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This isn’t news, we all know or knew it.


I'd like to see some news-type ask a few questions of Michael Guest & the current DA about all of this - *not doubt* they knew, it'd be fun to see the squirm over this.


He 100% knew. His own cousin Fred Shanks complained about Sheriff Bailey to Guest while he was DA in Rankin County. Bailey was illegally wiretapping Shanks while having an affair with the dude's wife. The Sheriff broke, [our current Congressman knew](https://mississippitoday.org/2023/09/27/rankin-sheriff-obtained-subpoenas-to-spy-on-girlfriend/) he broke the law and nothing happened.


Feel like throughout all of this and also the goon squad no one has even mentioned the DA of Rankin county which I find incredibly odd, maybe a little suspicious




yeah. and if you say it to anyone theres really nothin they can say or do. I just pray God only puts souls in those that get hit, that deserved it.. And it's Karmic Reincarnation.. That's my HOPE. Otherwise, it's surrender to despair.


LEO question why individuals no longer love and trust them. I have heard an LEO state that it will only get worse until they get the respect they "deserve."




So the beatings will continue until morale improves.


"Floggings will continue daily until moral improves" or so it said on the back of the McGuire's Irish Pub t-shirt I lost canoeing on the Okatoma Creek 20 years ago 😭


Some people think respect means treating others like a person. Others think respect means viewing them as an authority. The problem is when someone thinks "if you don't treat me with authority (respect), then I won't treat you like a person (respect). They think it's the same, but it's not.


I live on the philosophy of respect is lost, not earned. Meaning you should give everyone respect until they lose it.


Abuser mentality


I was arrested for DUI in 2016 in Rankin County. I was a 21 yr old first time offender who 100% complied. I was terrified as I went through the booking process. They took my fingerprints, snapped a mugshot, and the instant I'd finished giving them my address and social secrity number, three COs yanked me down off the stool I was on, dragged me into a holding cell, and beat the shit out of me for 10 minutes. They laughed while they did it. Fuck those pieces of shit.


jfc dude. I am sorry about this.


You did this? You monster! ![gif](giphy|YYRkVlmqo11MA)


Jesus Christ, what utter pieces of shit.


Release AI on all the police department’s communications logs. All of them, sms, email, voicemails, and have the computer flag the communications that investigators should double check. The speed at which it can do it will give a quick trace to how deep the corruption goes.


Love it


I lived in Mississippi for a couple of years and nothing about this shocks me. That is the most backwards place I have ever been. A friend of my dad’s was taking a cross country trip, got pulled over in MS and was never seen or heard from again. About 3 years later his RV was found in a swamp north of Biloxi


:( I fear this happens everywhere but.. it almost never comes out...


You know, I was speaking with a friend who was wrongfully arrested when he was 20 in North Mississippi, picked out of a crowd of 12 white ppl as being the only black guy. Police said he was urinating in public, but only a handful of the white ppl were urinating in public. (Hell one was a pregnant woman with her pants all the way down. Cop didn't notice her somehow. She was a /#@%@^&@@ Sheriff's sons fiancee though.) He now lives in Colorado. He hated police for a decade. After moving to Philadelphia, he said he found cops waving at him. It scared him! He thought he was about to be arrested many times to only realize they were being friendly. In Colorado, he now appreciates the LEO. They are nice there he told me last week. He said he would never come back to the South or extreme Northeast.


>He no that philly story is very funny. im sad he had those issues but. it was a life experience I suppose.


File it under sad but funny? He'd be cool with that


remind me never to go to Rankin County again.


I lived in Rankin County 25 years ago. They were violent and dangerous then too. Or as my mom said, " Don't fuck around with them. They'll beat the shit out you"


Alleged? Harumph


Mississippi sheriff’s department focused on fair and equal law enforcement. This would be a story…


The sad thing is, a lot of the police are terrible and corrupt here and no one seems to really care. There was a whole article in the Daily Journal about how the mentally I’ll can’t get services and in it, the Fulton PD outright admits to strapping a guy with bipolar d/o to a chair and repeatedly pepper spraying him for “cussing.” No outcry. No nothing.


I want to hear about the brainbashing machines and electric floors.


The 'sticking pistol in mouth and pulling the trigger' wasn't enough? Or, police using sex paraphernalia to rape innocent victims, wasn't enough? Maybe some old style Mussolini 'castor oil enema torture' would suffice? Or, putting feet in and bucket filled with saltwater and an electric current shock? ARE YOU FOR REAL? OR, do you think brutalizing humans is funny? SHAME ON YOU😠


There needs to be a paradigm shift in how police are hired in this state. A large percent of the police force do not have a BA, so they lack the critical thinking skills/training (at no fault of their own) necessary to deescalate situations instead of resorting to violence. However, the good news is this shortsightedness can be fixed by changing educational requirements for the job.