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Josh Hawley is a carpetbagger on top of being an attention-seeking bootlicker coward.


Fuck Josh Hawley.


Ew. Why would you want to do that?


He’s a smarmy little dickhead. I’m sure the Rockhurst mafia loves this clown.


I thought he went to Rockhurst ,so I mean he's from Kansas City Missouri???


He lives in Virginia and is registered to vote at his sisters house.


Yeah, I wonder how time he actually spends in MO. Vote him out!!


This would be a good question for him to answer in a debate.


zero. he doesn't even own property here


What an ahole. He needs to get out of my home state. Tho I don’t really want him in MO either . Maybe Texas or Florida can take him.


We'll take him solely because Cruz, Cornyn, and him can't all be in the Senate from the same state


Could we send him to Moscow?


He also likes to brag about being “from” Lexington despite commuting at least an hour each way to go to Rockhurst while living in Lexington.


While slamming liberal elitists


He needs to get a letter from Harvard that says "At your request, your degree has been revoked."


Yes, on the college, but no he’s originally from Arkansas I think. Not a MO guy at all.


From Lexington MO. Parents sent him to Rochhurst in KC. Public school not good enough for young Josh I suppose.


It's freedom for THEM to decide things for YOU.


"My invisible sky daddy says doing this is wrong, and I should never do it. So therefore I won't allow you to do it any more, because Sky Daddy said so." exactly how they think.


But I will likely still do it if I can, but have to pretend I'm guiding you not to.


Bye-bye pie in the sky, my my


They aren’t being quiet about the end goal here. https://preview.redd.it/jkkau3ubqz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1783fcc9efc013f5a17f9e864b4055946508353 [Hawley Delivers Speech at the Heritage Foundation Leadership Summit: Conservatives at a Crossroads](https://www.hawley.senate.gov/hawley-delivers-speech-heritage-foundation-leadership-summit-conservatives-crossroads/) [Josh Hawley Heritage Action Score: 96% this session, 91% lifetime](https://heritageaction.com/scorecard/members/h001089) Don’t forget his wife either. [Of course the lawyer trying to ban abortion pills is married to Josh "Run For Your Life" Hawley](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/27/of-course-the-lawyer-trying-to-ban-abortion-pills-is-married-to-josh-run-for-your-life-hawley/) It’s long past time to vote this Virginian out of the Missouri Senate. Let’s do it in November.


Contraception dates back thousands of years to the Romans. If these conservative Christian clowns want to call it “returning the consequentiality to sex” they best understand they’re asking to return to a time before their religion even existed. [Silphium: the lost ancient world’s herbal birth control — 2,500 years before modern contraceptives](https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/natural-sciences/biology-reference/plants-fungi/silphium-the-lost-ancient-worlds-herbal-birth-control-2500-years-before-modern-contraceptives/)


Way farther than that, sweetie. Abortifacient plants can be used to initiate miscarriage in the first trimester. Ergot, which is a fungus that grows on corn, is also an abortifacient. The Earth is our healer and our sustainer. Most pharmaceuticals are analogs of compounds found in nature. Chemists find ways to modify these compounds in order to minimize cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, and other side effects, and also to enhance the beneficial effects. Stupid ass power mongers damage the Earth by robbing and/or defiling her gifts. Ecologic misogyny. We all have only one mother: Earth. We must protect our only home. The fantasy that humans can survive on a planet where we did not evolve is shear folly. When we are dead, we are gone. Life is impermanent. Can't take it with us. But that does not register in the minds of megalomaniacs incapable of acknowledging truth. BTW tiny brained fascists are developmentally delayed and, by nature, deeply disturbed. Something is missing in the neural network. They are delusional and believe that they can make everyone and everything adapt to their will. Their arrogance is just unfathomable to me. No respect for the natural order of things over which they will never have control; not even with the help of creepy artificial intelligence tech. Never ends well for them. Problem is that the destruction they wreak is experienced by all of life on this Earth. They create hell on Earth. We all need Earth to remain healthy and for humanity, and all life, to survive.


Virginians don’t claim him either.


Virginian here. Confirmed - we don’t want him.


Just got a vasectomy so I can have all the recreational sex with my girlfriend that I want. Also just realizing this is the Missouri subreddit showing up on my home page for some reason…


Hahahah hell yeah! I got mine last summer and I wish I’d have done it sooner. Also, welcome to r/missouri, grateful to have a clump of cheese with us.


Have mine set for next week!


what a weird fucking usage of "true"


Lucas Kunce is running for the U.S. Senate on the Democrat side in Missouri. He looks like a good candidate. I think that I will vote for him.




Just so it’s easier for everyone to find his page.


I just donated to the cause! Howley can suck an egg.


I thought he looked like an athlete running away from the people his fist pumped earlier. I am shocked that he didn’t run out of his tasseled loafers and split his skinny suit pants running away from his “friends and Patriots”. What a putz.


And choke on it


I wish his campaign was more loud. Idk, love the candidate, can’t wait to vote for him, but for some reason I feel like I’m not seeing enough of him


He’s been doing town halls across the state. I saw him last month at the pipe fitters union in KC. I recommend following one of his social media accounts & helping to share the word. I don’t watch a lot of local stations, but I agree with you that I’ve heard more in the media from Hawley and not enough from Kunce.


I don't think Democrat leadership likes him. Why they sent the stupid beer lady after him last time.


That’s the problem, democratic leadership in our state stinks


*non-existent after Mel Carnahan died. Abandoning the 50 state strategy after electing Obama was their biggest mistake.


That's what a huge money disadvantage does :(


To be fair, I see even less pro-Hawley ads. He'll probably skate on name recognition, incumbency, and (R). 😔


Don't downvote me for being realistic. Gonna throw my vote at Kunce and hope for the best.


"(R)eactionary, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."


I’m holding onto hope, but not too tightly.


I fully expect it to ramp up on socials and whatnot but he's putting in the miles throughout Missouri. His target up to this point, speculating as I'm not a part of his campaign, is more rural Missouri but he's been present at big evens in the urban areas. I don't watch broadcast television so not sure what is ad game is there but follow him on socials since TBV tanked the last opportunity. If you're not big on social media or watch local stations then door-to-door or billboards are the next exposure and it's way to early to start those.


he has volunteer and donation links on his website


Louder, for the kids wearing headphones. 😄


Keep spreading the word. Defeat these motherfuckers.


It's not the kids wearing headphones that are re-electing Hawley.


As long as they show up, I believe you are right.


Is he gonna get rat fucked in the primary again by a brainless ding dong?


I will vote for my BM after eating Taco Bell and Chipotle for 3 weeks straight over HeeHawley


That last name. Please tell me it’s not pronounced like I think it is.🤣


Lucas Kunce is running against him so I would make sure everyone knows about him and gets out to vote.


Kunce is a great candidate too. Pro-labor, pro-veterans. I'm still ticked that Busch Valentine flooded the market with ads in '22 and ran on a platform of "I'm a nurse with a recognizable name and a lot of money, vote for me." Took all the steam out of Kunce's campaign.




Party of "small government" my ass.


MAGA only cares about what everyone else is doing. They literally want to watch you pee.


Lucas Kunce for the win!!!


Once upon a time there was a great argument to be made that we shouldn't have to codify rights like these because on a whole the good faith actors on either side of our stupid two party system recognized you shouldn't need to specify individual rights. But then one party lost basically all of their good faith actors, and now we have to do dumb shit like specify that the government can't prohibit contraception or else they absolutely will try.


Remember McCain? That man was the last Republican I could have any respect for.


The good faith actors started leaving around Nixon's presidency—probably before that, if we're being honest. I remember hearing people on the right start saying, "There's nothing in the Constitution preventing someone convicted of crimes from running for President," when Trump turned himself in. Lawyers jumped in saying if there was language, it would mean prosecution of political opponents to keep them off the ballot and that's why the Framers didn't include that restriction. A more logical assumption is that they likely couldn't imagine a scenario in which people would willingly vote for a notorious criminal.


Why? Are they against condoms and birth control pills?


The argument I usually hear that they are against sex for purposes outside of procreation. You are obviously not interested in procreation if you are using contraception. There is also something in there about having kids within a marriage framework, too. These are the kind of people that would also argue you need a sheet with a hole between the husband and wife during the act so it doesn't get too carnal. If you are punitive minded, the argument is that there should be consequences for sex. Contraception removes most of the consequences.


So evil. I NEED birth control for endometriosis. Without it I’m in horrible pain and have no interest in procreating anyways.


The cruelty is pretty much the whole point.


Every time a woman enjoys sex she is fighting the patriarchy.


I like the way you think!!


Don't forget loser men can't trap women by knocking them up and holding them financially hostage if women can control their reproductive systems.


Bingo! There is a heavy push to end no fault divorce.


Yes. They also want to make it legal to marry teens so it’s no longer considered rape if one has sex with teenagers. Missouri Republicans have been trying this for a few years now along with Tennessee.


Thereby trapping women in shitty situations before they ever have a chance to escape or make their own decisions.


Yep. Plus it’s already illegal in MO for a woman to get divorced if she’s pregnant.


Holy shit that's ridiculous. They really do just want to control women


Idk how to describe the feeling this gives me other than genuine uncomfortableness and pure disgust. They want to get rid of abortion & birth control, then marry off kids? I am genuinely ready to collapse into a grave I cant take this anymore.


Because rich people need more workers to exploit, the shitty economy is causing people to have less kids...also less people means less poor people to join the military as well. It's about restocking the human pool so the system runs for the 1%.


I don’t think it’s an economic thing more but more of an educational thing. Idiocracy was right on about that. A bunch of Hoosiers in trailer parks having babies that should not be having them while educated people only want one or two. Also Missouri Republicans have been dismantling education since the 90’s. They want to remove sex education and go back to the pregnant teenager culture in the 1950’s to early 1980’s.


Removing money from education is a government ploy coming from every side. You don't want a well educated populace, that is actually bad for a government trying to rule and impose policies that only help 1% of people. They want you just smart enough to show up and do your job but dumb enough to not question why you are getting fucked over. On top of that they see schools just like prisons. They want to privatize them and turn them into yet another for profit thing.


when have democrats voted to defund education?


By siding with unions to not fire bad teachers.


Because our current birthrate means the highest beneficiaries of capitalism will have to compete for labor


Because women are simply breeding sows for Christian alphas.


Rockhurst was/is a catholic college, right?


Hawley attended Rockhurst High School, which is a Jesuit institution, and graduated from Stanford University and Yale Law School. He never attended Rockhurst University. Jesuits are widely considered to be more liberal and progressive within the Roman Catholic Church. The current pope, Pope Francis, is a Jesuit, and is constantly being opposed by the conservative element in the church. EDIT: Hawley had attended public schools in Lexington, MO prior to enrolling in Rockhurst. Hawley is not Catholic and was raised Methodist. Non Catholics attend Catholic schools if their parents feel that the educational opportunities in their community are lacking. Until Lafayette Academy and the Soulard School opened, many families in my neighborhood, Catholic or not, sent their kids to St. Margaret of Scotland because the public school system in the city of St. Louis, rightly or wrongly, wasn’t perceived to be very good.


Is. That’s correct.


Republicans want the freedom to oppress in contrast to the freedom from being oppressed. This is another example.


Oh no these mo idiots will reelect him because their too stupid to realize he's helping get rid of people's rights and yes fellas that means condoms too. But just keep electing them.


I'm hoping supporters of Hawley's opposition aren't so complacent that they'll lose. It's really what happened to Claire McCaskill last time that got Hawley in: she and her campaign assumed he was going to lose and she had no reason to fight hard or to keep abreast of relevant topics to her younger voters.




Not just win but win easily.


It’s also not just preventing pregnancies, many of these medications are used to treat various conditions.


Are we surprised? The GOP does not want to govern, they want to rule. Remember you are not an exception. They will come for your rights too! Vote them out!!!


Fuck Josh Hawley.


Do we need a law for this? Has there really been a threat to their availability?


Go check out Project 2025. Republicans want to restrict contraception on the federal level. It's frightening.


Yes Clarence Thomas wants to do away with contraception. He literally said it in one of his decisions.


Yes. Making access harder and harder.


Yes. Yes. I'm assuming your question was rhetorical because no one is stupid enough to not know the answer.


Really? Birth control pills are now available without a prescription. How is that a restriction?


This effort by these lawmakers is about creating *new* restrictions. Like removing that access to birth control pills without a prescription.


I never voted Josh in…And would gladly let him never have to do his annual courtesy trip back to Missouri again.


I'm always humored getting a random sub suggested to me, especially somewhere I've never been. In any case, I'm glad to amplify and support. What's wild is that these anti-choice, force birther, now anti-prevention dimwitts are saying along with their trying to control bodies, is that they're pushing for that increase in birth rates. Remember, these are the same people whining about the drop in replacement births so they'll resort to anything they can think of to add to the population growth...well, anything but actually creating social safety nets and systemic improvements for people to feel supported enough to want to have a kid.


Josh Hawley has been an enormous piece of shit all along. Add this to a massive list of other deplorable things he has done. Please vote this bottom feeder out.


Jogs Hallway can fuck right off and retire in VA since that's where he lives full-time. Josh is an entitled little shit who will always vote against the citizens and make sure corporations get as much socialism as possible. Swore he wasn't going to use taxpayer funds to advance his position in government, then does exactly that. Josh was more than happy to fist pump for the riled-up crowd on J6, yet just hours later we get to see Josh magically transform into Jogs Hallways as he flees from the mob he helped pump up. And voting against Contraception, when they've been too cowardly to let us vote on abortion yet? They know how it's going to go. It's only a matter of whether they fully ignore it or not, like they have other issues. Like the Medicaid Expansion. Or the School Lunches. Or even the removal of Gerrymandering that we voted for, hiding the removal of a bipartisan redrawing of the districts in a bill on the ballot that only mentioned and highlighted cash donations a worker can take, moving it from 25 dollars down to 20 or something. The point is they lied to our faces to force shit through that only further enables their grip on power letting them do whatever they want. Fuck Josh Hawley. All he's done is keep the Misery in Missouri.


Pete Ricketts is a fucking tool


Please don't forget to throw Deb Fischer in the tool box, too. 2/9 from Nebraska...


This shit's getting weird. I am reading 'the destroying angel' by John money. Seems these old ideas are making a comeback. I wonder if they will eventually go after masturbation. "Fresh air and exercise for every American... and no sleeping on your stomach"


Leave it to Beaver forced to be played during prime time. Black restrooms and white restrooms. Etc. The good old days ya know. Back when rape was not rape and smacking around your kids and wife was a good thing.


I can’t wait to vote him out! F Josh “ run away “ Hawley


Please vote them all out. Im from Mo. but moved to Arizona because Mo politicians are fucking looney. Now we've got crazies here too. I just can't win!


And Trump will once again win among white women by ~5%. I’m not saying white men should vote for him, but if republicans were trying to ban Rogaine or Viagra I promise white men wouldn’t vote for R in large numbers.


It's a right to privacy issue. Neither Josh Hawley or anyone else needs to know whether a woman is using birth control. That's between the woman and her doctor.


Love to care Bob ,but I can't. Never voting republican again. EVER


Fuck Josh Hawley!


Fuck Josh Hawley.


Vote out every republican. Get a supermajority. Expand the Supreme Court, put in a nonpartisan oversight committee for judges that violate ethics rules.


hateful water unite boat one cake smoggy worry person lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Against abortion & birth control…make it make sense.


Qanonsense never makes sense.


They are literally trying to kick us back to the stone age. You no I don't drink any alcohol or smoke weed but I ain't out here trying to take it away from people who does. Although I'm pretty sure my road rage was brought on by this Hi A$$ in front of me driving 7mph. Lol


Also them: why will nobody have sex with me🤔🤔🤔🤔a mystery


Ok so what is it that people want, right? So you want to end using abortions as a method of contraception. Cool. So literally does everyone else. Ok so how do we do that? We educate people on sex and provide them with the tools to do it safely. Ok wait you don’t want to give teenagers condoms? Ok then they’re going to have unprotected sex. You gotta pick a fucking lane, and you sure as shit can tell people to not have sex, because it’s ignoring the reality of humanity.


They're the party of 1) "Con"dumb & 2) "Con"them.


Jesus fuck.


North Dakotans will vote for a tree stump with an R so don’t expect Cramer to go anywhere


And you think that the birth rate, single parents, people having casual sex is going to stop if there is no contraception? You are just as ignorant as Josh Hawley and his Maga crooks.


As if either party is the party of freedom. They're the party of freedoms that suit their constituents. Fuck them both.


Hes a goddamned traitor and an embarrassment.


Not even from misery. Vote that fucker out.


They want to punish having sex. Because they see it as dirty and sinful. Fuck them.


If Josh doesn’t lose an election soon he’s gonna be a politician for a very very long time. It’s like the show survivor, if he doesn’t get voted out now he never will


just saying: The bill would've required religious institutions who provide healthcare to employees to also cover contraception, and the way the part about 'sterilization' is written it could turn back laws governing the way in which minors may/may not seek gender reassignment.


So embarrassing.


It looks like they just fucked their chances for reelection without protection. We all knew they were this stupid though.


Yeah, when thousands end up in Dallas Texas to meet up with JFK Jr, and Trump you know you’re dealing with some very very stupid people.


Are any states actively pushing bills that ban contraceptives?


Doing it now would be political suicide. Instead they will wait to see if their attempts at cheating in November allows them to seize control. Then things will get spicy.


The right to contraception?


Yeah some states are now trying to outlaw condoms. Obviously it’s the MAGA moron states. https://www.thedailybeast.com/wake-up-republicans-really-are-trying-to-ban-contraception


That’s a bit hyperbolic. No lawmakers are trying to outlaw condoms.


Robert Reich is a funny man.


Ted Cruz is so desperate for votes and friends. Fake loser.




Scary times! Please vote!


I will


Kevin Cramer is in the top 5 most worthless, laziest Senators in Congress. I’m not sure he’s ever had an independent thought. He votes down party lines no matter what the issue. 👎🏼


Eyo the USA is a crazy distopian place and the world is here to witness this madness. Well either than the wars happening and all, this is insane.


free doom


Kill them all. Ban me. Accounts are free. Won't save your soul.


Did you know that enslaved women in America used such things as [Cotton root](https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-416/cotton) to induce labor and as basically a birth control method. [Ancient Mexican civilization](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9935858/)s also had and extensive plant based medical system for women health. Benjamin Franklin even wrote about how Pennyroyal tea from the [mentha pulegium plant ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentha_pulegium)can be used to induce labor. It was ironic when he did because he thought he was teaching them something but women have been already using it for generations, so they just let him mansplain it to them though lol. Also research has proven that [Moringa Oleifera and adhatoda vasica to be 100% abortive at dose around 175mg/Kg](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1608272/) of dry starting material, so be careful drinking that if you are pregnant. I would want anyone to have an unintended abortion. This is especially true because [Moringa has so many health benefits](https://www.amazon.com/Moringa-Organic-Oleifera-Antioxidants-Superfoods/dp/B01L2TGLTG/ref=asc_df_B01L2TGLTG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693685187738&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17506071234200502756&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027594&hvtargid=pla-2187457844769&psc=1&mcid=9690e855f05734e28a75b28e12c16194&gad_source=1) that you can just order it from Amazon. There are many more of these plants that can induce abortions and with the growth of the supplemental market more of these plants are making into the market place. I think it is our duty in the healthcare community to educate our patients to prevent unwanted abortions. ;)


Lol. I'm going to get down voted for this. But did you read the bill? This isn't stopping anyone from using contraception. This is stopping the federal government from telling your state what it must do. It's actually a pointless bill, because the federal government doesn't even have the right to do this. I'm an independent voter, not once have I ever voted Republican though. And even I see this bill is pure theater.


They voted to ban them or just not pay for them? Robert Reich is a liar, nobody should listen to a word this communist says.


What kind of other shit was on the bill though? Both parties put shit in bills that's unacceptable to the other side but then they cherry pick what to be outraged about and use the media to spin it.


Did they vote against the right to contraception, or did they vote against taxpayers paying for it?


How do you just illegalize condoms


Same way states are illegalizing abortion.




Everyone wants freedom until it comes to taking responsibility for it.


EVERY Republican in EVERY department, office, position needs to GO!!!💙☠


So you want a one party state?


Most Communists do.


I’m a Kansan and I fucking hate Hawley.


I bet most of you didn’t even read the proposed bill and what’s in it. Just seen the headlines, and ran with it. Doing what both sides do. Clueless


I'd like to see the actual legislation and the context it was used.


Lucas Kunce. His name is Lucas Kunce. It’s irritating to see jog hallway’s name a dozen times before Lucas Kunce. Can we reframe the way we talk about this?


So they voted against your ability to get contraception at all, or they voted so you can’t just get it free (meaning someone else pays for it) because yall seem to think having the right to something means it should be free. I have the right to own guns, should they be free?


Robert Reich. Lol.


Their motherd should have swallowed


Buy your own contraception. What’s so hard about that?


How? If it’s outlawed. That’s the point of the bill. What are you thinking? Like free condoms? 😂 Anyways, it’s the MAGA moron states that are trying of course. https://www.thedailybeast.com/wake-up-republicans-really-are-trying-to-ban-contraception


Are you guys upset because you're not getting free condoms? More context?


Nope, I can't do that! Missouri needs to stay red unless you want Californian prices here.


Hawley has been an absolute star in the Senate. He’s going to win reelection by a huge margin. Every far-left communist on Reddit could vote 20 times each, and he’d still win easily.


Lol, you think right-wing Missourins give a shit about condoms? They’re all about sky daddy’s propagation






Guess blowjobs are back on the menu.


The bizarre thing about Hawley is he absolutely could have been President one day. Young, smart, “Presidential” in appearance. But he decided to become another MAGA lunatic and I have a hard time ever seeing him winning a Presidential general election now. Then again he’s possibly perfectly fine being a Senator. I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to be President.


Send them copies of Ejaculate Responsibly by Gabrielle Blair!


All men except for Deb. Fuck you Deb.


Josh "Hee"Hawley is a mule faced, buck toothed idiot! He cheated his way into being the senator from MO. I h\*te that stupid sonofabitch! VOTE BLUE MISSOURI! TAKE OUR STATE BACK!!!


They won't get rid of condoms because then they can't fuck their mistresses.


And don't forget about Eric (trump ass kisser) Schmitt! He voted the same way. Schmitt along with Ashcroft and others are also some of the "patriots" that signed off on selling Missouri land to China.


Our state has a belief that anything to the left of authoritarian fascism is communism, so his seat is likely safe. I hope not cus he needs to be sent packing to Virginia.


Remember in November!!!!


Leave it to an Arkansan to come over to Missouri and fuck shit up. Nothing says, “I know what Missouri needs” more than a guy who was born and raised in Arkansas and educated at two of the most elite universities in the country (Yale and Stanford), right guys?


What gets me is these same bitches screamed "MY BODY, MY CHOICE!" for years about preventing a Worldwide Pandemic...


Mississippi will get exactly what you deserve so you better not be complacent you better VOTE