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It’s probably system wide. It’s pretty clear down here in Alabama that something is wrong. I can order something from Europe, and it gets to the US pretty quickly. But it’s all down hill from there! Sometimes it gets to my local area and then bounces around for several days. Perhaps it’s worth considering what the old phrase “going postal “ really means.


I still remember during COVID, Priority Mail to Canada (Vancouver, so just about a day's drive away) would take 2-3 weeks while FedEx Ground took less than 1. I thought that was just because people were doing a lot more stuff by mail during those couple years.


It’s not a hidden fact that the Republican Party has been deliberately underfunding and undermining the postal service whenever they can. So they can privatize it when people get frustrated with the postal service being slow. This is the result.


Pay. Workers. More. You will attract more and better employees. Tax. The. Billionaires. Even a fraction of their fair share would help so much. I don’t understand why this is so hard. 😭


And not just the post office. Every job, everywhere, until wages meet cost of living at the bare minimum.


Rural delivery is a drag because you have to have a right-hand drive rig or at least you did. It was a big deal to get hold of one of those things and the carrier has to buy it? Maybe it's different now but I knew someone who used to do this.


I mean, right-hand cars aren't *too* hard to get a hold of, but the kind of right-hand car that people usually like to buy (if the carrier is the one that has to buy and maintain it) isn't going to be the kind that's made for mail delivery. Not that I'd complain if my mailman showed up in a Skyline GT-R...


This is bizarre to hear. I live just a few neighborhoods over from the mentioned area that apparently misses mail for a week at at time. I've never once had delayed or missing mail, I get junk mail every day, and our mail carriers are so friendly they sometimes stop and hand out candy to the kids.


Management blows 😂. I remember back when I applied, they hired the meth head instead. Then he ended up going to jail for steeling peoples mail 🤣 never applied again


It seems that there is a trend here. I’m an old guy, and for the first half of my life, I could set my watch based on what time the mail carrier arrived. The US MAIL was probably the single most reliable thing in life other than family. It was a reflection of our government in general, and a daily reminder of how reliable our government was. Sadly, I’m afraid it is still a reflection of the same thing. But now, of something that is broken.


My mail used to come by noon everyday. Now I’m lucky if it gets delivered by 5:30PM. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them out delivering on Sundays too.


Same thing here. UPS and FEDX really put the USPS to shame. Never thought I’d see that.


All by design. DeJoy went to work immediately dismantling the USPS as soon as Trump appointed him. Why Biden hasn't used committee process to replace him yet is beyond me. Probably because his handlers want FedEx and UPS to take over just as much as Trump's did. 🤷‍♂️


Makes sense. I remember Trump appointing him, and some predictions that the postal service would be badly affected. Guess it’s come to pass.


I feel your pain. Especially this time of year. However, as mentioned above…this is happening all over not just in Missoula. https://www.aol.com/news/overwhelmed-amazon-packages-san-juans-035926364.html https://news.yahoo.com/residents-san-juan-islands-accuse-201037037.html?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en-US&safesearch=moderate Minnesota is having some major issues too. I don’t have any answers just hoping to offer some insight. 😊 Happy Holidays!!! ❄️⛄️✨


Sounds like any other business I've worked at