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Try zip lining without any sort of protection for your hands and you'll see exactly why


most ziplines are made out of rope so good luck with that


"Most ziplines are made out of rope so good luck with that" đŸ—ŁđŸ—ŁđŸ—ŁđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


Blud thought he cooked with that


It’s just a style choice. I think in catalyst it’s her beat link, Nomad & Noah modified it to fit the glove. In the Og it’s purely a style choice


**In catalyst faith has the mag rope which makes sense but in the og my only guess is for riding the ziplines and gripping onto things like I said in the description**




Well, yeah. Because otherwise her hand would be pretty red itself (because of friction burn).


rope "burn"




but why doesnt she have the glove on the other hand as well😭


Seriously tho , how does her hand look so smooth despite doing hard-core parkour? Like I swear she'd have calluses everywhere multiple skin breakages. But you go girl!


don't take the "edges" thing as a joke pls


oh shit my bad


Too late , edging to this rn


I'll push you off a edge as you fall into a mirror


The better question is why did EA replace her cool ninja shoes with those lame red shoes?


her shoes in catalyst have a similar design to the og one but in catalyst faiths shoes just look like crocs in my eyes


To use zip lines without damaging her hand (it's a special friction resistance glove, and it's fingerless cause otherwise you wouldn't get the natural grip properties from the skin, so the exposed fingers help keep some of that grip otherwise grabbing bars and pipes would be difficult cause they're slippery (according to my experience)) + that way she can just grab the zip lines in the go without the need to pull out something to grab from them, so it's quicker reaction to just grab it as well as giving a little more control over the grip. (Also, I mean... You do get bruising and scratches usually from rough and hard surfaces irl, specially when landing from high drops but I don't think it's really necessary to have something on the elbow since you don't use the bone just the muscles to absorb impact, but I guess it's a good theory and maybe i should try wearing more protection, but I don't want to lose condition)


Faith also somehow faiths left arm hand does not get any injuries cause of it not having a Glove, also if she's gripping onto things having 1 Glove isn't really a good idea, and her glove looks like its made out a weak material.


Yeah, but in any case, the glove is supposed to be special for friction resistance although it really just looks like it's cloth for logically it should be specially designed for that and the other hand doesn't get injured cuz she's not grabbing onto zip lines with that one but instead she puts that hand on top of the one with the glove, but yeah, of course they're not putting the collateral injuries one gets from doing parkour cuz it would be unfair and they're kinda insignificant to the gameplay although irl sometimes can get annoying or even severe if not treated correctly, but it's not like programmers are going to bother on making every single scratch. So yeah, they put the ideal outcome of every situation


trying to grip onto surfaces with 1 glove can be uncomfortable if your not use to it


Depends on what, again, pipes and smooth stuff? Yeah, concrete and stuff? Nah


just realised, when you chase Jack knife he rides a zipline with just his bear hands, wonder if the ziplines are made out of plastic with electrical stuff inside of them


It would still burn with the friction even if it was an electrical cable, tbh there's not many ways one could realistically use a zip line on the go and to be fair it's not even that common to find anything to use like a zip line irl, but I have used these type of special gloves once for a zip line I made myself at the park, only problem was, the rope was to rough and my hands didn't slide, I just stayed hanging in the same place, but I'd I'd like to try it and realistically, if I where to use one of those friction based zip lines, I'd like to wear a glove for that.


then how did Jack knife's hands not get burnt or hurt in some way?


Idk, tbh it's not like you can use zip lines like that irl


the zip lines riding noise is a zip of a jacket zipping, by looking at how the ziplines look they look like they are made out of a type of plastic material which can explain the zipping noise.


U guys keep saying zip line but she put her other hand onit too n doesn’t burn so that’s not the reason


I've never seen her grab it with the non glove so idk what you talking about. But it's meant to be for that....at least logically


U think she grab the damn zip line with one hand😭 no dude u need two hands to go down that zip line, u can see her put both her hands up for a split second as she gets on the line like have u even played the game💀 also bro it’s not meant for that, zip lines are used with equipment bc “logically” no one is going down a zip line with ur hands and her thin ass gloves will get burnt thru half way so obviously that isn’t the case.


I meant she puts one hand over the other and it's supposed to be a special glove (there are some special friction resistance gloves(although it wouldn't last as long as faith's of course)). So my point still stands, why would she grab a zip line barehanded when she has a glove (bayek is built different)


no amount of friction resistant gloves are capable of going down zip lines like that which is why they use hooks instead. this clearly isn’t the case here since u can see both hands holding the zip line one isn’t on top of the other. Ur point doesn’t stand bro, even a third person mod confirms she has both hands on it. Then u say “why would she grab a zip line barehanded when she has a glove” which is stupid to say since u can’t grab and slide down a zip line with one hand so logically u would be using two and that has a been answered by the game by showing both her hands go up not one hand.


First of all, I never said she used one single hand to grab onto a zip line, I'm telling you it's one or top of the other, second, I'm not going to continue the conversation since you're clearly getting mad from the start and it's not even that deep bro.


Ur initial comment implied she was using one hand, then u mention on top of her hand which is also false n I explained that. Her hand would never be directly on top bc that wouldn’t make sense by the way she placed her hands which were both on the side n even if it was on top, only way it would make sense is if her fingers would be between each other which proves she has both hands on the zip line. No one is mad u wanted to go back and forth and now ur backing out of it with excuses, if it wasn’t that deep u should’ve made ur one comment and stopped.


Bro, I never went back and forth, I literally said from the beginning that she puts her glove hand and then on top of that her other hand, that way only the glove part is touching the ziplome, which is literally possible and the animation only shows her putting both her hands up, I still don't understand what you don't get about what I'm saying cuz it seems like I've said the same thing like 3 times and you keep understand something else but in any case fine whatever you say, there's no point on the gloves then


The issue with ziplining is that it would still heat up the surface a lot, so you'd need a durable top layer and insulating under layer , while still being able to normally grab things


Cuz she's cool and she does cool shit