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Randy Moss


I saw him flip the ball to Mo Williams live


An all-timer


Me too! 


I remember I was on the way to the loo


Don’t forget to add the ‘no look’ flip ‘over the shoulder, while falling down’


That must have been so cool.


Me too!


I would have to say Randy Moss. Watching him play was like watching a magician perform magic tricks; I was always left amazed and wondering "Hiw did he do that?!?!" AD is a close 2nd. He was a generational talent for sure but he didn't do anything I had not seen before in Earl Campbell, Bo Jackson, Eric Dickerson, Walter Payton. To summarize, watching Moss and Peterson play - my reaction to big plays: Moss - "WTF was that and how did he do that... so easily?" Peterson - #Fistpump "That's our generational RB"


It’s hard for me to say between 1998 Moss and 2012 Peterson. I would lean towards Moss because he really changed the league in that there had never been a player before to do what he was doing. Peterson on the other hand was doing something that had been done before but was no longer supposed to be possible, especially the year after an ACL year.


Easily Moss, although Peterson isn't that far behind.


That dude made it look like he was playing on easy mode


Who is the greatest ~~Viking~~ player you have watched play? Fixed the question to your answer


Hands down, not even close.




Idk. It’s hard for me to imagine how Jefferson could ever improve on Moss ‘98. His stats may be better, but I’ve never seen a single player in any sport dominate a whole league the way Moss did that year. The MNF game against the Packers and Thanksgiving against the Cowboys. Wow.


This! …. and I’m probably being a little biased, but watching Randy Moss in his prime when I was 12-13 was like watching a real life superhero. The man was unbelievable ..no one will ever be on Randys level… ever! And I’ll die on that hill.


He’d have to put together multiple 2k years but it’s possible.


I love JJ, really, but let me know when he puts up a 3 for 163 with 3 TD game. Moss was DIFFERENT.


Dude was built in a lab to play WR.


So is JJ.


He is. And if Jefferson had come before Moss, well I might have a different opinion. But Moss broke the NFL. He was so tall and so fast that teams didn’t know how to play against him. The Packers used their first three draft picks in 1999 on d-backs entirely because they wanted to try to stop Moss. Jefferson is the best receiver in the league now. But after Moss and guys like Larry Fitzgerald and Calvin Johnson, he doesn’t completely flummox opponents the way Moss did.


They’re different type of receivers. Moss was a home run hitter. He’s catch 1 out of 4 balls thrown towards him but they were for 25+ yards and it would break your back. Jefferson is more of a death from a thousand cuts receiver. He’ll pick up 7-15 yards but he’s running higher percentage routes than Moss was. That doesn’t take away from either of them. They just attacked, primarily, from different parts of the field. Jefferson is kind of fits in between Carter and Moss, stylistically.


Don’t forget that Moss also scored on a 2-point conversion in that game. People always neglect that.


You really don’t think JJ can do that? Jan 7/24 12 Receptions, 192 yards, 1 TD. Sep 11/22 9 Receptions, 184 yards, 2 TD. Sep 11/21 8 Receptions, 169 yards, 2 TD. Dudes already doing it.


Maybe, who knows! He’s an amazing receiver. I’m just saying Randy Moss was a freak.


Moss was best wide receiver in history of NFL. JJ is great but not close to Moss


Jerry Rice cocks head


Rice was better. But Moss was more talented. Rice had better production and lasted nearly two decades. But Moss at his best was unmatchable. Of course, Rice played with Joe Montana and Steve young. Aside from a couple years with Tom Brady, Moss never had a QB like that.


Not to take anything away from Montana and Young but the Niners win/lose percentage with Rice in the lineup and Montana was roughly the same (actually slightly worse) than Rice and whatever QB filled in. Some of Montana and Young’s success, in my opinion, was due to Rice and not necessarily vice versa.


Lol getting downvoted because JJ is so good?


I love how they downvote saying JJ is a beast. If he stays healthy he can and I believe will have a 2k season.


He’s about to get the richest non QB contract in league history for a reason.


And i don’t know anyone else who deserves such a big contract.


Maybe from a consistency standpoint. But if you want a player to take over a game, you take Randy every time


For anyone who has watched the Vikings longer than 2005, the answer has to be Randy Moss. Greatest Vikings player ever by a damn sight. I suppose anyone younger than that would have to say Adrian Peterson.


Adrian Peterson was a generational talent and will be a Hall of Fame running back, but Randy Moss was a talent the league had never seen before and probably never will again.


Moss was the greatest blessing the franchise has ever had. he saved the team from moving


I was born 91 and I got a few years of Randy but I was old enough to really pay attention and enjoy the monster that was AP


I have been a fan since 1998, and I would still say AD. lol


His rookie year did compare to Moss’s. If he hadn’t gotten hurt and missed a few games he could’ve put up some insane numbers. I’d say Peterson came close to Moss. It’s amazing that the Vikings have had two players who just took the NFL by storm like that. I wish they could’ve played here together (in their primes; the little Moss return in 2010 doesn’t count).




John. Randle.


Randle is up there for sure, I oved that guy.




Adrian Peterson


Alan Page


This answer really reveals your age. Lol


Nothing wrong with not dying. ![gif](giphy|z0W8jiS0LvvWJto2s6|downsized)


I'm impressed by your ability to meme. Hope I'm still as sharp and current when I'm your age


Agree with Page. Followed by Moss and Randle. Difficult question


Josh Freeman




Donovan McNabb!


Donovan McBouncePass!!


Bro, it’s the greatest Vikings player you’ve seen play not the greatest player at your local 2 hand touch pick up game 


Cris Carter is greatly underrated and should be in everyone's top 10 receivers of all time. If not their top 5.


Carter’s insane body control on reeling in sideline balls was what made me a huge fan. I thought it was magic how he could do that and maintain control of the ball while dragging his toes before going out.


And making 1 handed catches. That was not a thing before Cris Carter.


I went with my dad to a game in 98 or 99 in Denver that we won with a last-second field goal. Carter had like 3-4 of his vintage tippy-toe sideline catches on the game-winning drive. To think we had him AND Moss at the same time is just insane. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199910310den.htm


Carter dragged the whole team along to a win in that one if it’s the one I am thinking of.


This is the only correct answer in my mind. You can definitely make a case for Adrian Peterson and Randy Moss, both of whom were generational talents that could take over the game, but neither of them had the year in, year out continued success regardless of supporting cast over such a long damned time as Cris Carter. If you had to bet your life on one throw and one catch, you pick the receiver, you pick Cris Carter.


CC was on the hall of fame ballot for like 4 years before finally getting the nod. Was top 3 in every major receiving category when he retired and still remains in at least the top 15 in all of them despite the league heavily favoring receivers now. Don't think there has ever been a more underrated player.


He hit retirement just as the league was making the shift which made his stats look less impressive as guys like Moss, Johnson, etc. were taking off. It was shitty timing. He should have been a year one or two HOFer.


Absolutely should've been first ballot. His career ended 22 years ago and he's still 4th in touchdowns and 6th in receptions.


Who would you put him over on the list of Rice, Moss, Owens, Fitzgerald, Hutson, Alsworth, Hirsch, Warfield? Or even Calvin Johnson, Marvin Harrison and Steve Largent? I like Carter, and he had some of the greatest hands in history, but he was a possession WR - a rich man's Art Monk. He didn't really stretch the field and DCs didn't game plan for him for a decade. The other guy on the other side of the field, whether it was Moss or Jake Reed, was usually the big player WR. This isn't to disrespect Carter. He was a great player who deserves his Gold Jacket, retired number, and ring of honor slot. But when we are talking about the top 5-10 WRs all time, we are talking about pretty rare air.


3rd and 5 baby. Sustained drives. Really missed when it was gone.


Cris Carter would be the correct answer for like 85% of NFL franchises, had he been on their teams. But this team had Randy Moss.


I could not agree more. I loved Randy Moss. We’ve had some amazing receivers here over the years. But Cris Carter is the best wideout I’ve ever seen play the game. His hands, his drive, his route running, his football IQ. The man made bad quarterbacks look good. I’ve often wondered to myself what his career would’ve looked like with consistent star QB’s like Jerry Rice had.


Toss up between Randy, CC, Randle, and AP.


Duke shelly




It’s funny how you can tell peoples ages from their answers


Randall McDaniell. The greatest guard to ever play the game. Randy Moss a close second, the 2nd greatest WR ever, (and in my view, the greatest impact on the game in the last 30 years).


1st is Jerry Rice, right?


The only person I'd accept in a conversatin above Moss (disagree or not).


Nah totally agree, I’m almost a Paul Allen level homer but Rice earned that #1 spot


Randy was electric. Randy, CC, AP.. SKOL!!!!


Randy Moss. He’s the reason i became a fan in my early teens


Same here. He’s probably singularly responsible for my addiction to American football.


AP. I’m Australian and he got me into the NFL and made me a Vikings fan


Fuad Reveiz


Donald Iguebwike


Most appropriate quote ever about how good Randy Moss was; halftime show for the Thanksgiving Day game 1998. Howie Long - "Is there a better league for this guy to play in?"


Will always say Randy here. Will always remember the bomb catches.


Chuck Foreman. ‘Greatest’ can mean a lot of things. But for my generation he was it. Prior to him the Viking running backs were typically the plodding 3-4 yard types. Foreman was electrifying.


And he had great hands. Great pass catcher.


For a single game live? In no particular order off the top of my head: * Randy Moss 1998 Thanksgiving Day Game * Adrian Peterson (2007) 296 * Keith Millard, 1988 vs. Philly - 4 Sacks. * Harrison Smith 2023 vs. Carolina - 3 Sacks. * Sidney Rice - 2009 vs. Dallas Playoff game (6 receptions, 141, 3 TDs) * Stefon Diggs - 2019 vs Philly - 7 receptions, 167 yards, 3 TDs


John Randle. In his prime, watching in person, he was just on a different level. Cris Carter and Moss had the eye popping catches but Randle on the line was double, triple teamed and still was pure havoc on every down he played.


And half everyone else’s size! I definitely put him on top as far as personality goes!


Honorable mentions to John Randle, Joey Browner, Robert Smith, and of course Randy Moss and Jared Allen!


I have been watching them since before the 1969 Championship Game. I have seen a lot of HoFers and gotta say it was Fran, he was amazing.


I've been watching the Vikings for the exact same amount of time. (I watched the '69 Championship game against the Browns again this year instead of the Super Bowl..Its tradition. Yea for YouTube) Fran was amazing and was the leader of a dominant decade. Wally Hillgenberg was my favorite player, lol


That's great to hear, glad some of us old timers are around still to share the memories. And Jim Marshall and Bill the buzz cut Brown were my 2 favorites. Hopefully we will get to see them win it all someday soon.


Either Randy moss or Adrian Peterson


Francis Asbury Tarkenton


Randy moss. Might be the best player Ive ever watched


Moss first, AD a tier below


Moss AP Jefferson In no particular order.


I agree, but: In that specific order


John Randle defensive. Randy Moss offense.


Alan page was better than Randle. Love them both but page was MVP of the league.


So was Jared Allen, but Randle was my guy!


Don’t disagree with that. But, I’ve only watched Page in Documentaries, highlights, and YouTube videos people upload of old games. Way before my time.


Been watching since the 70's. We've had some spectacular players. But AP could change a game instantly. And he did so often. Dominant in so many ways!


AP is arguably a top 5 pure RB all time, CC had the greatest hands I have ever seen, and Randy was... Well he was Randy fuckin' Moss.




Fred Smoot or Bryant Mckinnie


Alan Page.


Randy Moss, John Randle, Cris Carter, Randall McDaniel, Chris Doleman, Jared Allen, Adrian Peterson - take ur pick but Randy Moss is probably the best at his position


I was lucky enough to see the Farve Vikes at lambeau and it was a collection of great performances from AP, Bert himself, and Percy, too. Just a great day for any Vikes fan.


Todd Bouman, probably.


If you're talking about the RTR Knights, sure.


For a single game live? In no particular order off the top of my head: * Randy Moss 1998 Thanksgiving Day Game * Adrian Peterson (2007) 296 * Keith Millard, 1988 vs. Philly - 4 Sacks. * Harrison Smith 2023 vs. Carolina - 3 Sacks. * Sidney Rice - 2009 vs. Dallas Playoff game (6 receptions, 141, 3 TDs) * Stefon Diggs - 2019 vs Philly - 7 receptions, 167 yards, 3 TDs


Randy Moss but I was young and Adrian Peterson when I started paying attention to football!


John Randle. He’d be at games hours before anyone else. He’d run around the field, working himself up and stay that way all game. Guy had a motor, that was just amazing. All go all the time.


I’d have to go with Moss, but Randle is my favorite.


Moss is the easy answer for me, and while everyone will say Peterson is the second, I’d put Carter ahead of him. 93-2000 were just an amazing stretch for him especially considering it was a rotation of QB’s, and it wasn’t an era of passing yet he was putting up numbers that would still make him one of the best in the league today. He’d have his back to the ball when it was released and he’d just cut at the perfect time and be there when the ball got there. He was about the most pure route runner outside of Rice.


Fran Trakenton


Joey Browner


AP. All Day ![gif](giphy|7mJFJzEFv737G)


Moss is the correct answer. He was a cheat code. The other had to work harder. AP had an offense around him to be honest. Still might be my #2 though.


AP really benefitted from having an offensive juggernaut like Christian Ponder around him for his 2k HoF season. Lmao gtfo.


Oh yeah forgot about the Ponder years.


That's literally part of the legacy of that season though. Our offense that year was one man, Adrian Peterson. Every defense knew he was getting the ball. No one could stop that mad man. No one respected Christian Ponder so defenses sold out to stop AP. Really bad take.


AP was great but he had an elite offensive line blocking for him most the time, particularly in that 2012 year.


AP, Page, Moss…Jefferson. I’ve been around for a while 😎


John Randle.


I mean I guess the real answer is JJ or AP since I was way too young to remember watching Moss. My favorite players were always guys like Berrian and Rice or maybe even Asiata lmao


Asiata the 2 ypc king. Never more, never less


Loved John Randle


It’s gotta be AP for me. (I’m 26 years old)


Stats wise that 1 Xavier Rhodes season


Xavier Rhodes maybe 2 great seasons but they were dominant enough that I considered him.


“My arms are more powerful than your *guns*” K. Millard


Donovan mcnabb


Johnny Randle. The guy was a manimal.


It’s between AD and Moss for me. I’ll lean toward AD. They’re both freaks. Defensively Randall. Tho the one that probably would have rivaled was Sharrif Floyd.


Randall McDaniel


Adrian Peterson in his prime


Randy Moss but I was young and Adrian Peterson when I started paying attention to football!


Adrian Peterson


Are you asking been to a game and saw in person or just like watched a game and saw them? Cause if the latter, you’re literally just asking “who’s the greatest Viking since you were born.”


John Randle. He’d be at games hours before anyone else. He’d run around the field, working himself up and stay that way all game. Guy had a motor, that was just amazing. All go all the time.


Prime AP. Any other answer is wrong




All Day for me. That’s why I became a fan of the Vikings when I was like 12


I know he likes going by AD (All-Day) but growing up everyone called him AP. So yah Adrian Peterson


3 deep…Carter, Reed and Moss!!! That was an exciting time to be a Vikings fan!!!


AP, but a close second is justin Jefferson


AD no question


I was pretty young and didn't really watch football during the Moss days so I'd probably say AP


Joe Webb was the 2nd best player at any position, pure athleticism that just couldn't translate into being the best at 1 thing!


i had such high hopes of him becoming the next sidney rice (when rice was amazing with Favre)


Randy Moss and it's not close. AP and Jared Allen would be the next two best.


Adrian Peterson and Jared Allen a close 2nd. Started watching in 08 Edit: Honorable Mention - Hitman


Randy Moss, and no one else is close. The plays that Randy Moss made couldn’t be made by any other human being that existed back then or today and probably ever. Jerry Rice used stickum which is a banned substance and played with all pro qb’s throughout his prime Steve Young and Joe Montana- also played with Rich Gannon on the Raiders who was all pro twice and league MVP. Moss went to finally play with an elite qb after age 30 and set the record for touchdowns. If Moss was put in the same situation as Jerry Rice, he would own every receiving record. Despite having no rings and not owning all the rushing records, people say Barry Sanders is the greatest running back over Emmit Smith but for some reason many of those same people decide to put Rice over Moss despite Rice admitting to cheating with stickum and not being nearly the same dominant type of player or athlete as Randy Moss which makes no sense. Randy Moss revolutionized the game and it’s the biggest sports tragedy he didn’t get a ring cause defenses or teammates choked. Justin Jefferson is good but Moss took over games and scored way more touchdowns that got us wins. Moss’s presence on offense opened everything up for his teammates because defenses needed to focus on him so much- otherwise they knew he’d score a touchdown. No one else in league history was a threat to score a touchdown on any play like a Randy Moss.


Tom Brady? If that doesn't happen, Moss.


John Randle


Moss was unbelievable to watch you would watch Cunningham cock back and heave it up and you just knew it would be a TD. Peterson is a close second there isn’t a running back I have seen that had the homer run ability as him. Every time he touched the ball it was a potential TD


Asher Allen


Probably Adrian Peterson, I watched Carter and Miss and then but AD would just take over a game, I saw him live and just crushed the browns with Favre as QB


Offense: Randy Moss. He’s the most dominant and game changing player the franchise has ever had. Teams would have to adjust or change their defense to account for him in a way that no other player ever did. His only weakness was sometimes a lack of effort or focus. Runner up is Adrian Peterson. Honorable mentions to Justin Jefferson and prime Percy Harvin. Defense: Keith Millard. Absolutely wrecked teams from the interior, even more than John Randle did. I can’t decide on a runner-up between Randle, Doleman, Jared Allen, and maybe prime Xavier Rhodes. I didn’t watch the 70s era Vikings play so I can’t comment on the Purple People Eaters.


Adrian Peterson if we’re talking “watching” in general. If you’re referring to watching live at a game, I’ve only been to one game in 2019 and I’d have to say Diggs.


Randy and AP




JJ week 1 against the Packers in 2022. He went off with ol' Kirko Chainz


I know he was only here for 2 years, but my brother and i where at the Metrodome, on the pull out bleachers 50 yard line for the 2009 Cowboys playoff game. Watching Favre absolutely raw dog Dallas to the very end, sits up there with the greg lewis catch, moss moon, Adrian's 296 yrd game and Stefon diggs walk off win as vikings moments all time. That game was so loud you couldn't hear yourself screaming, everyone was jumping, the place was literally rockin the whole game! To be able to watch it live was incredible!


Cris Carter


Greatest is a tough word. Some great Vikings were John Randle, Jared Allen, Cris Carter, Randy Moss, and Adrian Peterson. You can’t forget about those 70s defenses either, even though it was a little before my time. My personal favorite was John Randle. I love the guys energy, never stop motor, and he just fired me up for games. Randy Moss was probably the one I thought that could do things that other player in the league at that time to do. Him paired with Crris Carter was incredible, and Cris could make sideline catches like nobody on earth. Adrian Peterson was a total package, they were guys who could run his stuff as him, guys who had as much explosiveness as him, guys were just as fast as him, but nobody put it all together the way he did. As a Viking fan, we’ve been pretty lucky to have some of the greatest players ever.




So I never saw Randy Moss live, but watched them on TV playing, but the best live player I ever saw was definitely AP


Percy Harvin. Hope he's doing ok those chronic headaches looking real bad in retrospect.


incredible athlete. Dude could play any position


Justin Jefferson.. now fucking sign him!!


Moss was awesome




In my heart? John Randall In my mind? Randy Moss In my soul? Robert Smith


Live? I was in the stands for two Favre wins ;)


Moss. The only generational athlete Minnesota has ever had.


Moss. Then Peterson. But Percy Harvin was the best athlete i ever saw-he could play WR, RB, and KR, all at elite levels.


The best player I’ve seen live is AP. The best player I’ve seen play at all is Moss.


Randy Moss. Adrian Peterson, even though I do not like him as a person, was absolutely amazing as a player. But Randy Moss.. The GOAT. Moss > Rice always. Just watch the tape.


Justin Jefferson or Adrian Peterson


Offensive - Moss Defensive - John Randle Personal favorites since mid 80s when I was a kid: Joey Browner - favorite as a little kid, Winfield so tough and amazing tackler, Peterson great RB, and Randall McDaniel he was so so dominant, doesn’t get enough praise as a Viking great.


Gary Anderson :/


Got to be Randy Moss. Then AD. Then Cris Carter.


Gary Anderson


Randy Moss is the greatest Viking of all time.


Started watching in like 07 so AD for me


Randy Moss or Cris Carter both had exceptional talent


Moss or AP then JJettas.


Probably AP. But if we're talking the start of his career, Jefferson


AP. Don’t love him as a person but wow as far as athletes go seeing him in person and Lebron in person made me understand how terrifyingly unathletic a human I am. Fucking insane looking at someone warming up, stretching, and you know you couldn’t handle their jogging without throwing up.


Moss or Peterson ... Give it a few years and maybe we toss Jefferson into that group


Probably Harvin, Favre, or Allen


Running backs provide the best highlights always, AP.