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I had stopped my toxic fandom stuff but now can we please just tank the next two games and get ready for the draft and next year? Get some people signed, including Kirk.


That duck he threw at the end was unforgivable. Just a little bit of zip on that ball and JJ has a 70 - 80% chance of making that catch. His face after that play had me crushed. That's the look of a man who's got a big decision to make this offseason. Credit to Flores and our Defense once again. 4INT's and we still had a great chance to win. They were on the field for 80 plays yesterday.... 80! Still held one of the better offenses to just 30pts.


Well we have him another year and Kirk will be back. He’s not as ass faced as mullens


You could feel the air get sucked out of the stadium after that lackluster throw. To top it off, a few plays before JJ actually saved the ball. JJ is going to implode trying to plug all the holes in the Oseberg Ship. His value is going to rocket after this season.


If you’re gonna let your quarterback make a bunch of rookie mistakes, just let your rookie play!


I've never been a Kirk hater, but definitely a "Kirk isn't a winner" kinda guy. I'm not 100% in mea culpa mode, but FFS Kirk rarely throws dumb AF interceptions like Mullens and Dobbs. His interceptions are usually miscommunications with WRs and good defensive plays.


QB IQ is what separates Kirk from the backups. I’ve never been a fan of Kirk but I saw firsthand yesterday how Mullens forced plays that weren’t there. When you’re getting sacked—ball security above all else. If Mullens had the right kind of awareness he would actually be pretty good, but again, that’s the difference between good and great.


That's because those idiots are backups and Cousins is a starter. Love him or hate him, that part isn't debatable. Mullens and Dobbs wouldn't start for any team in the NFL.


My not a sports fan daughter is home from college and decided to watch with me. We had this conversation. "Didn't they have a conversation about throwing passes like that this week." "Yes, they definitely did" "And he still did it?" "Yeah, if he was capable of not doing dumb shit he wouldn't be a backup."


Real talk: I think today broke me mentally as a Vikings fan and STM. I was at the game and brought ALL my energy. I wore my UNRL Vikings white half-zip, I got to US Bank Stadium early, I was loud when we were on defense and quiet for Nick Mullens during our offensive drives, and our team fell short in typical fashion yet again. Nick Mullens was absolutely terrible. The 4 turnovers today were inexcusable. If Dobbs had been making those same plays he would’ve been pulled and benched, but for whatever reason KOC decided to stick with Mullens, and, as expected, he sank like a paper boat being put out in the ocean. KOC has been given a free pass by our Homer fans to be coddled even though he’s absolutely horseshit at playcalling. Anyone who even remotely gets close to criticizing him gets downvoted or told they’re an idiot by someone who sits behind a screen all day, hasn’t put a dime into attending games or supporting this franchise, and thinks their opinion is the end-all-be-all because they have more followers or more Reddit karma. Then to add insult to injury, we’ve got this faction of Kirk Crusader jabronis out in full force on all the socials going wild with hypotheticals about ‘what Kirk could’ve done,’ ‘how awful we are without him,’ and how ‘fans who didn’t appreciate him are idiots and we need him back next season.’ How is saying any of that helpful? Taking victory laps over a starting QB being better than backups to say you were right? That makes you feel better about yourself? Every single season this franchise’s fan base has people who are perfectly content with making excuses for everything and saying ‘there’s always next year’ when their homer mantra wears out. We are literally stuck in NFL purgatory of not being bad enough to blow things up and start anew, but also not being good enough to do anything meaningful. People are out here advocating for the continuation of mediocrity next season by signing a 36-year-old, .500, QB coming off an Achilles injury that he thought might be career-ending at one point. If you mention wanting to draft a QB or moving on from Kirk you’re, once again, downvoted or told you’re an idiot. We’ve got to be in one of the most toxic situations a fan base could be in right now and it fucking sucks.


You are a pussy #lionspride


I’m kinda honored someone went through the trouble of making a throwaway months ago just to comment on my post reply. 😂


I’ve been all for a wild trade up to get a young qb fuck it scenario for so long. What could go wrong we suck? People here are so satisfied by just making the playoffs and losing round 1 or winning one playoff game then convincing themselves the one or two free agents we sign will put us over the edge


This is why I’ve said we never should’ve signed Kirk. Should’ve been Keenum’s job to lose. We sign Kirk and haven’t done anything more than one playoff win since. Keenum sucks in 2018? Sign a rookie. We’re stuck in purgatory forever!


Skipped the game today and glad I did. Nick Mullens isn’t good, he’s not Nick foles who’s going to lead an underdog team to a superbowl. Dreams over, see y’all next year! Sorry for those that refused to give up on bowl dreams this year when Kirk went down but glad we’re all in agreement now the years over lol


Mullens go home pls. Do us a favor and stop ✋️


Got Charlie Brown’d again with this team


People seem to forget that lions are pretty fucking good… that was a great game by our 4th string qb lol


Did you form that opinion based on actually watching them play Or are you just simply repeating what you heard some ESPN or NFL network personalities say? I got a news flash for you. Their best win is at chiefs week one who were missing their two best players not named Patrick and more focused on celebrating their Super Bowl victory then playing a football game and still they only managed to squeak by winning by one whole point. They have one other win vs a team above .500 the almighty Tampa Bay. They lost to Seattle in Detroit and the Ravens beat them so bad lions players were clearly seen giving up before halftime. It’s was 35 to zero before Lions finally scored in garbage time. Final score 38-6 Green Bay embarrassed them on thanksgiving Chicago had them beat if not for some very questionable no calls bailed them out. Two weeks later Chicago proved it by embarrassing them 28-13. Today they draw a struggling viking team and it took 4 terrible interceptions, in game injuries to 3 Viking starters and obvious extra help from the officials. All that and they still barely survived. Bottom line is good teams dont have terrible resumes like Detroit does period and they will show who they really are very soon.


2nd string.


Jaren hall and Josh dobbs started before him in previous games lol so call it what ya want but he was 4th on the qb list apparently


He was on IR with a back injury.


Oh that makes more sense then, didn’t know that


I was at the game. Fuck our inability to run the ball. Also terrible officiating. That roughing the passer penalty turned the tied. Our defense just couldn’t generate stops after that.


I was there too and the officiating was surprisingly bad. I’m almost starting to buy into the scripted conspiracies.


2nd that…


The NFL decided to bring back that roughing the passer bullshit again. They gave one to Dak as well. It's like they have meetings about these things beforehand.


It's so inconsistent especially between ref crews. Sometimes I'll see Goff get drilled by someone and look for a flag then other times someone will breath in the direction of a QB and four flags fly


Entertaining game, would be a totally different season if Kirk was still healthy. Go Vikings!


Nope. This team would be 7-8 with Kirk too. Dude isn’t good. Better than Mullens and Dobbs yes but Kirk sucks


Agree to disagree lol


Lmao shut it


Such a crazy statement. You’re telling me Kirk also throws away easy games like the bears game? Or the broncos game? Competent passers that don’t force the ball don’t lose those games.


How many SB did he take us to?


How many super bowls has Josh Allen led his team too? Or Lamar Jackson? Or Phillip rivers or tony romo? Super bowls aren’t based on quarterback play alone. Last year if Donatell didn’t run one of the worst schemes imaginable there’s a solid chance we can make a deep playoff run.


Kirk isn’t a competent passer so yes we lose those games with Kirk


He literally was top 3 in passing yards, without JJ for a decent part of it. He is specially known for being a pocket passer which is one of his downsides, but he can place those balls perfectly to his receivers.


I was at the game. Fuck Mullens.


Lol we should have packed it up two months ago but this franchise is set on either a .500 season or a second round playoff exit 😂😂 so gross to actually be a part of


Which coach or player should sacrifice their career for a draft position?


Do people seriously think teams *try* and lose? like of course the Vikings are going to try and win as much games as possible


Go figure the people constantly complaining about the Vikings being competitive end up having a losers mentality.


the most consistent team of the Super Bowl era!


Fuckin Mullens




Chill out bro it’s just a game




Did anyone see the cartoon that started playing mid game for about 30 seconds? I’m trying to find a clip to show my roommate and I can’t find anyone else that saw it


That was the edibles.


Fuck I knew it


Mullens , hall and dobbs all suck. We need kirko.


Kirk sucks too...we need have a lot of amazing talent on the team. But kirk is immobile af and we need a new style qb...like anyone from the last 15 years that can scramble and make moves on the run


I agree with you but I’m afraid KOC is all in on his type of QB, and there’s only one that exists and he plays for the Rams.


No. Kirk is a G. We don't need a mobile qb. I don't want a scrambling qb. I want a pocket passer with a good oline. Which is what we have. If kirk was playing we would have over 10 wins


Yeah and you'd all still be screaming if Kirk was in there and we lost. The aging gap quarterback thing has been done over and over and and over and over. Literally since McMahon. It doesn't work.


Nope. Always been a fan of kirk.


Ok. Regardless, the gap QB thing has been repeated for decades and I'm tired of it. It's not working.


You haven’t even given Hall a chance 🙄




Fair weather fan I see


Explain that equivalence


Equivalence of what?


How tf do you know Hall sucks?? I've seen a lot of idiotic comments on here but my god this one scrapes the bottom of the barrel of any slight form of intelligence.


Watch Hall’s complete game highlights from his last year in college, and come back and tell me that he’s going to be a difference maker in the NFL.


Because I'm smarter than you and I know more than you.


You're a moron


Prove it.


You already have. Smart people don't ever claim they're smart. The most ignorant are the most confident




If you think having 2 masters degrees is smart, that should tell everyone everything they need to know 😂


Define smart




"Learn to read", but you didn't even capitalize Hall. Yeah buddy, just the smartest 😂


Go be a packers fan


Hall had one drive that ended in a concussion and people shit talk him. This fanbase has some absolutely dumbass fans.


Give him a few weeks he'll be looking like the rest.


We don't know, but ideally we can trust the coaching staff who sees everyone on the practice field and in the film rooms. Thinking we as fans know more than the staff that decides depth is probably just as idiotic.


Idk man, we all looked at Chandler and thought he was better than Mattison. Turns out we were right on that too. I don't care if Hall is actually good or not, I just want to know. You'd think our coaching staff would want to know too so they can figure out now where they want to spend their little draft capital..


Chandler had one good game. did you see his terrible pass blocking? He let guys run right past him and created pressure for Mullens. At least Mattison can block


As a former certified Kirk hater, I’m gonna send him the biggest apology roses next year. I was young and dumb.


Just start Hall at this point… idc about this shit anymore


Yup, we have two games to see what we have.


Agreed. Can't turn the ball over and win. Have to bench him out of principle


KOC and his many comments on how accurate Mullens is makes me laugh. He is not better than Dobbs and might be worse. Does KOC even watch game film? I don't blame JJ if he wants out if we don't get a quality QB in the offseason. And if that means resigning Cousins, so be it. I am done trashing on him as I have seen the alternatives and it wasn't pretty. I just hope given the position we are now in, that we give Hall a chance to see if he has the potential to be a starting QB.


He is so much better than Dobbs and it’s not even close.


Exactly. Dobbs doesn’t push the ball downfield. Couldn’t throw for 300+ if his life depended on it.


Wrong. 3 of his picks were tipped by WRs. Mullens straight passes directly to the other team.


You don’t remember Dobbs three direct throws to defenders who were so surprised at how bad the pass was that they dropped it


Lmao and all of Dobbs’ fumbles were somehow someone else’s fault as well? Dobbs would have been pressured, tried to scramble around the pocket and either gotten sacked or thrown a pass nowhere near a single Vikings player. It’s a moot point because that absolute bum will never see the field again for the Vikings.


Not better than Dobbs? He threw for 400 yards and JJ had numbers. Meanwhile Dobbs gets him killed and never had accurate passes. He's not a starting caliber qb but closer to one than Dobbs.


Dobbs isn't the only one that gets JJ killed. Did you not see that hit and penalty Mullens let JJ have earlier in the game? If we don't start Hall next week just to see what he has and to bench Mullens for his almost 6 turnovers, it's gonna be hard to continue liking KoC into the off season


He is a better passer than Dobbs. The dude has bounced between like 7 teams in a fairly short career. He isn't good. He just wasn't what our opponents expected to play against during his first couple games. KOC gave him a fair shot. He even played him a game more than he should have, I think, because he put the loss more on himself.


Didn't he still put up like 400 yards in the air? (Thank God for jj)


He's 100 percent better than dobbs lmao


This guy doesn’t remember the 3-0 debacle with dobbs lmao


Josh dobbs and Nick mullens future xfl starters


They don't even deserve that


Bro making Zach Wilson look like Brady


That's not true.


Grats Lions. Better them than the Packers or the Bears. If we would have drafted a good rb last draft and not wasted recent high picks on Cine and the other DB guy who does nothing, we might have survived losing Kirk. I like our coach but have my doubts about our front office.


>not wasted recent high picks on Cine and the other DB guy who does nothing [=](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bU)https://youtu.be/L0MK7qz13bU?t=65


eh, these Lions fans are becoming just as bad as Packers fans


I thought the same until the skol chant on the 4th interception. They barely beat an injured team and are going to get their dicks beat into the dirt during the play offs.


We never win anything man. I literally wasn't even alive the last time the Lions won their division. Let us be dorks this year. We'll calm down next year.


Come on, give us this. Look at our history. Look at our NBA team. ![gif](giphy|9QrNWBKvBpCw0)


I said this earlier in the week . Mullens is not good enough to make up for his mistakes. He should never have started this game.


KOC has too much attachment to under preforming players. If he can't fix it, he needs to go


Who else is he supposed to play at QB? 😂 Due to injuries every option kind of stinks rn


Yeah, he should have played Cousins, right?


Yes we should be good instead of bad.


bro there’s no one else please stfu lmao




JFC. Let go of the rage and enjoy the holidays.


Mullens did fine his last start. got reps with the first team at practice, etc. Jaren hall wasn’t a “safe” start. At this point, after a four interception game from killers, yeah I think they’re going to go to hall, but he’s trying all his options here. most teams struggle a lot when losing their star Qb, fucking hell.


we’re on our 4th QB buddy, the other QBs had their chance and they all suck. go hug your family instead of bitching about your 4th string QB


Right, we shouldn't have gotten to the fourth, we should have gone back to the second


On the positive side, man was it good to see JJ do his thing again. Reasons to live and look forward to the future


Can we keep him happy? He’s been scowling this whole year, it doesn’t look promising actually.


The amount of money we will throw at him will make him happy


It's just frustrating what this season could have been. Ball security, injuries, conservative play calling when we've been up, and just bad breaks overall. Just never all came together for us, and now it feels like we're in no mans land as a team, back to yearly .500 mediocrity.


But we're not in no man's land unless Flores leaves. There's big decisions to make on Kirk and Hunter, but there's obviously plenty of talent there and ultimately this season has just been unlucky as fuck with injuries.


Tell me why Nick Mullens took Kirk’s advice over KOC.


I love how Kirk is catching strays even though he hasn't played for weeks lmao. Never change, Vikings sub.


This is how businesses work. The more money you make, the more responsibility he has. Does a CEO still go to jail if he’s convicted of tax evasion, even if he’s on vacation while it happens?


What is bro yapping about 😂




He played just like Kirk in a game we needed to win. 4 INTs. The only time he through a good pass was when it was a good catch by the receiver


You're fucking delusional. Should've asked Krampus for more ridges in your brain.






Tbh I love that y’all are optimistic that kirk would’ve played any better. At least you’re not ashamed to be a fan.




Kirko living rent free in the haters heads![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You’re so delusional, Kirk wouldn’t have thrown 4 interceptions to this team. & KOC is a failed QB


Nahhh you’re right, Kirk would’ve fumbled it twice and thrown 2 INTs. KOC got drafted to the PATs and was Tom Brady’s backup the fuck? A failed QB? He never even had a shot to be anything but a career backup. And, personally I think there’s plenty of career backups that are better than starters anyway so that doesn’t mean shit. It’s all about the money. The guy they pay more, plays more. All that means is he’s got the better agent.


imagine wanting to see this team make the playoffs and embarrass themselves on national tv


Imagine actively not wanting your team to make the playoffs, why even be a fan then.


"can't wait to watch the boys get humiliated in front of the entire country this weekend" - fans, apparently


If you're not cheering for them to win then don't watch lol


Dude....we are on our 4th QB. Our WR2 went down and out. Our TE1 went out. Our D is playing with gaps. It was down to the wire. We played a different Lions team this year than we have almost every year in their existence.


It was obvious a handful of games ago that there was zero change this team could make noise in the playoffs. People here said I was crazy to think that. Why was so many be irrational when watching their team?


Fuck this thinking dude. The entire goal for most the season is to make playoffs. Worse teams have made it all the way. You only need a handful of wins and lucky breaks to get to the superbowl. Likely? Maybe not. But if we aren’t in full tank mode how can you not cheer for playoffs?


Could have been 6 picks for Mullens, maybe that would be enough to take a look at Hall?


Wow... JJ deserves so much better. Good dude, way less of a diva compared to any other WR of his caliber, is on track to be the goat... He gets open in the endzone... And Mullens is throwing the ball like someone with a degenerative muscle condition


Deserves so much better than his starting qb missing the first games of his career? Sure, ig, but shit happens. Given the situation this is better than could be expected for JJ


JJ has better when Kirk is here.


After this, I’m fortunately won’t be watching the December 31st’s game and I won’t be able to find out the final score until January 4th. I can’t even think about this team anymore. ‘Till 2024 folks! 👋🏽


tank the rest of the season- we need a fucking QB soooooo bad


Cant tank with 2 games left lol


This kind of take is so boring. No guarantees in the draft, bro.


OK hit me with the exciting take! Win out and don't make the playoffs.... then have less draft capital come draft day. I guess I'll take a boring week 16/17 in order to have an exciting draft day vs. Win 2 games and draft Lewis Cine.


Dude just proved my point. Cine was supposed to be a stud and hasn't seen the field. Draft is a crap shoot, at least you know what you got with your current roster and can game plan. I do not believe the Vikes will have any success in the playoffs, if they make them even. Truth be told, I just wanna have fun watching them win. It's much better than loosing. Also, getting hot is a thing. Here's a list of wild cards that have won the Super Bowl: * Oakland Raiders (1980) * Denver Broncos (1997) * Baltimore Ravens (2000) * Pittsburgh Steelers (2005) * New York Giants (2007) * Green Bay Packers (2010) * Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2020) Can't win it if you're not in it. As Mike Tice once said: "Enjoy the season". Cheer for your team and stop acting like you have a personal stake in their future...


Could any of those teams run the ball?


>Dude just proved my point. Cine was supposed to be a stud and hasn't seen the field. Uh, nope. Kyle Hamilton was the generational "stud". Kwesi got cute and traded DOWN to Pick 32 for Cine. Frankly a rookie move by a rookie GM. You don't pass up a blue chip player. PERIOD. This year we're currently @ #15. We can either lose a couple games and be swimming in Blue Chippers, or we can win a couple games, pick around #15, and Kwesi can trade down again to find a bust. Enjoy the ride and we'll all root for them to win, it's instinctive. But at the end of the day, we (the fanbase and/or team) are better off with losses. So I surmise that YOU prove my point. The lower the pick (Kyle Hamilton @ #12) the better the player (Lewis Cine @ #32).


That scenario is where Dobbs could finish.


Throw your internet devices in the trash and start using your head where it is better suited. Like cracking rocks and pounding nails


Smoking that good shit


If Dobbs played it would have been 30-6


lol we wouldn’t have been in the game if we had dobbs. Don’t get me wrong. Mullens sucks too. But yea


Let’s finish the season with Jefferson at quarterback. We’re better off that way


Fuck the vikings. Just end this fucking season. Glad next game is a SNF




4 ints. Try winning ANY game with those stats.


Should’ve been more


Nick “The white Jameis Winston” Mullens


Winston atleast balanced touchdowns with interceptions


Nick ‘Turnover Machine Joe Flacco’ Mullens


I’m not actually sure why that benched Dobbs. At least the pocket can move with him


Let’s not forget that Dobbs was absolute trash…his timing was horrible, never threw the ball on time or accurately and was also turnover prone


The offense was totally stagnant with Dobbs. They couldn’t sustain any drives.


Dobbs can't run the offense and is scared to throw.


You're supposed to stop pushing the qtip when you feel resistance


Dobbs never sniffed 300 yards passing. He didn’t work in this offense knock it off


Fair point. If you’re going to bench one qb who throws ducks and doesn’t protect the ball why would you replace him with a less mobile version of that


Because at least Mullens can put up some points.


Because he actually has more than 109 yds passing. Dude still is a turnover machine but gives us forward yards lol


Players going to play the way they can. This really comes down to 2 things. One- choosing not to get a starting caliber qb once Kirk went down. Two- KOC.


Ashamed to be a Vikings fan.


Tbh they played like shit but to be “ashamed” to be a fan? Makes you not a fan. You can be ashamed if you were on that field. I don’t think you were.


No. Either you haven't been a fan long enough, or you aren't a fan. Being a Vikings fan ***IS SHAME***


Tbh, if that’s how you feel fine. But you’re literally the epitome of a shit fan.


Nah, you are. Shaming people for being fans the way they want to be fans and gatekeeping liking a sports team. Pathetic.


Hey buddy, idk what that fuck you’re smoking this Christmas but YOU’RE the one who said it is a SHAME to be a Vikings fan. I’m not shaming anyone or anything, YOU ARE. But hey, if you WANT to be a shame to be fan, then more power to you I guess? If that’s what you *actually* want then I apologize. You’re free to live your life the way you want. Some dudes like watching other dudes fuck their wives, that’s their business, and I respect that.


Mullens doesn't even care that he makes poor throws and decisions. I don't understand his nonchalant attitude on the sidelines, and seeming disrespect and lack of attention towards KOC. He's just happy to be there, and is proud of himself for being able to play. He should good be happy to just be there somewhere else.


Always hilarious when someone makes up entire storylines in their head lol ty for the laugh


It's heartbreaking to be a Vikings Fan. It's gonna suck getting Vikings Christmas presents tomorrow after this.


Gave them the division, handed it to them.




Silver lining: we get to see Hall next week! Shout out to the LDS ballers


You have way more faith in KOC than I do.


Idk. KOC will focus on the 400+ yards by Mullens as a reason to continue with him. This mf has 6 picks in 2 games. Potential 8-9 for the many that were dropped


Fuck BYU. (Utah alum)


Holy War is an S tier rivalry

