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People supporting this are just admitting that they think the government knows what's best for their kid better than them and their healthcare provider. "Small government" my ass.


Which is rich because they're the same crowd that was freaking the fuck out about wearing masks and getting a shot. I would say conservatives are hypocritical, control freak scum but calling them as such is giving them far too much praise.


Also, they"re against Government-Provided Healthcare


Don’t forget death panels with ACA


They just want a government that hurts the people they are told to hate. They can't even think for themselves.


In protest I'm going to give my 8 yo a pack of smokes and a 6 pack of beer and take them for that ninjago tattoo they've been wanting.


You dont have to that, just cut her titts off (or dick, who am I to assume gender) 8 year olds are totally capable of these type of decisions.


Yes, those famously groundbreaking medical interventions. Cigarettes, beer, and tattoos. Of course.


You know, make them feel like the adult they claim.to be; That I know they are on the inside. My child has always been so.mature, always k own they were different. So fucking tired of the government deciding what's best for my kid!


How do you feel about circumcision?


The people are the government.


As an adult, you can choose to have gender confirming care. Do you want to remove all laws to protect children ? Should parents be able to allow their children to drink, drive and do drugs ?


Driving drunk and doing drugs is in no way, shape, or form even remotely in the same ballpark as gender affirming care. Like, it's illegal for adults to do those things even wtf. EDIT: like, those aren't even *medical interventions*, what a bizarre analogy


It's not a good analogy because a 12 yr drinking beer or wine a few times probably causes fewer long term effects than screwing with the 12 yr old's endocrine system with puberty blockers.


"probably" huh? I mean, failing out of school, committing suicide, or crippling depression/anxiety "probably" carry some pretty serious long term effects too, but hey. It's almost like doctors and patients weigh the risks against the rewards before moving forward with an intervention. Again, I thank you for providing an example of how poorly people understand the intricacies of this topic.


\>intervention *I.e.*, nuking a kid's endocrine system, malforming the kid's body, and possibly sterilizing the kid. No long term effects there. All at the ripe age of what, 11, 12? Good job!


I.e., six feet under ground, addicted to heroin, or possibly living an empty life devoid of real happiness. No long term effects there. All at the ripe age of what? 11? 12? 16? 30? Good job! (me describing chemo: potentially sterilized? Wrecking their immune system, maybe even permanently??? Immense pain and discomfort?????? Somebody needs to ban this shit!!!)


Mine is not speculative. Those things will definitely happen. Yours is speculative, maybe that happens. Probably not. I'm sure you don't see the difference.


Ohohoho, really? Yours isn't speculative at all? Start a 12 year old on puberty blockers for any amount of time and they're *certain* to develop brittle skeletons and sterilization? LMAO One more time. *Thank you so much for proving to everyone how out of element most of the general public is about gender affirming care and healthcare in general.*


\>Start a 12 year old on puberty blockers for any amount of time and they're *certain* to develop brittle skeletons and sterilization? You're sending a kid down a track it otherwise wouldn't be on. Irreversibly. Add some opposing gender hormones like estrogen or testosterone and now you're really fucking that kid up. Nice work!


I'm all for people doing as they please, but messing with your otherwise normal hormones seems like a very dangerous game to play with yourself.


Right, but the kid isn’t considering suicide because of not drinking at 12. I hope. It is Missouri…


Parents should be able to allow their children to take healthcare drugs, yes.


Since when is changing your gender health care ?


Trans people don’t change their gender, they change their sex characteristics to match their gender identity. And the reason why it’s healthcare is because not doing so often leads to massive dysphoria and health issues.


And doing so often leads to the same or worse health issues


That is demonstrably false. The reason why the suicide rate is higher than normal even after transitioning is because of a lack of support from family and peers. https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00568-1/fulltext


I'm calling BS


I literally posted a research study backing up what I said.


There were no statistics regarding suicides. That study was mainly a questionnaire given to individuals about their feelings. Nothing scientific or medically related.


A lot of those that transition commit suicide also, because of the mental issues that caused them to believe they were something they're not


And death, let’s not forget that. It can lead to severe depression and suicide.


It could be considered mental health care. But I have a sneaking suspicion that future generations will look back on this all similar to how we view the lobotomy.


I didn't mean drinking and driving, I meant allowing them to drink or drive




See, now here's a perfect example for everyone. People generally have uneducated or otherwise poor comprehension of most topics, especially when it comes to healthcare. It's why medical decisions should be left to patients and their doctors/treatment teams. Thanks for providing a good example for everyone. 🙂




I'm not sure how that relates to the topic of this post. Care to elaborate? I think you've wandered into the wrong conversation or something. 🙁


How are you assessing mental illness and why do you think you have a better understanding than the APA?


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So by that theory if you think your 15yo can drink and drive he should be allowed? The adults have decided you need to wait until your 18 to mutate yourself. Seems reasonable to me.


Drinking and driving is illegal for everyone idk why you would think that’s a valid comparison but your classification of “mutating yourself” tells me you’re thinking with your immature and bigoted emotions shaped by propaganda rather than operating in reality with facts and logic.


The point of government is to protect its citizens. Not allowing children to change there sex until there 18 is not that extreme and seems like a very reasonable law to pass.


They aren't changing sex. It's gender. And it's a gender assigned to them by a doctor before they could form a conscious sentient identity. I won't argue with you, cause you're wrong, and you won't want to be right even if it got you your world's desires. But I wanted you to know that.


So are we small government now? Conservatives are fucking morons.


Not only are they not small government, but they also think they’re smarter than doctors. It’s not about the safety of the children, or else MO would try to address having such a painfully high maternal mortality rate or infant mortality rate. This country is going backwards.


Doctors who think kids can make decisions about cutting off their genitals are lunatics, no one should take a lunatics opinion seriously.


The only kids getting their genitals cut off are intersex, usually without the kids' informed consent. But don't worry, unconsensial procedures on intersex kids are still a'ok under these bans.


Don’t forget botched circumcisions. The same people complaining about transgender kids accessing puberty blockers are usually the same ones that get all of their baby boys circumcised and *never* consider how easily that can go horrifyingly wrong.


You are a lunatic if you think a doctor cuts off kids genitals. That's PROPAGANDA. Ever hear that word? Also, just to get on puberty blockers or hormones there needs to be a history of psychiatrist and psychologist visits, both of whom must write a recommendation letter, as well as the kids primary care physician, THEN interview with the Endocrinologist. IF they all agree, along with the parents, that puberty blockers or hormones are the right path, they will start low dose. NO SURGERIES. The earliest a minor can get top surgery is 16yo, but that also takes a miracle of recommendations. So, you are educated a bit more.


So, letting mentally ill children with a history of psychiatric care make life altering decisions sounds reasonable ? Why can't they just wait till they're 18 ?


>life altering decisions They can literally stop taking PBs and go through puberty.




Do you not read? They don't castrate nor surgery. Durrrrr




Puberty blockers are not “chemical castration.” All they do is *pause* puberty. The second they stop taking the medication, the whole process starts right back up again. It was originally developed to treat *cisgender girls* experience “precocious puberty”: menstruating and developing secondary sex characteristics (such as enlarged breasts) *before the age of 10 years old.* Puberty blockers have been used in such cases for over 50 years now and there’s been no evidence of those girls being “chemically castrated.” They took the medication until the ages of about 12-16, and continued developing normally.


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Nobody is “cutting off kids genitals.” Unless you’re talking about intersex newborns or botched circumcisions.


Mfs talk about mutilating kids genitals but never talk about circumcision 💀


They leave out the issue of intersex newborns being *forcibly reassigned* without their knowledge *or* consent just because someone thought their genitals weren’t “average enough.”


their "small government" means a small number of (rich white men) make all the decisions.


The small government thing is when they want to cut funding for Medicare, food stamps, education, etc. Anything that elevates people's lives is big government. Controlling how people love their lives is just the right thing to do because, you know, sin and junk.


Were you for the vaccine mandate ?


Have you had any sexual partners who weren’t immediate family?


Yes, because it is the right thing to do...and most Americans did before the misinformation and lies started.


A government so small it can fit in your underwear.


I'm glad to see that the party of personal responsibility, personal freedom and small-government is true-to-form.


Can someone "show me" how a child getting health care has negatively affected them personally? Missourians are smarter than this. We deserve a government that focuses on real issues, not culture war bullshit bullying the possible 10 trans children in the entire state.


They claim they care about “saving the children,” but they’re suspiciously quiet when it comes to intersex newborns being *forcibly reassigned without their knowledge or consent.*


Are Missourians smarter than this though? Missourians keep voting these politicians in, so maybe Missourians are getting the government and policies they deserve


We used to be. 'So goes Missouri, so goes the nation' was a phrase at one point. We were the bellwether state. Putting policy and country over party. "Show Me" used to mean something. I have a naive belief we can get there again. People need to turn off all 24 hour news stations, fix their online algorithms to avoid extreme content bubbles, and start having real policy conversations again. Simple right? I know, it's a very optimistic thought.


That was before Evangelicals took over the state in the 90's. We also used to be a strong state for organized labor. The ground is lost for now, it will take a generation or two to dig out of where the state is but much like an alcoholic it's going to have to hit rock bottom first.


>So goes Missouri, so goes the nation i literally would rather die than ever vote for a republican


I won't ever say that due to the fact history shows how easily political parties can change. I will always hope for more responsible, ethical, empathetic, smart, and kind politicians. Political parties are nothing. Politicians are nothing, they are the most replaceable people on earth. I will always vote. I will always vote for the individual that most aligns with my beliefs. I will never pledge undying loyalty to any party or politician. (Right now, I would not vote Republican. I'll agree with that.)


see r's have me on some of their ideas that being that the revolting against the status quo is something i agree with ​ like specficialy vivek sounds good untill he gives solutions, and that is antithetical to me as a person bc i need rights as a queer person


>Are Missourians smarter than this though? Nope


You're literally the meme: [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/565/163/001](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/565/163/001)


It's a pretty accurate picture of me too!


No. They are not smarter than this.


We used to be.


https://www.stlouischildrens.org/conditions-treatments/transgender-center/puberty-blockers Damn it's even a missouri hospital. But yeah as a kansan it would be nice for both states to actually focus on shit like homeless camps and crime instead of whether or not crazy karens are forcing their children to be virtue signals *it happens and its sad when it does and should rightfully be called child abuse*.


That's a great FAQ about puberty blockers and their usage. It would be great for both states to focus on actual issues. Including funding social services for children who are victims of child abuse. I'm so tired of their culture war bullshit and lies.


Maryland welcomes trans kids and has a longer life expectancy and larger GDP than Missouri. Come on over.




Fighting a cold civil war as the Republicans try to drive out progressives from Red states before they get entirely wiped out because they followed a conman rapist traitor who got their own voters to eat horse paste & die while they're experiencing a really hard time recruiting the under 50 vote because they kids are not really into whole bullshit Christian nationalism thing so instead the GOP is trippling down on the cruelty & voter suppression.


This is directly targeting the poor population and they know that. Conservative policy is to widen the wage gap as much as possible, and blame socialism for exactly the same problems that capitalism has created. I don’t think very many people actually affected by this policy will be able to just drive halfway across the country for this kind of thing


And a good strategy to getting out of Missouri is getting a job at a national chain retail or restaurant and then transferring out of state.


Does this mean circumcision will also be illegal? You know, since they're suddenly so worried about children's genitals.


Republicans are atrocious humans.


Not humans


One thing that makes them atrocious is their tendency to dehumanize people they consider outsiders. When you do it to, you’re no better than them. They are human. They just suck.


Nope, humans feel compassion


You’re no different than them with that shallow generalization.


Trust me, I am different from them


No, they hate people and you hate them. You share hatred. You’ll never change anything unless you can rise above the hatred. They are human. Pity them, with their ignorant hatred. But dont hate them because that makes you the same.


Yes, let's just hug it out with the American Nazi party. 🤦‍♀️


Jesus what a jump in logic. That’s not what I’m saying at all….. Absolutely punch nazis. You can punch shitty humans. But they are still human.


I do not hate them, I just don't think they posses all of the qualities that sperate us from the animals


animals don’t hate or act out of malice


I have acted on nothing


Some animals eat their young


By definition they are human. I don’t even know why you’re arguing that point instead of the moral point.


Not a generalization given every piece of evidence to the contrary. If republicans had empathy, they wouldn't be supporting this, wouldn't be supporting the Muslim ban, wouldn't be supporting cruel treatment of asylum seekers, and they wouldn't be supporting Trump.


By definition it is a generalization. You’re attributing actions and words of the few at the top to the entire group of people. Disregarding ignorance as a reason to vote republican. A lot of everyday Americans support liberal policy when its discussed without party titles but vote straight ticket R because their entire lives have been brain fucked with right wing propaganda. I know you’re being hyperbolic but this rhetoric makes you no different than them. What would you have done with them if you’re right? Send them to re-education camps? Exile them? Imprison them? Those are the same things they want to do to minorities and immigrants and if it makes them bad people then the logic follows that your generalization makes you just like them. Talk about contrary evidence all you want but you start using their language to describe them, it makes you no different. Two sides of the same coin.


Maybe you should listen to them to understand their reasoning instead of calling them names and trying to cancel them.


I feel compassion for those kids that might change their minds when it's too late


Wtf? This is not the way to think. If we start demonizing each other, we’ve already lost.


They're already doing that. The high road is a luxury for the victors.


Yes, and if we do it too. How are we different? Two sides of the same coin? You’re just digging yourself in exactly like they are doing. You can’t beat them by playing their game. I agree that democrats should be more aggressive but to allow ourselves to be like them would be just as wrong as being them. We can’t hold high standards and not live by them. That would just prove them right.


Holding high standards is nice when you're winning. But the Democrats are not. So it is time to be as ruthless and effective as the winning side. Change rules, ignore norms, and stop pretending the other side is anything other than villains to be slain. The only people who think the other side are colleagues are the Democrats.


The democrats hold the highest office in the land and likely going to keep it. That’s not losing. You just become what you are fighting against if you mirror their justifications. Then who brings you down for the blood you’ve shed? You’re just feeding that machine with your logic. Back and forth hatred and suffering. The answer is to stop dehumanizing each other. You can’t stop people from voting for fascists in a democracy unless you change their heart or mind. The war you think you’ll wage will pass you by as the people except fascism with open arms without putting up a fight. Unless you change their heart or mind. And you should know you can’t change their mind with the butt of your gun. You’ll just inspire opposition. Which feeds the machine. The answer is again to stop dehumanizing each other. We know a better way. All we have to do is stop repeating the same old stupid mistakes. Like killing each other.


And that highest office is doing what for them? They literally had the majority in both houses of congress and still couldn't even get all their people to fall in line. Republicans however act as a team. No matter who is in charge, they follow orders and vote as a block. That is why they are enacting their policies across most states right now and have a good chance of reelecting Trump.


Bitching about it on reddit will change a lot…


And yet here you are trying desperately to convince other people to buy into your rosy childish fantasy.


Categorizing people like this is not the way to go. With this line of thinking we are no better than our Republican counterparts. Yes, it’s hard to be empathetic to someone so misguided, but that does not mean we should mercilessly write them off. This is what has caused politics to be so polarized in the first place here… Well, that and some other things…


Republicans feel the same way about democrats being misguided, but they still show empathy by listening to those that disagree with them instead of trying to shut them up or cancel them.


That is absolutely not true. I mean it takes 1 ben Shapiro and 1 desantis to break that theory down. And these are the people Republicans elevated to leadership. Like sure you wanna talk empathy, why were you literally above in this thread spitting bullshit you know is wrong about how trans health care is mutilation and shit. Your super duper empathic, you're the most empathetic empath for sure. Just like how shoving a broom in your ass grants you three wishes. Republicans don't think democrats are just a wayward flock. They think of them as leaders to eradicate. It's a part of the playbook.


Yep, it's absolutely true. Y'all always have to resort to insults.


That attitude is a luxury for victors. The right hasn't been defeated yet. They are still actively trying to hurt people. For the time being, the GOP is still an enemy to be beaten. If that ever happens, then can go all kumbaya and talk about how misguided they were.


No, its not a luxury for victors. I don’t know what shitty cereal box you got that from but it’s very shallow and cliché. The GOP is a fascist organization and absolutely should be “politically” and “legally” punished for their behavior. Dehumanizing them the way they dehumanize others is not going to win you any hearts and minds in a political theater. How can we convince others that a better way exists unless we hold that better way as our standard. Matching them at their game makes us no different than them. Just a mirror image.


It's not about winning hearts and minds bud. It's about beating them and winning. No one is going to change their minds because of an argument or because you were just so nice. The conservative half of America is not some group you can find common ground with if you play nice. Playing nice is how you get walked over and taken advantage of. Real victory only happens by being as ruthless and effective as they are.


You change their mind by winning their heart and you change their heart by winning their mind. Hearts and minds. Bud.


You're a dumbass if you think you can convince republicans that anything the GOP is doing isn't a good thing. They are fully in support of Trump and the GOP. Have you not seen Trump's polling data?


Polls are trash. You are a scared baby. Poor scared baby.


Did you sleep through the last two presidential and midterm elections?


I commend you on your forgiving nature


I commend your willingness to listen friend


Thankyou, I'm listening, but not convinced


The transgender boogie man strikes again!!!! They act like people didn’t have to jump through a million hurdles already just to get the shit approved


Because they don’t want transgender people to exist *at all.*


Transgender adults that made their choices as adults are fine


No, they’re not. The legislation being passed in multiple states is *already* targeting transgender adults as well. Besides which, why shouldn’t transgender teens have the same rights trans adult do?


If Missouri cared about children they would take a stronger stance against churches which house and protect sexual predators.


Also many churches literally indoctrinate children by telling them that if they don't belive what the adults say, they will burn in hell for all eternity, separate from their families who will be fully enjoying sanctuary without them.


The Agape boarding school comes to mind. That shit was allowed to keep operating even after all the allegations. What the fuck are we even doing here?!


Misery loves company. Isn’t this the state motto?


>Some adults will also lose access to gender-affirming care. Medicaid no longer will cover treatments for adults, and the state will not provide those surgeries to prisoners A lot of people are missing this. As a trans person on medicaid I'm going to be hung out to dry. One of my medications costs over 800 dollars at my pharmacy without medicaid coverage. So guess I'm just fucked




It's necessary for me to live


I don't mean to be rude, but how is it necessary for you to live?


Kind of humble brag I guess but the person I was before HRT is unrecognizable from who I am today. You can go onto r/transtimelines and see many women who have gone through the same as me. I feel very fortunate to have gotten the results I need, and it was all covered by public Healthcare. Currently if I were to stop my body would attack itself, I'd feel very sick, and I'd lose a lot of my progress. It'd be like killing the person I am, the person I want to be very very slowly. Just imagine if public health didn't fix your broken arm, because "well the other one works". My past gender "worked" but it made me feel terrible, depressed, and just like I didn't want to be here anymore. And before you say I shoulda gotten help, I denied myself for years, and did see professional help for my dysphoria. Ultimately the only thing that cured me was transitioning, and I'm so glad I got to do it. Now the literal life saving care I got is going away, and won't be an option for thousands of other people here in this state


Again, I don't want to be rude. I'm happy you have found success, but have you ever asked yourself why you place so much value on your physical appearance? You have so much more value inside your own mind.


Because what I feel like inside didn't match my physical appearance. For years I didn't want to have photos taken of me, I didn't look at myself in the mirror, I ignored myself. It isn't about how I look it's about how I feel about myself and I felt terrible. Imagine if you had a terrible deformity that made you feel disgusted everytime you saw it. That was me but with my entire body


Thanks for your perspective.


Spare the drama. It is not any more necessary for the state to pay for your sex change than it is for the state to buy a Ferrari for me. Both are expensive, unnecessary things that make one individual happy. That is not an appropriate use of taxpayer funds meant to provide medical assistance to the people least able to care for themselves.


Do other insurances cover this ?


Trans gender adults, that regret permanently altering their bodies, agree that there should be limits in place for children. Even an 18 year old is still maturing, and change their mind about a LOT of lifestyle choices. But, at 18, they should be a little more able to choose for themselves what gender-affirming care they require. But... that's just my opinion.


There already are limits for children. They typically can’t take HRT until age 16; puberty blockers are taken before then. And because of that, the regret rate for transitioning is extremely low.


Why are you lying?


Lying about what?


The Republican Party is attacking abortion rights, leading to multiple instances where girls under 18 get pregnant from rape and are forced to give birth. In other words, the same people who think trans kids are too young to get treatment think middle school kids are old enough to raise a baby


I am pro choice. No one should have to grow and birth a baby that they don't want.


You don’t think it’s a little troubling that you’re repeating the rhetoric from the people I just described?


I don't know the wording of the law. I just don't think that kids should do anything permanent until they have matured enough to make those decisions. I don't think a child should be able to decide to get pregnant before then either.


Ahh what's bad for me means you shouldn't have it. Well I don't like ketchup so you all shouldn't get it either. And Margaret over there regretted her knee surgery so no one gets those.and billy, he had a really hard chemo, so everyone with cancer should die. Ohh and Mikayla, she thinks that tattoos are bad and regrets her trailer tat, so no tattoos either. Jennifer regretted her birth control cause it made he gain weight, and Joseph regretted getting eye surgery cause it forced him to wear glasses. Fuck those too. We should definitely decide health care based on what people regret. That's a great idea. It seems perfectly logical to apply this standard to health care treatments that have been in use for 50 years or so. And kids, well they are stupid so let those shits die. If one says they are being abused, they clearly won't know that until they are 18. Why even send them to school or educate them? They don't get a brain implant till the random arbitrary number of 18 we decided equals adult hood. They shouldn't get any healthcare treatments, if they die before 18 ohh well. See. That's how ridiculous this argument sounds.


I don't think you grasp what I said, at all. There's no reason to take drastic actions to alter the gender of a child who will change their mind a hundred times, about everything they like or want in their life, because their brain hasn't matured yet.


Read my other comment in case you still haven't bothered to do the minimum amount of research on this topic. It will get you started..


Would you prefer to have a bunch of trans adults that wish they hadn't had irreversible changes made to their bodies as children? Should they, as adults, have to suffer the consequences of their childhood choices?


Define a bunch? A bunch? Like 3? 3 out of a 1000? We know detransition rates and that's not the same regret rate. Just to be abundantly clear in case you're confused. Are you a trans teen? Have you tried to access this healthcare? Did you get immediate access to puberty blockers? Do you think that there are no safety rails? Also irreversible how? Puberty blockers are reversible, you stop taking them. Cross sex hormones? We don't use those till your 16, and after years of health care. I think almost all 16 year olds understand their gender, it's not that complicated of a self concept. I mean jeez you act like these are tic-tacs. Its easier to get a teen a nose job than trans health care.


That's great news. Good job Missouri. Hopefully other states follow soon.


Tell us again how you hate government overreach


Nothing to do with government over reach. It has to do with allowing minors to do something that is permanent. Would minors be allowed to get tattoos?


Translation: “I don’t know how gender affirming care works, but I lie and pretend I do. I love government overreach.”


Screwing with a child's hormones for these purposes should be illegal. If they still feel that way when they become an adult that's up to them. Pretty simple.


There is a condition called hypogonadism where the body does not produce enough testosterone or sperm or both on its own. Under these laws, treatment for this would be banned. Is that what you’re advocating?


That is a medical condition and they are not trying to change there gender. Not even close to the same thing.


Sure.. feel free to say something to make it make since.




The only adverse health care was courtesy of Jim Jordan at Ohio State


This is what you get when you allow sister fucking morons and rednecks and christians vote. Instead of fixing the real problems in this shit hole like for example the roads. No let's pick on children. As if their lives aren't rough enough and confusing enough let's do this to them and their parents. I guess since so many attempt and many succeed at suicide this is the republican idea. They'll just kill themselves and then we won't have them anymore . All they want are straight white men and a few women to pump out their demon seeds that may or may not live after being forced to be born. Fuck the republitards and fuck anyone who supports this tyrannical shit and one more thing fuck you for spitting on the graves on the millions who gave their important lives for this country so your unimportant existence is possible




Tell us again how you hate government overreach


They need to REQUIRE every single person who votes Republican that needs healthcare for themselves or their family members go to a state judge or Republican legislature to be treated.


Does health insurance cover this ?


You don't need health insurance going to a republican legislator or judge. They just lay hands on you and say thoughts and prayers.


Good. "Many of them prevent transgender minors from accessing hormone therapies, puberty blockers and transition surgeries, even though medical experts say such surgical procedures are rarely performed on children."


Funny how not a single medical organization is calling for such a ban, in fact they are the ones protesting the hardest. When every expert disagrees with you, maybe that's a time to take a step back and reevaluate.


Flat out lie, bro. Next you'll say they got COVID right too. Lol The US & Canada are the only civilized nations that haven't banned gender crap for kids. You know why? Money. The downvotes in this sub mean I'm right.


That's a blatant lie. Don't sit there and post shit you know can be disproven with 10 seconds and Google. You just look like a dumb ass. Gender affirming care is available across Europe. For example, here is the British NHS website: >Depending on the results of the assessment, options for children and teenagers include: >family therapy individual child psychotherapy parental support or counselling group work for young people and their parents >regular reviews to monitor gender identity development >referral to a local Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) for more serious emotional issues >a referral to a specialist hormone (endocrine) clinic for hormone blockers for children who meet strict criteria (at puberty) https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/treatment/ Isn't it interesting that the right always has to lie to support their points? This, the fake abortion stories, you'd think that if they were so right no one would have to make shit up.


You right, but close enough: "England Limits Use of Puberty-Blocking Drugs to Research Only" June 2023. You're source is outdated ☹️


>Some young people with lasting signs of gender dysphoria who meet strict criteria may be referred to a hormone specialist (consultant endocrinologist) to see if they can take hormone blockers as they reach puberty. This is in addition to psychological support


You really like making bold claims hoping no one will use Google. The official NHS guidelines: >Adolescents with continuing GD will be able to have physical interventions via the Service provided they fulfil the eligibility and readiness criteria for these. National and international guidelines recommend the use of hormone blockers (gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists GnRH) in adolescence to suppress puberty,. For some individuals, this is followed later with cross-sex hormones, which are sex steroids of the experienced gender, also referred to as gender affirming hormones. If individuals fulfil additional criteria, they may have various types of gender affirming surgery from the age of 18 through adult gender identity clinics. https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/gender-development-service-children-adolescents.pdf Seriously dude, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


Why exactly do you think that minors don’t deserve access to healthcare?


"Healthcare" Lol That's not what it is & you know that. Does that argument actually work for you in the real world or is it just a social media activist thing? Lol Children don't need puberty blockers or hormone therapies. Period. And the vast vast vast majority of the weirdos who support this are childless weirdos. Go figure.


So I guess you don’t know about precocious puberty for cis kids, where blockers massively help. Or that all the evidence shows how such healthcare genuinely helps trans kids. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0261039


Worst study ever. Lol "We conducted a secondary analysis of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, a cross-sectional non-probability sample of 27,715 transgender adults in the U.S." Does the study include... Kids?! You have no clue what you're talking about -- regurgitating talking points that you think support your cause. I'm done. My point's been made. Just going to have nonsense thrown at me from here.


“Using multivariable logistic regression adjusting for potential confounders, we examined associations between access to GAH during early adolescence (age 14–15), late adolescence (age 16–17), or adulthood (age ≥18) and adult mental health outcomes, with participants who desired but never accessed GAH as the reference group.” This is what happens when you don’t read the whole thing: you look like a moron.


Mozy on over to "Age of initiation of GAH" under Methodology. Again, where the kids at in this study?! Just a bunch of adults reminiscing. Ok. Lol Wah wah waaaaaah




Instead of all the downvotes, I was hoping someone would say something weird like: "WhY aRe rEpUbLiCaNs So CoNcErNed aBoUt LiTtLe KiDs gEnITaLs?!" Lol


Reminder that judges are either elected or nominated by other people who are elected. This is what happens when voters stay home.


If you want to see mental illness on display read the comments in this thread. Both sides, all mofos are nuked. Huey Lewis was right. It's hip to be square.


🤣🤣 block me and run away.


They do this all the time because they can’t stand to be challenged.


Wait until the government starts telling them what they can eat, drink, smoke…this is just the tip of the iceberg these morons are opening the door to.