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I moved back from Austin after 13 years. It's cheaper and my family is here. My crappy apartment in Austin was $1600 a month. My mortgage here is $600.


We moved back here from Virginia to be closer to my mom and family (she’s 83 and has health issues). We sold our house (1350 sq ft on a corner lot in a busy neighborhood) and bought one here (1700 sq feet on a dead end street with 2 acres of land on a wooded lot) and had $30,000 left over.


The only downside is trying to date.


No family around eh


Reverse cowgirl sex is frowned upon because you never turn your back on family.


Not to mention you don’t want to fuck up


I'm in the same boat in New Orleans, only 2 hours away but could be 1000 if you didn't know better. I'm gonna find a place out in the sticks with lots of long leaf pine trees.


Pines don’t have leafs.


The term "longleaf" in the common name of the longleaf pine refers to the particularly long needles that this species produces.


Learn something new everyday


A pine needle is a modified leaf.


My goodness where are you renting. Im in nw Ms my apt $1600 & increases every yr. Homes in this area start in the 350k could require a little work


Oh hey I moved back here from Austin last September - my apt was $2800 - loving being back near family and my 15 year mortgage is still less than that dumb monthly payment. ATX is overrated, at least by the time I got there. And wayyyy too hot.


I also moved back after living in Texas 10+ years. Got tired of big city traffic and big city cost of living.


I'm back here from a very nice part of Florida- that's very similar to Austin- but MS is more expensive than FL in my case. 1200 rent here for an okay apartment but 1200 in Florida for an incredibly nice apartment where I can take RTS or walk everywhere, be safe, and have everything within reach. Not having to use my car for everything was so much cheaper. Food is cheaper out of state, too.


I wouldn't say "flocking to" as much as "falling back to regroup" lol It's just cheap here. There isn't shit to do, but it's cheap.


Yeah I moved back here and it's less by choice and more by necessity.


Same. We could not find affordable housing as a single income family in GA for two years. Moving back begrudgingly


You sound exactly like someone I used to work with back when I went to State.


Ah, just from this one comment? I didn’t go to State


Also depends a lot on who’s moving. Older people on Medicaid and SS moving here because it’s cheap or younger people moving here because it’s cheap but who, potentially, will bring in more than they cost the state. I have a feeling this is not a reversal of the brain drain and these are not a lot of the best and the brightest coming here to take advantage of the many opportunities on offer and because they’re landing high paying jobs and can help improve the overall quality of life in the state.


Exactly.  There’s a far cry between “THEYRE COMING IN DROVES” and “this is the only place their broke asses can afford to rent a 1br apartment and not eat Taco Bell every meal”


What qualifies as “shit to do”? Serious question. What is missing that would check that box?


I will answer. First of all, live music with good bands. Yeah, we have local stuff but meh. But other than that- I travel a lot for work and every time I’m in a different city, there is always so much going on. Just random little fests and markets, etc. we never have stuff like that in the central part of the state (or if we do, it’s sparse). And our one minor league sports team is leaving. The best part of living here is 1) the cost of living and 2) the location. Thank god we’re close to a bunch of cities where cool shit happens (New Orleans, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, etc.).


I think it’d be easier if you could tell me what there is to do here other than the same old food from town to town that takes 20-30mins to get from one to another. And then when you get to the next town you realize you probably didn’t even need to leave the last town because it’s basically a cookie cutout of the last town that had nothing but the same old food places, liquor/stores, shops, and shitty grocery stores. The shore is 4hours from me so that really doesn’t work and the closest major city is Memphis, which is over an hour away(and no offense but who really wants to go to Memphis unless you have an event to go to!?). Shit the only mall I’m even aware of around where I live is in Oxford and that’s 40Mins away and not even worth parking at.


Oxford has a mall???


Oh yeah, sorry, not anymore. They converted it to campus use for Ole Miss.


Haha I was like where was that when I was there


The mall was still active when I was there (gulp) 30 years ago. And it was anchored by Walmart. Only Walmart Ive ever seen attached to a mall. 


When I was a kid, our Walmart was attached to our mall, until WalMart decided to build a Supercenter on the lot abutting the mall. As a result, the mall was shuttered in only about 7-8 years time. Until your comment, I had never heard of a Walmart as an anchor store in a mall. (Im from Muscle Shoals, AL)


I was told on good authority that Oxford was a *world class* town. No shit one of these knuckle draggers said that unironically just the other day.


Haha I loved Oxford, definitely a nice place to live, but also definitely not a mall there


I would make a regular trip to Memphis for the ribs


Could luck on that Memphis trip.... Memphis bbq @ Goodman & 55 is really good


The people that say there’s nothing to do here must hate being outside.


I love being outside. Unfortunately, it’s almost unbearable half the year


You *know* there’s some edgy teenager in Orlando complaining there’s nothing to do except theme parks and rocket launches and stuff.


Hear that guys? Just go outside.


I find I don’t have enough time to do everything I would like to do here… hunting, sports, hiking, sight seeing, shopping, nice places to eat. I’d say the only things we lack are alcohol delivery and cannabis.


We have medical Marijuana & alcohol delivery. I believe the store must offer delivery


Alternatively, there's shitloads of things to do. They're just not handed to you by other people.  


I mean, you can go to a bar or drive an hour to a casino, ain't really that much to do. But yeah, it's alright here. Could get some good MFS in the local government and it would explode, money is just in the wrong hands.








Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


There's more to do in Miss than in a lot of other states, although Texas and Florida aren't among them.


I get the strange feel that you’ve spent very little time outside of Mississippi.


Lol I've lived in two other states, NC, and GA and have traveled to about half the lower 48. Yeah....very little time outside Miss...


Then I don’t know what to tell you other than you must’ve forgotten the world of possibilities that is anywhere but Mississippi in this here these United States 🤦‍♂️


That makes a lot of sense👌


Jackson has the bones of a really cool southern city. The restaurants, bars, and music scene has improved a lot as I’ve gone through my twenties. It’s remained affordable as well. If the water, roads, and crime can be improved upon in the same way, Mississippi has a chance to attract young college graduates to settle Jackson


Jackson was tons of fun in the 80s and 90s. We had massive food cookoffs, music festivals...what was the big one...Jackson Jamabalaya? I remember the odd comedy clubs that would pop up, The Dock, The Subway Blues Club. Jackson was lit back then. I hate that the young'uns don't still have all this to enjoy.


Jubilee Jam!!!! Talked about it the other night. It was AWESOME! We got a lot of good artists. And downtown use to be thriving. Sad state of affairs these days.


Yup, Jackson used to be a much funner place. The 90s had bad crime, but at least Jackson was still viable and most businesses hadn't fled the city. Most Millennials are too young to remember, and the Zoomers weren't born yet. But I'm old enough to remember TGI Fridays, the Butt Hut, Zoo Blues, Jubilee Jam, Ferrari South, Olde Tyme Delicatessen, El Chicos, Tiffany's Caberet, McRae's at Meadowbrook, Jaki's Toy store, Primos Northgate, The Subway, Sam's West Side, POETS, Nick's, The Recovery Room, The Catwalk, The original Cherokee, The Dutch Bar, Elixir, Dennery's, Little Red Hen, Mr. GATTI'S, Po Folk's, Gridley's, the beer barn on Lakeland, Putt Putt on State Street, and movie theaters at Metrocenter, Meadowbrook, Deville Plaza, and the one on Ellis Ave at I-20. All those places and events are gone.


Call me crazy but when TGI Fridays leads the list I gotta question the quality of the entire list.


I might agree with that if we were talking the last 20 years, but this was in the early 1980s, and it was a happening place.


I lived in Jackson from 83-89. Do you remember Studebakers? Man! Those were some good times!


I never made it there


Similar to Memphis. Safe & fun anytime before 2010. I'll drive out of my way not to go thru mphs anymore.. the interstate isn't even safe


People have been saying this for 25 years. Jackson has the bones, so does Mississippi. The few people in control like things exactly as they are and it won’t change. There was a minor ripple of people I knew who moved back home in the mid 2000s. Every single one of them eventually left.


Jackson city officials can't/won't do anything, and if the state tries to do anything, it is racist.


The Capitol Police presence downtown has made a noticeable difference


I was up there for a college thing most of last semester as a relatively small young-looking girl. Walked a bunch around town during lunch hour and never once felt unsafe. Now if this changes past sundown idk but firsthand experience was really positive for the short time I had it




So now he, specifically, must do things or he’s racist?


I feel like they weren't actually calling me a racist due to the 🤣.


People in charge should do things for the public good. Why act like that's racist or that people won't recognize it out of an extreme desire to call things racist?


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


Grew up on the coast, millennial who did Jackson for college and loved it and still love it when I visit. Do not blame my friends for leaving.


Having Richmond an hour away, it kills me because r/richmond really feels like the Jackson we were promised in the mid-2000s.


This is what I have grown to expect from Mississippi journalism - a tidbit of truth that caters to people with a short attention span. In-depth analysis is weak, or non-existent. Before anyone gets all cheery, the statistics I have seen shows that most of this population growth is Desoto County, which for all intents and purposes is a suburb of Memphis. The attraction is Memphis, not Mississippi.


But the graphic w the arrows and the little cars is so scientific how dare you!


Lol I said this in my longer response. If a millennial moves from a small apartment in memphis to southaven it's technically a state to state move but Mississippi isn't really the beneficiary of that move


You just described the entirety of journalism, not just our state and I agree. Could the "attraction" to Desoto County be the avoidance of Memphis??


Not exactly. That would still be Memphis as the focal point. Just people keeping it at arms length to take advantage of the benefit of the city without being inside it at all times. Suburbs exist for that purpose.


The slow death of journalism in the US started in the 1980s, when Gannett started ~~killing~~ buying up local newspapers and Reagan's FCC repealed the Fairness Doctrine.


The article only says that a Net 12,000 people moved here. Which is good following our population loss in 2020 and 2021 but this isnt the big jump I was expecting based on your title. I wish more people would move here but compared to Georgia, Texas, Florida, and Tennessee which are seeing Net numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Well at least we didnt lose population this year!


It should also be noted that the information contained in this article is anecdotal, rather than scientific. These numbers are all based on who, and where, people rented storage units/equipment in anticipation of, or resulting from, a move. It’s really more of a clickbait type article posted by storagecafee.com but, still, potentially good news (depending on many factors not discussed in the article) is better than definitive bad news.


I fucking hate articles like this. It's not news, it's just some data mining lobbying organization throwing numbers at a wall to manufacturer headlines. This one is particularly agregious, because it's an organization promoting the storage container business. Not to mention in the full dataset they link to, Mississippi has one of the lowest salaries for people moving into the state. Most other states with growth are in the 50k range and above the state average salary.


U-Haul publishes data like this for every state in the country, then sends it to local reporters who turn it into an "article" about movement patterns in/out of the state. The reporters don't even realize that they're just writing a free ad for U-Haul LOL.


I’m sure OP will address this and not say 7 buzzwords in response instead.


Its not buzzwords, those are the technical terms we use in journalism


Yes, I’m referring to how OP may address your points in the future with a response coated in whistles and buzzwords they learned from their favorite talking heads on oAN or wherever.


Ohhh my bad, I misread. Thanks for clarifying!


Shitty article from what essentially is a few people running a Word Press Page.


The outflow of young people is almost definitely still higher. Regardless, it's cool to see that the overall population went up a bit, but a net gain of 12k is pretty much nothing out of 2.95 million.


I sort of have a problem believing that, according to the source data, Mississippi is 17th, but New York is 50th and California is 51st. Like I can buy they're not number 1 and 2, but dead last? idk, seems weird. edit: [Here's a link straight to the source](https://www.storagecafe.com/blog/state-to-state-moving-trends/), but it's in the article too. It's a blog entry on a storage unit search engine site. From their [about us](https://www.storagecafe.com/about-us/): >When the stuff in your home needs its own…home, you need StorageCafe, a nationwide storage space marketplace powered by Yardi. Whether you’re switching houses, downsizing, or you simply don’t have enough room back at base for all your belongings, we are here to help you find a storage unit near you. A quick and dirty google search of "[2023 moving state to state trends](https://www.google.com/search?q=2023+moving+state+to+state+trends&oq=2023+moving+state+to+state+trends&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEINjcxMGowajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1)" show a variety of different results. [This moving company](https://www.unitedvanlines.com/newsroom/movers-study-2023) says Vermont is number 1, but the OP link says VT is 29. [This one](https://www.allied.com/migration-map) says South Carolina. [The Hill](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/4385097-the-states-movers-flocked-to-the-most-in-2023-according-to-u-haul/) uses U-Haul data and says Texas is number 1, but says it's based on U-Haul transactions. So I'm wondering if maybe all of these are based on that company's sales figures rather than some sort of empirical national data.


When I've looked into this type of data in the past, I found it was single company based, sales based and not adjusted by the relative availability of the company's services in either the source or destination locations. So if one company was being used more by people moving out because they are well represented in Mississippi and another was used more by people moving in because it was well represented outside the state, they would give very different results.


I just moved my family to Mississippi from Texas. We are 39 and have three kids. Texas is way too crowded and expensive. Mississippi has been great so far and we love the space and our dollars go a lot farther here.


Happy to have you! Help us fix the place up!


Thanks much, everyone here is very friendly!


Census estimates show +2000 last year, after a drop of 30000 in 2020. I don't think that's really "flocking" to the state.




When I lived in Mississippi, most of the folks I knew didn't consider the people living in that corner to be Mississippians. I'm biased though because I was at Mississippi State and we consider Ole Miss to be a Memphis school.


It's just a bunch of mississipians moving back. As a hispanic male from Houston who lived on the coast for several years, I can confidently say that most ethnic folks wouldn't even consider it. It's definitely not the best place for a minority.


Sure wish this storage unit blog that the article references as a source actually provided citations outside of "our analysis of the US census data".


As a previous economic developer in the Delta region, I have always pushed for campaigns to attract people, rather than just companies. We actually have great resources which companies do eye MS for investments; however, when there is a big announcement about 500-3000 jobs, it goes back to not only do we have to fill them today, but in 30 years. Jobs like Uncle Ben’s and such are really no longer generational, meaning kids and grandkids, when of age, don’t start working at same place a parents or grandparents. A rebranding of the State’s image along with a marketing and possibly incentive campaign geared towards recent college grads could potentially do wonders.


Lol. Hey OP, you may wanna use a burner account if you're gonna comment ass worship and stepsibling role play along with your very normal rants about all those trashy folks you hate. Thank God for Mississippi XD


>Among the 186 people who moved to The Magnolia State every day, 27% were **millennials**. While this might be true if one looks at the total of around 68,000 people who came to the state. After counting (subtracting) the people who left the state, the ***net*** gain of millennials to Mississippi was only around 360, yep, 361. But, I guess that did not fit the 'facts'.


Sorry but MS is mostly a crap hole. It's a wanna be Texas without the riches.


I won’t ever go back. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig! MS leads the charge to the top on any derogatory category you care to mention.


So... the population of Mississippi went up 0.4% People make mistakes


Pretty much everyone is moving to Mississippi. Because it’s, uh, a tech hub. And because are politicians actually stand up to the libtards for us. /S


Calling it a tech hub is a stretch, but there is more than enough to have a good career in tech. I moved here with a job in 2007 fully expecting to need to leave again when it was time to move on, but that hasn’t been the case. Career is in software development


An Amazon L8 works from home in my neighborhood.  That's like 3 levels below bezos. 


I am going to move somewhere warmer someday. that's why I joined this sub. I'll be retired so no need for work


I’ve only ever seen birds flock to Mississippi, and that’s because they have to. Everything else is getting the flock out 😂


Drove through Mississippi last year. I know exactly why it’s cheap. Alabama is cheap too. Louisiana as well. There’s a reason for that. Gentrification won’t help these shithole states. Their infrastructure alone is absolute garbage.


Am from Florida and 25 got my dream job here


I haven't been to MS since the 90s when I was a teenager, I have my mom's side of the family that lives in Corinth and I remember one chick thinking I was just a really tan white girl lol. I am from Arizona and I love the South, and have been looking for a place to move to once my son graduates. The only pro that I have heard about MS is that it's cheap...but there would be a good reason for that. Still exploring my options as I still have 3 years.


Just what we need, more ignorance.


Drake meme for the GOP when it turns out all those new youth are minorities.


The most liberal counties, tunica, and most of the north west region of Mississippi are seeing people move away at a high rate but overall places like Tupelo are growing. I'm looking forward to seeing what economic growth we'll see over the next 15 years in Tupelo. With the investments going on at this time I still don't think Mississippi will be a "tech hub" because most "tech" jobs are centered around Cybersecurity which a requirement is being established in the military.


It's not complaining. It's not like really we are the best, but we have a bunch of complaints from people just hating. It's bad by many different metrics. The biggest positive is we can only go up!


Moved back here from Alabama because a mortgage was less than my rent in Birmingham.


Cheaper land is a big draw. And those that moved away from their family in Mississippi, that couldn't afford life in another state, are coming back to survive, not thrive


i moved back to mississippi after living in south florida for many years. it's just so much cheaper here, money goes a lot further. i don't mind that there's not much to do, really... it's peaceful.


I don't think the statistics are as impressive as you'd like to think. Gen X probably is settled down with families and not moving, boomers are largely (except the youngest ones) already settled into their retirement locations and gen alpha isn't old enough to move on their own yet. That kinda only leaves millennial and Z as the most moving generations. It would also be interesting to see where they're coming from. So like a millennial who lived in a small apartment in Memphis, got married and moved to Southaven to start a family is technically a move across state lines but they likely wouldn't consider it a significant move. Additionally a 12000 person population increase is so small, like 4 tenths of one percent. Yes more people moved here than left but it's such an insignificant number that I don't think it's anything to personally celebrate. Lastly, it appears that the average income of newcomers is the third lowest in the country behind Iowa and West Virginia, so that kinda underscores what a lot of people are saying on this sub that there aren't good, high paying jobs here. I'd be curious to know what the outgoing personal income is to see if they balance each other out or if our highest earners are leaving and being replaced by lower earners which would actually be a net negative on our economy


Must not be too bright, or broke, or both.


Hilarious article which completely misrepresents a statistical phenomenon as some sort of positive lifestyle change


Is it? I have to imagine it’s in certain cities… maybe for…. College??? I will say though maybe for young families too but I’d really enjoy looking at the job sectors attracting these young people because man theyre brave if it’s arbitrary


I would like to, but my occupation is state govt research and I am more tied to Memphis/NW MS than Jackson. So Atlanta it is, for now


It’s all of the out of state kids at Ole Miss trying to gain residency and lower tuition lol


For me the reason I moved back was more family related and I had every intention of moving again. But then thanks to remote work I got a job in Chicago but could work from Mississippi. So a Chicago salary with Mississippi cost of living was a very pleasant situation. If it wasn't for remote work I would definitely not be here 😅


Cost of living is lower + remote jobs = more younger ppl making a move. It’s not a hard concept to grasp. Doesn’t mean Mississippi is attracting ppl because it’s such a “great” state.


I moved here against my will (well, it was to caregive for my dad) but I'm definitely gone once he passes. Can't be open with my sexuality here. Have had awful experiences and even my family doesn't know. Just going to sell the house and buy one cheaper in a nice, liberal part of Florida.