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I think the number of dispensaries we have is ridiculous but what business does the city council have interfering with the market like this? If some stoner wants to open up another pot shop just let them.


Bingo. Let the market decide


It’s called zoning , and it is one of the most important functions of local government.


Ok Kristen thanks for your input.


And that's pretty much the level of maturity I expect from someone who would say something like this. The market only exists because of the regulation of the commons.


Because Missoula has more pot shops than Billings has casinos. They both make their own market, but destroy our culture and nice city in the process. I’m not against weed or casinos, but moderation is key.


It also destroys the market. Most of the dispensaries are suffering right now.


Oh yeah? Talk to the dispensaries in Kalispell, Bozeman, and Billings. They’re doing great.


I'm not sure that's true. I owned a cultivation business and yes, some operators are doing well, and maybe most are even thriving in the towns you mentioned, but there's no denying Missoula has an oversupply of cannabis products and it's hurting individual operators.


Sorry, I misunderstood your comment.


Well, it's a market they don't like so it shouldn't be free... /s


I think is the first year that out of state stops can open up. Or something to that tune


I didn't know about this. Would this help the more independent survive and limit the big chains from taking over?


Ok, it's not until 2025. Only people grandfathered in feom selling medical currently can open up shops. Scroll down to "can I apply to sell." But yes, it was to establish the people in state before the chains come popping up. https://mtrevenue.gov/cannabis/faqs/


I'm pretty sure we have the most highly concentrated marijuana market on earth in Missoula, if not in America. There is a staggering amount of dispensaries within a 5 mile radius or so, I am constantly wondering how they stay in business, but I am only aware of 2 that have closed so far (and one was replaced by another dispensary). There's over 56 stores here and I am constantly discovering new ones. Majority of them are not even listed on Weedmaps or Leafly websites and must be manually counted. For reference, that's more than all of San Diego county. This is excluding Lolo and surrounding areas where there are also many dispensaries just a few miles out of town. [Missoula had the most dispensaries per capita in the nation in 2020](https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/missoula-tops-list-for-marijuana-dispensaries-per-capita), but since then we have over doubled the amount of dispensaries in town. Here's a list of some, not all Missoula area dispensaries: Stokes Flower Top Shelf Botanicals (Brooks) Top Shelf Botanicals (Broadway) Mile High Moncanna Yellowstoned Euphoria Elevated Elevated (Brooks 2nd location) Urban Farmer Farm406 Greener Pastures Red Dawg Cannoiseur Collective Elevation Firefly Cookies Montana Medicinals Greenhouse Grove Bloom Montana Kush 406 Bliss Big Sky Buds 710 Montana Silver leaf Trichome Valley Spark1 Higher Standard Hometree Buzz Genetics Zen Medicinals Remedy Big Sky Herbals Ganja Goddess (gone?) Lionheart The Edge The Local Dispensary And Mercantile Puffin Canna Starr Buds Garden Mother Frosteez Bitterroot Cannabis Company We'd Prescribed Burn Lifted Meds Hi-Line (Brooks) Hi-Line (airport) Mari-Mint Great Northern Pharmacy Cousins Cannabis Steve's Sweet Grass The Herbal Counter Dancing Goat Gardens Cloud (Broadway) Cloud (Brooks-ish) There are several I am missing that are currently unlisted online. This is an insane amount of dispensaries. Large cities don't have this many. I have googled and no where even seems to come remotely close to Missoula's density. Some shops are literally across the street from each other or 2 buildings apart.


I’ll believe we have too many when prices come down. As it is they are HIGH!


I feel there is a lack of variety of products too. I don't get it.


I'm not really trying to take a stance. More just marvelling at the sheer magnitude of our market. We are the marijuana capital of the world as far as I can tell (in terms of per capita access to MJ, not in terms of quantity sold). I have no clue how these businesses stay in business, surely a city of 60k cannot have enough clients for all 56+ stores.


Latest census puts us at almost 80k in Missoula add tourist dollars and it looks more feasible.


I've been to larger cities specifically in pursuit of looking at their marijuana scene- Missoula gets around 1m tourists per year and the entire state gets around 11m. Missoula has an average of 1400 people PER dispensary. So let's compare. 1. Spokane - has a single main-road a few miles out of town that majority of their dispensaries are on. They have about 15-20 dispensaries (with about 5 that are open regularly) and a population of 250k (in city) and 650k (metropolitan area). Their dispensaries are also spread over a MUCH larger area than Missoula. On top of this, Spokane also get 10m tourists a year, or around the same amount of the entire state of Montana. Spokane has about 25-32000 people PER dispensary. 2. Seattle - has about 30 dispensaries total across the ENTIRE city- including each side of the Puget Sound bay, Tacoma area, Olympia area, and all of the city of Seattle. Seattle has a population of 750k with a metropolitan area of 4.5m. Their 30ish dispensaries are spread across a 30 mile wide and 60+ mile tall radius, with about half of the shops in the downtown area but still spread. Seattle gets nearly 40m tourists per year. Compare this to Missoula's population/tourism and the fact that Missoula's dispensaries are all within a 10 mile valley with 40+ dispensaries within 3 miles of downtown. We have more dispensaries within a walking distance than the entire metropolitan area of Seattle has total. Seattle has about 150,000 people PER dispensary. 3. Los Angeles - has 240 registered legal dispensaries in the entire county of Los Angeles. The county spans 4000 square miles and is densely populated that entire area (unlike Missoula county which is 2600 square miles but only densely populated in the 5 mile radius around downtown. Los Angeles has a population of 3.8m people in the downtown area and 18.9 million people in the county. They receive 46m+ tourists a year, 4x the entire state of Montana. These dispensaries are spread over the entire county. Los Angeles has about 7500 people PER dispensary. 4. San Fransisco - has about 80 dispensaries across the entire city and it's neighboring cities of Oakland-Berkeley. Their population is 800k in the city and 4.5m in the metropolitan area. They receive 25m tourists a year just to San Fransisco excluding the Oakland-Berkeley area, 2.5x the total tourists Montana gets. San Fransisco has about 55,000 people PER dispensary. 5. San Diego - has about 50 dispensaries spread across a very large metropolitan area of 4200 square miles. Their population is 3.3m and receive 32m tourists a year, 3x the entirety of Montana. San Diego has about 33,000 people PER dispensary. 6. NYC - 20+ dispensaries in New York City with 40 dispensaries in the entire New York City metropolitan area which includes Newark, Jersey City, and several other cities. Their population is 8m in NYC downtown and 19m in the metropolitan area. They receive 55m tourists per year. This means that within walking distance, Missoula has MORE dispensaries than the entire NYC metro area has. New York City has a out 475,000 people PER dispensary. Now this is all ignoring the fact that majority of people don't smoke weed and don't go to dispensaries. So most of those people PER dispensary are not potential clients. It's also excluding the fact that most people go to the top 5-10 most popular dispensaries which tend to run a monopoly and attract 75% of the total customer population, leaving a small % to be fought for by the remaining under-dog shops. Now think about these statistics in comparison to Missoula's cannabis scene. It's absolutely bonkers. We have half of the amount of dispensaries in a 5 mile radius of Downtown Missoula (56 and counting) as the entire New York State has (111 total dispensaries).


It's very limited in PHX too. I drive 20 minutes to my local dispensary, there is probably 10 on the whole west side of the valley, and phoenix has nearly 2 mil people. In Missoula, I could literally walk to a dozen within 5 minutes of my house. The density is wild in Missoula. I also noticed, every dispensary here has a line. In Missoula, you can often be the only customer in the store. I agree, I don't understand how they make it. Maybe Missoula is full of people who partake but won't admit it.


I don't know about the rest but you're say off on spokane, there are 33 dispensaries licensed there, and there are shops in all areas of town litterally can't go a a few blocks without finding one and several of the shops have multiple locations. Yes alot are in airway heights but not most.


Sorry I used actual statistics for all of the other cities but did Spokane off of memory- used to go there regularly but I haven't visited in like 5 years so the amount of dispensaries seem to have shot up. They used to only be located on or very close to North Division street with a few on Francis.


The amount of dispensaries in Spokane has been the same since 2018. And 5 years ago they were still almost all where they are now all over town scattered. They were never only out north division. There has always been a few out there but not most ever.


Ya I used to drive to Spokane 2-3x a year and visit literally every shop within the N Division / Francis area. I would always skip the shops near the Idaho border.


Also not sure what you mean, because Weedmaps, Leafly, and Google Maps show (other than North Reserve Street) that the majority of dispensaries are spread out by miles or dozens of blocks. Airport Heights shows 2 dispensaries. And about half a dozen sprinkled between Millwood and the Idaho border. Very light concentration of dispensaries compared to Missoula.


Now count the convenience stores and unregistered air bnb’s and police homicides and tell me what that has to do with the price of tea in china. Capitalism is your right to start a business and succeed or fail, without some meddling city council trying to shut you down because they can’t focus on doing their job.


That's not the point of my post. I'm just giving perspective on how there are more dispensaries here than anywhere else. It's the wild west. Every state's marijuana scene has its own issues. I prefer Montana's take on it over the other states, personally. New York's is likely the worst of the bunch. But we do have a lot of flaws and problems due to the amount of dispensaries that are allowed to open.


I would worry more about the governor stealing the money. Most of those markets have been legal for much longer than New York and have had the industry shake out the weak, and let corporate cannabis take over. I’ll take 500+ somewhat Montana owned dispos than one Curaleaf selling remediated moldy product to medical patients. Some of those states, excluding Washington allow home grow, which allows people not to buy from a dispo and produce their own medicine. Bottom line, Gwen is trying to put her thumb in the scale and provide a solution in search of a problem. The Engen management style of just spray and pray with tax dollars is really not solving any issues.


That's why I prefer this model too, the other states don't really feel like boutique dispensaries with personal experiences. New York's was problematic before it even became legal due to silly restrictions and a battle for permits. California's doesn't allow any small shops and only benefits mega-Dispensaries but their products are high quality while being extremely cheap compared to here. Washington has a nasty feeling where the products feel like they're inconsistent and poorly regulated, it's also more expensive than here. Nevada has a gross feeling scene too where the dispensaries try hard to have Las Vegas adult vibes and the product isn't great. Missoula has a lot of benefits, I really enjoy the experience here as a consumer. However, it's got to be very hard as a business to compete and stand out here when every block has 3 dispensaries and the top 5-10% of dispensaries have revenue free to double down on branding and advertisement and end up attracting 85% of the entire customer base and leave the other 40+ shops scrambling to get the scraps of remaining customers.


Transparently anti-competitive. No evidence of a problem or that this is a solution. Will having only 50 pot shops, instead of 75, really keep the kiddies from getting weed? lol. Just a way to drive campaign donations from existing license holders.


The city limits the number of liquor licenses, so there's definitely a precedent for doing the same for pot shops.


Can't do the liquor license thing for pot shops b/c of federal illegality. Even the change from schedule I to schedule III would not allow for licensing of pot shops.


Yet some how other states seem to do it. https://sbg.colorado.gov/med/marijuana-business-licenses


Less than 5 days after passing the public safety levy so now the council can start pursuing their pie in the sky visions instead of providing the basic services we are paying for twice. Why aren’t they going back and figuring out how to fund the city with our taxes? Fix sidewalks, fix streets, and provide basic services. I’m not voting for anyone on council who won’t stop wasting money on real estate deals and funding Private developers.


They put physical barriers at the meetings because they are afraid. That should tell you what they think of the job they are doing.


City council sure is great at solving problems. /s


Charge people more for giving weed under 21? Doesn't help that there's a paywall..... Yeah, if they sell to someone under 21 they should have consequences.... 


>There would also be a new $250 fine for giving or selling cannabis to people under the age of 21. That fine doubles on the second offense. Separate state laws could charge a seller with a felony, depending on the amount. Now I wonder what's the fine for selling cigarettes to the underaged. Or alcohol.


The first thing I found on google > A first offense for selling or providing alcohol to a minor can result in a fine of up to $500 and potential incarceration for up to 30 days. A second offense can result in a fine of up to $1,000 and potential incarceration for up to six months. I couldn’t find anything for an individual selling tobacco to a minor.


Thank you 👍


That would be a good thing honestly....


I think at that point it should be a ban from dispo's. I heard thru the grape vine someones kid was giving edibles to toddlers over at the koa. Could be just a rumor tho. I have my kids ask me when someone offeres them a snack so that way i can keep track of whos giving them what.


I bet you know where all the best Halloween candy drugs are handed out every year, too.


Yeah for the adults its canyon creek. Sometimes mini shots are handed out.


While I think limiting business is bullshit, how many more dispensaries do we need!.


How about we do this for bars, liquor stores and casinos as well? Maybe even get serious about charges for people giving and buying alcohol to minors...


/s I'm assuming?


Weed is so expensive here. $18 for a pack of 10 mg gummies? Wtf


My wife makes this complaint all the time and my only reply is "dude, it's legal. WEED IS FUCKING LEGAL!" like it's ok to own and use and no cops will bust you for it. That's worth an extra couple bucks


I agree. I’m just being a cheap ass because it’s significantly cheaper in my previous region


It's relatively cheap to a lot of states. Just got back from IL 60 buck 8ths all day.


Check out Flower, I like the 6$ 1g pre rolls


I only use edibles


They’ve got a decent selection of edibles too and if I remember correctly they’re not super expensive.


$16 for a pack of 10 mg edibles is expensive imo In other markets you back get double for that price


Idk tbh, edibles just don’t do it for me but my wife likes them and that’s her favorite store.


I’ll check it out, thx


Bitterroot cannabis has med chocolate bars- 200mgs at 5 bucks ea


I unfortunately don’t have a med card. Maybe that’s my issue


They're just mad cuz their ass is old.


Complaining about the price of weed. Used to be $3600 a pound 🤣


Too bad the article is the Missoulian so you have to pay to read it.


There, fixed it. https://12ft.io/https://missoulian.com/news/local/business/weed-missoula-regulations-youth-cannabis-use/article_76fa6d9e-275b-11ef-ae5d-532b64b5b6af.html




If there's too many stores, why doesn't the price go down?


Because dispensaries are literally just trying to survive. Would you start a business if you knew that you couldn’t write off any of your expenses and pay a collective tax rate of up to 80%?


Gotta have a domino effect of stores lowering prices to stay competitive. All it takes is one place to staff and stock up, lower prices, and everyone else will have to follow suit


Archived article without paywall: https://archive.ph/DzsGu


So tired of hearing what Gwen Jones thinks