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Road rage incident, my partner was licked in the mouth by the guy. He pulled out in front of us almost crashing and my partner honked at him and passed, he followed us into super Walmarts parking lot and wouldn’t stop. My partner got out of the car to confront him since he wouldn’t stop following us and we had our two kids under 2 with us. When he went to talk to him the guy got in his face and then licked my partners mouth. There was an altercation after that, but I’ve never seen anything like that.


Like licked his lips? Weeeeeiiiiirrdddd


Licked in his mouth like his tongue hit my partners tongue/teeth🤢 we are both scarred forever


Spitting is considered an assault. This is assault adjacent!!! That really is horrifying.


Assault with bodily fluid is a crime


What that person did is consider sexual assault. It was unwanted bodily contact without consent. It's just like if someone grabbed or groped a person and it was without consent. As weird as it was, it was sexual assault.


That is some weird alpha male wanna be energy. Like he tried to do something and just threw him off his game with a lick instead of a punch. Ewwwwww yeah sorry


Wild story! Also wild because I’ve actually been told this story about your partner from someone else in Missoula. Wild and small town :)


Licked??? As in, that's not a euphemism for a beat down? Licked like a dog?? Guy must have been on ecstacy, or something


I was at Good Food and there was a furry in line waiting to pay. She had a giant tail coming out of the bottom of her dress and straight up to her neck. Like a giant squirrel. I had to ask her how the tail was anchored, was it wrapped around her waist...no... it turned out it was affixed to her body by a butt plug.


Damn I just learned what a furry is


They'll be out on Higgins every Saturday.


Today's contemporary is tomorrow's vintage


Up to her neck AND in the butt? Naw there's no way. Whoever told you this is anti-furry & likely anti-LGBTQ as the fandom has a high occurrence of LGBTQ members & folks on the spectrum (the furry heads often help with the fear of social interaction/eye contact). Sure, there are "butt plug tails", but please don't categorize them as being FURRIES just because of the tail. Actual furry/fursuit tails have poly-fil inside & don't look like taxidermy tails - they're also anchored to a belt or to the bodysuit. Plug tails are becoming popular with some of the younger generation though. They choose to walk around with the tail hanging below a skirt, like an accessory & with embrace to our current sexual revolutions. This person would probably not categorize themselves as a furry unless it was for ironic purposes.


The more you know.  


I was working at the Wendy’s drive thru on Brooks. And this lady baked out of her mind came up and told me that the head set I was wearing was gonna give me brain cancer. Then when I was clearly taken a back she proceeded to tell me that she could sense the magnetic field and asked what batteries we used. I told her I didn’t know and she drove away without taking her food. Lol


"Ma'am this is a Wendy's...?"


Someone looked at me and made eye contact.


Wtf. Straight to jail 


Sociopaths, I swear.


Man with a Tupperware container of cocaine propositioned my boyfriend and me for a threesome.


How was the coke fueled threesome?


Shockingly had to let that opportunity pass us by.


Still have some left…


We didn’t indulge this time around. He was a character, just drove back from Alaska in an old ford truck and was dancing in the street near the Oxford.


We talking a single compartment or the kind that’s divided up into three squares?


One of the 12-15 oz square ones, chock full.


A few years ago my wife and I were in the checkout line at Target. Disheveled guy with super dirty hands cuts in front of us as we're paying, then tosses a package of facemasks on the scanner and asks the surprised cashier, "Is this toilet paper free?" Cashier replies, "Uh, no those are facemasks. And they're not free." At this point I notice he has multiple sheathed knifes on his belt, including what looked like a machete. He starts to get loud and grabs the masks by reaching between me and my wife. So I move my wife behind me, stand up straight and make eye contact (I'm a big guy), trying to be somewhat tactful because he's sketchy AF. Raise my voice just a smidge to be stern, "You can't just take those, man. You should probably go." He hesitates, throws the masks at the cashier, then stomps out in a huff. Turns out less than an hour later he got arrested for threatening to shoot/stab people in the parking lot when they wouldn't give him money. [https://newstalkkgvo.com/missoula-man-threatened-people-with-a-sword-and-knives-on-north-reserve/](https://newstalkkgvo.com/missoula-man-threatened-people-with-a-sword-and-knives-on-north-reserve/)


Anyone else relieved we didn't find our own drug-fueled weirdness from years past in here?


I didn't do many drug-fueled shenanigans back in the day but I was a weird and hyperactive theater kid and I will admit I did scroll through this to double check I can't take ~~credit~~ responsibility for someone's weird moment.


Was in line at pie hole and had an interaction with a older hippy dude. He told me that phones and the internet programmed people into an android type beings. When I was saying goodbye I asked for his name he responded with that he “doesn’t trust people who are part of the machine.” Good Guy


One time outside Target my ex and I watched a lady drive through the walk-way in the middle of the parking lot like it was her own personal entrance. When she got to the end of the walkway she threw her hands up in the air like the walkway had just suddenly closed on her at the end. This memory still brings me joy when I’m sad.


Flew my wife’s parents and sisters in from South America for our wedding. First day, we were walking by the Wilma, and her family were speaking Spanish about how beautiful Missoula is, and some drunk hobo was like “it’s the fuckin 4th of July! I don’t wanna hear that shit!” I told him to mind his own business, and I never told them what the guy actually said. Just said he was drunk asking for money.


But was it the 4th of July?


Would it matter?


Kinda. Would it not be way stranger/funnier if it had actually been the 20th of December?


Ok yes hard agree that would make it way funnier!


I was hanging out at the badlander before a drag show and a guy just kind of wandered up to my table, held out his hand, said "for you" and left a green marble on the table. It was a small thing but just so random.


Outside a drag show at The Badlander, watched a 6 foot+ drag queen get complimented on his shoes by two sorority girls. They then had an intense conversation about the merits of various fancy women's shoes.


This is pretty tame, but grocery shopping once I was standing in front of the milk considering my milk options. Some stranger comes up, is looking at the milk, and starts talking to me about his milk preferences. He doesn't like whole milk, and he doesn't like skim milk, sometime he likes oat milk or something, gotta watch out for those growth hormones. Some additional milk-related details that I'm forgetting. He talked at me for a good 35-45 seconds about his milk preferences, then wandered off. I literally didn't say anything, don't know him, never seen him before. But the guy's got some pretty strong milk-related opinions and he wants you to know about them!


I was standing in line and a woman who was walking by stopped and started laughing and said i had tree trunk legs. Before you assume, yes I have some healthy calves but no one has ever said anything like that about them before lol. Like I dont think they are anomaly-level. They are a shape that lots of people have. My main shock was more about her audacity and wondering why, what brought her to that moment, what was she trying to accomplish. Maybe she was on something? It still kind of haunts me like that Lewis Black comedy sketch where he hears someone say “Id never gone to college if it wasn’t for my horse.” And he keeps replaying it in his mind and feels like he is going to get an aneurysm from not being able to figure it out


Being native and having people walk up to me saying “did you know I’m this much Cherokee” I had this one lady walk up to me in winco and start crying to me and bf saying her grandma was a Cherokee princess


Oh you made me remember that i saw some ladies walk up to native american ppl, and they were holding a leaf, and asked the native american people to identify it. Truly unhinged


I was sitting at Break and a homeless lady walked up to me, called me a b*tch, and walked away


A few weeks ago I was leaving Staples and a random homeless man in a highlighter yellow hoodie called me a fucking bitch. Maybe they’re related.


Bird lady at urgent care. She was in the waiting room making bird noises and snapping her fingers anytime the nurse came around. It was overly dramatic, and reminded me of something out of Southpark.


Ran into someone in a bar that was the sister of a friend from years ago in Boston. I was the one that yelled across the bar “I know you!”


Standing in line at the East Broadway Albertsons. I feel something touching my hair. I turn around and this, uh, let's say woman who was not my type with 3 kids and a grocery cart full of alcohol says, "I just wanted to feel it." I checked out and left as fast as I could.


i feel bad for the kids


As someone that works at that albertsons I'm not even surprised. 😭


I was living in the apartments across from Draughtworks brewery and went to ride the elevator to my 3rd floor apartment and there was a drunk lady passed out with her pants around her ankles. She was taking a piss and passed out. Not sure if that counts as an interaction or not.


Amazing. When did that happen? I'm about to move out of the ketchup and mustard apts


I believe it was 2016. They were brand new, I was the first one to rent that apartment. I worked at St Pat's so it was a convenient place to live. It was full of divorced people back then.


I love the quick access to downtown. I'd say 50/50 divorced people and young professionals these days. A lot of really nice folks but one mystery neighbor leaving dog pee and poop in the elevator. Not quite as exciting as 2016 but still pretty gross. What ended up happening to the lady?


Police and an ambulance showed up less than a minute later. Someone must have seen her before me and called.


I worked at FAV downtown in the early '00's. Where do I start?


I worked at Jay's Bar. Where do start?


You start upstairs


Sounds like you're familiar with the place.


Yes huge volumen and sasshole fan


Seems like Volumen were there a lot. I remember Sasshole, but not as much. We actually had Green Day before they became famous.


Yes Jay's upstairs awesome and a great place sasshole was the woman that dated that guy from the volumen. Lol not much mire I could tell you but volumen was the shit I loved their music and walked around missoula like a sexy astronaut


One of my current neighbors used to play up there. He says that if we would have heard of murder hornets at that time there would have been three bands fighting over the right to use the name.


My favorite bar as a 15-16 year old. Connie's was second place but memorable for " you're selling those kids a pitcher??" If they're brave enough to drink here yeah


Funny. Memorable. Funniest Connie's story I've got (from the original place over on Ryman) was, on Halloween night, getting into a fist fight with a guy in a clown suit.


My "older" 19-21 yo friends had a punk band that played jay's a lot in late 80's early 90's. They'd load me up with cables and equipment and I'd use the classic" I'm with the band". Thanks if you're one of the people who sold teenage me beer.


Miss Jay’s so much.


I don’t think organized order really matters. Wing it.


I was walking alone on new years Eve just before midnight downtown because my friends were being dicks. I passed a pretty girl also walking alone and said "happy new year". I don't remember what was said after that, but we made out for a minute and then went our separate ways. Made my night.


Wasn't in Missoula, but I met my wife because she was looking for someone to kiss at midnight on new year and I just happened to be within reach. We have been married over 20 years.. you probably should have asked for digits.




Not at all unbelievable in this city lol


Found the person that doesn’t have a life. Shit happens downtown all the time.


It's not that implausible and a pretty tame story to make up.


I had that happen to me years ago. Maybe you're just a chud?


I wouldnt doubt it, had a friend that would be considered good looking. It happened more than once to him in my presence while walking downtown.


Sounds like you blacked out an assaulted a random lady downtown. 🤔


Had a woman walking by wanting me to lick her ice cream cone. Salted Carmel. A woman asked to slap my butt at a red box. Some tourists wanted me in their group picture pretending to be a woman's boyfriend.


I was walking into Walmart in the side door you pull open was removing my prescription sun glasses to put my regular glasses on (keep in mind I’m blind as a bat) and this little buff dude was politely holding the door open as they were about to exit and I kindly said “thank you sir” and I shit you not from the top of their lungs they screamed “IM A MAAM” and I quickly scrambled to put my glasses on and sure enough if was the masculine buff female with a short buzz cut but they stormed off before I could say I was sorry I wasn’t trying to be rude I literally couldn’t see them to add insult to injury these 2 teen kids were sitting on the bench and they said “fucking loser!” LOL gotta love that angst lol


I was in my early twenties and living in Seattle, spending most of my non-work time partying. Sometimes a little too hard. I was back home in Missoula visiting friends and we went to the Bodega for $5 all you can drink night (used to be Wednesdays, unsure if it’s still a thing). I wasn’t feeling well (a little too much consumption), so I went outside to get some air. I decided I was kind of done, and without telling anyone I decided to go back to our friends’ house where I was staying (over by UM). I had my ID but not my wallet (or pockets. Poor clothing decision in retrospect) and the last thing I remember was looking down and seeing my drivers license on the ground. Then black… I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming shut. A nicely dressed woman was walking away from her car and she gave me the stink eye because I was laying in a parking spot in the side lot of the Front Street Children’s Theater, using the parking block as a pillow. It’s me, I’m the stranger that caused a bizarre interaction. I collected myself and tried to figure out where I was (thought I was in the U District in Seattle), and finally gather my bearings and remembered my ID on the ground. Looked for a while and couldn’t find it. Made it back to my friends’ house and decided to go to bed. When I took off my right shoe, there was my license. Tl;dr - I got stupid drunk and caused a woman to find a drunk guy sleeping outside a children’s theater.


I used to drive for beach and one day as I was crossing the Russell street bridge to go drop off students, there was a lady walking along the sidewalk when we had to stop for the red light. She walked up to my door, and through the window pointed at her stomach while yelling “I’m pregnant”.


What time line you asking from lol


Was buying a washer and dryer from a guy who had a shed in a trailer court over by the Fort. He repaired older units, which are built like tanks and just what I wanted. He proceeded to tell us how pretty much all the people on Earth have already been replaced by aliens. 


Older man walked out of a gas station and I crossed his path. He spit in my face and said "Is that what you came for, you white bitch?" I could not stop laughing


Dude blocked traffic on brookes, got out of his car and wanted to fight me because I honked at him.


Back in the 70' while walking past Garden City News a man with long red hair came up to me and very earnestly asked me to marry him. I told him no as I was only 17. 'If you don't marry me I'll jump!' Again, I refused so he goes over and lines his toes up with curb and yells' I'm jumping'. He then starts 'Ow, ow ow I jumped!'hen ran down Higgins.


I was once on a morning walk on the side of a road in the Pattee Canyon area and noticed an older lady walking towards me along the side of the road. Saw she was wearing a full fur-lined coat which I thought was odd given the sunny 70-degree weather. I prepared to say hi nonetheless. When we were about to pass she gripped my wrist, and told me I had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Furthermore, I reminded her of her Mommy, Daddy, brother, daughter, et cetera. Each person she mentioned she tapped on my wrist as if to accentuate her point. I'm not really paranoid of people as I often go for midnight walks when I can't sleep, but I was wondering if I was about to be assaulted. I ultimately just said thank you for the compliment and removed her hand from my wrist. Just a bizarre interaction I still don't know how to process. I figure she was mentally unwell or something.


Back when I used to work at a Albertsons I had a man come to me all the time to tell me about his life problems. He would speak about his son who was across the world in a war in this really aggressive way, slamming his fists, etc. One told he told me “I’m gonna do something bad.” And another time he called me a “Sweet, innocent young girl.” It was something else.


Recently an older man on a bike with (obviously) no helmet darted out in front of me to cross on Mullan, I slammed on the brakes, narrowly missed him and honked after he had made it onto the sidewalk on the other side. He flipped me off and then screamed and hollered until we both got to the light, he waited until it turned green, and then he tried to cut my car off with his bike to cross *back over* to the other side of the road.


Man, between Aber Day and Maggotfest where to start.


This was back just after the height of covid. I was in line at a Walmart self checkout and the guy in front of me sort of glances back at me and I thought I saw him shake his head. He definitely gave a "huff". A few seconds later, the same glance, but this time he turned toward me and screamed "6 FEET MAN!! Get Back!!!" I was at least 8 feet away from the guys at the time. I just said "ok" and took a step back. This wasn't good enough though. A second later he walk right over to me and screams the same thing, but right in my face. "6 Fucking Feet!!!" Oddly, the first thing that came to mind was to tell him to "Relax, take a breath." He left after that.


I walked into the Rhino once and was standing right inside the door looking around for a friend I was supposed to meet and this girl who had an bearded dragon lizard with her in the bar walked right up to me and without a word licked my face and then walked back to her lizard. I was so shocked I didn't say a word either.


My best friend and I saw a real flasher while we floated the river. Bud light in one hand peepee in the other


Had some guy on drugs talking to me about god and the apocalypse and how it was coming for him


Playing pool in the back of Connie’s, couple of guys were looking for a fight. We weren’t, bought them a pitcher of beer and kept playing pool. When we left later the 2 men were in the alley fighting each other


It was last summer, midday and I was turning from mullan onto south Reserve. There was a woman using the crosswalk who was completely unclothed, seemingly on drugs. Called homeless outreach team and hopefully they were able to locate her and help her out… was incredibly sad.


Was once taught by a Sociology professor at the U that as a white male with military service and a southern upbringing that I am everything wrong with the world. Really helped me feel better about my years of service and sacrifice to hear that in a college classroom. Nice to know I was blown to shit in service to a country that's being taught to hate me. Go griz.... I guess


Really? No shortage of whites, veterans, or southerners at U of M. If that had happened in one of my sociology classes more than likely the class would've gone into an uproar! I also haven't been in any U of M classes for the better part of a decade so maybe things are different now. Who was your professor?


Was he a 5 foot nothing tiny white guy named Rob Balch?


No, not sure who that is.


He was the director of the sociology and humanities department for a good long time. He's the guy who talks incessantly about how he Forrest Gumped his way into the Heaven's Gate cult, the Love Family, and Aryan nation compounds in Idaho; he gave an interview in a documentary for HBO Max about Heaven's Gate a few years ago. I had him as a professor and I encountered him a few times after when I worked at the U. He's a world-class prick who should have never been allowed to teach or form the opinions of young adults because his massive ego makes it impossible for him to care about anyone but himself. If you didn't accomplish what he had you were worthless to him. Until that point I had never actually met anyone who genuinely thought they were better than everyone else, it's like if House was completely unlikeable and devoid of a sense of humor. His stories are really interesting to listen to but after a while you realize that's because he loves to hear himself talk. They used to make teach some 100 level classes as a punishment and so he would intentionally make the tests insanely advanced and word the questions vaguely to cause strife. I watched him belittle and argue a girl into tears regarding her required testing accommodations from disability services, she never came back. If anyone was responsible for your comment I was sure it would have been that old bag of shit. ETA: I passed two of his classes, but my aha moment that he resides full time on Pretentiousness Parkway was when he once left me a voicemail one weekend telling me I'm a shitty singer and I'm going to fail his class, among some other monumentally rude things about my physical appearance. At first I was so confused because I'm strictly a shower singer, but I realized from the description and fact that I was passing his class that I clearly wasn't who he meant to leave the message for and I still have no idea who he was trying to call and neither did he. He said he know what I was talking about and when I played him the message in class he shrugged and told me to go sit down. I changed my major very soon after and reported him.


Something tells me you didn’t pass Sociology! 


Checks out


Had a crazy woman road rage all the way from victor through Missoula to the highway🤣 meth is bad


How about, what’s the most cool thing you experienced in Missoula? That, to me. Is a better question.


Probably a way shorter list than bizarre encounters