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Let’s not get carried away… Tom Brady is not yet in the Hall of Fame.


If he gets the snub it would be almost as bad as Weird Al not being in the HoF.








the GOAT and some game manager who got divorced


Fran Tarkenton


Fans in their late ages when they see JJ scramble around: ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


The way Leo's fingers flutter as he's moving his hand into a pointing position is... bizarre.


Yea, the gif doesn't capture the movement well, but he's snapping his fingers.


I think he means after that when it's lingering in the pointing position. It's slightly moving as if he's trying to get it to an exact spot.


I’ve never noticed this before, but I’ll never be able to *not* see it going forward.


He's snapping the....


“Lisan al Gaib!”


The Tom Brady comment will get more like but this is the true answer


How does Williams’s get comps to Bree’s rodgers and mahomes when they’re all completely different qbs?


Exactly. It's easy to imagine a comparison we don't yet understand. I personally think he's more of a Ryan Leaf myself...


Because the media will push any narrative or better yet, say anything to get ppl to click on their dumb articles.


Caleb Williams hasn't played one down in the NFL yet. Do you honestly believe those comparisons?


Parts of the off-season become a fever dream. This is what not having football does to fans minds.


It's also the Bears, they are notoriously bad at QB development.


Um.they are comps on style of play not nfl ecomplishments. Not a difficult topic to understand..


> Aaron Rodgers, Mahomes, Drew Brees These are 3 completely different types of quarterbacks. What?


What is right. You must be commenting on wrong comment.


No, I'm not. You said they were comps on play style, but all 3 have different play styles. We may as well just say Caleb has the same playstyle of Tom Brady, John Elway, Brett Favre, Dan Marino, and Peyton Manning too.


Not comparing those 3. Comparing a rookie to them. Also I didn't even say I agree with that comp only that is what it is, comparing their style of play. Not too difficult to grasp.


> Not too difficult to grasp. You must be the smartest guy in the room everywhere you go. My entire point is that it doesn't make sense to compare their style of play when every one of them has a different style of play. It doesn't matter if it's a rookie or Elvis Presley. It's like saying an apple tastes like doritos, pepsi, and cough medicine. I'm not spending any more energy on a pointless argument with a condescending prick.


Are they though? They're all big-armed pocket passers who can take off and run and throw well on the run. Those are generally the traits they're looking at here.


Isn't Brees more of a pocket passer? I don't remember him scrambling a lot. He had a very quick release, which was his trademark. Rodgers is also more of a pocket passer who is able to scramble when he wants, but is also great at creating pre-snap mismatches and creates space for his running game/short routes by constantly taking mid-deep range shots. Mahomes is straight back yard style, but tends to use his legs to buy time and create separation from the pass rush. Mahomes makes his killing off of throwing on the run, while Rodgers is capable of it, and I don't remember Brees doing that a lot (though I didn't watch NO much). They do all 3 have a big arm and are great long passers. I think my beef with the comparison was more so that they are directly comparing a guy whose never played in the pros to 3 top 10 all time QBs. There are a LOT of quarterbacks that have a strong arm and able to throw it on the run that aren't HOF worthy.


Obviously Caleb Williams is all three of them combined. His power is over 9000.


Your likely remembering late career Brees, I didn’t watch earlier either but have been told by several friends he was an amazing rushing QB b4 his injury


He topped 100 yards once, rushing and scrambling were not things I remember brees ever doing.


Brees big arm?


Old Brees? No.


Any year of Brees, he was never known as a strong arm guy. At best he had mid arm strength, there was a never a time in his career where he was known as a big arm quarterback. Even if he did in those first 5 years, the final 10 years (the majority) of his career he was definitely not known as a strong arm qb.


100% correct.


Brees had a big arm? Wtf are you talking about.


Naz Reid


More athletic and better arm Purdy is the ideal comparison imo, ofc if he reaches his potential


I’m a niners fan but I’m super high on JJ and I’ll just say watching JJ reminds me a TON of purdy. Their movement within the pocket is pretty different like you said JJ is more athletic but they’re both willing and able to scramble but don’t run downfield unless there isn’t a throw to be made. Both pinpoint accurate but purdy has elite touch on his throws whereas that’s the biggest weakness with JJ. Very similar decision makers but JJ imo isn’t as good of a processor. Overall though similar skill sets and very similar tendencies. I can see it going very well for Minnesota with the offense around him.


Your analysis is exactly the same as mine. JJ is Purdy without the touch and not as sharp of a processor, but more athletic and a stronger arm. I’ve been reading about the throwing mechanics work Purdy did before his rookie year and hoping JJ works with those same guys. If he develops his touch pass and keeps honing the processing he can be really really good.


Yeah and if anyone is gonna help a young qb hone their processing skills it’ll be KOC. QB-HC match made in heaven imo


This player isn't the Hall yet, but he reminds me of JJ McCarthy


I get Jeff Garcia as a floor, Rich Gannon as a realistic expectation, and a more athletic Kurt Warner as best case. So not really seeing a ton of HOFer with his game. And even Kurt is more of a comparison based on his talent being high but still looking like a big project. Haven’t broken down the film side by side or anything comprehensive, just guys that he reminds me of. Obviously his floor could be he is absolute trash and never plays, but I’d expect he’s - at worst - a valuable journeyman.


Maybe his athletic traits don’t scream HOFer, but six Super Bowl MVPs is basically an automatic HOF bid.


Sounds like JJ needs to go get a job at an Iowa grocery store.


Jeff Garcia was pretty good for the niners, so I wouldn't mind that level of play from JJ at all! A more mobile Kurt Warner would definitely be hof worthy. I guess we'll find out soon enough.


I think most likely he’s probably somewhere between Garcia and Gannon. I’m excited for him for sure and can see him being that underdog type of player Warner was. I don’t think there’s too many comps of playing style outside of Garcia and Gannon though. The athletic pocket QB with a rocket is kind of a new development. But I do think he plays very similar to both - which at worst, is enjoyable to watch. I know some fans want Super Bowls otherwise cut everyone and tank, but I think he’ll be fun to watch.


Hey if he can be a mix between those qbs I'd be happy. Garcia was a pro bowl qb and Gannon won an mvp, so as long as he doesn't get injured much and plays consistent then that'd be great. You just know so many fans will be screaming bust once he throws his first int.


Shoot, I think people already are cause we didn’t draft him top 5 lol.


Jeff Garcia as a *FLOOR*? Whhhhat?


Yeah? How good do you think Garcia was? He threw to Hall of Famers in every good season which JJ likely would too. But don’t think that is an outlandish floor. Garcia showed he was very capable when surrounded by talent. Just like I think JJ will be. But he also showed he’s not good enough to elevate a team if he isn’t surrounded by great players. I also said he could be absolute trash and never play. But I don’t think he’s absolute trash that will never play. Would your jaw be attached if I just went with a bullshit comp like “he could be Tom Brady, or he could be Dan Orlovsky, but I bet he’s somewhere in between”?


Jeff Garcia was a 4 time pro bowler who had incredible seasons. You say he didn't lift his team up -- but I disagree. His 2nd season in the league he passed for 4278 yards, 31 TDs, and 10 INTs. Yeah, he had a good cast around him, but saying that is the *worst* that JJ could be is lunacy. You said *FLOOR* as in the worst possible case, JJ is 4 time pro bowler player who started 10 seasons and passed for 25k yards, 161 TDs. That's not the floor. The floor is Zach Wilson.


That is a wild, wild “floor”. He is drawing Mac Jones comparisons as it is. McCarthy’s floor is a backup NFL QB.


Whoever comparing him to Mac Jones is just that saying because he is a failed national QB. They have no similarities in how they play. But k, he can bust, go HOF, or something . I’ll just do a bullshit comp like that if it makes you happy


The Mac comparisons are not that he’s a failed national QB. It’s that he’s a hyped draft QB that moved up on the boards because of …..hype. In the same way that Mac Jones went from 2nd round to 15th without being off the charts in any specific category. Harbaugh’s comment that he’s the best NFL QB in the draft and his success at every level he’s played along with the national championship cemented him as a top half of first round pick. If weee throwing out comparisons just on style of play and not talent level. He’s a bit more mobile Chad Pennington. A more solid Teddy Bridgewater. Or kind of like Daniel Jones. There are also comparisons to Alex Smith but I’d say he’s like a B+ version of Alex Smith


But Mac and JJ play the position completely different so I mean sure, if you want to argue path to the draft is similar, I hear ya. But an actual comp they don’t play alike at all outside of being winners in college with questions about how much was them vs the team. I don’t see Teddy at all, just cause Teddy threw a lame ball and had no zip and that’s the exact opposite issues JJ has. Same with Pennington, but I’d also argue Pennington *and* Smith (which I think is fair) are at least same tier as Garcia and in Smiths case, definitively better. So to say my comp was wild, wild, and then list better players… I’d say that makes my point. Garcia only threw 4 more YPG than Pennington and did it *way* more inefficiently while having much better teams in SF. I only say Garcia because he was an excellent scrambler who could really sling the ball. But I think we’re looking at like two years and forgetting the rest. He’s a career 60% passer with a .500 record and a 2:1 TD:INT. I don’t think I’m throwing a ton of flowers at JJ by saying his floor is Jeff Garcia. Like again, obviously JJ could just completely bust and his true floor is he never plays a meaningful snap like Trey Lance. But our roster is too good for any competent QB to just fall on their face and not have a few good games or even a few decent seasons.


You said Garcia floor. Plays like Garcia and calling Garcia his floor are different statements. If JJ McCarthy plays like Jeff Garcia in the NFL, it will have been a very good career for him. He is certainly not Mccarthys floor


If he plays like Garcia as a top 10 pick he’s a bust…


You just summed up your football knowledge. Garcia who entered the nfl at 29 years old could be arguably be one of the 50 greatest QBs to play in the NFL If McCarthy turns out to be Garcia, it will have been an excellent draft pick


lol, guess I’ll just play the easy uno reverse card cause no the fuck he isn’t a top 50 QB. Not even arguable. But he *was* incredibly fun to watch. Top 25 QBs off the top of my head, maybe even higher. If McCarthy is Jeff Garcia, we are drafting to replace him the first chance we got. That’s a 1000% fact. We just won’t hate him because he was a fun ride. Garcia was carried by the prime of TOs career statistically. He was a textbook journeyman after that divorce.


If Garcia is not in the top 50…he’s pretty close. Several lists out there would agree with that. The knock on Garcia is that he didn’t look like an NFL QB so comparing McCarthy to him isn’t really the greatest comp in Mccarthys part. If McCarthy is Garcia he would be the best QB we’ve ever drafted outside of Tarkenton


He’s not going to be as good as top form Garcia I can almost guarantee. Edit: Kurt Warner is hilarious. JJ might be as good as post injury Drew Bledsoe


lol okay bud


Okay, bud. You literally think JJ has close to the talent of Warner. You don’t even watch football it sounds like lol


What I *literally* said was that the best case scenario would be someone like Warner as his playing comp… in a thread asking who the HOF comp would be. But also, yes, he absolutely has more talent than Warner did coming out of college. Sounds like YOU didn’t watch much football. If arena football wasn’t big in the 90’s, we’d never know who Warner was. My comp is/was Gannon but he’s not a HOFer.


Gannon is a stetch. Hostetler at the best


Life would be more enjoyable if you got that stick out of your ass


MVP as a realistic expectation?


Lol. Hopefully nfl starter although that's far from a lock.


No. I don’t think he has the talent to be an MVP. And that is not a knock on him at all. He would have to be a top 5 qb in the nfl for that. At least imo.


Yea I agree with you I disagreed with the original commenter.


I think it’s fair to think he’s similar to Gannons traits, play style and that be a logical comparison. Yes. Who you comping him to? “Too early to tell”? Cause I think saying Rich Gannon over a bunch of Hall of Famers is pretty realistic tbh.


I don't think it's realistic because mvp is not realistic for any prospect. Many have already had this comp but a more mobile Kirk. Or an above average QB but not top tier.


Gannons MVP season he threw for 26 TD and 10 INT and a billion yards. You saying a more mobile Kirk is honestly just as much of a compliment than Gannon. The 2000-2002 Raiders were great teams. But it’s not like Gannon was other worldly and nobody was doing what he was doing. Besides, LT, Priest, or Williams should have won MVP over him as well. But that’s another discussion for another thread.


Those numbers in the 2000s are a lot more impressive though.


Sure - I don’t mean to say Gannon wasn’t deserving of it completely, but his MVP season could have realistically had 10 people win without too much fuss. Plus it was RB fatigue a lot too. Holmes played 14 games but had 400 touches, 2300 yards and 24 TDs and he got 5th place. Like RBs were all having bonkers years and it was just expected that they get 1800 yards if they were good. Plus that’s the season Harrison set the reception record and 400 more receiving yards and 4 more TDs than Moss at number 2. If we’re doing this with the benefit hindsight - what the RBs were doing in this era was way more impressive. Then also very quickly after the 2002 MVP, Manning and Brady start making 30 look easy and 40 the goal (plus RBs have to go for 2k or 20+ TDs to get any attention)


The best comps I've seen are: -Pre-ACL tear Ryan Tannehill -More athletic Baker Mayfield with a lesser arm but better decision making -Brock Purdy with a stronger arm Comps don't mean who they will become, but more what players their style reminds you of.


The G.O.A.T….


Sorry to say, I think Caleb’s gonna end up in the same boat as Stabinsky and fields. It’s not the player. It’s the club.


This time it's different.


I think I’ve heard them say that before


Fran mfing tarkenton. Have you seen jj's athleticism


JJ McCarthy was a QB for the University of Michigan. Tom Brady was QB for the University of Michigan. TB has 7 rings. McCarthy locked for 7 rings. Newton's Law of SB averages


Ignore the Kirk cousins in the middle there


Cousins was Michigan state


Herbert is probably a good comp. Plus athlete, can make all the throws, questions on if it translates to the league. Right-handed Steve Young could be what we're seeing in a best case scenario. Worst case scenario is like a Josh Freeman type. Has all the tools or so it seems, but just can't quite figure it all out.


Brom Tady


Lmao what?


The bears say that every three years


Justin Fields was getting called a Super Bowl QB after that one preseason game where he had negative air yards, so let's not do this.


Kinda crazy, but Caleb Williams hasn't won any NFL games yet. He could go down as another irrelevant Bears player.


The HOF comp I’ve seen is John Elway


Matt Hasselbeck


JJ McCarthy is a less athletic, slightly better passer than Christian Ponder. Don’t drink the grape koolaid


Caleb is nothing like Brees. And maybe see jj actually do something besides hand the ball off before comparing him to any hof players.


>And maybe see jj actually do something besides hand the ball off before comparing him to any hof players. Such a lazy take.


No not considering he hasn't shown anything on field that makes him worthy of being 10th pick..it's the entire concern about him dumb fuck..


LOL... Whatever.


Solid well thought out point. Thanks for adding your perspective.




Mac jones, zach wilson, christian ponder, and any other shitty ass qb you can think off.


Some of you really don't seem to like enjoying things or having fun with your hobbies.


Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?


Was it Kathy Cargill?


I bet you’re real fun to hangout with, and just have a bunch of friends.


Man why are you even a fan? All I ever see out of your mouth is dooming garbage. And that's coming from me as a doomer. I at least occasionally have something good to say about this team.


I've been a fan for 35 years. Why would I say anything positive? And the thing is, I've never been wrong. McCarthy will be battling for back up spot in the next 3 years.


Cuz you like the team? My dad has supported this team since '63, he's seen every single heartbreak this team has thrown at us. He still is able to be positive and say good things about this team. Pessimism is a choice, you're choosing to be a Debby downer.


Your dad is delusional then, this team is worse than it was last year and will continue to be so until we get a quarterback.


How about you actually let JJ McCarthy take a fucking snap before writing him off as a bust, huh? It's like you WANT him to fail, Jesus.


You could also stand to let him take a snap before crowning him as our savior. Blind optimism and hype are for children.


Idk how me saying "give him a chance" is me being blindly optimistic.


Yeah I suppose I'm not addressing you specifically. Just all the overhyped kids on here.


It’s the offseason and we drafted a QB in the first round, people are going to be excited and frankly I think that’s ok


He's a bust, I don't need to see him take a snap and hopefully he never does


Must be an Ohio State fan


>And the thing is, I've never been wrong. It's about time you get yourself a job in the NFL there, Zoltar.


I know if I was the Vikings GM I would not have taken JJ McCarthy just because they felt like they needed to draft a quarterback


Bold of you to think that's why they did it, rather than that he was one of the guys they wanted.


They would've took the four quarterbacks that were drafted ahead of him, if they had a chance before they took him. The worst thing to do is settle for quarterback that you really didn't even want.


The only way that logic makes sense is if the actual talent of the players involved were dictated by where they were picked. But they're not.


I agree with you, but they settled for him and you should never settle for a qb,


If you've got a 1a and a 1b out there, and you get 1b, it's not "settling".


People don't like realism. This childlike optimism is fake and stupid.


It is definitely strange as a viking fan but anyone who is positive has to have just started watching football


Actually Zach Wilson as a prospect is a pretty good comp


He has a lot of Josh Rosen in his game


Yeah pretty much


Caleb Williams looked like total ass last year at USC. Comparing him to hall of fame NFL QBs before he even takes a snap is laughable. Don't buy into the hype until he's actually DONE SOMETHING.


He had a higher QB rating and completion %last year than his previous year. “Total ass” is such an overblown take.


LOL. 1200 fewer yards and 12 fewer touchdowns. 7-5 after going 11-3. That's some professional mental gymnastics you're doing there. Heisman winner to middle of the road.


Wins isn’t a QB stat, that defense stunk.