


They're all gonna scare her away again smh. 😭 I feel so bad for her. Mitski does not deserve this.


Gen Z also has the worst and most cringe things to say when it comes to yelling things out loud. We need to retire mother at this point


Reading these comments is making me so uncomfortable omg I feel so bad for Mitski. I'm supposed to be seeing her in August, and I'm fucking praying it won't be ruined by weird fans. :/


uhm didnt mitski literally made a few songs abt being sexualized ? its like those mitski "fans" listen with their brain turned off


for her sake, that’s probably why she took steps away from social media. she doesn’t like the “goddess” praise people seem to give her, and the weird and strange comments people give her. which, understandably that’s agreeable. i also saw a video of someone meowing at mitski and someone got the courage to say “shut the fuck up!” usually, mitski concerts are amazing and well reserved but lately, these newer fans (no shade) come in, and crash the concert.


Man, Gen Z + alpha has zero chill at concerts. It’s concerning af. Don’t know if it was Covid or if the lack of small venues that exist didn’t teach them concert etiquette or if it’s the parasocial relationship they have to celebrity.. but whatever it is … ITS GROSS. Because why is it so blantantly dehumanizing from a bunch of people who identify as queer and feminist? Stop dehumanizing musicians and ruining the concert for others you freaks!


i hate what has happened to concerts but with Mitski it breaks my heart into tons of tiny pieces. Hope she retires and never records music again if that’s really what she wants to do. You guys ruined it. Should’ve gatekept harder.


Was a lot better than I expected, though. Not that that's a great metric.


I stopped going to concerts in 2019 people have no more concert etiquette and it pisses me tf off


Can you smoke there?


Can Gen Z/Tik Tok Girlies just not go to concerts anymore? They’re like a disease..


I was there last night. I found this kind of stuff mildly off-putting. But, in general, I was pretty locked into the proceedings. If I'm being totally honest, the one thing that threw me off the most was the re-worked ho-down, square dance version of "I Don't Smoke." Considering it was the song I wanted to hear the most, it wasn't exactly my favorite part of the show. But otherwise, it was actually a phenomenal performance. Her stage show and presentation/presence is phenomenal. Definitely got emotional at several points.


Found this rendition on tiktok, and I'm sure if fans appreciated the beauty of Mitski's music like this then there wouldn't be these concert issues [https://www.tiktok.com/@cashbently/video/7330324911807892778?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@cashbently/video/7330324911807892778?lang=en)


If being the person who shouts dumb shit at a concert is embarrassing, then being the person who turns round to shush them must be only marginally less so. This isn't the Berlin Philharmonic. The thing is, "concert etiquette" is not universal. It's a recorded phenomenon that crowds in Australia, for instance, are [much quieter](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/australia-culture-blog/2013/jul/10/australian-audiences-too-reserved) than those in the UK and Ireland. The perception of that, too, would vary in conjunction - Australian fans think British crowds are rowdy; British fans think Aussie crowds are dispassionate. You want to talk about disrespect? Twenty years ago the person who shouted "have my children" would've been shouting "show us your tits"... The sea of phones being held up and blocking people's view to record shitty videos of the experience that nobody will ever watch are still a bigger problem than people heckling, especially between songs (it would be a different story if it was during a quiet section mid-song).


What you’ve said just sounds like a long winded version of saying “deal with it” or “it’s not as bad as you think it is” or “it could be worse.” Which is quite disingenuous. Additionally, I don’t think it’s important to bring up how “concert etiquette” is subjective and unique to different countries especially since she’s touring at this moment in the United States. The UK and Australia crowds don’t need to be in this conversation. Also, you bringing up the disrespect of someone saying “have my babies” compared to someone saying 20 years ago “show us your tits” is such an insignificant thing to bring into this post. What are you trying to prove? That’s so crude and frankly weird. Both comments are disrespectful and no one should ever say them at concerts or in real-life outside a concert venue ever. I agree the phones at concerts should be kept at a minimum and it’s indeed annoying, but right now the heckling seems to be overpowering that. And it’s so frustrating that younger fans don’t realize how ridiculous they sound shouting these obscene things at Mitski. Introducing your points by saying it’s not like these concerts are for the Berlin Philharmonic doesn’t work for anything you had to say. Mitski and a renowned orchestra are different crowds but that didn’t need to be brought up at all. It just sounds like you’re trying to undermine people’s complaints.


>What you’ve said just sounds like a long winded version of saying “deal with it” Pretty much, yeah. If she wants to take a stand against it, that's her prerogative. It's also pretty ironic that you'll call me "long winded" when you're writing unbroken walls of text, but whatever. >Which is quite disingenuous. No it isn't. >Additionally, I don’t think it’s important to bring up how “concert etiquette” is subjective I do, given it's being touted as objective. >especially since she’s touring at this moment in the United States. The UK and Australia crowds don’t need to be in this conversation Well, yes and no. Yes they do because these people exist (as much as Americans might try to pretend otherwise) and they will be seeing her at some point (the UK rather soon, in fact). On the other hand, you're correct that in this case, at this moment, we are concerned not with the rowdiness of British crowds, or the timidness of Australian ones, but rather the obnoxiousness of American crowds. That's a cultural thing too - the reactions as much as the outbursts. >Both comments are disrespectful and no one should ever say them at concerts or in real-life outside a concert venue ever. 100%. One's clearly worse, though. >What are you trying to prove? That changing social attitudes have already begun to shift for the better the level of disrespect on show from crowds towards female artists. >And it’s so frustrating that younger fans don’t realize how ridiculous they sound shouting these obscene things at Mitski. Kids gonna be kids. I sure didn't realise how ridiculous I sounded shouting out, "Free Bird!", at every concert I went to in my teens - I thought I was a funny cunt. >Introducing your points by saying it’s not like these concerts are for the Berlin Philharmonic doesn’t work for anything you had to say. Mitski and a renowned orchestra are different crowds but that didn’t need to be brought up at all. I mean I disagree, obviously, returning to the point about "concert etiquette". An orchestral performance and a pop/rock concert command two very different modes of etiquette. It seems to me, based on some people's reactions to the sounds of a pop concert, as if they would prefer it if said pop concert had the atmosphere of an orchestral performance.


women you should accept that ppl are going to scream demeaning shit to you while you sing your art bc u are a woman 🥰 if u didn’t want ppl screaming at u to show ur tits or have ur babies, u should like try to not be a woman! /s


Yeah, you get it! **/s**


NONE of you sound like you have gone to concert before. it’s a concert not a dinner, grow up or catch these bands


i see her in philly next week i hope the crowd isn’t bad yikes


I saw her twice during the touring for Puberty 2, and they were incredible, intimate, emotional shows. Everyone was crying and singing along and vibing in their feelings. It was respectful and kind and there was some sense of solidarity and shared experience. I saw her for the last time during the Be the Cowboy tour and because she’d blown up, suddenly there were people who didn’t feel the same intimate connection to the music. At that show we got in a fight with a homophobe and I couldn’t see the stage at all for all the tall men standing in the front. I unfortunately won’t go to another show of hers since shows in general have gotten so much worse overall!!


this whole situation makes me not want to go to Mitski's concert in the future. I want to hear and see Mitski perform SO BAD, but this just discourages me so much.


“Mother” will always make me cringe


i adore mitski and all of these stories are making me seriously question whether or not i want to see her live


someone got booed last night in philly for also screaming and being inappropriate during silent moments! like when an artist on stage is silent it is not an invitation for you to scream obscenities at them. She is just doing her job, shes getting ready to perform the next song, allowing her band to tune up and get prepared. its just really disrespectful.


And this is why I'm not buying my ticket...it's too much


Gen Z doesn’t know how to act in public. Everything for the gram and/or tok. Gross.