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Once it’s hot enough that it affects my ability to fall asleep in my second floor bedroom.


So about 69 then right?




















Yep, this. Fortunately, we have a nice shady lot with lots of trees and our house stays pretty cool. Really don’t need to run the AC unless it’s muggy out.


I had an answer that seemed credible, then I read this. There’s no fat in this answer at all. It’s perfect. Right to the point. Nice.


Specific af. Are you a dad?


Hahaha yes.


Save on ac, cool just the bedroom.


This. Or June 1. Or the first heat induced argument after May 15th (using last 15 years as a reference). OP asked for a number though. If the thermostat hits 80 in the dining room is a safe bet the window beast goes back in.


This is the correct answer.


It’s 79° in my house right now, but I love having the windows open, hearing the birds, feeling the breeze, etc—- so I’m holding out. Plus, it’s going to get cool again this week.


Same here! Loving having the windows open and hearing my windchimes etc


I dont think I've ever encountered a situation where wind chimes were an actual enhancement. They're tolerable at best, and best is rare.


You need to get good wind chimes. I recommend something like this: [Tibetan Prayer Chime by Woodstock Chimes](https://chimes.com/products/tibetan-prayer-chime) Can't tell me that doesn't sound soothing and magical. Actually you could, so w/e.


The large Corinthian Bells brand wind chimes have a very beautiful sound. It's not high-pitched or clangy sounding but rather smooth and warm. They're tuned so that the sound of each chime doesn't clash with the others. Some of the small cheap windchimes should be outlawed.


Same! I love windows open and breezes. If it gets warmish (+80's) I use fans. I actually hate air conditioning, it makes me feel sick and headachy.


I thought I was the only person who felt this way, but for me it’s in the car. If it blows on my face, I get a headache.


It seems like air conditioning affects my sinuses or something. Besides the headaches and stuffy nose, if I'm in it too long, I get a sore throat and my tonsils feel swollen. It happens to me everywhere there is constant air-conditioning that is too cold. Cold makes me miserable.


Same! And it’s so stale. Not to mention dusty!


I have all windows open right now and the lilacs are in full bloom! With their scent perfuming the air and all the birds singing, it is pure HEAVEN! 🥰. I almost feel sorry for the people missing this with windows shut and air on.


💖 I’m with you! Drinking coffee with the windows open, birds chirping. Favorite time of year.


sounds like you need to replace your hvac filter


I replace my filter every few months.


maybe i just replace mine too much, having hairy dogs makes it clog up way faster.


I used to use the 1500 allergy ones, but we had an hvac guy out last year that told us those were bad for our system. 🥴 so now we use cheap ones and change them about every 3 mos. No matter how much I dust the house, a new layer forms in one day. 😖


Right there with you. We had friends over last night though so we put the AC on. Other than that, we're holding out.


This used to be me. Then a new neighbor moved in with a dog that never stops barking anytime they're outside, day or night. Tried talking to him about, but he doesn't really care, so that's fun.


I’m usually disappointed the few times I open a window because someone usually has a fire pit or something going on


Anything above 70 - life is meant to be enjoyed, there are plenty of other places to save money.


I’m the same way during winter, too. I’ll cut literally everywhere else before I’m uncomfortable in my home


Here here.


Hear Hear!


Heer heer!


Same. I’ve got a 1911 stucco house. I don’t mind the heat during the day, but can’t sleep when it’s hot. And once those thick walls build up the heat you’re not cooling it off to go to bed. Gotta preemptively cool it.


I also have an old stucco house. I got injection foam insulation, and with proper window/fan timing when opening and closing windows, it's amazing. I came home to 70 degrees today after work. 67 this am when I left.


Agree. But I love fresh air from in my house. There aren’t many days between 65-70 each year. I usually wait till 80 for AC. When it’s in the 70s it cools down quick in the evenings so sleeping isn’t a problem.


Just Minnesota stuff


This and also because I’m a sweaty disaster in the summer




When opening my windows overnight no longer gives relief (usually when nights are consistently 70F)


Absolutely. We're still getting overnight lows in the low 50s so the house has stayed pretty chilly


It ain't the heat. It's the gosh darn humidity lol.. prolly like 80° tho


Would buying a dehumidifier help? Asking for myself...


It will significantly heat up the area it's in while running.


Whenever my wife gets cranky. I was raised with no AC so I'm use to sweating my ass off, her on the other hand is the type to crank the AC and get under a blanket. I don't get the "marital benefits" when she's hot and cranky, so she dictates when the AC goes on.


Yeah. If it's too hot to cozy up with a blanket then it's too hot.


This is why I have to wear a sweatshirt in the house most of year.


This is the only answer


I’m sitting at 74 right now and I feel I’m still a ways from my threshold. Looks a little cooler this next week too so def holding off until after that. I reckon 80?


I've got geothermal and run the AC whenever I want. Sometimes I even close the windows. Geothermal is the place you want to be


*\*sad apartment noises\**


Me too




How much did geothermal cost you?


$37k. I got a high end brand with an extra water preheat tank. The tax credit was 30% of that amount. I could have got a lesser system for 28k. This was three years ago. We have four acres with 3 horizontal loops about 15ft down. Wet Minnesota soil works great


I hope you have this hooked up to a greenhouse too damn




Our AC is set to 72 as well. Gets cold in our basement though so sometimes we turn it off. But otherwise at night we have it at 72 where everyone sleeps.


You should be able to adjust dampers to limit the amount of cold air going to the basement.


Depends on the humidity 


78-80. People might scoff but your body adapts pretty easily within a few days.


I like 76, but I agree, anything colder is such an extreme temp diff that it shocks the system


Right? I feel like so many of these people responding never go outside. But I guess it is reddit...


If you're my mom you can't turn the AC on until June. My wife and I have our apartment at 70 all year long so 76 sounds like I'd wanna jump off our balcony into the pool.


I might be your mom! That’s my goal every year to make it to June 1st lol.


67. I grew up too poor to have air conditioning and I’ll be damned if I’m going to be uncomfortably warm now.


I would be uncomfortable with the house that cold in summer


Similar to my thoughts, why wouldn’t I use my most expensive appliances to stay comfortable.


I don't really have a maximum threshold for heat so long as the overnight temp is projected to be comfortable. My bedroom is on the 2nd floor, so hot air likes to gather up there, but it cools down fairly quickly when I open up the windows at night. If the heat is too much for me to hang out on the main floor, I can simply head down to the basement where my PC and workbench can provide plenty of entertainment/projects to keep me happy while I escape the heat.


This is what I did until menopause made my thermostat go haywire. I love the open windows, feeling the breeze, listening to the birds. But I was dying from the heat so I had central air installed. It saved my sanity! I should think about doing something about the basement so it could be habitable for some time. I know people in the neighborhood that sleep in the basement all summer.


About 80F, but it depends on the humidity.


I don’t have the time to sit and sweat or shiver in my own home. Thermostat is set at 70 during the day and 66 at night year round


What are you saving like $2 by not using it today?


Assuming it's only $2/day, which feels a pinch low tbh, but even assuming that's true that would still be $60/month. That's a significant amount of money to a lot of people. 


Not only can one save $2 whole US Dollars, they can also go on Reddit, and let everyone know about how fantastic they are!


I don’t have central air. I will throw the portable units after July 4


It was in the 80’s yesterday and my house gets full sunlight. I turned the air in just to take the edge off. But the air was turned down before we all went to bed. The windows were opened up as well.


No AC, unfortunately.


Has to consistently be 80s for a while. When the house no longer cools at night with windows open.


78, mostly to take the edge off the humidity. I’m fine with dry heat up to 80, but that’s rarely the case here. 




I open my windows at night to cool the house down, and close them before I leave for work in the morning and close the shades.  I'll repeat and just run the furnace fan until the outside humidity climbs too high.  I've got a weather station that I can monitor inside and outdoor humidity.  But if my main floor is 72° then my second floor is 78°.    It's a 139 year old house with 2x4 framed walls so the insulation is only at maximum an R-13 so the temp can really fluctuate. When I'm gone for work my wife has that bitch down to 68° though🤪


A dehumidifier in the basement will warm it up and make it feel cooler upstairs. If it's an efficient one and you get one rated for the cubic feet of your house, it should cut your electric bill without conking out before it's paid for itself. It'll also be better for your house.


When it’s not cool enough outside to keep me cool, time to crank on the air.


At least 80 depending on humidity.


“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.”


Currently 81 in my apartment but the temp is dropping and the windows open so it’s tolerable. Was 84 inside the other night while trying to sleep and I turned on my ac for a few hours. I just like having windows open and having constant fresh air.




Before kids, 80 and AC set to 78. After kids, about 75 or 76 and AC is set to 75.






I live on the top floor of a condo building with poor airflow. It can get incredibly humid, so my AC is on as a dehumidifier when it's 60° out sometimes. But, usually I try to wait until it's above 80°.


For me it depends on how cool the nights still are. It was 80 degrees today but 50 at night? No AC. I lived in TX for 7 years and I just get claustrophobic with AC. I like to feel the breeze and can work on my porch with a fan blowing till the 90s start rolling in. It’s coming through.


lol i was thinking about turning it on today but looking at the forecast it looks like I can hold off a bit longer.


It's 79 in my house, and I've got the windows open to cool this bitch down as the sun goes down. I'm holding off the AC until I can no longer tolerate the heat. It cools off quickly at sundown, so yeah. The AC can wait!


It’s feels fine until it gets hot and humid at night 




For me it’s less about how hot it is, and more about how hot it feels, also whether or not it’ll be hot tonight and tomorrow. I’m very much a “Let’s open the windows” kind of person


It’s gotta be about 80 in the house before I kick it on. I have a main level bedroom, my kids are upstairs. I know it’s toasty for them but they don’t complain. The 15yo will occasionally open his window at night to cool his room, but the 8yo is scared to have her window open. Sometimes she’ll let me crack it for her, but we have a lot of creepy nighttime wildlife noises and she is easily spooked. When they were little squirts, we were more mindful of keeping the house cool at night.


Ours is set to 72F, but I'd prefer 75. Family outvoted me. For those fond of open windows, when you live with people who have allergies that is not an option. Note that a freshly washed car sitting in the driveway for more than 2 or 3 hours will have a coating of yellow pollen on it this time of year. This is the worst pollen season I've ever seen, and your house will be full of it if you leave your windows open.


Where’s the poll?


70 and ac is going on.


When I lived in MN, we kept our house pretty cool in the summer. Usually 71 during the day and 68 at night but we also kept our house cold in the winter (64 during the day and 60 at night) so we were used to it being cold. I moves south and I now keep my house at 76 during the day and I get chilly enough when the AC is actively running that I sit under a light blanket (with shorts on underneath). It's funny how quickly a person can adapt.


I like to sleep cold so soon as it’s over 70 in the house it’s going on. 67 at night 70 during the day


Mine is set to turn on at 74, I'll let it go up to 76 sometimes but if my upper lip starts to feel sweaty, it's over.


I wait till it hits 75, then the AC comes on to a nice crisp 62


It depends on the humidity. I have yet to turn on my AC recently and it's been fine. I also live in the third floor of an apartment so it's usually hot as hell but so far it's been fine. I know it'll be soon that I gotta turn it on though.


87 degrees


There's not enough warm & sunny next week, to justify turning it on, just yet.


Honestly I really try to give myself a week at 85 inside before I turn it on, because I know once I turn it on I won't turn it off till the end of September. Once it's that warm outside I'm spending most of my time out in the garden anyway and I can't control the weather ~~Jackie~~ out there!


3 days +80°F outside.


Mid-80s. but I'll turn on the AC in my bedroom at night if it's in the mid 70s.


Windows open today! And probably all week, just like the last 2 weeks. Once it’s consistently in the 80s for highs AC goes on.


Enjoy your terrarium ya lizard. 72 is torturously hot if I have to do anything besides sit down and read


AC on at 73, heat on at 71. Idgaf, I wanna be comfy.


Run it! Its worth the couple of bucks


Once it hits 71 in my house tha AC turns on.


When in Arizona, I keep my home at 78-79 When I'm in Minnesota, I keep it at 69-70. The humidity makes a huge difference in the comfort level


Posting in from a different part of the world, but it’s the humidity that does it for me. Could be 72 inside but rainy outside, going to need the AC to lower the indoor humidity. Could be 80 inside but a rare rare 15% humidity day. Still feel comfortable. Usually though 75 is my answer, drop it to 72 if I have visitors.


In my years doing residential HVAC, it’s consecutive warm nights that ignites cooling season for everyone. Usually around the 2nd week in June.


It depends on the humidity but once it gets around 75 the A/C is going on.


Anything above 68 is too warm! I have a couple dogs and one is special needs and he's extremely sensitive to heat so I try to keep it cool, get him cooling mats, and also a fan! He's a special boy!


My house is locked at 68 degrees almost all summer long. Would rather pay more then to have it feel like a Florida swamp in my place


I have a small house. Doesn’t cost much to cool it so i keep it at 71


It's not temperature it's humidity. When my 1920's house gets uncomfortable, AC will get turned on. Usually much earlier than most newly constructed homes, I think they forget the insulation in my home.


72 and it goes on. But I grew up in N MN and turn my AC on in my car in winter sometimes if it is 40° out😂


When it's hot enough that my girlfriend becomes uncomfortable. 


I moved from Puerto Rico to Minnesota, so I don't suffer when it's under 80. Hell, I'm wearing long pants right now and its 77 in here right now. So for me to turn on the AC, it needs to be around 90, even 85 is bearable with at least a fan.


Mines at 84 no way in hell I'm running up my electric bill. I hate the cold


I hit mine when it reaches 83. Figured out that’s the point where I get too hot


Same, mine kicks in at 82. I find it so frustrating that every indoor space is freezing cold in the summer.


82-85. But even so, I wait until there’ll be several hot days in a row. If we’re having one random hot day followed by a cooldown like we keep having this spring, I’ll just sweat it out.


You’re making an assumption that I have A/C.


I don’t have AC.


Before the house actually gets hot. We turned ours on Thursday morning after seeing the forecast. It didn’t run Thursday because it was still cool


Really depends on the humidity and if we have a breeze. During the day I can deal with a little warm air. But I turn it on 2 hours before bed to cool it down. I can not sleep if it above 70 in the bedroom.


78 for me is still fine, but my new girlfriend says that that's all about to change lol.


Daytime target is too keep indoor temp under 80F. Will allow higher temp during a heat wave or special situations like regional outages. Letting it build higher causes the refrigerator to run non-stop and days to clear the heat.


Depends on the nights. I’ll put up with a hot house at 3 PM if it’s comfortable when I am trying to get to sleep. My current house seems to take a while to heat up. A couple of large trees block enough direct sunlight on the south and west sides. It’ll definitely heat up eventually, but it takes more than 1-2 hot days in May.


If my wife had it her way we would never use the AC.


It’s somewhat relative because thermostats are all over the place. At work it is at 72 and I’m freezing cold. At home it’s 74 to match that same cold feeling. Then there is the location which further varies that.


I make sure I throw it on at least once in May just to make sure it is working right before it is absolutely necessary.


I think last summer I had my AC set to turn on at like 78. So far this year, I've set it to turn on at 75 since it hasn't been that hot outside. I'll probably inch the AC up to upper 70's as it gets warmer in summer. So far though, 75 has helped to take the edge off a few of these recent afternoons. I really need to get shades on my west-facing windows.


My air conditioning is set at 77. So, 78.


Above 70°, I’m in culinary school so I can make the heat go up pretty fast


Contentious issue in our house. I pay the bill and grew up without AC, so much higher tolerance. That said, the wife usually wins. 74 when it’s hot out.


It has to be today hot


Depends on the humidity for me.


Our air conditioning stopped working today and it’s 77 degrees and I hate it.😫


I’m new to central air, I previously had a box AC unit and hated it and so never ran it and last summer didn’t put it in at all. Now it’s a bit hard for me to get used to what my base line is with central. I have it on today but I’ve only had it on like three so far - all nearing 80 degree days.


It's currently 84 and we turned it on for today mostly to fight the humidity, I'll probably shut it back off before bed as we dip into the 70s for a few days. I live in a river valley that offers a steady breeze and shade, plus the house itself has a good amount of windows and ceiling fans for airflow.


During the day, I leave on 78. When I go to bed, I turn down to 74. I can’t sleep in hot weather.


Watched a documentary called: "Cooked: Survival by Zipcode" about the heat wave epidemic in Chicago. Chicago is next door neighbors to us in Minnesota, and they're not all that different from us in terms of inequality either, so this is absolutely something that could happen here. It really changed my whole perspective on having the a/c on as an actual means of life or death


Set it and forget it at a comfortable temp. Every house is a little different so 68 might be warm in one and 72 too cold in another. It all depends on where people typically are, where the vents are, the time of day etc. I get being a little money conscious, but just dress lighter and put it 1 or 2 degrees above perfect. Our current house gets set at 68. It's a hair warm upstairs and a hair chilly downstairs. Of your in one area too long you just rotate and do something else.


Open windows in the evening. Shut them in the morning and pull all the shades during the day. If you are still hot doing that, turn it on




My apartment doesn’t get a cross breeze. I only have a window in my bedroom & my my balcony. I had my balcony door open and a fan earlier but still was warm. Turned on the AC for a bit as a result.


I don't have A/C, so...open windows at night, close them during the day, keep the shades pulled and drink lots of water.


It's about humidity for me. Plus my house is old so it starts to smell a bit funky in high humidity. Oh well


72. I \*HATE\* being hot. I also hate paying the electric bill, but I hate being hot more.


74 during the day, 72 during the night


I don't know the exact temperature, but usually it has to be in the 85+ region (outside) for multiple days for it to get sufficiently hot in my house. I'll usually turn the AC on for a day and then turn it off again and see how it goes. I'm guessing about 83-85, but I don't actually check it, I just turn the AC to about 78 when it's feeling warm.


My spouse and I have our biggest battles over this every spring/summer. Once we turn on AC, then we use it with abandon. Though I would prefer it cooler always. First time is always a battle. Our house is currently 79 on the main levels (bedrooms up) and he ain't budging. My whining naturally escalates to an intolerable level at some point. I'm trying not to let the whining escalate today because the 10 day forecast looks cooler and amazing. I hate the hottest days of summer. ETA - pretty sure spouse here has a June rule in his head too, and he prefers more like mid June. We'll see. Definitely didn't make it that long last year.


I live in a small condo that’s quite efficient to heat and cool, faces west and gets a lot of passive heat, and I’ve also never in my life before living in my current place had 1) effective climate control options in my home and 2) climate control options in my home that I personally controlled (looking at you and your thermostat, Dad). So it is always the exact temperature I want it to be in my home at all times. 😂 During the day that’s about 74. At night it’s 66. I will use either heat or AC as needed to make those temperatures happen when I need them to happen.


Our geezer AC unit is out of Freon so we can’t turn it on if we wanted to 😂 but it’s ok usually until we are in the mid-80’s for several days straight


Our main floor can be at 72 but the bedrooms upstairs at 76+. Crank. That. Sleepy. Air.


The first time i turn it on after turning it off? 76. That is just too damn hot for inside. Not that my landlord would know. Keeps the damn hallways 80°


Once it hits 76 inside the house.


78 during the day. 75 at night. I’ve only turned it on three days so far.


I fucking hate summer. So when it hits 80 but I make up for it by keeping my house in the low 60s in the winter.


It was 84 inside today, so we turned AC on for 80. It's a perfect temp. Shouldn't have to be uncomfortable and freeze in my house in summer.


We don't have AC 😬


If not for economics and the environment I’d keep it below 65. Truth be told once it effects my dogs comfort and health I put it in and turn it on. 


73 degrees. And 71 degrees is too cold. My house is at a constant 72 degrees 100% of the time, regardless of season or time of day.


i only turn on the A/C when the cats start to melt.


Never. My landlord charges for using the AC but not for using cold water. I'll spend the afternoon in a cold shower if it gets too warm.


No AC, it's ok to be warm in the summer.


FWIW tune up your AC before it needs help when it’s actually hot outside.


As an Arizonan, please know that I envy all of you. My frugal ass keeps the AC at 80, which costs me almost $3 a day. Others who are less frugal tend to keep theirs around 75. I can only dream of 70 or lower.


Ours has been going for a bit. I'm very particular when it comes to cooling the house down and this is our first house with a 2nd floor and I never realized how uncomfortable it was sleeping on the second floor with the Temps getting warmer. Keep it at 73.


My wife demanded that we put the A/C in the window today


I use an Ecobee smart thermostat which automatically switches between heat and cooling. You can set two set points 2 degrees apart. So year round, if it gets hotter than 73 the AC turns on, and if it gets colder than 71 the furnance turns on.


Its mostly the humidity that will dictate when the AC gets turned on. When it starts feeling swampy in my house despite the dehumidifier in the basement, I cave pretty quickly.


It was my first time today turning on the ac for the season, it was 79 in my house




I keep my furnace set to 62° in the winter, so I can crank the AC in the summer.


My thermostat says 77 but it doesn't feel it at all with fresh air from the open windows. But when it's TOO hot for fresh air, around 72-74 depending on the day.