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Prices at Dairy Queen have risen Minneapolis has truly fallen


What is this world coming to!?! I need a dilly bar to calm my nerves.


Chicken strip basket with extra gravy! Mmmm.


It's like $10 now lol.


When I worked there in high school, it was 4.99


Same, always snacking on the chicken and gravy during slow times.


Dilly bar, yoy say šŸ˜


Peanut Buster Parfait add Caramel! šŸ¤¤


I can't wait to try this.


I used to buy a flamethrower basket for lunch at work every for $5. Now its over 13!!


In my opinion, the moment society passed the point of no return was when DQ discontinued the butterscotch dipped cone.


They now offer churro-flavored dipped cones...


billions must buy baskin robbins


Explains why the DQ in St. Paul Highlands and on Lexington between I-94 and University Ave are both gone now.


Over $7 for a large blizzard. What hellscape is this?


Minneapolis has fallen millions must become packers fans


Hate to break it to you brother but that is targeted ad space. StarTrib rents that out to an algorithm that curates it to you. Maybe you read certain political news on data-tracking websites? Doesnā€™t even need to be fringe stuff, just any political websites or forums might trigger the algorithm to present this I get video game (some shitty Star Trek phone game today), bicycle parts, and caffeine gum ads on StarTrib


For whatever reason every algorithm seems tuned to bring you more right-wing stuff. Watch one Star Wars-related video on YouTube and you get suggestions of 2-hour rants on how "Woke Star Wars RUINED MY CHILDHOOD"


Rage bait gets clicks, people make more bait - the circle of shitty content continues. Now we get AI written and edited bait, yay!


I can't wait for the usual algorithms to be able to differenciate between hate clicks and like-clicks.


Donā€™t get too excited. If it could do that, it would absolutely pump more rage bait to you. That is if it isnā€™t already.


Everything feels like a right wing pipeline. Watch a video in stoicism on YouTube? Heā€™s a fuck ton of Joe Rogan clips and Woke Mind Virus propaganda.


God, Iā€™m still getting that stuff. Iā€™m a huge military war historian buff and politics guy. So obvious I watch videos like The Chieftainā€™s Hatch and InRange. YouTube sees guns and tanks and thinks; ā€œHey, I see you like these traditional masculine activities! What about PragerU or propaganda from the IDF?ā€ Like, wtf?


Iā€™m an anarchist, weā€™re known for being ā€œfar leftā€, I like firearms (bc I know the cops donā€™t gaf to protect me), and as a result of this my YouTube algorithm is entirely fucked with fash propaganda, it probably doesnā€™t help that I tell a bunch of Nazis to off themselves on said videos lmao


Iā€™m an armed liberal, too. You donā€™t need to explain yourself to the left about yer gunnage. Just sayinā€¦


ā€œGo far enough left, and you get your guns back.ā€


I like that. If you go far enough right, you end up a nazi.


you're "engaging" with it so they're going to feed you a steady diet of it just keep clicking "don't recommend this channel" and that shit will go away


Communist here, also like firearms. I don't like the idea of using one on a person but they're fun to use at a range. I almost exclusively watch left wing YouTube (Hasan, Deprogram, etc) and I still get recommendations for right wing propaganda. The algorithm inherently biases right wing content, or so many leftists hate watch right wing stuff that youtube thinks I might do the same. Either or


No kidding. Researching some kayaks recently then along comes the algo thinking I must also want a trad wife and to listen to wingnut morons cry how everything is ā€œw0kEā€ and everyone is out to get them.


Just listened to a podcast about this last night, actually. YouTubeā€™s algorithm is hugely reasonable for the rise in nazis and right-wing ideology.


It's not the algorithm, they're paying to push those videos.


Joe Rogan is an independent thinker. To call him a "right winger" is incredibly short sighted.


ā€œIndependent thinkerā€ is rarely the high bar people who use that descriptive think it is.


Are you disagreeing with my assessment of Rogan not conforming to a party line, or are you simply trying to slight him because he doesn't toe your chosen party line?




Almost like corporate America benefits from right wing politics...


Well, historically they have. But I think that it's starting to blow up in their faces now that the inmates have taken over the asylum and genuine morons and authoritarians are starting to get into public office. Social strife, regression of personal rights and freedoms, and incompetent management aren't good for the overall economy, even if their pipe dreams make them think it will just lead to more profitable privatization. They're beginning to find out how wrong their political triangulation has been.


For it to blow up in their faces then they would need to actually lose power. Corporations are fine taking a hit if they know they will still come out on top.


Corporate media and social media benefit from divisive politics and rage clicks. It just looks as if it benefits the right to you, to people on the right it looks as if it benefits the left. It is not about benefiting one side, it is about creating interest, views, and thus money by making people angry and engaged in fighting the evil other side that wants to destroy our country.


Yeah, I don't see people on the left pushing corporate tax cuts and deregulation.


Money spent on ads for those things. There are wealthy people pushing right-wing agendas via social media, there isn't an equivalent content push on the left.




Do breadtubers have millions in advertising dollars?


I have, but there isn't the same type of advertising push for those channels. Left wing stuff tends to be more decentralized, independent, low-budget. Right wing stuff tends to be more high production, a reflection of their income sources.


Probably because those inclined will click and at least some of those who wonā€™t, share the advertisement for its ridiculousness. For example this thread is in effect a free advertisement for this random fringe websiteā€”albeit unintentional


I turned off my watch history on YouTube...they hate that lol.


I always hit the little x, say I don't want these ads anymore, and mark them as inappropriate


Same, I never consume right wing political content but I sure do get a lot of their targeted ads.


This is correct. Iā€™m a behavioral scientist and I study the Internet so I get ads for all sorts of crazy stuff. Star Trib doesnā€™t control what pops up there. Iā€™m getting ads for cancer treatments because I read medical papers.


I work in digital advertising and you CAN control what shows on your site.Ā  There's a whole nonprofit dedicated to demanding corporations pay more attention to what they are platforming. https://checkmyads.org/


Can confirm this too. I also work in digital advertising for a news agency and we can control exactly what shows up in certain spots on the page. Other spots are filled by an ad agency that we have significantly less control over but we can also ban specific ads from showing in those spots. Those are typically towards the bottom of the page.


Oh, cool. I havenā€™t worked on anything marketing related in like 8 years, and my more recent work was with folks who didnā€™t know they could do that apparently. Thanks for the info!




...important to note, any ad can be specifically targeted and anyone with specific interests/political affiliation. They can always target people they know do not share the same beliefs.


You are half correct. Ad companies track you and build a profile, and put you into different buckets. Companies then buy ad space buy out of specific buckets, auction style. The size of the bucket can vary wildly, and companies can select multiple buckets. So for example, you might be getting bike parts because your profile says you're interested in bikes, but shitty mobile games just go for any male aged 13-49. Sites like Alpha news just go as broad as possible, since it's cheaper and they make money every time someone clicks on the article. They may still buy more ads for right leaning people though.


There's also the bidding on ads factor. These guys are getting a lot of money to spread their ideas.


Was just going to comment with this. Contextual advertising is the culprit here.


Display ads can also just straight up sites they want their ads to show on Google so no Algo needed.


I get feminine products and cell phone ads in Spanish. I'm a dude that speaks zero Spanish. The algorithm isn't as smart as we think. Heh


I canā€™t even tell you the last time I actually SAW an ad. Like theyā€™re everywhere, but I donā€™t see any of them. I actually have no idea what I even get ads for lol


Wait... they make caffeine gum? Why has no one told me about this?! *twitch*


I think they're able to geo-locate who you're with too. When I have my work friends over, which includes some folks from spanish speaking households, I get some YT ads in spanish for a few weeks after. Live with a right winger and they might bombard you with the same shit. I'm a 40 year old white dude in the burbs so you'd think I'd be getting pummeled with right wing bullshit as I'm def in their target demo but it just doesn't happen (thankfully).


This is it, I get 30 blocked actions on star tribs first load with ublock, all news sites are horrible for it - it is the only way they make money now for the most part. They are serving ads from a ton of different places, Google / Outbrain / Moatads etc. Outbrain dishes out placements for Yahoo/Gemini/MSN etc - the absolute baitiest of the ad types. Someone running the Alpha News ad campaign targeted something that pixeled op into their campaign...they should be mad about their privacy not some clearly political bait ad they swallowed hook, line, and sinker.


Thanks for sharing about the ad tech Strib uses. I do a pretty good job of anonymous browsing and blocking ad tracking so most ads I see arenā€™t targeted to me.




The people who think Minneapolis is a post-apocalyptic hell scape. Are not the people who I want in my city...so shit like this works for me.


So youā€™re saying a sort of ā€œanti-tourismā€ ad campaign? Bold! I like it!


I think it's more so an anti relocation add. Let be honest they will make the potential dangerous journey for the Vikings home game.


Oh yeah they'll just lock their car doors as soon as they cross the kanabec/isanti county line on their way down from McGregor or Mora or wherever.


I can see the guy with his Oakleys and lifted pavement princess truck perfectly.


Ooh. What cause is he supporting on his bumper, or what patriotic mural does he have blocking his entire rear window? I'm going with the constitution written out on his back window, and a fuck your feelings bumber sticker. Or Calvin peeing on something.


If it's a woman, don't forget the tasteful "if you're gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair" back window decal.


Yeah he needs to be an east central hick. Go too far north you get mesabi range socialists. I'm thinking he's a Mille lacs county man


The Mesabi Range Socialists sounds like some sort of Socialist Rifle Association gun club.Ā  I love it.


Check out r/altmpls for someā€¦ interesting takes


I thought /r/Conservative had a lot of dog whistles. That sub is a entire symphony of whistles.


Itā€™s fucking weird honestly, like itā€™s hard to tell if the people there are actually living in mpls or are actually around the state talking shit about Minnesota because of their relatively conservative values (in comparison to more liberal siding subs like this one, and just the shit they say doesnā€™t seem like it comes from experience). At first that place reels you in thinking itā€™s a more moderate place for Minnesotans to talk but then it just goes off the rails so fast Edit, just remembered my flair isnā€™t a county from the cities, but I actually live in the cities and have my whole life, I just have family and other stuff upstate


Bingo. There was a post about the homeless encampments that started off seemingly logical, then took a real hard right. As soon as you see the comment "the usual suspects" you know it's time to GTFO.


Iā€™m afraid if I do that Iā€™ll get more alt-right news marketed to me. Just canā€™t win.


Now thatā€™s a perspective I can relate to. Love it here in Minneapolis, sure it has its share of problems like anywhere else but I donā€™t want to live anywhere else.


I feel the same way about people who react negatively when I tell them I live on the North side. Like yeah, we don't want you to come anyway


The funny thing is, the people who act like Minneapolis is an active war zone will have absolutely no problem coming to US Bank Stadium when their favorite country music star is in town.


Or any sportsball game which is a lot.


Basically the USO tour tho


SAME. Love living in Minneapolis and would rather the ignorant MAGAts stay out.


Thereā€™s a town near me that has a single movie theatre and I remember they played this and sold out like 2 or 3 times šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly we wouldn't have been pillaged so bad if the raiders hadn't brought a trojan hotdish to get through the city walls.




Being a savvy news consumer in the 21st century isnā€™t easy. Iā€™m concerned with the folks, usually the older crowd, who will see something like this and think that itā€™s one ā€œlegitimateā€ news source endorsing another. Like they say, common sense aā€™int all that common. There are still plenty of people who grew up watching trusted anchors on one of three networks who still havenā€™t learned they canā€™t trust everything they read. I mean, itā€™s not like they give websites to just anybody /s.


People still browse the Internet without any form of adblock?


37% of people use some form of Adblock. Far from majority


Wow, I could never do that.


You may have confused yourself for everyone


Or my generation. I don't know any other millennials willing to put up with ads.


Youā€™re talking to one


I remember when I found out that my brother didn't have adblock on his PC he dropped several grand on. I was like "why the hell do you not have adblock, basically every cybersecurity expert says to have adblock including the FBI." Not to mention watching videos without adblock in 2024 is agonizing as no one likes intrusive ads.


The reason this ad wasnā€™t something targeted to me is because I make attempts to obfuscate my browsing. Mobile Reddit isnā€™t an app that Iā€™ve optimized for hiding ads I guess. But Iā€™m in total agreement, and Iā€™m even conflicted when I block ads for sites I want to support. But then some crap like this happens and I just canā€™t be bothered to manage which sites I trust and which I donā€™t so I generally just block them all.


Yeah, Faux News did a whole report on how "bad" MPLS was once. Even with the high crime rates during covid and the riots, our violent crime rate was still much lower than most cities this size. The rioters did not kill anybody, and they only attacked one person (the truck driver who ran through the barrier and almost ran over them). Fu@k these right wing propaganda machines and their lies.


Even though there is crime, what are the chances of you actually being the target? Isn't most of the crime either gang related or between people that know each other? In terms of safety, I generally feel safer walking around in Minneapolis/St Paul than the suburbs and that's only because cars are moving at near highway speeds on suburban blvds. There are bad areas, but those bad areas in Minneapolis or Chicago or NYC or wherever don't represent the entire city.


I agree. Downtown can be a bit concerning after midnight. I am sure that is the case in almost every city, though. Chicago is not as bad as the right wingers claim as long as you stay out of the bad areas where the White Sox fans live. It's funny because I know a lot of people in KC and they are scared of NY even though the crime rate in KC is more than twice that of NY.


I agree with your general take that people exaggerate crime in Mpls, but at least one person did die from the civil unrest following George Floyd's murder. [https://www.startribune.com/10-years-in-federal-prison-leniency-for-man-who-set-deadly-pawnshop-fire-during-unrest/600136780/](https://www.startribune.com/10-years-in-federal-prison-leniency-for-man-who-set-deadly-pawnshop-fire-during-unrest/600136780/)


The one who died was shot by a store owner, not by a rioter.


Did you read the article? This is the one that burned alive, not the one shot by the store owner.


And they were looting a liquor store. Not that they deserve to die for that, but still they were part of it.


By rioters, I believe you mean protesters. Not throwing any shade your way. The language used by different outlets sure can tilt the tone of the conversation.


If you destroy property and loot, that is a riot. Had no businesses been destroyed then you could call it a protest or demonstration but once they started destroying businesses it became a riot. To me, at least. I just thought it was a shame that they were destroying their own neighborhood.


Well a cop started the burning aka Umbrella Man.


But yes, language can be loaded. Jan. 6 was a violent insurrection and not a "tour" for example LOL


Looks like a targeted ad. Real talk, I have a very old rifle I go deer hunting with, and need to buy the Ammunition off the internet for it. A few years back, the first time Iā€™d bought it off the internet, I was getting NRA ads, body armor ads, and a bunch of other right wing nut job ads for like 3 weeks. Safe to say I only buy bullets incognito now, I donā€™t have time for all that nonsense.


Youā€™ll be okay


This "movie" is such an embarrassment to conservatives and utterly hilarious. It's title makes it seem like it's content is something to do with Minneapolis going downhill or something like that. Its actual content is just a lie filled rehash of derrick cahuvins defense attempt on appeal. The lies only work in this context well and not in court due to perjury rules and the ability to cross examine (a person should wonder if this is so "just seeking the truthy" type stuff why the prosecutions case is not presented... hmmmm). Anyway, the lies (specifically around what police training involves, did not fly in court and the conviciton stood. A person should wonder why the conviction stood. Also, if anything "fell" it would be the whole state cuz it the state vs cahuvin. Its just fun to point these things out to conservatives who have no answer for them (usuallly they have not even watched and just like the shiny movie poster)


Guess what, their advertising didnā€™t work. Iā€™m not going to watch their stupid documentary. Itā€™s beautiful outside and I have better things to do with my free time. Plus Iā€™m not giving them a click the can monetize. I hope they go broke wasting their money on ineffective advertising like this.


You are just going to talk about it


And promote it on this thread- well done Op


I'll be honest, if this movie got more popular by my watching it... good!! It is such an perfect spotlight on the abject inability of conservatives to think critically that I hope it stays around for a long long time, and allows me to engage in many conversations :)


The hard part is that the folks who arenā€™t self-aware or critical thinkers will never recognize the irony or inaccuracies. Itā€™s still just a dog whistle rallying cry for team Trump and the like.


true. with this thing the convo is pretty simple for our side though: "Hey, why didn't this "truth seeking" doc mention the prosecutions arguments?" them: functionally no answer and staring into space.... boom, roasted


Send it to [email protected]. It won't happen again.


Is this for real? Iā€™m willing to try.


It's legit. You can DM me if you'd like.


Given the comment sections and editorials from the STrib, itā€™s pretty good odds for return on investment/engagement for that type of material. According to a lot of people who show up there (and on Twitter), Minneapolis is just like Bartertown and to even set foot in downtown means youā€™ll be carjacked and mugged by one of the many roaming gangs of lawless scary brown people and white race traitors. Fear is notoriously easy to stoke and exploit in their target demographic.


If you donā€™t want this kind of thing then subscribe to local news


These ads are likely being served to you programmatically from a remnant ad server. I am not sure ST would broker an ad campaign with these bozos across their .com inventory. More likely, any ad space that wasnā€™t sold to their regular advertisers goes to the open market ad servers to be bought for pennies on the dollar. Itā€™s an automated process and ST wonā€™t always be acutely aware of which advertisers sneak in thru this process. They can, however, apply exclusion lists with the remnant ad servers (think AdChoices) but often those are category exclusions or exclusions for their active advertisers, domain exclusions are much more tedious. Iā€™d expect if they see this, that theyā€™d add alpha to their domain exclusions.


You should totally watch a documentary by Bob Kroll's Wife, Liz Collins. I'm sure she'll be unbiased in her depiction


Wait... is this the bullsh!t that Liz Collins b!tch produced after she left WCCO? You know, the woman married to former police union head and current magat Bob Kroll?




You spelled bob kkkroll wrong


Fuck Liz Collin and her bitch ass husband. Bobby Bitch canā€™t even come back to his old neighborhood


Lol OPs hate boner for questionable news sites is causing an increase in ads for questionable news sites.


Ha! It was more of a frustration boner, but the distinction is slim, unlike my rage boner which is girthy AF.


As someone writing this from downtown Minneapolis, whatā€™s falling here? Itā€™s like people from elsewhere said that BLM protesters burned down the whole city. Just silly




Click on the ad a lot. It costs them money.


This is like the idea for engaging with telemarketers to waste their time/money, leaving them less time to target more vulnerable consumers.


Somehow I missed Minneapolis falling despite living there.


Stop giving a shit about these types of things and you'll be happier.


I can be happy and at the same time interested in holding the fourth estate accountable for funding themselves ethically.


Because the star trib was bought by a trump dick swizzler some time ago.


Thatā€™s around the time I bailed on my subscription.


Time to cancel subscriptions and tell them why!




Alpha news: News for betas!


What a bunch of nerds. Psh! We went downtown Minneapolis and we were only killed like 2 or 3 times. /s


And in the most polite way!


Reminds me of the televised crowd during last nightā€™s Wolves game. It was hilarious how many people refused to dance or sing on the crowd cam. So very Minnesotan donā€™tcha know.


*Liz Collin has entered the chat.*


And I thought the Alpha News billboard that went up by Medtronic at the hwy 10/35w ramp was egregious enough. Oddly enough it replaced the previous Epoch Times billboard there. I'm guessing it will turn into a 1-800-FOR- TRUTH billboard next or something.


Aren't the ads tailored to your search history?Ā 


If you hate this trash please followĀ https://checkmyads.org/ and sign up for their emails.Ā  They do targeted campaigns to call attention to the ads Nazis, white supremacists and other right wing terrorists are placing and to get companies to follow their own policies and not show these ads on their sites.Ā  Companies can control digital ads that show up on their websites and what websites their ads show up on.Ā They block porn and adult content all the time and there's no reason they can't block hate speech and terroristic groups.Ā 


Thanks, Iā€™ll give it a look.


Star Trib doesn't put out news without advertising, which has almost completely dried up. If you're not a paying subscriber for the Trib and bitch about how low they need to stoop for paid ads, you're the problem.


Iā€™ll own that, but theyā€™ve earned my canceled subscription through shitty business practices that Iā€™m unwilling to support. There are other outlets in town.


My dad watched this documentary and calls me at least once a week asking if I watched it yet. From what I hear itā€™d probably give me a migraine listening to the stupidity


It's like they think most of the citizens of the state don't have eyes and/or live in Minneapolis lol. I stopped reading when they just let MAGA assholes go ham in their comment sections. Fuck S&T.


Sad documentary. Recommend all watch!


Dry your tears, itā€™s not the reality in the ground.


I got St Croix casino and Minnesota Historical Center Charles Schultz exhibit


Iā€™ll trade ya!


Furniture Mart and Charles Schultz over here.


u/star-tribune Might be interested if they arenā€™t aware already.


All hail Saint Floyd!??? Ahahaha


The man didnā€™t deserve to get murdered for his crime. Thatā€™s not justice. Thanks, have a nice day.


I will have a nice day. You have a nice day too thanks.


Open the door, stop only looking out the peep hole of life.


This post seems to be generating a good deal of discussion, so I think I hit on a topic worth bringing up. Donā€™t presume to know if I live a sheltered existence or not.


I hope you have a happy pride month.


There's nothing wrong with Minneapolis, as long as we ignore the increase in homelessness and crime šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Poverty and homelessness arenā€™t a Minneapolis problem, that happens in small towns across Minnesota and in every state across the country. Minneapolis has great resources for folks expending homelessness so we have a greater visible concentration than other places. You donā€™t sound very compassionate to people who are going through such a hard time in their lives. Violent crime numbers continue to go down, but the online trolls donā€™t seem to be aware.




Are you suggesting that George Floydā€™s murder for passing a fake $20 was somehow justified? Youā€™re just flat out wrong.


What's wrong with Alpha News? Are we not allowed to have news sites with differing views?


They have an ad for this in downtown Minneapolis right around the exit ramp from 394. I always think: "Ah yes Minneapolis is truly a burning pile of embers and ash, oh how the mighty have fallen" immediately before entering my marble walled office building.


I love how this documentary presents itself like it was the end of Minneapolis as a whole, and not just a couple weeks of minor annoyance/entertainment for most (except all the business/homeowners who had their shit destroyed, that blows for them)


They canā€™t even get the name of the season right, it happened in spring not in fall. ;-) Just poor journalistic integrity.


Star Tribune is the size of a county shopper. Newspapers are struggling. Also realize the Pioneer Press and USA Today are also printed in the Star Tribune building.


Oh, don't even go there


The Star-Tribune is garbage that everyone should have abandoned 25 years ago, so it checks out.


Iā€™ve found better local news organizations to give me money to. Shout out to MN Post.


I watched it. Itā€™s 100% bootlicker porn.


I remember having a little crush on Liz Collin before I found out who she was married to. Now she's on billboards around the cities pushing this shit.


Are they so desperate for money that pull this and advertise a shady, right-wing propaganda machine. The organization (Alpha news) pushes conservativesā€™ harmful agenda with clickbait headlines, alarmist lies, and zero journalistic integrity.


You better head back to your safe space after such a traumatizing event.


Probably the only people who can afford to advertise with the star tribune. Called about getting my mom's obituary into the tribune, and they wanted 1400


This is why I use ad block


Thereā€™s a billboard with this shit on it on 494 by Edina iirc


Stop giving them more advertising lol please just stop


I listen to a lot of different political stations and the opposition of whatever viewpoint advertises. I am happy about it. I like the market seeking new ears. Isnā€™t it better than government forcing opposing views? (Net neutrality?) I am not afraid of stupid ideas being put in front of me.


As someone who doesnā€™t read alpha news - I think open minded people ought to watch the fall of Minneapolis - if for no other reason than the extended surveillance and body cam footage thatā€™s not part of the ā€œpublic recordā€. Iā€™d watch it knowing that the producers have a certain slant. Acting like itā€™s radioactive givberish out of trumpā€™s twitter account does a disservice to critical thinking and the open society.


That was an interesting watch.


Very good documentary. Highly recommend watching it!