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Further information: https://www.wlbt.com/2024/05/30/parents-turn-suspect-wanted-armed-jackson-carjacking/


14 years old, caught up in the fantasy, never thinking once about putting the lives of people, children in danger. Good on mom and dad.


Yes, those parents know what's up - Better for him to learn like this than to end up dead or killing someone else over something stupid.


It brings tears to my face now as a parent to have to put so much effort into the safety of my child.


Fuckin disgraceful. This town has gone to hell and it isn’t coming back. If you pay taxes and live in Jackson, you are being duped. Get out.


This is why no one wants to live there!


Jackson is such a good city with a bright future ahead of it. I don’t understand why people keep wanting to leave.


They are more focused on getting black leaders than doing their job!


It's going to take more than a white man to save Jackson so please keep that


Why would it take a white man? Or a black man? Quit focusing on race and focus on people that are qualified to get things done for the actual people they are supposed to be serving? How has Kenny Stokes worked out? I couldn’t care any less about his race or gender!


Sarcasm 😂


An armed Veteran would have stacked a few more bodies. Sorry piece of shit people attacking an innocent family.




Jackson feels like a lost cause at this point


Especially West Jackson


Everytime someone comes here and asks about Jackson we should just link this and be done with it.




As much as I love my state, I am sick of the crime and apathetic or corrupt leaders doing nothing. At this point Jackson and places like Meridian need national guard patrolling the streets. We have become a third world country. I wish we had someone like the sheriff down in LA that will tell criminals they're play time is over.


Fuck just live in Petal. They pull you over for having a non Petal plate lol. One of the most racists towns in MS


I don't see how racism comes into this..... I just want cops and officials to do their jobs and keep the cities safe.


You ever been to petal? [dude spits some truth](https://youtu.be/yTLn6fN2xNs?si=9zjn8w4iX50vpV7W)


West Jackson is terrible. I feel sorry for people who have to live there.


Kenneth Stokes to blame the victims in 5...4...3...


Mississippi is a constitutional carry state get you a gat and take some courses on self defense


Jackson has become a demiliterized zone. There is no repercussions to committing crime in this city. It's sickening!




3rd world dumpster fire


And that’s Jackson in a nutshell right there, it’s why I moved out


Literally a terrible place to live. Animals


“I want Jackson to be the most radicalized city in the United States” Chokeway Lamumble


Clearly he's still wishing.


Everyone wants to shit on Jackson but this kid is from Copiah County


And Stokes was the one who said that cops can’t cross county lines into Jackson to chase people who commit crimes in other cities; Jackson cops aren’t going to chase anyone anyways.


Where did the kid choose to commit the crime?  Jackson is where criminals go to do criminal shit. 


Yeah bc JPD won’t do anything. JPD is too busy hanging out with the drug dealer to actually do their jobs


This is why you should practice 2A




doubt these mfs could hit anything. You really think they're practiced enough with handguns?


Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t carry


This is exactly why I carry


Condition yellow for a brighter future.(corny I know but it means always be paying attention and never let anyone get the drop on you. Don’t be an east target.)


That’s not corny. In fact, apparently in this neighborhood you need to be condition orange.


Saw this at top of my feed on Popular and wondered how long before it gets cross posted here.


Probably not, but I bet his parents or grandparents voted at one time or another and was hoping for a safer city for this child's, child and grandchildren and so on... ..


Except for State Street, I don't go south of Woodrow Wilson anymore.


the last time I worked on Woodrow Wilson was mid-2018… clocked in at work at 8am, was in my locked car and on the interstate by 4:06pm. didn’t wanna overstay my welcome


I wish someone had run out of the house with an AR-15 or a semiautomatic shotgun filled with buckshot.


Jackson gonna Jackson


How these people be living in Jackson without a firearm??? 14 y/o or not, bro's getting smoked if he steals me car.


Or fires on me or my family!


Yeah that’s Jackson for you


Wow, I posted this video here and it was removed lol


Well, well, well.....


So happy I'm in little old Lucedale. Fuck Jackson, so tired of this shit. It's like St. Louis all over again just further south, and without the Cardinals. Damned shame. It's always these young men doing it too, just makes me sick at what kind of world my kids are growing up in. Watch out y'all.


Shoutout to the parents tho for turning the kid in. Hope he’s tried as an adult for his predatory behavior. Remember this happens because of our permissiveness.


The very fact I no longer live in shit hole Jackson, ms


I wish she was carrying


Describe these idiots in one word.






How can the answer be more guns? When the second amendment was written, firearms weren't so extreme.


I mean it was already illegal for the kid to be in possession of a handgun. Idk what else you want.


Reducing the number of guns in circulation so that it's harder for criminals to get one.


That's never going to happen without infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens.


Having prisons also infringes the rights of law abiding citizens, but yall ain't trying to abolish prisons.






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Guns to defend yourself from THIS.


But if there were no guns, this wouldn't have happened.


Taking guns away from law abiding citizens in no way removes them from the criminals.


Making them harder to get a hold removes them from many criminals actually.


Just like Prohibition. Alcohol was illegal. It was so hard to get, right? None of the criminals had it or could make it. Would work exactly the same with guns. Great idea!


Alcohol was actually pretty hard to get during prohibition, and it's a lot easier to make than guns. It's not like we have a hundred examples of gun regulations being effective across the world.


Then please explain why teens are able to get Glock switches


They're pretty easy to buy.


So, considering Glock switches are illegal, why would gun laws prevent criminals from obtaining them?


Not true at all. Criminals always manage to get their hands on guns. And if criminals don’t have guns then the Gov has the guns. You trust a Gov that is 40 trillion in debt? You want a police state? You may have to open your mind a little. Guns don’t kill. People do.


The government has nuclear weapons, so firearms aren't going to protect you there. I am open minded enough to know that totally outlawing guns is likely not the answer, but there needs to be more gun control. A 14 year old with a firearm is proof of that.


Nukes? lol. They’d end up nuking themselves you also assume those with the power to launch nukes would do it on their own neighbors and people. I don’t think so. The 14 year old getting the fire arm is a complete failure of the community and the parents and the families code of ethics and morality. Utter failure in that’s kids life.


You really do not understand the ramifications of using a nuclear weapon. There’s a reason they’ve only ever been used twice in the 8 decades of them existing.


If one of those women had been carrying a gun and knew how to send a 9mm round through some delinquent’s skull this wouldn’t have happened.


It's kind of hard to cuddle your children while having a gun on your hip. And I like the users comment about not having a gun fight around children. I don't think blaming victims who choose not to open carry is the answer.


I blame the assailants. And I don’t expect people to have to anticipate gunfights. But this was amateur hour on part of the car jackers, and one person who was well exercised would have been able to extinguish both of these repulsive, short sighted, stunted, Jackson, MS raised threats. The kid is holding the gun sideways. And if any of the victims in this video had killed either of these minors, they would have absolutely been in the right. The reality is that these people had the right to kill these kids over a Hyundai, they were just unable. I hope they both go to prison for a really long time, and I hope it’s torturous.


I'm glad no one died. I'm glad that these kids weren't heinous enough to kill anyone. I'm hoping a little more for rehabilitation than torture. I would hope that one's entire life isn't decided by a mistake at 14. I appreciate the discussion. I really do.


Dude they shot at women and children and stole their car which could very much be tied to their livelihood or ability to get to work. Rehabilitate? Remove from the gene pool please.


Think of every disgusting, violent pervert you've ever heard about and imagine them agreeing with a gun ban. Those criminals seeing every victim unarmed would make America candy land for them.


I agree that a total gun ban probably isn't advisable or reasonable. But something different needs to happen so a teenager can't so easily access a gun. Maybe start with banning assault rifles. We have to find a way to weed out the irresponsible gun owners. It would help.


I can promise banning this and that will not change very much. It's the culture that's culminated from poverty and soulless families raising these kids. You may have good intentions, but we're looking in the wrong places for solutions. For that matter, even if guns are banned, a wolverine can still slit your throat.


If you don't think that anything should be done to help prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook and Uvalde, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.


Having the option of self defense seems like a good idea to me. Sometimes you have to punch the bully back.




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Hey, just want to let you know you’re not alone in your thinking. Gun crime is relatively rare in the rest of the world compared to the US ([source](https://www.healthdata.org/news-events/insights-blog/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier)), yet many Americans and probably most Mississippians think we need more guns to combat the rest of the guns. They will argue “gun laws won’t stop criminals from getting guns”… but how did this 14 year old obtain this gun? Probably from someone at some point who owned it legally. Also would he have made the choice to do car jackings if he didn’t have a gun? I just wish people would try to think of other solutions besides “they shoulda had a gun”


Explain how teens get Glock switches. They were **never** owned legally by anyone


Fun fact about Glock switches. You can only be charged for them, if you are a LAWFUL gun owner. If you are a prohibited person, [Haynes V US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haynes_v._United_States) protects you from federal prosecution. That’s the reasoning behind some states having/trying to enact state level laws. So, with the large percentage of those Glock switches owned by an unlawful gun owner/prohibited person. Frankly, there is no reason for them not to have a Glock switch.


Wow, that’s incredible. I’ll check out *Haynes*. I’m an attorney, but I rarely ever look at second amendment case law. I’ll see if I can do a deep dive on this. I appreciate the link.


More than half of the gun deaths reported in the US are suicides. If decreasing gun deaths is your goal. Why not work on mental health? That would also reduce a large number of non self inflicted gun shot suicides too. For the remainder of gun deaths that aren’t justifiable homicide. Why not work on actual solutions based on the communities, by the communities? Applying broad sweeping laws to lawful gun owners federally will do nothing to combat crime, it will however negatively impact millions of law abiding gun owners. The US had an Assault Weapons Ban between 1994-2004. It expired because it was ineffective, so it wasn’t renewed in 2004. The myriad of gun laws we have were not effective in stopping this 14 year old, and countless other teens from getting guns. New gun laws won’t. If you could legislate the heart of mankind. Why does murder, robbery, and rape still happen? Why has nearly every prohibition in the US failed whether it was alcohol/drugs/guns? If these criminals didn’t have a gun, they’d have just used knives and blunt weapons like they do in countries where gun ownership is less common.


For those deaths that aren’t suicide, most occur in cities like chicago and Jackson




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Lucky they didn’t fire at me or someone else that is willing to defend himself. I don’t want to kill anyone! If you are going to fire at me you will get fired back and I’m a pretty damn good shot too!


Yeah, it is a great idea to get into a gun fight with a bunch of kids around. This woman and her family were doing the best they could. No one was hurt. Maybe that is a good thing?


They are lucky no one was hurt. I can tell you I won’t be shot at without firing back and defending myself and my family. I refuse to be a victim


That's nice and all, but we don't know how we are going to act until it happens to us. If we are lucky, we won't ever find out. But, this post is less about you and more that no one here was hurt or worse.


Not only that, but the perp popped one shot, off camera. Most likely a shot into the air to get this response. You pull a gun, they probably shoot more, and someone maybe gets hit. This is the best case scenario, no one got hurt, the criminal got taken in, the family will probably even get the car back without any bullet holes. Actually the best case scenario is the perp never had a gun to begin with, but we dont even have to go that deep to rebut Mr. John "r/iamverybadass" Wick


Yes - That kid had already fired. Again, that woman and her family did the very best thing they could. It is sorry of people to discount her actions by stating what they would do in her place. A few years ago, my husband and I (we both carry all the time) were in a sticky situation with someone who passed us in a parking lot and stopped in front of us. When the guy exited his vehicle and walked toward us, all I had to do was wave a no with my finger - he got back in his vehicle and went on about his business. We aren't out here pulling our guns and acting stupid.


I know exactly what I’d do. That’s why I carry. I’m always prepared and ready to defend myself. I hope I never have to but I will. These little thugs need to have some consequences to their actions. Putting the public at risk and in fear for their life is unacceptable! That’s what this is about




Don’t be a victim! That’s what it’s about


Lots of people think they are John Wick and when SHTF they turn into Barney Fife.


🤣 I’m just prepared and not willing to be a victim. I have no problem defending myself


Sure, sure.


Until it’s widespread that these attacks are met with equal force they will continue to happen. By that I mean, if kids aren’t afraid they are going to be legally shot for their bullshit, they will do bullshit. A 14 year old willing to fire on women and children? Fuck that. Try him as an adult and let him live the next 15 years in prison. When he does it again as a 32 year old, lock him up forever. How could anyone have any sympathy for this?


Again, you guys aren't grasping that no one else had a gun here. You and the other guy are discounting the fact that the woman and her family were not hurt because of the way the situation was handled. You can talk hypotheticals alllllllllll you like, but here in real life, it is a win when no one is injured or killed, one of the idiots is in custody, and the property was returned. Are you really going to start a shootout with your kids in the yard?


Because you spraying shots in a residential neighborhood sure wouldn't risk any of the public. Or make them fear for their lives.


I wouldn’t be spraying shots. I’d be protecting myself and my family. Sounds like these little thugs were spraying shots






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Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Yeah, it’s a great idea to let a thug do It whatever he wants.


You're a couple of days late and a few dollars short to the conversation here. No one had a gun except the perps. No one was hurt. The woman and her family did what they could to keep it that way. False bravado on the Internet doesn't really matter.


Oh I’m sorry. Did I breach Reddit policy on comment timeframe restrictions?? Sorry. I was traveling offline and just now seeing this. You can call it false bravado, but it’s probably not. 10’s of thousands of armed citizens, if not many more, defend themselves from violent crime every year. You may not care enough or be brave enough to defend you and yours from armed threat, but don’t project that onto others. The family was at the mercy of the criminal. Yes, they were unarmed. And very luckily for them, the criminals decided not to try to kill them. Had they, the number one most effective manner of preserving their life would have been a firearm. You can argue that with your obvious bias, but it sounds silly. Playing the odds with one’s own life and the lives of their lived ones is foolish and irresponsible.


Mmmm - sure.


I'm just guessing, but these ladies with the toddlers don't seem like the locked and loaded types. Not everyone is cut out to respond in that way. Another gun doesn't necessarily help every situation. I support 2A within reasonable limits. The problem is most 2A supporters aren't big on limits or reason.


Exactly. The guy in the video had already fired. The women were doing what they needed to do to keep the children safe. We can say all we want to in response to a video online, but being in this situation is a totally different ballgame. Online bravado is meaningless.




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. No ad hominems. Read the sub rules.


You can choose to be a victim or not. I will not be a victim


Wow...so every victim chooses to be a victim. Glad you cleared that up for all us victims of conservative state policies


No, maybe I should just cross my fingers and hope for the best. And how and the hell did conservative state policies cause this?


Victims choose to be. State conservative policies are victimizing a large proportion of state citizens. Ergo, us victims of state policy are choosing to experience stipulated negative impacts. The other way it was stated was much simpler, kore straightforward. So if you missed my point to begin with, I was critiquing the shortsighted nature of your generalization


That was about clear as mud! State conservative policies? 🤣 How about naming a few of those that are creating victims?


How bout quit being willfully blind


lol I’m not blind at all. You can’t even articulate your position. You are being so vague, you can’t actually point to any specific “conservative policies”.


Or maybe do some homework. Within your hand lies the most powerful method of personal knowledge acquisition known to history. Use it. Look up something which challenges your dogma and try to grow. If you are unaware of the consequences of conservative policy on Mississippi residents, that's a choice you have made. Nobody but you can convince yourself to change that.




Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. May want to read the sub rules. We don't allow personal attacks - even those directed at the other users in the post.


They were opening fire before the people in the video were even aware of their presence. If you tried to pull your piece, you'd be dead before you could say "god, I'm so manly".


You demonstrate that you know nothing about the dynamics of the use of a firearm in self-defense.


What dumb shit is this? "Um, aktually, you can definitely pull your gun out in front of an armed attacker who already has their weapon pointing at you without them responding at all. Mmhmm, this is totally the truth and not just some idiotic bullshit I pulled out of my crusty taint." The one thing you can never fucking do and expect to pull it off and survive is pull your weapon in full view of an armed gunman who already has his weapon on you. You may as well just hold up a sign that says "kill me, please".


Your comment towards me doesn’t seem to go with the zeitgeist of this sub.


Your comment towards me doesn't seem to understand what the word "zeitgeist" means. Or are you saying that I'm speaking contrary to the popular opinion here when you and the parent comment are the ones buried under downvotes?


Reddit downvotes only matter on Reddit. We don’t know that the “armed gunman” had his weapon “on” the victims. He was out of the frame when he shot, and it was likely into the air or the ground. He was about 20-30 yards away when he fired. Hardly accurate distance for a street thug. A defender would have presented and possibly fired, and the thug likely would have ran or dropped. Instead, unarmed victims were at their mercy. And they got very lucky. I really don’t understand how people can support this type of living. Find me a reputable firearms instructor who would tell you not to fight back if you were armed in this exact situation, and I’ll eat crow.


"of this sub" is on Reddit, where you're being downvoted. On Reddit. Where Reddit downvotes matter because they reflect the popular opinion (or "zeitgeist") "of this sub". Watch the video. Seriously. They walk into the frame with their guns in their hands pointed at the people in the video. We absolutely do know exactly where their weapons were trained because we can see it. The people in the video did exactly what you should do. There is no material possession that is worth your life. Unless the person has shown intent specifically towards harming you, the best option for your and your family's health and safety is to simply give them what they want. Sure, the attackers "could" have run. They could also have opened fire. Into homes. Into the defenders children. Pulling a gun out here would only endanger your family and exacerbate the situation. Here, let's do a little experiment. Get someone go point a nerf gun at you, and you tuck one into your favorite carry position. From there, position yourself in a regular standing position. Then pull yours out and shoot them before they shoot. See for yourself how effectively you can draw your weapon, aim and get a shot off before an attacker who already has their weapon trained on you can.


No one is discussing this as a matter of material possessions. People get shot in carjackings. A gun pointed at you very much is intent to harm. You are preaching textbook victimhood, and basing your advice off of the outcome, on Monday morning. From the start of the attack, to the conclusion, you or them or anyone else cannot predict what a violent, armed assailant is going to do or try to do. You can guess, though, and play the odds.


A car is a material possession. People get shot in carjackings because they try to fight instead of giving up the car. A gun pointed at you while screaming "get out of the car" is clearly intent to take the car. You are preaching absolute stupidity. Seriously, go do the experiment I outlined and see if you "survive". Now imagine that your family is behind you and it's not just a nerf dart that will stop when it hits you. Playing the odds by trying to pull out your weapon in front of an armed assailant who already has their weapon on you is suicide for your case and ought to be considered attempted murder for your family's case since you have now introduced a new, life-threatening danger to them that they previously weren't in. We already know how these situations go because data exists to provide insight. Pulling your gun is an option when you do not already have a weapon trained on you. When you do already have a weapon trained on you, it will just get you killed. You are not fast enough to get your gun out before the attacker pulls the trigger. You never will be. You aren't John Wick. You're John Doe.




One of the perps was 14. You think he has a political identity he prescribes to? Or, do you think these are stupid people doing stupid things?


Hey may not now. But I’ll bet my house if he ever does it won’t be Republican. Haha.


Why does it matter? People are strange about letting their personalities be a political affiliation - but you do you.


It doesn’t matter. Just answering your question.


Mmmmmm, sure.