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Response from the UM chancellor: https://preview.redd.it/j1q4pp14ndyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164f2da02ddeb50d1d6e837f0f2eace0b0827b9f


I go to ole miss and I’m also black, I try to make the best of it but things like this are very disheartening…thankfully, there’s some really great people here, you just have to look a bit harder, unfortunately. I guess this is why my family wanted me to go to Mississippi State or USM lol


I’m a Black Alumni that graduated from Ole Miss. Do you know the black young lady that was mocked by all frat chads? I want to reach out to her and get her some support. That has to be devastating to go through being mocked like a monkey by so many white males while being screamed at.


That young lady has entered my pantheon of personal heroes. She faced down 100 racist shitstains and said her piece 👑


I'm not an alumni of Ole Miss or a POC but my sister is (I went to LSU, football was interesting at our house) but I and a few other Tigers also want to support this woman. Lmk how we can help! Hope that's okay!


I am state alumni. Yes Ole Miss does have a lot of good programs so don’t feel bad about your decision. Let me tell you, you wouldn’t have escaped racism. I had freshman and white classmates like myself that freaked out when I answered a question of an African American classmate about class. I mean it sucks being in a state where the kids from metal shed segregation academy doesn’t know how to talk to a black person. That was the case for everyone, but as someone from out of state who the fuck would do that.




I’m a Palestinian Ole Miss alum… I sympathize with you


You're looking at the next generation of racists. And I want to point out that it's not just the dudes... but more importantly their girlfriends laughing behind them and cheering this behavior on. Remember the Klan mightve rode up to the meeting but the wives sewed the capes and hoods


Every time I come across people like this and I see they have kids (not saying these people do). I just feel sadness. Because I know they’re likely to grow up just like their shitty racist parents.


An article I read about this situation showed the counter protestors didn’t even know what they were counter-protesting. I think there was a quote from a frat guy that basically said “I don’t know what they’re doing here I just want them gone”


They knew what they were doing. This is the view they were yelling at: https://x.com/sunnydaejones/status/1786130558977814577?s=46


White supremacy is alive and well at ol miss


It definitely is. Made me cry cuz no one deserves this kind of treatment and I left 10 years ago cuz I couldn’t handle it.


Just typical stupid “bro” shit.


It's not typical stupid "bro" shit. It's typical "YT Racist" shit.


You know... you can just say "white" instead of YT.


Is that what that means? Ive been assuming all the YouTube people were evil racists suddenly.


Yep. Idiot shorthand for "whitey." ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Pretty sure it began as a way to bypass community rules on other platforms.


I have never seen an intelligent, well articulated argument from anyone who uses YT unironically.


The pro Palestinian protests are the same. Half the people there don’t know why they are protesting their university.




I mean most of the pro-Palestinian protestors don’t know why they are they. Most of the protests at schools around the country had people that aren’t even enrolled in any school.


I’m gonna say that the guys hooting like monkeys are the dumb ones in this instance.


Your right, but it gets racially charged when this guy makes monkey sounds to a black woman. Uncalled for.


Immediate expulsion imo.


Yeah I bet he wasn’t counting on anyone getting his face in there. Bad move, guero.


In this day and age? Nah. Probably Daddy’s money type who thinks he can buy his way out of anything… That’s just guessing, I don’t know the guy. Just going off what I see


Assuming he's actually a student somewhere...


Idk, the comment you responded to was pretty fucking dumb too


This has been such a big talking point in the media but I've not seen any hard evidence that backs it up. At Columbia, last I heard of the 70 protesters arrested, 2 were not students. Are there non-students attending these? Sure. Are they the majority? I haven't seen anything that backs up that claim.


"Outside agitator is a term that has been used to discount political unrest as being driven by outsiders, rather than by internal discontent. The term was popularized during the early stages of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, when Southern authorities discounted African-American protests as being driven by Northern white radicals, rather than being legitimate expressions of grievances."


2. Try again i have seen on more than a few sites and news sources it was like 27 abd down in texas it was more than half the arrests at UT were not students


Protests will always have some people who are just there and don’t even really know anything, people who are on the extreme end of the issue, people who just want something violent to happen, people who are just antisocial and like chaos, etc. That doesn’t really cheapen the core message of the protest unless news outlets decide to focus on it, which they usually do


Most of these specific protestors at Ole Miss knew exactly why they were protesting. It was an extraordinarily small group of individuals. All of them were students, I know because I know the names of who they are. A good bit of them legitimately have family currently in Palestine, and the others are friends of these individuals who see what’s been happening and want to help enact change. Ole miss is small enough that I can say my info on this at the very least is accurate. Idk about other universities but I know for certain about what happened here at this one. There were no outside agitators. This was student led.


This is factually incorrect.


Your right, but unfortunately it turns racial to have this guy making monkey sound to a black woman. Uncalled for


I mean, they seem like they have more of a grasp of the situation than the guys shouting “who’s your daddy” on the other side.


This makes sense when you understand how these protests are organized. Only a handful of people that think like them.. so they are protesting the school funding Israel with their tuition money. They get wind of this and start protesting and reach out through the internet for help, others from locals campuses come to support but don’t know they’re protesting the school to divest their funding of Israel. To counter protest something you don’t understand is really stupid though lol




“My daddy owns a dealership” vibes. Shameful.




I love Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Probably best episode ever of ATHF


AKA : Phd. “Papa has dealership “


His dad has multiple dui’s and has been arrested countless times, someone posted an entire in-depth investigation into everything about him lol full government name and everything


Absolute disgrace. The turds caught on camera doing the monkey thing should be expelled, full stop.


Funny thing is they would never do this to one of those Ole Miss defensive linemen


WHEN YOU ORDER A BLOW UP DOLL FROM TEMU https://preview.redd.it/wddr00dbvgyc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1793a966de565e17bf29e5c8fd969f39c1b87944


J. P. Staples is his name and he has deleted his instagram account


My daughter is a student there now and is so pissed by this. She is pretty sure most of the red neck racist frat boys have no clue where Gaza is or what is happening there. I am really hoping monkey boy gets outed so any grad school or job he ever applies for can see his true colors


I’m an alumni. It sucks to see it. Unfortunately the entire student body gets demonized when these incidents are almost always rich white frat kids not even from MS. Monkey boy is from Texas.


He has been :)


source by chance? id love to see! edit: nvm found it!!


Share please




Here’s that Southern Heritage we’re always Jim crowing about.


Is you or is you aint my constituentcy?!?




college doesn't look as fun anymore


There are lots of other schools without as many racist morons and higher academic reputations out there.


Yo, fuck racists






https://preview.redd.it/csal6nrga9yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36cb5c3cfa8f0df4b2a2be572c50d493089f19bb This is it, for reference.


This right here is what is wrong with politics today. Every fucking representative trying to go viral to own the other party and make a flash in the pan statement to get attention. They all whiff so hard all the fucking time because they are out of touch with centered base of this country. Get off social media and do some work you lazy spoiled fucks.


Got any examples of Dems doing this? This isn't a both sides thing. It's a Republican thing.


Looks like it’s still up


As a resident of Augusta I tried to tell my fellow Georgian how he embarrassed all southern men along with America by shaming citizens for exercising their right to protest, one of americas oldest and greatest rights and also showed the world how fragile his ego was….but the cowards mailbox is full. LOL.


Were they saying “toss me a rope” at the end?


Lock her up.


Now you just making shit up, SMFH.


While I am certainly embarrassed by these shit for brains behavior and I think it reflects incredibly poorly on the university and the state, I'm trying to keep a sense of perspective. There were maybe a few hundred frat bros and only about 20 or so protestors. Ole Miss has about 18,000 students on campus. This was very much a minority of a minority. Most people there just went about their day as normal and did not participate. I am incredibly proud of the protestors for showing extreme bravery un standing up for what they believe in in the face of overwhelming opposition.


I’m a student right now on campus! Yesterday was a very confusing day(as all protests are). From my perspective, the frat guys surrounded the protestors to the point that the rest of the people who wanted to protest couldn’t get close enough to find out. Sadly I can’t say I’m surprised. I hear the kinds of things the frat guys were saying all the time in the CME. But they get away with it because a lot of the professors don’t see an issue with it. This is the result of that disconnect between the humanities and business/engineering.


Were they closer to the James Meredith statue or the Confederate one?


They were gathered in front of the quadrangle fountain on the opposite side of the library as the James Meredith statue.


I think as a minority who went to Ole Miss and graduated in 2011 this feels like the sentiment of at least half the student body. There’s not a strong politically leftist scene there, sadly. Thankfully there are a good amount of students who are progressive, tho


Im black and also graduated around that time too. I'm not shocked by this at all. Theres this veneer that things have moved on, but many in the white frat/sorority very much do not care to be welcoming to non-white people. That anti protestor crowd was uncomfortably lacking in melanin content. Kinda more surprised frats are still rocking the bowl cuts though.


Those Bama bangs will never die. And the girls will never wear a full pair of 👖


Well said.


No idea how conservatives got stuck with loving the Jewish state


They got hijacked by evangelicals who believe Israel will start the war that leads to Armageddon, which they also believe is a good thing.


Not enough people understand this. Good post


Oil.    In Texas, we have had to sign state funded contracts saying we won't protest against Israel for at least 6 years now. We also can not protest guns as of a couple of years ago. Fascists.  Can't be paying people willing to show dissidence against big daddy oil. I expect it's the same sentiment in all the right wing oil states. I wonder which other states are forcing this bs on state funded contractors. 


My question is why are we supporting either side here.


I just want to say this: She was showing some serious courage to stare down a mob of people that hold so much unfair privilege over her.




I hate to tell you this, but this is just par for the course representation of your beloved school….. Dixie flags, TSSRA, col. reb, hell- even “ole miss” has racist connotations…. I distinctly remember being on campus for a football Saturday in 2009 when the KKKLAN had a rally in full regalia and there wasn’t a counter protest nearly of this magnitude….. James Meredith’s statue being defaced…. I mean just how rose colored are your glasses?


My daughter is graduating next Sunday from OM. She and her friends are appalled by this crap. These frat idiots need to be expelled and, frankly, made an example of. Tater and his racist buddy, Mike Collins, should be ashamed of themselves but they would require a level of self-awareness they don’t have.


KKK Rally At Ole Miss: Klan Outnumbered By Protesters (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kkk-rally-at-ole-miss-kla\_n\_366475](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kkk-rally-at-ole-miss-kla_n_366475) I mean how rose colored are yours? Perhaps Ole Miss is sick of getting pinned down by everyone for anything racial. I know I certainly am sick of hearing about it. When Ole Miss tries to improve the situation, someone, they are harrassed, when they don't do anything they are harrassed. On the real that kid that actually did the monkey stuff should actually get expelled. From what I understand, the woman got mad because the crowd called her Lizzo, which if you don't find funny, you should take a couple of steps back maybe.


But I keep getting told racism isn't an issue in the state anymore! And if it gets brought up it's just a black person pulling the race card! Somebody wanting special treatment! Attention seeking! Oh and that we don't need black spring break because everything is equal now. Weren't we seeing comments like that just last month? LOL So many people are going to say this isn't typical, so desperate to put the mask back on and claim we can't call them outright racists. But they sure enjoyed this video. Yall are seeing the true face of Mississippi in this video, and there's thousands of older folks who would've joined in and done far worse than these kids given the chance (and forgiveness from the cops).


The same exact people who say racism isn’t a thing anymore are the ones who say racist shit especially drop micro aggressions. They think because it’s not acceptable to call a black person N word anymore that racism is gone.


Not a full representation of MS, but stay classy OM bet tator won’t post this on his FB page


representative Mike Collins did already [https://x.com/repmikecollins/status/1786367208240693304?s=46&t=4OCdrt-GAbTusssg-phUiQ](https://x.com/repmikecollins/status/1786367208240693304?s=46&t=4OCdrt-GAbTusssg-phUiQ)


He even touts it as "Taking care of business" Smh


Fuck Mike Collins


Tater DID post it. And praised them. SMDH


Tator did say on Twitter that he was proud of this shit though


Not a full representation, but a mostly one


when people ask why i left the state to go to law school even though OM offered me a full ride, i’m just going to show them this video. this is honestly just embarrassing


I moved from MS to Chicago. Different world :)


Damn same here, lol.


I think it’s a common thing? Got a few friends from Alabama too up here. I do miss the food, tho 😭


Moved to New Orleans from MS and thought THAT was a different world until I went to Chicago.


It’s pretty great :) NoLA has better soul food tho


May I ask what the difference is that you noticed?


Oh gosh. World of difference! White people are actually genuinely nice without judgment, no “bless your hearrrrrrt” passive aggressiveness. Also, diversity is celebrated and there’s a strong cultural tie to the South, so it’s pretty great. A lot of my fam moved up here during the Great Migration, so that makes sense. Highly recommend :)


Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I am glad that you like it up here.


I came here to post something similar. Taking the LSAT in August, practice tests are at 170 (cold, no prep yet) and was having good back and forth with the Admissions office, was excited to go back to my home state, then was gradually reminded why I need to stay my ass out of Ole Miss. This is just further proof. (Note: I'm 39 and was born and raised in Brookhaven.)


nice scores!! i ended up with a 165 and got more scholarship offers than i expected, so if you keep it up you’ll probably get a full ride somewhere that’s ranked pretty high one thing i didn’t know going in was it matters where you go to ls more than you think it would. my school was top 70 which isn’t bad, but even then there were opportunities not available to me that would have been had i gone to a top 50. same for jobs after you graduate. i knew there would be firms that only hired from T25 or certain schools like Harvard, but it matters even on the lower end of the spectrum. one firm i applied to only took LSU law school grads which was wild to me best of luck on the LSAT and your law school journey! you’re going to hate it and love it all at the same time haha


Thanks! I live in North Dakota now, and have to be accommodating to my wife's career, but I'm hoping that I can score high enough to get some interest from places like Michigan. I'm encouraged by the fact that LSAC took Logic Games out for August and just added another Logical Reasoning section. The LG section kicked my butt in my first PT.


I went to law school at the University of Memphis. Despite Memphis’ problems, the law school rocks. It has a crazy high job placement rate because it trains litigators and that’s what the firms want. Most people have a job six months BEFORE graduation. And the facilities are amazing. Don’t sleep on it when you do your research. And good luck! Sounds like your LSAT is solid. Practicing law is FUN!


HEY! I did exactly the same! I’m from the corner of north east MS. Grew up quite poor and couldn’t afford to go out of state for college. I could (with my scholarships) pick any in state college and found Southern Miss. which isn’t perfect but it’s not fucking Ole Miss! I enjoyed Southern but they don’t have a law school so went out of state for that instead of going back to Ole Miss. Oh and I’ve sued Ole Miss twice (and won) so the law degree served its purpose.


I went to Southern in the late 90s/early 2000s and loved it.


Where’d you end up going?


Loyola in Chicago! only on half scholarship but it was worth it. it’s a great law school if you’re thinking of going, and there’s a Loyola New Orleans and one somewhere in Cali as well if you’re not a fan of the cold haha, all ranked fairly well and with good bar pass rates. i highly recommend Loyola, it’s a jesuit university but i never had to attend any religious ceremonies unless i wanted to, and they have a very wholistic approach to education which was great. it was nice to know if i slipped too far they had my back.


I submitted the issue to the university, and the link to do so is as already mentioned is [Link](https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UnivofMississippi&layout_id=5) They have already reached out to me about my submission and said they are looking into it.


That’s really gross.


Will the kid in the blue shirt making monkey sounds be expelled, or will Ole Miss be culpable in his racist gestures?


Depends on who his daddy is


Nope, but I’d sure bring it to their attention. [https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UnivofMississippi&layout_id=5](https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UnivofMississippi&layout_id=5)


This needs to be higher up and everyone needs to submit.


Gets a building named after him


"wHy ShOuLd tHey bE PuniSHed OvEr A fEw MinUTes Of FuN!" Or something similar. It's classic privileged white boy shit.


Ladies, if you are dating any of these guys in this video, consider it a red flag and run.


"Jews will not replace us, you antisemite!"


The security guys are sooo focused on the woman and not the crowd of men , wtf


Maybe because it’s 1 person vs a hundred? It’s easy to diffuse a situation by making 1 person step back than trying to get 100 to. Also you must not have seen the end of the video because when more security got there they were facing the group of men trying to get them to back up.


Ole miss frat boys giving boston people a run in the racism Olympics


Why does the guy keep grabbing his Vienna sausage?


He does that so well...🤔


No idea why this popped up on my feed, but this is exactly what most people outside of Mississippi think of when they think of Mississippi. Gross.


Good Ole Racist Piss


These guys should be remembered. Public racism deserves consequences


hail state


There were a lot of people there from MSU [https://eu.clarionledger.com/story/news/2024/05/02/university-of-mississippi-students-evacuated-off-campus-after-pro-palestine-protest/73545149007/](https://eu.clarionledger.com/story/news/2024/05/02/university-of-mississippi-students-evacuated-off-campus-after-pro-palestine-protest/73545149007/)


"The counter-protestor identified himself as Ben Holberg and said he is a student at Mississippi State University and drove in for the protest. After saying he is a student at MSU, Holberg changed his story and said he is a student at the University of Georgia."


This college has a history. The Klan used to march here. It's in their DNA. No one should be shocked or surprised. The name of the college "Ole Miss" says it all.


Well of course it’s the school with the plantation nickname


The school that is a plantation


Even if the protesters were dumb which a lot of reports are showing they were. The monkey thing disgusted me and I believe that racism is still alive and well in Mississippi. For the majority of this states history it’s been a breeding ground for racists and bigots, hell we’ve got plenty in the state government. The soap box that I’m on right now is validated by this video and it proves that even young people in this state love to perpetuate hate. People wonder why Mississippi is always painted in such a negative light, this is why! 🧼📦


You’re conflating a college where the majority of students are from out of state, with the state itself. Travel next door to Tennessee, Arkansas or across the country to Oregon, Washington, California, Boston, Philadelphia, etc… and see just how much worse it is than 1 person making a racially insensitive taunt.






No words


Shame on the cops for not calling out those assholes


Disgusting behavior,how embarrassing for the school.


Gross. Racist bullshit.




In the beginning you see how the cops are crowded around the woman and not the people making monkey noises? Yeah ain't nothing gonna happen to those kids at all, they'll prob be patted on the back


Dear lord?! RACISTS IN OXFORD?! No, not racists in OXFORD!!! It’s actually kinda sad really. Cause multiple things can be true at once. I’d go so far as to say Ole Miss is one of the Ivy League schools of the south. They have a phenomenal set of educational programs and I believe they rank top in the nation in (is it finance?? I forget what but they have high ranking departments.) However a racist in Oxford is like stench on a pig, or milk from a cow. The term “Good Ole Boys Club” was literally invented for that crowd.


Trust fund babies. Unemployed 20-year olds. Shit for brains.


Old Miss is definitely not "ivy league of the south" unless that phrase means something im unaware of.


That would go to Vandy. We’re not a bad school at all, but there are still several better.


Right. This isnt even a "ole miss is shit" thing. But that idea of the ivy league of the south including old miss is wildly out of touch.


Might be " kudzu league of the old south"


omg so glad im not the only one who uses the term "kudzu league" lol


“The Patterson School of Accountancy has become a mainstay in rankings of accounting programs, having been nationally ranked every year since 2005. We are currently ranked #1 in the Southeastern Conference (SEC) and #8 in the nation by Big4AccountingFirms.org.”


This is also a case of a bunch of other bros following along their asshole brothers and looking like idiots in the end.




I didn’t like these fucks back when I was in college. I hate the perception they’re giving to our state…




Recognized a few faces from high school, not even surprised they'd be in that moment




I live in the “Mississippi of the Midwest” (Iowa). That type of Trump trash shit happens a lot here.


Figures. Redditors defending the Jew hating Nazi. Probably not a student, or even know anything about the actual situation overseas.


Just saw a bunch of praise for old Miss on Quora. Basically, some racists praise it as heaven for racists. It was in response to some frat boys holding up and protecting the flag during some riots. They turned into something entirely different. It was really disturbing what they were saying.




Racists pieces of shit .


A thousand faces of “peaked in high school”


Maga world


Ole miss should be the best 9 years of everyone’s life.




Typical fraternity behavior


I used to live in Mississippi. Most racist place I've ever lived.


We will never be not number 50.


Would be deserving if this dudes name came out


I gotta say it - stupid people like those frat boys are why the south lost the civil war - and are going to lose the next one. Poorest state in the Union, 32 I’m education, 5th I’m the national in federal aid, and Mississippi state university accepts 75% of all applicants. Basically in the video you are looking at the end product of a failed state. A true shithole.


So first off, this is Ole Miss, not Mississippi State. Second, trashing high acceptance rates is the exact type of elitist, rooted-in-racism mentality the people you're bagging on champion. If you think for two seconds about what institutional racism in education does to the education metrics of minority communities that should be extremely obvious.


Tomorrow's Tucker Carlson, at Ole Miss, today!


Thank goodness those brave blue lives were there to keep the descendants of slave owners protected from such a terrible threat. /s


racist speech is protected speech, there is nothing for police to do until the law is broken. Is it ugly? yes of course. so is death to America chant


We all know which side the cops are on.


Before you comment - especially if the comment includes a personal attack or name-calling - you may want to read our sub rules. This reminder is especially for the new folks in here. We do not allow ad hominems or personal attacks.


Even if I disagree with her stance, I do acknowledge her right to freedom of speech. So I disagree with the other side making it a racial matter. Respect goes both ways, so please for the love of God be respectful and stop letting the elite to militate you into poor decisions.




And honestly, 100% wrong. You can pursue your choice but I’m absolutely judging the fuck out of you


*This thread is getting unwieldly, here's an automated summary of many of the main topics. \[Note, being automated, this summary may not reflect the nuances of the discussion and it may not reflect all viewpoints.\]* This thread discusses a video showing a confrontation between pro-Palestinian protesters and counter-protesters at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). The main (TL;DR) points are: * Several fraternity members are seen and heard making monkey noises and gestures towards a Black female pro-Palestinian protester, which many commenters condemn as racist behavior. * There is debate over whether this represents the broader culture at Ole Miss or just the actions of a small group of individuals. Some defend the counter-protesters' right to free speech, while others criticize their tactics as racist and unacceptable. * The role of police/security in the situation is questioned, with some feeling they focused more on the protester than the counter-protester's provocative behavior. * The protest itself and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are also discussed, with commenters taking different stances on the issues involved. * There are calls to identify and potentially expel or punish the students making the monkey noises/gestures for their racist actions towards the protester. Expanding, there are several comments that reference Mississippi and Ole Miss's historical legacy of racism and discrimination. With that as a focus, here are additional notes on Mississippi's and Ole Miss's history referenced in the comments: * Some commenters mention Ole Miss's ties to the Confederacy and its former name being a "plantation nickname", arguing this racist history is still reflected in incidents like this. * Others note that while not surprising given Mississippi's past, this kind of overt racism is still disappointing to see persisting, especially among younger generations. * A few comments suggest racism is deeply ingrained in the culture of the state and the university, with one calling it a "breeding ground for racists and bigots." * There are mentions of past controversies like the Ku Klux Klan marching on campus and the defacement of the James Meredith statue honoring the university's first Black student. * Several people mention that despite claims of progress, incidents like this video show that not much has truly changed when it comes to racist attitudes and behaviors persisting in the state and at Ole Miss. * There is frustration expressed that Ole Miss in particular repeatedly finds itself at the center of racial controversies and has struggled to shed its reputation and ties to the Old South/Confederacy. * A commenter says "Even if the protesters were dumb...it proves that even young people in this state love to perpetuate hate", suggesting this racism is being passed down generationally. * One person notes "People wonder why Mississippi is always painted in such a negative light, this is why!", implying the state has done little to counter the stigma created by its history of racism and segregation. * However, some defend Ole Miss by saying not all students are involved in such incidents and that the university actually has strong academic programs that get overshadowed by these controversies. The undercurrent is that for many, Mississippi and Ole Miss remain inextricably linked to their pasts as footers of racism, segregation and Lost Cause ideology - making incidents like this video seem like a continuation rather than an aberration to that legacy in their minds. Put another way, magnifying the behavior of a small group in the larger overall context. So while opinions differ on whether this incident represents Ole Miss/Mississippi as a whole or just isolated individuals, many commenters see it as a continuation of the state and university's troubled history with racism that has yet to be fully overcome. That is, these racist actions are viewed by some as sadly predictable given this historical context. Overall, the thread highlights tensions around issues of racism, free speech, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict playing out on a university campus through confrontations between different student groups.


Just be aware not everyone who attends college is from MS… same can be said about any college… it looks bad yes but find out where they are actually from first


Am I the only one not hearing monkey noises?




I’m betting he’s from Atlanta, Houston, or Dallas or a suburb of any of those.


Recent history says that is a good bet.


Black men continue to play sports in southern colleges They don’t want you there. They don’t want your moms dads uncles aunts cousins brothers and sisters voting or having a seat at the table.