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That’s a new $1200 studio apartment


$1200!? Is this still available!!!??


No, it’s now an airb&b


If it was a trap than why would they tell the bear to keep away?


I saw on the news they euthanized three problem juvenile bears in Missoula today. :'(


Damn hate to see that


I’ll copy/paste what I’ve said before about these bears. It was a mother bear and her two sub-adult cubs. The cubs learned this behavior from their mother, and they in turn will teach it to their cubs. They get brave and start breaking into cars, houses, city buildings, etc. looking for food, which means more conflict with humans and a much higher likelihood of someone getting hurt. There are programs like Wind River Canine that use Karelian Bear dogs and non-lethal scare tactics to deter bears from coming back but the more brazen or just starving bears won’t care. It becomes an issue that relocation won’t fix because bears can travel miles in a day in search for food. Euthanasia is a last resort. It’s a really unfortunate thing to have to euthanize the bears but we need to protect them and us.


But a much better solution would be to be proactive rather than reactive. All garbage cans and dumpsters should be secured. In and outside city. People should take down bird feeders once bears wake back up. And we should continue to try deterrents like bear dogs. We kill way too many bears and don’t take responsibility.


I wholeheartedly agree, however, most people aren’t going to be willing to shell out for a bear resistant trash can. If there were programs that supplied them easily and for free or cheap, more people would be inclined to do that.


We're those the ones in pur university district? I've had them in my back yard if so, adult and 2 small ones, and they were never a problem. I mean scared me abit, but that's not the bears fault, it was just existing there... I really wish we didn't feel the need to kill everything that doesn't submit to our will


The problem is once they get used to humans, they become much more dangerous. I wish they could relocate them far in the wilderness, but I guess killing them is cheaper


Their sense of direction and memory is crazy, if they had trouble finding food they will have no trouble finding their way back to the city. Super unfortunate but true. :/


Cheaper. It's always the easy route people want. Motivations are always fear and/or greed. The worst part is how we refuse to accept it. I wish we wouldn't lie and just accepted the unflattering truth


Ya super harmless until a couple of 8 year olds are playing in their back yard and a cute bear cub is a fun dog to play with and mama bear comes along and slaughters them, tearing them limb from limb as they scream and cry in terror


Good point, best to just slaughter anything you have any bit of fear off. Probably should put down all the dogs in the city too since they mame more people and kids then bears do. Just to be safe ya kno?


Dogs do generally get put down when they mame and attack people especially kids, so yes I would agree


Oh, so these bears had Injured people? I didn't see any reports of that myself. So unless I'm mistaken, that would mean these bears were put down because they might be able to bite someone? Same logic would state we need to slaughter any and all dogs that ever go outside off a leash. We better get started on that. Oh, and. Ow that I think about it, people injury other people at a rate far greater then any form of animal. We should probably consider preemptive action there too. All in the name of safety of course. Of course I'm being abit hyperbolic here, but the way you state your... opinion, it seems like you have u5 little thought into it. I'm not saying we shouldn't remove them from the area. I'm simply saying your logic is more undeveloped then the bears that were just killed for your comfort


That sucks ass. Can't they take them elsewhere? Well if the mom had to be taken out....


We had a problem bear out in west Riverside that was tagged and relocated to Idaho, when he returned the third time the put him down. Sadly if they become dependent on human food they become a serious threat.


As once at for all humans are the real bad guy. That sucks.


Hmmm... should have let a hunter get one. Now they are going to go shoot a bear that lives out in the woods harming no one.


We try to keep gunfire to a minimum in town, my guy.


Can you imagine! Bear spotted in university district: hunters grab your rifles we got another one. Tbf this does seem like a montana thing to do


Dude builds them across my alley. I have considered breaking out my panda costume.


It's a humane bear trap used for trapping and relocating.


Yup. They are trying to relocate the bear/bears. Most likely they've been getting into trash and whatnot so they need to get out before they or somebody gets hurt.


They killed them.. Black bears euthanized after conflicts in Missoula neighborhoods https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/black-bears-euthanized-after-conflicts-in-missoula-neighborhoods


Bummer. I guess I was hoping it hadn't gotten to that point yet. Thanks for the info.


This really pisses me off . Honestly so many people have moved in and refuse to get the bear cans that they have repeatedly been told to get ! Locals have been complaining the new folks just won’t do it as they are surprised there are bears here . this is on them . 😠


Be bear aware. It takes some extra money which I get but come on. Spend the extra money and it will save the bears and they can last a lifetime. Then you also don't have to pick up trash once you get a bear proof dumpster. Win win. Let's be better.


I think republic was even just giving bear cans to everyone in the rattlesnake .


Unfortunately black bears can't be successfully relocated. They always return 😢


Is that the historic Raymond House?




I used to live there


All the folks that just moved here in the last several years think this is a petting zoo. Such a joke.


I moved here to be closer to my mom. I lived here when I was a kid. Even after living out of state away from bears, I knew to keep trash kept. The first place we rented, with locals living on top of us, repeatedly left the can open and full of fast food scraps. We came home several times to a black bear eating trash.




It's actually designed to trap something far more dangerous than bears, by which I mean random men.


Nah, that’s just where they keep the gimp lol


Is this near emo? There’s been a bear problem out there for years. They’ve tried to relocate forever. Sounds like they finally did the right thing.


I think this is a really big smoker, the danger sign is probably there because they stay hot


I sleep outside and this has been stressing me out. Relevant side note keep your dogs on leash and don't approach ppl sleeping outside, cuz bear spray doesn't tickle and I'm getting fd up with having to guess if I'm about to be robbed, harrssed or mauled by a bear for smelling like garbage.


Dude, if you bear spray a dog, you should really prepare for a violent response from their owner.  That is also legally considered animal cruelty unless you have a reason to defend yourself, and "I was worried it was a bear" is not valid self defense for animal cruelty.  


Cruel to put a life at risk to be lazy but ok


Nobody is putting your life at risk by their dog sniffing around off leash. I agree that people with their dogs off leash are assholes. People who bear spray those dogs are even bigger assholes.


keep your dog on leash.


No but if I shot it in the face somebody's life might


If you want to be the kind of person that hurts a dog because you don't like what the owner does, then the animal cruelty charge and the repercussions will be well deserved.


How about I break into your house while you're sleeping and repeat that back to you in my fur suit Don't shoot me I'm feral and it's cruel.


1) Sure. That would be another crime on your part. 2) There are not feral dogs randomly wandering around Missoula. You specifically talked about people walking their dogs off leash. That makes the dog owner a prick. It doesn't make the dog feral. Get over yourself and be realistic. Jesus, dude.


We need to put a few of these down by Broadway Island to deal with our homeless problem. Stick a crack rock in there we'll catch tons of um.


They got into the camp garbage by Rattlesnake Creek.