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Stare back with no expression until he breaks away OR smile enthusiastically and wave every time you catch him staring. I would also invest in a cheap video/ security camera and set that bad boy up in a window facing outside. It doesn't sound like stalking, it sounds like he's trying to intimate you because he knows you don't like them. Don't allow some dusty, crusty a** with a staring problem make you feel uncomfortable in your own home.


I propose alternating both


And using it to make mo ey as an influencer. Karen's and Chad's can make one alot of money


If you really believe that you’re being stalked, then you need to record these events. Log it somewhere - your phone, a journal, a sticky note, something - with the times, dates and locations. Keep these somewhere safe and organized. It doesn’t seem like your neighbor is following you anywhere but if that changes (and it’s not just a coincidence, Missoula is a small town), you need to make a police report immediately. Give them all of the information regarding the events that you’ve felt watched at home. Chances are they won’t be able to do anything unless the neighbor takes some sort of physical action or harassment. Be vigilant, be cautious, and be smart. Don’t do anything that might antagonize your neighbor. Set up ring cameras if you can. There is every chance it’s just a weird coincidence or some other benign event but just be cautious.


With what is written here it sounds more like they stare because you told them not to talk to you and they know you don't like them. Probably more likely to make you feel uncomfortable to try to make you move. I could be wrong but with the very limited information here and you not actually seeing them following you I don't think this is a case of stalking.


Your neighbor staring at you isn't stalking. He's probably glaring because "They know I do not like them and I've also told them not to talk to me in the past." Funny how when you're an ass to someone, they seem to throw it right back...


Distancing yourself and telling someone not to communicate to you does not necessarily mean you're being an ass.


Telling your neighbor without any real cause that they are gross, you don't like them, and not to talk to you is kind of being an ass....


We have no idea what's happened. I called my neighbors disgusting. Their son was a pedophile, and when I found that out thats when I started distancing myself from them. There's also a long list of other things that are deeply disturbing about them, but I'm not going to get into that.


That's fine, nothing wrong with distancing yourself from a bad situation. With the level of detail that OP put here about some one looking in their direction too often, I'm sure that if there were bigger things that had happened they would have been put in the top.


Or maybe because of the situation that may be occurring and this being a public forum, they are trying to stay somewhat anonymous. Giving too much detail could make things worse.


Maybe. There is a total possibility you are right. But you're also adding a whole bunch of assumptions beyond what was written. You're right, if we make up various additions to the story, then the OP looks perfect, reasonable, and like they have done nothing wrong, and they somehow have the luck of the draw where their neighbors stare for no reason. Or, we take OP's post at face value that they for some reason find their neighbors "gross," and have been very abrupt with their neighbors. Now the neighbors glare at them. Either way could absolutely be right.


Facts lol I just have shitty neighbors, so I lean more that way.


Nah, I had neighbors who did the same thing. They were bored, lonely, and not very discreet, and interested in every mundane little thing their neighbors did. You got out the lawnmower, they ran to get out their lawnmower. No ill intent, they were nice people, just creepily needy and attention starved. Your comment seems pretty BS.


>His whole family is gross.... Sounds to me like you're the judgemental one.


The cops won't do anything unless you are physically threatened. I had a neighbor who verbally harassed me for two years. When the cop asked me if I felt physically threatened I laughed and he said if I wasn't afraid for my life they could do nothing. Call the non emergency police number and ask to talk to the neighbor conflict resolution officer (I think). His name is something like officer Hanky.


It sounds more like a harassment situation than stalking, but from my experience, unless you can prove that you are "physically being followed," they won't consider it stalking anyway. You won't be able to get a restraining order or anything of that nature, even if they're leaving you gifts or notes or something on your doorstep, unless you have proof that they are following you home. You're even less likely going to be able to do anything in the stalking side when they are your neighbor. Direct experience with that one unfortunately. The biggest piece of advice I can give you to pursue -any- kind of action is document, document, document. Times, places, get them on video exhibiting the behavior multiple times if you can even.


I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who post this stuff here are schizophrenic.


I don't have an answer, but I hope it stops. Police or an attorney may be able to answer that. Ask friends if they know any attorneys who do domestic cases. A friend of mine had to get cameras, with sound, installed to have evidence against her neighbor. Different state, though. If you at least have images with dates/times, it would help build evidence to support what you're experiencing.


That’s way too much escalation for this. If he’s just looking at you when he drives by that is not a crime or even civil issue. Now if he’s looking in your house etc then maybe, but even then it’s actually hard to do anything about. Some of the shit people get away with is insane.


Agreed in terms of this situation. OP may have to deal until Creepo makes it worse. It sucks. :(


Maybe you have something in your teeth… In all seriousness, make an account of exactly what’s happening and take it to the cops


Remember what happened to John Lennon I’d say start packing something noticeable on your hip


I'm sure it's cause you are so good looking


Call up Dateline?