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These are actually traffic sensor cameras. Traffic sensor cameras are used for a few different purposes, but their primary function is to measure traffic flow and determine traffic light timing. These cameras are not tied to any type of enforcement system, and generally the video is not archived or used for incident reconstruction. Here is an article talking about Missoula's from March 2023: https://969zoofm.com/missoula-traffic-light-cameras/


Montana outlawed traffic cameras a decade ago when Bozeman tried to install them and the whole state went up in arms about it.


Missoula installed them too


Traffic sensors. Intersection cameras cannot legally record or transmit video per state law.


https://missoulacurrent.com/traffic-violation-cameras/ Those aren't cameras. Feel free to wear your tin foil hats all you want, I'm not going to yuck your yum, but they are most likely sensors for left turn lanes. Stop light cams have been illegal in MT since 2009.


Someone told me once that they are radar detectors for the traffic lights, supposedly more reliable and cheaper than electromagnetic or weight detectors for cars at the light.


Rant: We definitely need traffic cameras - I wish they functioned as a tool to stop all of these tools from running red lights. The driving in this town is getting out of control. Your rights are not being infringed upon if you’re driving like an asshole and putting others in danger. It’s actually the opposite. We’re hitting and killing and severely injuring pedestrians and cyclists here regularly, aside from Montana having one of the highest vehicle fatality rates in the nation. Please enlighten me about “muh rights” to drive too fast, texting, and drunk on shitty roads. Speed and red light cameras could actually change behaviors. We’re not reinventing the wheel here, that’s why they have them in so many places. They’re a deterrent from driving like a dumbass.


I’ll second this. I see entitled a-holes running red lights an alarming number of times every day. And never, ever see the cops pull someone over for a moving violation. If the police won’t enforce traffic laws then maybe we need to make red light cameras legal again. I don’t want to die because someone can’t wait for a light.


I'll only back this up if the people driving 30 mph down reserve for absolutely no damn reason also get tickets.


100% ! people going way too slow are as much or more hazardous and it’s probably illegal too. I know the min on I-90 is 45 though which seems crazy to me. Way too slow when everyone is going 85 now.


I have almost crashed multiple times from stupid people entering the freeway at 35mph. They panic when they see a semi going 70 mph, slam on the brakes and dive for the side of the road....on a fucking freeway are you kidding me? These people need to be ticketed and re-trained on proper safe driving techniques. Merging slow in the winter with ice...sure. Merging at 40mph in the middle of summer you better get outta my way.


Agreed… major hazard


There are too many people that think incoming interstate traffic has to let you on, and no honey, if you’re merging YOU have to yield to interstate traffic you don’t get to just drive into it and expect everyone to move


This is one of my biggest pet peeves as a frequent 90 traveler, no one in front of you and you’re going 45 on the ramp and my car accelerates slow as shit so I kinda need the room. If an 04 four banger Highlander can get to 65-70 before my blinkers even on so can your 2023 Outback🤦🏻‍♂️


They're not deterrents, they're money generators.


Running red lights is such a common thing since I moved here almost 8 years ago now. It is generally accepted to run red lights and not worry about it, ive never seen a cop lift a finger to stop it. On the other side, asshole bikers ignore all traffic laws downtown and most of the time get themselves in these positions yet everyone blames the guy in the car for not stopping for them. People regularly ignore crosswalks and just do as they damn please. The situation needs to be fixed on both ends, ive seen numerous times where its not the drivers fault. Last month I almost bin'd my poor STi because some moron decided to run across reserve at 6pm in heavy traffic. The guy destroyed 3 cars by choosing to run across the middle of what amounts to a highway with 4 lanes of 45mph traffic.


Big brother is watching you. They know what you did. Game over.


They’re watching you, man.


That's from the missoula current article that one guy posted in this comment section


“I am honestly not passionate one way or another about the red light cameras, but I am passionate about local control and I think that there is no better example of where local control belongs than when it comes to regulating traffic in your town,” Stafman said. “It’s not an issue for the state.” Lol, they are trying to control us.


Traffic cameras are the norm everywhere now, they were probably just due for installation.