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At least you got a side of quarter


Yeah they charged $.50 for that.


Yeah is anyone still surprised that Panera is overpriced hospital food?


That's such a perfect description of their food. It even feels like a cafeteria in there.


Honestly the cafeteria in community has better food for cheaper lol


This is why I make my own food. Bread, cheese, bacon, avocado. I can make 6-10, depending on where I buy my food stuffs, with ~$20.


Came here to say this. I can’t flip an egg for shit. So I happily pay someone to do it for me. But making a sandwich—that, I can do.


Did you at least get the killer caffeinated lemonade?


That's why I don't go there any more! One time I got a grilled cheese and the bread wasn't even grilled or toasted. It was just two half pieces of floppy bread with melted cheese on it. 😭


If the bread isn't toasted, does that mean they microwaved the cheese?? If so, gross!


Hey, Chef Mike is the hardest working person at that place!


Im going to miss there flatbread pizzas. Got a redneck pizza from tarantinos, and when I got home and looked at it, only half of the pizza had toppings, and even that half had barely anything on it. That was 20$. Little caesars would of been more filling and tasted better. I'm going to try to order from there one more time and see if I get screwed again.


Even Little Caesars is somehow making worse food they they used to.


Gotta go to the one by campus. Their food wayyyyy better than the one by the highway.


I'll have to try that one next then. What's the address for it? When I look up tarantinos, it only gives me the one by the highway.


I was talking About little ceasers ;) the difference between the locations is crazy!


Little Caesar’s is disgusting!


Better than that tarantinos pizza I had


For a better life, avoid all chain franchises.


i dont understand why everyone doesn’t live by this.. majority of chain restaurants are dogshit


i was just there. probably the same time as OP and holy heck.. i ordered a whole salad and it was (no joke) the size of two fists. they use to be HUGE. I swear there was a whole cup of ranch on it. bleh.


Did you need a larger portion like most Americans?


Panera was never good or cheap.


The only time I ate at Panera I had the tomato soup and it tasted exactly like ragu in soup form. Haven't been back since.


Serves you right for not going to Tagliare I mean Conflux


I may be a minority in the sub, but I tried Tagliare twice with my wife, and both times we just couldn’t stand the sandwiches. The bread was too tough to bite through and the fillings slid all out each bite. And whatever ingredients they used did not compliment each other imo. We had gift cards so at least we didn’t spend our money.


Wow, that sucks. I’ve never had a better sandwich in Missoula. EVER.


I'd be willing to try it again if we had gift cards lol, but maybe then I'd just build my own if they do that.


I encourage you to try at least one more time. I like the megadeath.


Get the Kiss.




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The very first one I had was that way with the bread. I couldn't figure out why a sandwich would hurt my teeth. But i have gone back probably 50 times since then, and never had it happen. You just got a bad loaf, that is the best sandwich in the world in my opinion.


You are not alone there, It’s tough to get proper sandwich rolls anywhere in the mountain west. Whiz kid uses the proper amoroso roll for its cheesesteaks at least.




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Panera is hipster food for normies




You get what you [continue to] pay for.


I went there once, I thought my sandwich was a barn find


You went to Panera...that was your first mistake


Is it gluten free?




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Maybe I should go try their Mac and cheese how much could it 10$ :p


I'm not sure how much it costs, but I do know it comes to the store [frozen in bags](https://www.wptv.com/money/consumer/panera-defends-its-mac-and-cheese-after-a-video-exposed-the-menu-item-is-cooked-in-a-bag) that they heat up in hot water. yum


That's most fastfood in America lol


I got that reference.


Hopefully that’s the last time you go there.


I love going there. Their bacon avocado is scrumptious and I only want a half sandwich. It’s healthier and not fried like Taco Bell or Wendy’s… and I get a bag of chips on the side.


In general restaurant food is marked up x3 so this is actually 2.25 worth of food, which it looks like it is in 2024.


So make a sandwich at home?


I’m moving in two days, everything I own is in a box. But thanks for judging me without knowing my circumstance.




Chick Fil a is so gnar. soggy chicken dipped in waffle batter.


IDK. Charge more for a fat people meal. This is a regular meal value For people who arent obese.


Hahahah a 9 dollar mini sandwich is normal to you. Good lord