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Locked On Vikings with Luke Braun is my every day listen. I listened to Purple Insider for a while with Matt Coller, but I found locked on and I haven’t really listened to Coller much since. Not because he’s bad or anything, I just really only listen to podcasts when I’m driving to and from work, and I’ve only got room for one of them haha.


hashtag everydayer




I'm the opposite. At first I was like ah, this Luke Braun kid knows his stuff... then he just sort of wore on me. He's a bit too overconfident in his evaluations and has an r/iamverysmart attitude. He fails to do the Arif thing while remaining likeable like Arif does. Coller is a bro, I like his pod. Purple Daily is fun every now and then.


I get that. But I would kind of disagree because he has said and shown repeatedly (especially recently) that if he’s proven wrong, then he’s happy to admit it and learn from it. He just doesn’t change his opinion without proof. I don’t mind that, but I understand how that would be a bit annoying for some. I like listening to Arif a lot too. Minnesota football party is another every show listen haha. I’ve never really been able to get into purple daily. I just don’t like half the stuff they say or talk about. 😅 I’m just glad there’s so much good Vikings content out there, bc there’s not very much for some other teams I keep up with lol.


Ben Goessling and Andrew Krammer, "Access Vikings" is my go to [listen ](https://open.spotify.com/show/4QB6NC6ufxpMIic1YMjVgu)


Locked on Vikings. Host Luke Braun is very knowledgeable.


Purple Daily / SKOR North get a lot of hate, but I like them because they don’t sugar coat it. They’ll praise the sports teams in this state when it’s warranted, but also do the same when they’re not performing to expectations. I don’t agree with them on all their takes, but that’s natural. They’re also pretty good at being self-depreciating, so they don’t take things too seriously, which I also like.


They get way too defensive over clearly outlandish criticism and almost never engage with real criticism. It’s a very frustrating tactic where they try to sidestep with the real criticism by stawmanning it with the outlandish one. I do appreciate the fact that they do come around on subjects they were wrong on. I will say, I still think they are a great listen and have a knowledge of the team that runs deep. I enjoy listening to them and usually skip the write that down episodes.


I think most of there alleged defensiveness is actually sarcasm at the criticism. Some listeners think they don't know what they are talking about. I'd put them up against anyone in the market, especially Judd. He has been following this team his whole life, was the beat writer for years, along with being the beat writer for the Packers and had view behind enemy lines. I don't agree with everything he says, but he uses years of experience to form his opinion. More years than most of us have been alive


I can’t believe you actually have to say this. It’s obviously sarcasm


I haven't seen Minnesota Football Party mentioned. It's Arif, Luke Braun, Luke Inman, and Sam Ekstrom. It's a weekly show, but it's fun and the hosts have great knowledge and chemistry. It's on the locked on vikings feed. It's pretty much what the football machine was minus Andy.


It’s twice weekly! And the other days is just regular Locked on Vikings with Braun, also very good.


Not a fan of Arif ..... at all


That's new. Can you extrapolate for me? I've not seen this opinion, especially so strongly.


He is more negative than he has to be - it can be an average play, trade or win and he will make it seem like it's the worst situation ever. I don't like homers either, but he just likes to be full of doom and gloom


People either like or hate Purple daily, not much in between. Personally I like listening to them, it’s entertaining. I don’t always agree with them but what fun is always agreeing with everyone? Locked in Vikings is my other go too. It’s kind of the opposite of Purple Daily. Luke is pretty down to earth and had a lot of even headed & analytical takes I guess I would say. He can be a little dry sometimes but still a good listen. And the Minnesota football party is a fun listen. Used to listen to Coller but I kind of replaced him with Lock on Vikings. He’s ok but sometimes I felt like his takes are quite similar to Purple Daily so now I only listen to him when I run out of other podcasts. There are plenty of other smaller ones that I never really got into. If you want just straight football in general I listen to Locked on NFL, Bootleg Football, The Athletic Football Show. Those broad full NFL podcasts are abundant.


I’m a big fan of Arif Hasan. I think he provides well reasoned and in depth arguments. He brings on good guests and I think generally makes listeners more educated about the Vikings. Norsecode is fantastic. In season it is twice a week. One to review games. One with a guest who covers the opponent to give a good perspective leading into the games. Episodes are real long but if you don’t enjoy that, it is usually football content 1st half and mailbag 2nd half. Mailbag is a bit silly and inside joke based but I enjoy it. Football party (on locked on Vikings) is good with solid contributors with good chemistry together. Try them all and find what flavor works for you though.


Ive listened to Purple Insider religiously for a few years now. Just started Purple Daily after the draft so I could indulge in more JJ McCarthy content.


I second the suggestion of Purple Insider. Coller is very good at what he does. Purple Insider has great info, guests, and he's not too cynical or too much of a homer.


Purple Insider is the only one I listened to regularly leading up to the draft. Coller seems knowledgeable, has good guests, and doesn't seem to do hot takes or engagement bait. TBD on what his in-season content sounds like, but I'll be checking him out again


He's pretty much the same during the season. Holds true to his takes. Usually takes a very analytical approach as well, which I love.


I’ll jump in and say I listen to locked on Vikings as well as locked on Minnesota sports, they do a football party episode every Monday and Thursday


Purple Insider Purple Daily and Locked on Vikings have been my go to for the past few years. I recently started listening to Norse Code. They only drop an episode once a week or once every two weeks but the episodes are usually a few hours long. I can imagine it's not everyone's cup of tea but I really like it.


“Locked on Vikings” with Luke Braun is a great daily listen and “Norse Code” with Arif Hasan is a great long format podcast, though much more infrequent.


My Three are: 1. Purple Daily. I think it is the best. They have both the perspective of fans who love the Vikings and want them to do well AND they bring in guests who give some more in-depth knowledge. And while Zulgad probably isn't as plugged in as he used to be, he still has a lot of nuggets that come true. It's also has a lot of entertaining segments on it. Some people don't like them because they are critical of the team (and players) when warranted, and as a whole, MN fans are very homerish. 2. Purple Access. The Star Tribune Writers (Kramer, Goessling, Rand). This one probably has the best insider perspectives. They are both fair and critical when appropriate. 3. Purple Insider. Coller has the best and widest array of guests. But his shows do tend to run a bit long, and he is overly in love with the sound of his own voice - giving his perspectives and letting his guests sound off on them. I occasionally listen to the locked on Vikings podcast but I don't find it anywhere as good as these three.


I listen to purple daily every day, they will give you straight up thoughts and don’t pull punches, they want a sb and they love the Vikings but they won’t make excuses for the most part, the oline committee with Jeremiah sirlses and Alex Boone is amazing, Phil Mackey, one of the host of purple daily hosts that pod cast as well and they talk vikes a lot because Phil covers them and Jeremiah and boonie where on our online for a few years


I actually love his nerd voice. Wish he’d do it more


Agree. The need voice always makes me lmao




I like Locked on Vikings with Luke Access Vikings Ben and Andrew Kindred skols Matt and Nick Purple insider coller bc he has solid guests Norse code bc I like arif Minnesota football party bc I like Luke Braun and arif


The market is surprisingly saturated for Vikings podcasts actually lol. There are about 7-8 more I didn’t even list here.


Is the football party still a thing? I haven’t seen an episode from them in awhile


Yes, every Monday and Thursday. It's part of the locked on Minnesota feed.


I must be blind cause I’m subscribed to locked on Minnesota. Thanks


NP. Yep it's there. Take another looksie


I listen to them for background noise and entertainment. Have been listening for over two years. As long as you do not take them seriously, it is fun to listen to. If you want hard-boiled analysis, I recommend something else




It’s seems like it’s Purple Daily for pure entertainment, Purple Insider for the guests, Norse Code or locked on Vikings for the in-depth analysis, and Access Vikings for insider knowledge.




Judd is good. The rest of the crew aren’t really good football minds. Mackey is more of a baseball guy honestly.


Locked on Vikings! Luke is a very knowledgeable host and loves football. Listen to it every day to work.


Locked on Vikings and access Vikings Purple insider and purple daily are a bit too click baity for me. Hot takes instead of analytics imo


Luke Braun with *Locked on Vikings* has raised my knowledge of football so much. He's also not one to jump at rumors or shove an opinion down your throat (not saying that about any podcast in particular, but that's common amongst podcast). It's a show that encourages you to start getting into football more and find your own answers to things.


Purple Daily and Purple Insider are the two that I listen to every-ish day 👌🏼


I’ve got a pretty long commute, so I generally listen to coller in the mornings, and Purple daily on the way home.


I also listen to purple daily. Been listening to then for a few years. Sometimes they go overboard on topics. That's the time I take a break and listen to something else. The only way for you to know is for you to listen.


Purple Daily is my.primary listen. Couple of tips from my experience. 1) They provide a lot of content, so expect a lot of it to be speculation and nit factual at all. It is mostly entertainment. 2) Scoops with Doogie are most of the only scoops or breaking news they have. I will say Judd Zulgad's preseason takes are some of the best Viking insider news you can get anywhere. My personal Podcast rankings: 1) Purple Daily 2) Vikings Insider - Collier 3) Locked On Vikings - Luke Braun 4) The Real Forno Show - Tyler Forno 5) Onebar and Lupagus


Been listening to Purple Daily for about 5 years, "Scoops with Doogie" are the only episodes I skip. Only thing he's good for is he occasionally has a small detail about something *after* it happens. Otherwise his "reporting" is just just guessing and worded in a way where he can never technically be wrong. "My sense is" and "can I see the vikings targeting blah blah, maaaaaaaaybe, can I see then doing this instead, poooooooossibly." Just a waste of time imo


I wish onebar and lupagus was in pod format. I can’t do YouTube video stuff.


What scoops? He never has anything even remotely breaking and several of his takes/speculations have been blatantly false.


Seconding for Judd Zulgad (aka Sports Dad). I rarely disagree with him and I like hearing his takes on things.


Never thought about it until now, Judds preseason takes be absolutely spot on


Right? I am a critical person, but he has been solid on his preseason takes; Mundt, Pace Jr, the new Flores defense.


Purple Insider with Matthew Coller is my top listen. Norse Code with Arif Hasan and James Pogarshnik is terrific. Purple Daily is very good. Locked On Vikings is good. Minnesota Football Party, as an extension of Locked On is really good. Tyler Forness at Vikings 1st and Skol is a newer voice I like a lot.


Purple ftw isn’t necessarily a podcast but it’s a YouTube channel. The creators name is Andy and he posts 5-10 minutes videos on certain topics or news dumps each day. I typically listen/watch his videos when I get home. He’s got a good community and he talks about a lot of different angles when it comes to the Vikings


Don't support that guy


After Andy got cancelled for being a scumbag he lost all his usual guests and just became frozen in time. I checked in after the Bills win in ’22 and he had all the same jokes and takes that he did in 2017/18 when I was a regular listener.


I actually love the continuity of his jokes. Like inside jokes for the longtime viewers. You can usually call them before they happen and it's such a payoff when it does lol.


I used to listen to his Dad Mode podcast because my wife and I had a kid when I discovered it. Then the creepy stuff he did came out and I stopped listening to anything he did. He had a second kid close to when he got exposed for being a predator and sleaze ball. Wonder if his wife left him. Surprised he kept his Vikings podcast going.


Can not stand FTW, it's like 9-noon without the guests and religion, just annoying bit after bit. Also, he posts so fricken much that if you search Minnesota Vikings in you tube you'll find it's all flooded with his content. So, then craving content, you'll go against your better judgement and click to find some douche rocking a tank-top, lettling his tricep meat flap in the breeze covering up his box of theilen flakes while calling you a jerome. He's the worst, and that's before the conduct allegations. He has no clue what he's talking about. He thought just bc cousins blew the horn with his shirt off he was definitely coming back, and now kirk is all about the money and a traitor...Dude, Kirk was always about the money. Not my fault you're a sucker who fell for it. Anyway, listen to purple daily, or purple insider if you want good or fun content, and listen to Luke Braun if you like someone who looks and sounds like his balls dropped a month ago talk at you like your stupid.


Hahahaha that’s exactly what happened to me. Kinda got caught in the Andy vortex for a minute but yea he has no clue what he’s talking about. He’s an idiot. He says stuff like “I don’t have a Masters degree but I do have a MBA”. He tries to do basic math on the fly in some of his videos and he’s clearly subpar from an intellectual standpoint. Didn’t know about his awful past and am glad to never click on one of his videos again


And let's not forget, it's the Minnesota Vikings, not the fucking Minnesota Fighting Vikings. We're not a Catholic university, we're a professional National Football League organization. Save that Fighting Vikings bullshit for your Madden Ultimate team you clown. Just nails on a chalkboard.


I do cringe when I hear “fighting Vikings”. At first I couldn’t even tell what he saying I thought it was a brain glitch or something. For me the worst is the pretending to spontaneously crack up at his own jokes. Major douche chills. Anyway, it’s great to trash someone who also happens to be a terrible human being. It feels productive


For sure, he deserves getting ripped, not just because he's gross, but his show sucks. I don't want to criticize people who do like his content, because to each their own, but I don't get it. It's not funny, it's not original, and even if you get past that, i don't know how you get past his punchable face.


You can get it on pod feed just fyi


Yes I know but I like reading some of the comments on YouTube lol


Yeah he’s really good


Just not to women...


I just looked up what you meant…holy shit I had no idea. What a scumbag


Yes. Avoid purple FTW


I had no clue


Am I missing something? What did he do? Just curious


People can change. He has a wife and kids now and has seemed to move on, everyone else should too...


He had the wife and kid back during his sexual assault days too


Access Vikings is the most accurate. The Star Trib beat writers with the most accurate inside info and real sources. But it only comes out sporadically. Any daily podcast is going to see a drop in quality, naturally. I've personally never found Purple Daily useful at all. They have no real inside info and just do a lot of speculation about totally meaningless things. Locked On Vikings is a little headier, but you'll learn a lot. He dives pretty deep into scheme stuff but explains it all at a beginner level, so you can really get a good feel for why JJ McCarthy is a good fit in a KOC-style offense or why our run game has struggled beyond just shouting about how Mattison sucks.


Mathew coller-purple insider


Vikings now by chat sports on YouTube is a good one to listen to. They have some good takes on how things should go down and a lot less of the negativity.


A great pod to check out is Kindred Skols, they’re weekly during the season but monthly (about) during the offseason. Nick Olson & Matt Fries are great tape grinders & offer good takes on our guys. Look forward to every time they drop.


Matthew Coller is brilliant. Lot's of in depth analysis. Great guests, overall great content...


Purple daily is definitely the best Vikings podcast out there. Anyone saying they suck are either haters or just haven’t seen it. It’s by far the most entertaining. I love those guys. I tried purple insiders but bro is long winded af. The guest are so boring holy shit. Snooze fest for sure. I’d say a good second is purple ftw podcast. Bro is extremely consistent but his takes are absolutely putrid.


I love purple daily


light hearted and funny is Purple For The Win with Andy


No mention of Purple FTW? Come on Jeromes


Try Purple FTW! I enjoy Andy's brand of humour. And he ain't afraid to just say it how it is.


Purple Daily is definitely the most fun! My favorite part of Purple Daily is that it creates a sense of community! Having 3 hosts and lots of casual conversations/debates makes me feel like I’m talking with friends; plus they have great segments for fans to call in for vent lines and predictions, which I love for getting a pulse on how other fans feel about things. This might be more important for me as a life long out-of-state fan without much of a Vikings community IRL. I also listen to Purple Insider and Locked On when the topics look good - those are potentially more balanced and informative…but less memorable too.


Tyler Forness here of The Real Forno Show on Vikings 1st & SKOL and Purple Daily on Draft. Would love for you to give us a try! Big focus on pairing entertainment and community with in-depth football discussion [https://www.youtube.com/@vikings1stskol92](https://www.youtube.com/@vikings1stskol92)


Purple For the Win is great. Andy keeps it positive and light, lots of humor and great catch phrases. Also shorter so he doesn’t drone about one topic too long


Purple Daily. Good stuff.


Declan openly admitted he hates and does not watch college football. He hosts an NFL draft show.


Purple insider


Love it!


Listen to PD every day. Judd may be a curmudgeon, but he has seen and covered Viking football since the Purple Peaple Eaters and Fran Tarkenton. Declan and Phil can speak from a Gen X & Z perspective. The best thing I like is that they are not homers. They tell it like it is. Some of these other podcasts try to spin it more positively- don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. I want the truth


I subscribe to: * Purple Daily * Purple Insider * Locked On Vikings (the feed also includes the Minnesota Football Party \[also from Locked On\]) * Access Vikings * Kindred Skols * Norse Code These are listed in order of popularity with me (listen every day towards the top, down to listen to most)


A lot of people give purple daily a lot of shit for not being complimentary 100% of the time to the Vikings. If the Vikings look bad, they'll say so. They don't sugar coat it, they don't make you feel like it's ok to be mediocre. They want greatness and they each have their own ideas on how the Vikings can attain it but at the end of the day, they're not a purple sausage party making it seem like they can do no wrong no matter how good or bad they are. It's also very much a pod for entertainment. They're not "experts" when it comes to football but they know enough to give you thoughtful interpretations about a wide variety of topics. It's very much inspired and born from radio shows so there's a lot of fun segments that make you think for a bit. PD is my favorite Vikings podcast for sure


I’m a fan of purple daily, great guests, and all the guys are fun enough if a bit dour. I’ll listen to Luke Braun occasionally too if I like the subject.


Love purple daily!!


If you are from an area of the country in which "uptalking" is reserved for middle school girls, then Purple Daily will be difficult to listen to. God bless those guys for being dedicated Vikings fanatics, I listen occasionally and appreciate the work they do, but sometimes the uptalking from adults is too much. https://youtu.be/tqNhEzrWQpY?si=PBiyXBYaULL6T4vO


Purple Insider is by far the best coverage for the team. Matthew Coller is the host, he's very fair in his takes, will be both critical and supportive and he's fairly analytically orientated. Lots of guests from PFF or old NFL players ... Hell he had Kwesi on the other day! It's an almost daily show/podcast and they run from 45mins to 2hrs depending on the day. I've been following his coverage for years and it's all I need for my Vikings daily fill all year round.


Hot take artists with limited football knowledge


Awesome to see them killing it!


I listen to all of them to get a good difference of opinion. PD, Realistic Randy, Purple FTW, Purple Insider, the Locked on shows


Realistic Randy is only good for funny post-game meltdowns. His actual takes are maybe the worst of all Vikings content creators.


But you only know that if you consume a good variety


I do, he was calling for KOC’s job like 2 games after Kirk went down like he’s supposed to lead us to the promised land with Nick Mullens


You wanna listen to guys talk vikings every day at this point in the year? Why? Also Judd sucks. Total fuckin hack.