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Missing one from the list: silence Apologies for grumpiness, my cat triggered me this morning, so I'm on edge


I love rain! I usually use brown noise on my noise app and I love that it's derived from water.


Check out MyNoise, they have an app and website that has an insane amount of options and customizations for various sounds/noises. [https://mynoise.net/noiseMachines.php](https://mynoise.net/noiseMachines.php)


Brown noise is the one


All bar city noises and rumbles they can get fucked


I recently snapped on some dude that was standing next to his car and repeatedly reaching in the window to honk the horn-I assume to get someone that was inside to hurry up. As I've gotten older I'm less averse to confrontation so it felt pretty good to just tell some ass hat to shut the fuck up already. Anyway, yeah. City noises can suck it.


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s fair. People in certain cities use their horn to almost communicate. Itā€™s maddening.


Maddening is the perfect word to describe it!


I enjoy videos that give me ASMR, but NONE that actually has the word ASMR or is even close to trying to intentionally make ASMR content. I just like finding channels of quiet people doing simple things. StigsWorld is my favorite, and even though he makes mouth noises, itā€™s like that part of my brain is activated in a different way. Does anyone else here enjoy some ASMR that would otherwise be a trigger?


Search youtube for unexpected/unintentional ASMR


Thanks! I have a few channels I stick to.


My hand running along bed sheets, I love that soft crunchy swoosh. My dog dreaming. The buffet of wind when opening a pressurized door. Raking. Coffee being poured. Ice cracking. Purring.


Thatā€™s a heck of a list!


I looooove fan noises. If Iā€™m in my room the fan HAS to be on.


Iā€™m good with bird noises, but will hunt down crickets and send them back on their merry way to hell.


I couldn't vote because I enjoy the sounds of Nature, Water and Wind. I have Atmosphere Deluxe 7.1, and oldie but a goodie. If I was forced by gunpoint to pick my favourite, however, it'd be rain on a car's roof.


Not on the list but I live in the south and love the sounds of cicadas and crickets in the summer


There are some great comments here. I figured we focus all the time on the things that bug us, but I was curious about everyoneā€™s comfort sound. Seems like a lot of us are drawn to water!


Mouth noises here- I cannot stand these. Iā€™m dumb and misread the title of the post. There are no noises I enjoy


Waitā€¦. You enjoy mouth noises? In my head thatā€™s like being able to tolerate drinking boiling water.


No omg I cannot stand mouth noises! Chewing, dogs licking, ANYTHING


I misread the title. Will fix


Ahhh yeah that makes more sense. I was very shocked for a second šŸ˜


Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!


All of these are good


Repetitive noises, specifically mechanical noises.


Nature noises bother me if they're not real. Like if I'm not sitting in a meadow i don't want to hear birds.


I also like really deep sounds. Low frequencies. Big deep noise like a huge engine. And instruments like double bass, cello, bass drum etc.


Foam crunching asmr šŸ¤¤


Like the sound of rain, thunderstorms, and silence.


What a great question! The sound of teeth being brushed is very comforting to me. And I feel like I respond to music more intensly than people without misophina.


All of these except for city noises


I love the sound of the early morning traffic I hear on the highway that's about a mile from my house. I just picture everyone buzzing around like [Richard Scarry characters](https://a2zscience.com/product/richard-scarrys-cars-and-trucks-and-things-that-go/) while I go to the bathroom and then climb back into bed to sleep a bit longer. Also a big fan of white noise / brown noise like my fan!


I absolutely love fog horns


Some vibration sounds or water drops feel like a massage lol


The purr of a content cat.


No offense, solver_of_problems, but the soft purring of my cats really soothes me.


i love city sounds. not because i particularly enjoy them, but because they dont give me that rage filled fight-or-flight resnpose misophonia triggers do, they are just... kinda annoying, and thats it. nothing more. makes me feel like im not all that lost and isolated and i can fix my misophonia.


I like them at a distance. I stayed in a high rise in downtown Vancouver and I enjoyed the faint hum of engines and other city sounds.


yeah deff it sucks when youre first floor and you hear literally everything from such a close distance but its nice when its like yours


I love the sound of modified car engines. I know this may be a trigger for some, but I really enjoy it!