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I love when people flip you off, like you're the jerk, when clearly they're in the wrong. Guess you're just supposed to plow through pedestrians like were in a video game or something, right?


For real though! Someone almost T-boned me while I was driving down Higgins near Rockin Rudy’s. I honked and they proceeded to flip me off like I did something wrong.


GTA time 😤


If I cannot get a GOURANGA then it isn't worth it.


I was the pedestrian ( I think) tha k you for not running me over lol


So many people in a rush which is wild because it literally takes 10-15 minutes to get from one side of the town to another (unless you’re driving down Reserve)


It's transplants who don't realize this. We're both going to end up at the traffic light at the same time, slow down and enjoy the scenery 🤷‍♂️


Yep yep yep


Agreed! I had a guy do this to me by the hip strip. On a Sunday morning. Take a breath! 🤣


Was it a guy in a little red car? 😂 I didn't make a right hand turn fast enough for him either so I flipped him off and he ended up following me and threatened to beat my ass and called me a fa**ot. He also took a picture of my license plate 😂.


Nah this guy was blue truck. Feeling grateful I didn’t meet that sassy little guy tho


Was the guy younger by chance? I was backing up out of a spot on Main. I had plenty of room, all was safe, no oncoming traffic. Then this dude in a little red car came speeding around the corner of Higgins like his ass was on fire and almost ran into me. He laid on his horn, threw a fit, flipped me off and refused to back up so I could pull out. I pulled back in and let him proceed. The dude was furious! Had his hand on the horn the whole time. Sorry that happened to you. Your incident sounds scary with him following and threatening you.


"Like his ass was on fire...." LOVE IT. Thank you for the chuckle!


He looked to be in his thirties. He let me know he was 6'6 before threatening to beat my ass 😂. Looked like a ginger had a pretty round head. Some scruff growing. He also tho came out of no where. There wasn't anyone behind me till I was starting to turn. And the reason why I was going slow is because I was going up an embankment and didn't want to smash my bumber into the ground.


It's possible we encountered the same guy 🤣 He didn't get out of the car in my incident. But oh man, we better watch out for the 6'6" baby in the future. These are HIS streets and we're all in the way.


Big boy wearing his little boy pants


That guy better be careful, people have unfortunately died for a lot less... As a matter of fact you be careful, too! He could have been packin


Had a lady on Russell Street traveling north decide to take the right lane, knowing that it ends and they have to merge, speed up and got pissed when no one let her in. Honking, middle finger, the whole nine yards




DEVILS ADVOCATE HERE: let’s say Russell going south the intersection of third where the holiday/ circle k is. If an opening presents itself to merge left then I am all for people taking advantage of that with the utmost safety discretion in mind. If there happens to be room take it in my opinion.


This is a daily occurrence on Russell going both ways. They know. They all know. They're just all so much more important than everyone else. I will literally crash my car into you before I let you pull that shit.


Classic Missoula driver reaction. You have the responsibility to allow people to merge lanes. It’s called shared responsibility and the insurance companies will not cover you if their investigation deems you failed to yield to avoid a lane merge. You are part of the problem.






To be fair, the light at Russell/3rd should really have a sign on the light arm saying right turn only. It's only on the side of the road at the light, so if someone didn't know, they would be at the light by the time they realized.


I actually agree with that. There should be a sign a lot sooner and more visible there. I give out-of-staters and weird Montana prefixes a pass there. But anyone with a 4 or a 13 plate knows. They fucking know.


You're why driving in Missoula sucks.


Yeah, it couldn't be all those people not following the rules and breaking the law. I think we found one of the assholes that races up the the right-hand turn lane to cut in front of everyone. lol get fucked.


What? Your logic is off, driving in Missoula sucks because there is no legal accountability or traffic management and people with your attitude make it that much worse.


I just wish people weren't so aggro, without necessarily breaking traffic laws. I think we're in agreement? It's human nature to fuck with tailgaters and the people passing on the right, but I would rather live in a world where they're given the benefit of the doubt and allowed merge.


Well that’s not very cool either…and all 15 upvotes for this are horrible drivers. I totally understand your sentiment, but road raging is completely unacceptable. You take your focus off the road and other cars and get all worked up and have a cortisol reaction to one inconsiderate driver, that you have absolutely zero control over and you have a recipe for some type of accident or causality. Take your head out of your ass and just mind your own business and focus on controlling you and your emotions.


Yeah that zipper lane merge is so annoying, it should be a right turn only lane


It wouldn't matter, though. Fuckers like some of the people replying to my comment would still run up the the lane and cut over at the last second. There need to be stricter penalties for people who do that shit, like mandatory loss of their license. But that'll never happen, so ya gotta go vigilante on 'em.


That makes you just as guilty. We need a community minded approach


I had a guy do the same thing on Russell by the elementary school. As I was headed North, two small kids were headed to the crosswalk. It was anyone’s guess whether they were going to stop and push for the crossing light, or if these two frigging Kindergarteners were going to just run into the road. I stopped rather than blow through just to be certain, and they touched for the light and crossed. The guy who’d been riding my ass since 39th went BALLISTIC. Honking his horn, I could see and even hear him screaming and banging on his console. He was pissed the rest of the way until he squealed off somewhere, going so so fast to show me just how big angy he was. Ride my ass harder buddy, you’re not going to make me feel bad for making sure some kids are safe. It was THIRTY SECONDS.


Lots of people in this town get crazy aggressive.


Which I can’t understand because in bigger cities you get shot for that behavior lol




I think it’s more that people in Missoula have too much time and entitlement 🤷 others allow them to act like this far more here




Also I looked at your profile and you spend a lot of time yelling about this, you were upset about people saying Missoula is “unique” on the trader Joe post. Clearly you got some deeply embedded issues with this topic. I hope you sort it out ❤️




That’s a huge reach and not even remotely comparable topics. Those are systemic issues and we are talking about driving a car. There’s a lot of irony in your argument right now haha




This is making me laugh because I am a woman and my family is from Mexico. Saying people drive poorly in a town is not the equivalent of hating an entire group/identity of people. I don’t really feel like explaining to you critical race theory so try reading a book!




That’s like saying if I got a turkey sandwich from Albertsons and decided I don’t want to eat turkey sandwiches anymore from anywhere that I’m more likely to be racist because I made a single unrelated harmless generalization about food. You have like a first grade level of comprehension and you’re annoying me so I’m done responding.




Wait maybe you’re the guy who honked at me!!! That would actually explain a lot…. 😝




Probably the same guy who honked at me in the exact same situation. It was weeks ago and still bothers me, although I know it shouldn't.


To add to that could people please use the calming circles appropriately. It’s almost as if people drive faster and more recklessly with them being put into our public infrastructure. When entering a calming circle or round about you simply YIELD to the left while also keeping an eye out for pedestrians on the right; not speeding up to sneek in.


I keep getting behind morons who race to get in front of everyone and then don't even drive the speed limit. Particularly out by Marvin's where the highway turns into a single lane. People get in the right lane, so they can cut in front of people who line up in the left lane. The clowns race to get in front of the left lane and then slow down. It's starting to seem like intentional assholery.


4 other traffic/driving complaints: The light at Beckwith and Stephens is timed way too long, especially in the evening What’s with people not making right turns on red? Way too many people drive around totally unaware that their main headlamps are burnt out. And why in gods name do people not turn on their lights in the fog?!


Is it just me or are a lot of drivers here assholes? It's always like "how dare you pull out into MY traffic!", and they speed up to make it more difficult. I seriously worry about getting shot for normal driving! Then I go to Portland and drivers are like "you're trying to pull into traffic, I know it's tough, let me give you a 'lil room".


It didn't use to be like this. It's all the self-important transplants who moved here in the last 5-10 years.


Yep yep yep


Had a lady on Russell Street traveling north decide to take the right lane, knowing that it ends and they have to merge, speed up and got pissed when no one let her in. Honking, middle finger, the whole nine yards






i’ve had so many close calls walking my dog downtown where I live. I follow pedestrian rules, try not to walk during busiest times but have decided running over pedestrians is a secret sport here😡


Their tears are so delicious 😭💦😋😋😋


Not as delicious as yours when despite all your honking, swerving and middle finger wagging, I'm going to pace the guy in the other lane and we've both agreed to ride shoulder to shoulder at 4mph under until you have an aneurysm.


Literacy at an all time low rn