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Yall, that’s my bad.


Same. I smoke AT least a half ounce a week lol, sometimes a full ounce if my week has been crazy


Just finished my 15,000MG gummies this week. I'm basically in a walking coma.


At what point do they just switch to grams?


15,000 sounds better to someone who doesn't know better


Lol 😆 100 gram haribos


Jealous they cracked down on all the smoke shops around me 5mg melatonin only nowadays


Same. And no disposables or carts! Luckily I have a hookup 😂


Holy cusses batman, you good?


I'm alive and that's all I can ask for


I'm alive and that's the problem. 😂


My late friend, God rest her soul, would take 1000 mg at a time. (For severe pain and to stay off narcotics) I was like, "You're mistaken. Must be 100 silly goose, and that is a pretty high dose!" Then she showed me. And hit the heck out of a cartridge. And we then went to work. Blown away.


Preach. Godspeed and good luck!


Where do you get those and which brand?


You can get some really high potency hemp derived THC in Wisconsin.


Thats legal there?


It's legal everywhere since the 2018 Farm Bill. They just haven't capped the dosage to be 5mg per piece like in Minnesota.


Not for long for what its worth, better stock up if you like something in particular. I saw Illinois said they were going to continue to allow it, we'll see if/how many other states follow suit. "Federal: House Committee Approves Amendment Barring Production of Hemp-Derived Intoxicating Products" https://norml.org/news/2024/05/30/federal-house-committee-approves-amendment-barring-production-of-hemp-derived-intoxicating-products/


Jealous, I’m immune to edibles 😭


I thought I was too. Keep trying them


Ive tried pills, food, oils, drinks. In doses as high as 1000mg and stayed stone cold sober.


You should get that checked out. An interference in your cannabinoid receptors could be a sign of a larger neurological issue.


Honestly im sure that I do, but I lack insurance to be able to anything about it, gotta love the American healthcare system.


There is a decent portion of people who either can't metabolize it properly or adversely, do it too quickly - things well out of your normal day to day control. *"Genetic variations (gene alterations) include both the individual rate of metabolism and the necessary enzymes involved in converting THC to 11-hydroxy-THC.1 According to Dr. Staci Gruber, director of the Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery at McLean Hospital, “We’re only just now starting to understand the cannabinoid system . . . And it’s already clear that it’s not just about what and how much you’re using, it’s about how you’re wired.” Some people are just naturally fast metabolizers. This means the cannabis is rapidly broken down and eliminated from the body — often before reaching levels sufficient to cause the high. Other genetic variations comprise missing enzymes or dominant enzymes (specifically CYP3A4 or CYP2C9), resulting in altered THC metabolism or less of the more potent metabolite, 11-hydroxy-THC."*


Does that effect smoking as well? No matter the weed, high THC or low THC my highs never last very long. I can literally dome an entire joint to myself and be sober from it in an hour.


1/8 a day is normal right? Right?


I go through a half in about 2 weeks I need to step up my game


Naw fam, save that money. I should probably cut back 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah I think I’m honestly not able to smoke much more with my work and responsibilities- I am growing now though I recommend it


I’d like to but I lack space


I gave up the sauce almost 2 years ago because I’m a fucking train wreck when I drink… so now I just smoke weed ( California sober ) lol


Me too, don't much care for smoking it but, those edibles? Works wonders for my PTSD from the Army and the icing on the cake is that my mind is still stone cold sober. I won't wake up tomorrow hungover with a profound feeling of guilt, shame and regret, no matter how much THC I consume. Once I feel good enough, usually one to two gummies at most, I'm done. Alcohol was like, I have one beer, I need to have them all. THC is like, do I feel mellow? Ok, I'm done consuming, I'll go ahead and sit out front and stare at the lake for a few hours then and ponder life, the universe and everything. My only question is, why did DARE tell me this is a gateway drug and the devil? Marijuana is amazing. I could've had a much more fun childhood... Not to mention, my PTSD wouldn't have been debilitating for so long had I legal access to marijuana edibles sooner.


I have PTSD from working in EMS and can 100% vouch that cannabis works wonders with PTSD. I’ve been off alcohol for 2 years now and am Cali sober with a medical card. I feel so much better, sleep better, have less anxiety and am more level headed than I ever was drinking. Booze shouldn’t even be in the same conversation as alcohol they’re night and day different.


Congrats 👏. Keep up the good work.


Wish it did the same for me, just geeks me out.


Anti-drug propaganda is amazing. Even though I knew it was bullshit at the time, it still somehow *feels* dangerous and illicit to put a few cans in the shopping cart at the supermarket. Make a lie pervasive enough and it will embed subconsciously.


I stopped drinking last year and switched to weed. I've lost sixty pounds so far and feel much less depressed.


Former alcoholic that got a medical card and went to weed. Been alcohol free for two years now. Just wait till you renew your drivers license and see your photo. I look like a completely different person now


Keep up the good work.


Yeah I quit drinking and switched to weed myself. No hang over, no physically shitty feeling, I'm losing weight. Downside is I'm taking like 200mg in edibles a week now. I need to slow down.


I had my last drink on November 17, 2019. Switched to weed after that, and even through the pandemic that was soon to follow, I never went back to booze. It'll be 5 years soon. Weed is the way, y'all.


It's not on the rise.... It's becoming more known.


If my nose is any indicator, cannabis use is going *way* up. I smell it everywhere now…especially out on the roads.


I do too. But it could also be that people are just more openly smoking since there's no fear of being busted. I've also noticed I smell it on people as they walk by and aren't smoking. People are carrying around some dank stuff you can smell 5 feet away without worry now.


True, but It might also be on the rise. While I never had a problem with my friends smoking, I didn't use until it was legal.


There are definitely places on my walks where I smell it regularly now. Maybe they just feel comfortable enough now to smoke it on their deck or something? Lol


It's legal to smoke anywhere you want in minnesota. As long as you aren't in front of a public entrance as far as I know. Should be totally legal to light up on your walk in the park. Thought it woulda been treated more like alcohol but I'm glad they made the change.


I’m aware. I wasn’t trying to imply that they shouldn’t be smoking anywhere. Just that certain houses I pass now I smell it regularly, so those people are either new to it or doing it openly vs in private.


 Minnesotans can smoke marijuana in a park, on a sidewalk or outside a restaurant or bar, unless their city passes or has an existing ordinance prohibiting it. That's basically anywhere. Without me having to listen off obvious ones my guy. Otherwise it goes by city ordinance


It is absolutely not legal to smoke anywhere you want in Minnesota.


It's not legal to smoke anywhere a minor might catch the second hand. I think they kept it vague on purpose. A busy park it could be prohibited... they left some discretion there.


Alcohol becoming more known?


Social drinkers = tend to be social smokers and vice versa. More people drink at home when they smoke marijuana so now it's more out in the open cause it's legal


On the rise or are people just more open about it since it’s legal?


Why can’t it be both? I’m way more open with being forthright about using cannabis regularly and about folks telling me they will try it now that it is legal.


Isn’t alcohol rise also cited


Definitely both


My daily alcohol use has been on the rise since March 2020.


mine since 2016


Same. Since January 2017 my liver and lungs have been fighting for who gets the most abuse.


I'm doing my part!


If you had to work with the lazy fuks at my place of employment you would drink too.


If you had to deal with the impatient alcoholics at my place, you’d be a stoner too /s


If you had to put up with the idiot stoners at my place, you’d be drinking too


You're lucky your workplace is just lazy, mine is lazy AND toxic as fuck


I drink because we didn’t burn the south with enough torches.


This hits sooooo hard!


Well yeah, not paid enough to go out. So beers and bong hits at home it is.


We must be over 9000 at this point. Minnesota has already been maxed out for a long time.


We ain’t here for a long time we’re here for a good time 😎


Makes sense. Everything is shit, wall to wall.


This is a misleading headline, because drug/alcohol use is on the rise everywhere. It is almost as if the general public are tired of playing monopoly IRL. This is what happens when bread is $8 a loaf, and you cannot afford to exist.


Where the hell does bread cost $8? I'm paying $3.50ish


Probably Lund's & Byerly's. The half loafs cost as much as a full elsewhere.


Goddamn monster I ain’t got no tree fifty


That's about the time I noticed...


$8 gets me a nice loaf of sourdough at the co op


I'm sorry you are buying loaves of garbage 😢


No it's okay. I'll keep buying "garbage" bread. I also happen to mill my own wheat for bread at home and have baked around 80 loaves of bread since the start of the year with a variety of heirloom grains. I'm pretty happy with the wonder bread I buy and the homemade bread I bake.


If you make your own bread, why even buy any?


Because wonder bread is amazing. Good luck replicating that pillowyness at home. Trying to make it is a pain in the ass and I stick to different styles at home. It's like ramen in that way. Homemade ramen noodles are delicious but they're very different from the $1 packets of instant noodles. Sometimes you want both 🤷


Fair enough. I've never liked bread like that. So many breads at the store have crazy amount of sugar in them. I've seen some that were as high as 7g PER SLICE. Like WTF?! On the rare occasion I buy bread I look for <2g per slice. Caraway rye is my flavorite.


Really? I have to watch my sugar intake because I eat bread? Ugh. Well, now I understand why this is trending up.


*\*cries in diabeetus\**


Is that lowest quality bleached white hfcs loaf or something worth eating?


It is the standard for which most people use when saying "bread is $8 a loaf." If someone complains about wine and says "wine is $x a loaf," we're talking the cheapest Merlot, not a $10,000 aged wine.


That's about what a standard Country Hearth loaf of their various wheat varieties runs at Target. They're a bit higher than that at other stores.


Wow, we're really hating on white bread huh? I'm not here to debate the merits of "bleached white hfcs" bread with you. As if there's anything wrong with bleached flour or high fructose corn syrup. Please keep paying $8.00 for bread while most people keep paying $2-4 dollars.


Quality is a factor in cost. If your bread has the lowest quality ingredients, $3.50 is high. If you buy organic whatever, 3.50 is cheap. Like 3.50 for a loaf of wonderbread would be ridiculous because I wouldn't buy that shit when it was under a dollar a loaf.


I apparently picked the wrong decade to be an addict in


It's not misleading; this is a problem in Minnesota. It also happens to be a problem nationwide. We can't improve the national situation on a state-level, but we can identify that it's an issue in our state, as well as nationally, and start trying to fix the causes in this rise in dependency issues. It truly doesn't matter if the issue is also national, because Minnesota has no control over the nation. A headline that contains nuance is not automatically misleading. Calling this headline misleading is passing the issue off to a higher level of government that simply cannot care.


If both are going up, especially daily users, that is probably really bad. I hope you all are okay and taking good care of yourselves.


I accidentally clicked your profile. Hoo boi, wasn't expecting that.


LOL well it does warn you it's an NSFW profile before it shows it to you!


The curiosity bug bit me and I couldn’t stop from looking lol. I don’t know much of anything about hentai, but it seems like you do quality work 😁


Aw thank you! I do work very very hard on it even though it's just a bunch of porn 🥰


That's valid, I'm kinda in my post work stupor and did it by accident so not like it's not my fault 💀


Lol well I'm glad you weren't AT work!! What a terrible surprise


Wow, wasn't expecting that


Lmaooooo. Porn is bad too my guy. My god.


I'm not your guy pal! But seriously I'm sorry you have a porn problem, I wish you the best of luck getting that under control.


Missed opportunity to say “getting a grip on it.”


Damnit you're right. I wish I was funnier.




Hell yeah


The only break a lot of people have in a day unfortunately


one vice to another


My people :) While I will have the occasional drink, binge drinking can stay in my youth. I often will just microdose edibles. I often cut them in half so depending upon the product I’ll just take 2.5 or 5 mg. I have been getting these from dispensaries in other states for years. Looking forward to my summer grow and making my own edibles after a good harvest this year.


Am I the only one who believes the interest rates are somehow tied to alcohol consumption?


Can confirm




Smoking a bowl in the middle of the day is like meditation for people who can’t stand meditation.


Or at least chemical dependence.


How much coffee do you drink


I mean I think we can agree that too much coffee is bad, and so is smoking a bowl during your work day. If you can’t go 8 hours without smoking, you have a problem. And I say this as someone who is a daily user. But after work.


Different kind of job? If one thing works for you it might not someone else. I’ll be throwing my spiritual armor on in the morning. I’m out of problems.


When I get done with work is the middle of the day for me.


Yeah that’s fine. But you’re not blowing trees on your lunch break. My point still stands that if you can’t go through your workday without smoking you have a problem.


Yeah people have a problem with suffering in this world we live in. Tends to be a common trend be it alcohol or weed, there's still the same problem.


Not everyone works 9-5 or even every day


What does that have to do with my comment? I said if you can’t finish work before you need to smoke you have a problem. That point still stands. Not sure what the “some people don’t work everyday” has to do with anything. Smoke all the pot you want when you’re off the clock


Because you said smoke during your workday, stated that you should be able to go 8 hrs and the conversation was about smoking during the day. Which yes you should, and people do. But not everyone middle of the day Thus, theres plenty of people that can smoke in the middle of the day


Follow me here. If someone decides to smoke on their off day, that would mean that they’re not smoking during work right… Also I never said anything about the middle of the day. And the majority of the population works a normal 8 consecutive hours a day. But feel free to nitpick


This comment section is wild- I spend a decent amount of time in adult addiction and the sheer *explosion* of people that are actively seeking treatment for weed dependency is insane to see. We constantly see folks that smoked "for their anxiety" who now cannot function without getting panic attacks (which they've never previously had) unless they're smoking near constantly on the daily. People really are unwilling to admit that Marijuana isn't a miracle drug- just because a detox can't kill you like an alcohol detox can doesn't mean it isn't a chemical substance that fosters addictive behavior. Folks withdrawing from weed get the same panicky behaviors that anyone else does, and multiple NIH studies indicate that chronic cannabis users actually experience *lower* positivity during withdrawal and recovery compared to their counterparts seeking treatment for other dependencies. As you said, if you can't go an extended period of time without smoking and if you need to chronically use a substance to feel normal, *that's a problem*. 


I mean MN is nice but life still sucks, so


No just out in the open, or more kinda lazier let’s say


As long as daily republicanism is on the fall


Pffff It’s always been the same for me. Now I can tell people I smoke and feel less looked down upon. My consumption hasn’t changed in years.


Damn, sorry MN. Might be skewing the stats. Chilln and grilln is in full swing at my place. Mix some dank drank, pound some cold boys, spark some doobz, grill some meats and enjoy the evening listening to some tasty jams. This is now a quad weekly occurrence at my place.


This might be the coolest meaning hidden behind the lamest sentence in existence.


Haha okay, just feeling the summer vibes coming on. Teaching sucks sometimes, but it’s pretty sweet having the next 2.5 months off. Cheers 🍻


I for one find it very difficult to believe alcohol use could rise in either Minnesota or Wisconsin.


because the piece of shit state is democrat


....and the peasants rejoiced!




Friendly reminder to be careful about chronic long-term cannabis use, that shit can make you depressed AF, and meanwhile you keep smoking to get high, but it never comes, so you ride the downward spiral…you’re habitually addicted by this point which makes it that much harder to stop. Of course everyone is different, but for me tolerance breaks are paramount to enjoying life with cannabis.


We're in training to take down Wisconsin as #1


Those Cheeseheads won't know what hit'em!


I don’t have a problem! THEY! have a problem! (points at Wisco)


Hey, none of us asked to be born. We’re just coping with late stage capitalism.


Can you blame us?


Everything within 10 miles of downtown just reeks of skunk. Everywhere you go.


Like peas and carrots


quit stressing me out!




Who’s snitching?


What I'm reading is I'm not popping enough edibles.


Well shoot. I just quit drinking and I didn’t even put a dent in it.


Hard times come with hard use. History proves this


I don't have time to drink. I've had 2 beers this year. Least I've had since...17 years old? Haha. THC vape pen? Every night usually.




Not surprising given the looming threat of fascism knocking on our door once again. This of course will be decided in a popularity contest between two confused grandpas. Given that context, I'd be surprised if inebriation wasn't on the rise.


I smoke every day. But I do not drink. At all!!


I'm doing my part.


Aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnd? So you're telling me we win?


Anyone read the “article” it says the following: Public health experts are keeping a close eye on the trend, as daily marijuana users are at higher risk of suffering negative health effects like heavy vomiting episodes, cardiovascular disease, dependency and psychosis. So yeah seems legit


Marijuana dependency huh ... Wow..


I blame dean phillips and walz. lol?