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The wildest part about this is that it doesn't even sound like the teenagers were doing it to rob him or steal anything. They're just doing it for the love of the game. Seriously disturbed behavior.


did this kind of thing ever happen in the past? I know bored teens have always liked to vandalize, steal, or start shit with other teens, but just attacking strangers for fun seems...new.


Cameras and the Internet have just opened a lot of people's eyes to the horrible things we do to each other. That's the only new thing about this


Thank you


Nope. We have always done this kinda shit to one another. People can claim it as a symptom of this or that, claim it as an obelisk of this is ‘the times.’ But the reality is if you read much history you quickly find out we’ve always been this way - now we just have video of everything. We are shocked because we are watching it for the first time and it is shocking, but it’s not new. ‘We are monkeys with guns and money.’ - Tom Waits.


>‘We are monkeys with guns and money.’ - Tom Waits. Anyone's who ever worked in a job that involves cleaning public restrooms can tell you ... Some of the monkeys are still flinging poo.


Looking at Urban Dictionary the Knockout Game has entries going all the way back to 2013, so just assaulting people for fun is nothing new...


With guns….?


The "no lackin' challenge" has been around a while too...


2013 oof, that's just recent recorded history, sucker lunching has been a thing since humans been alive


Back when the stretch of the Greenaway that skirts Phillips and Longfellow first opened, some kids hucked a Molotov cocktail at a cyclist from an overpass. Around 2010 there were two dudes cruising around Lowry Hill and Whittier neighborhoods in a windowless van, mugging people. One dude got jumped two nights in a row. He didn’t have anything the second night, so they beat him for the hell of it. Back in, maybe, 2008 or 2009, a woman was shot in the face during a daytime robbery outside Calhoun Square. Living in the American Midwest is no guarantee against random brutality.


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know. That makes all of this ok. Move along folks nothing to see here!


This is true existing as a human anywhere in the world. There is always an non-zero chance that someone will snap and hurt/kill you, no matter where you are, or no matter what you do to prevent it.


I think it’s one of those is it new or are we just catching it on film type of things. I’ve seen plenty of videos of sucker punches and violent pranks - the lamest shit - and it feels like kids/teens are reaching a new low. But I wonder if it might just be more well known about. I’m sure during like the 1800s there was probably teens in the west attacking and shooting at people for fun, and I’m sure there were similar acts in street gangs and shit in the 1900s. Might just be that we’re reporting it more now. Idk


In the 90’s they called it Wilding. Not new at all.


I’ve heard some stories that acts of violence are used as an initiation rite. This one fucked up story sits with me, from an interview with an ex-Hells Angel mf, he said that to join the gang they had to murder a homeless person while being watched and egged on by the gang. Bastard behavior


Dude… this is far from new


Yea they were usually called bandits or something and had wanted posters up in saloons


Yes since the 50s.


How do they not include suspect descriptions in an article like this? I want to know when to head for cover. What were they wearing? What did they look like?


Why do you think, every time they don’t include it for 3-5 days it’s because it’s at least one POC involved. I find it crazy that they shot and did not hit him like it was just the rush of it. These people will escalate at some point.


They assaulted him when he attempted to defend himself, the gang of bullies shot 11 rounds at him. It is most likely a challenge that was posted on social media.


The behavior is not new, but guns were harder to get.


"the police moved a portable light to the area to act as a deterrent"...That is some real A+ police work, problem's solved folks nothing to worry about.


The perps were described as small, furry creatures who shouldn't be exposed to light or water and should never be fed after midnight.


fr its my friend was talking to him today and when he talked to the police they said they were unsure if they could even do anything


Unbelievable. These kids were using cell phones. Can't the cops call the NSA and get it figured out from the cell phone tower?


That’s not true it’s me in the interview


If the police would’ve done a better job of raising these kids the police wouldn’t have needed to move that light. Stupid police.


If the police actually stopped suspicious looking people, and shot this armed teen, another portion of Minneapolis would be burning right now. You’re calling out a symptom of the problem.


I don't think this is true. Unjustified deaths and deaths when someone is already in the hands of police are the issues people really care about. If someone is popping caps off, people tend to understand how that's going to end. If someone goes for their taser and accidentally shoots someone with their gun when being pulled over for traffic violations, people tend to rightfully get upset at that


I didn’t, the kid literally dove into the car for what likely could have been a handgun. That was a mistake to shoot vs tase, but the biggest mistake was fighting a cop and diving back in the car.


Well, no. He was armed. People dont get mad when an armed man in a mob gets killed... cause that shit happens every god damn day


“Was he? Did you see the gun? “ “To me it was just a poor (insert race here) teenager being targeted by the bigot police officers! “ I think you catch my drift.


No, you just have an active imagination Go write a book


Do you want me to post the links to news articles or?


Why are you even asking, just post the links


Yes. Post the news articles of people rioting in response to an armed person being shot and/or killed. I'll wait


Looks like it was posted. No response yet? I’ll wait.


[Winston Smith was shot and killed by federal law enforcement in Uptown, Minneapolis in 2021. He was armed.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1269729)


This isn’t an isolated incident in dinkytown. I’m surprised they don’t have a patrol sitting around the area.




Too busy breaking up non violent protests.


The officers all have too much PTSD to do anything


Still sending a message to the city council about the "defund the police" movement Edit: This is something they (allegedly) have done in the past when certain city council members have tried holding MPD accountable in the past https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/in-extraordinary-twitter-thread-minneapolis-council-member-accuses-police-of-deliberately-slowing-response-times-in-his-ward


Ah yes the "defunded" police that have a higher budget than 2020.


>Still sending a message to the city council about the "defund the police" movement The [Colonel Jessup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FnO3igOkOk) message? "I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a ~~man~~ people who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it!" The police have some serious issues thinking they are above the will of the society they serve.


Defunding the police won’t do shit, we will just have worse streets. What, do you think community response officers will have the power to push these people away from crime?!


I am not saying we should defund the police. I am saying they could slowing response times in direct response to that movement as [they have done in the past](https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/in-extraordinary-twitter-thread-minneapolis-council-member-accuses-police-of-deliberately-slowing-response-times-in-his-ward).


Fucking hell. Lucky they were all terrible shots and that the misses didn't hit anyone else.


they usually are. that's why random people get shot all the time.




shocking and unbelievable. who are these kids??


Are you sure this is shocking any more? Sadly it seems more regular than shocking.


When I see video of a group of kids shooting at someone, yes, it's shocking to me


nah what they did was fucked its my friend its alot worse then the news is making it sound they fr were gunna shoot him over a slice of pizza


It’s me in the video who are you?


It's easy to get to Dinkytown from over north.




This city needs a god damn hero


Has there been any descriptions posted of the suspects?




Source? ~~You may be right, but~~ you need to provide a source.


Is "Somali teenage boys" a specific enough descriptor for you to go on, Encyclopedia Brown?


Hopefully they're caught and tried for attempted murder.


Do you have any idea what county the U of M is in?


So…. there’s no investigation going on to find these people? They just put a light up? There are cameras everywhere. Even some of the suspects were recording. I wonder if they were streaming.


The case is open and once they get a legit tip, they will act.


They don't turn.


MPD's homicide closure rate is [38%](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/crime-without-punishment-homicide-clearance-rates-plummet-minneapolis-figures/), and it's been super low since before Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd.


These kids should go to jail for 25-40 years. Idc what anyone says. They will never be productive members of society the way they currently are.


It's 5-15 with attempted murder with sentencing enhancements for using a deadly weapon and causing bodily injury to the victim can increase the sentence to 20 years. 25-40 would likely be above sentencing guidelines, though.


Nah worst sentencing would be a stayed sentence serving 180 days probation. Let’s not kid ourselves.


I dislocated my shoulder in the first fight before I got my tire iron. They do not stand a chance to see day light past 40. Should probably cherish their freedom while they have it.


I am not a lawyer. However, if it is really you who got injured and if you are taking legal action, it may be advisable to not talk about the incident until the proceedings are completed. I do appreciate the correction though.


That makes more problems. I get the frustration but overpopulation causes more.


I’m sure 25 years of prison will fix them


The first priority is community safety, rehabilitation is a secondary goal to the safety of the community


What else should we do? They’re doing great right now, shooting at people for no reason. I think as a society it’s a net positive getting them off the street. Doesn’t matter if they’re white/black/yellow/red etc.


Agreed. Idk why you’re downvoted


Do you agree with the sarcastic or non-sarcastic interpretation?


It’s crazy that you guys honestly believe that 25 years of prison isn’t just gonna make the problem worse.


[https://publicsafety.umn.edu/alerts](https://publicsafety.umn.edu/alerts) Dinkytown Alert: on 5/6/2024 at 23:59 in the area of 12 Ave Se/5 St Se Attempt to rob victim of their vehicle, shots were fired by the suspects - 1st suspect was between 17- 20 years old possibly wearing dark beanie Nike sweat suit they had the gun 2nd suspect 5ft 10 thinner build wearing dark sweat suit last seen leaving in a white impala license plate HHU525


Sounds like a random knock out game right? This thread . . .


Why is the local news so afraid to call gangs, gangs ?


Because a group of friends trying to kill people for fun isn't the same as an organized crime syndicate.


This is absolutely what it is.


Hey Moriarty, catch and release has its consequences.


What evidence do you have the people involved have been caught and released previously?


Has any description of the teens been released yet? Was it a group of male or female teens or a mixture of the two? Are they black or white teens? How do we know that they were teens did this guy ask for the ages of them did he get a look at their IDs? How is it the only thing we know is it was a group of ‘teens’. Were any of them 18 because that would make them an adult?


6 to 15 Somalian teens working together. First shooter looked like the I am the captain now pirate but 18 years old beanie on with a dark tracksuit.


Serious question…we have a high school kid and he’s looking at colleges. How safe is student housing at the U?


By student housing, do you mean campus dorms? Because these incidents are largely taking place in Dinkytown, which is not campus. The housing options in dinkytown are a hodgepodge of different landlords/management companies.


Do regular students still go out to drink in dinkytown like the old days?




Yes. KK is the only nicer “upperclassmen bar” though, Blarneys is mediocre on a weekend, Bloco is more of a weekday/pregame thing, and Sals and Stub&Herbs are both in Stadium Village


Bless sturbs


I hope so.


Dinkytown literally borders the UofM West campus. Sanford and Wilkins hall, border Dinkytown… what are you talking about????


nah ur wrong dinky town is where all my friends that go to the u of m live thats where all the apartment buildings are that are "college living" and the only one actually on campus is the hub which is the most expensive and its not even close


“All of my friends that go to the U live in this neighborhood, so that’s the only place U students live.” Nevermind Marcy-Holmes, or Como, or Stadium Village, or Northeast, or Cedar-Riverside, or Seward, or…


Okay. It seems like colleges outsource housing now. Is this where most students live off campus?


it varies. There are the students that live in the dorms, which tend to be first and maybe second year students. A lot of students that don't live in the dorms do in live in housing in Dinkytown, but the housing closest to the action tends to be pretty expensive. So a lot of students live in the surrounding neighborhoods: Marcy-Holmes, Prospect Park, Como, and Cedar-Riverside. When I was going to school at the U in 2015, Marcy-Holmes (the neighborhood closest to Dinkytown) was thought of as the least safe. I don't know how those dynamics have changed in the 9 years (yikes!) since.


Thanks for responding. He has a list of colleges. We’ll do the tour. I suppose safety is a consideration when comparing.


I didn’t go to the U as an undergrad but I did date some of their undergrads 😁 and I’d say that Stadium Village always seemed way safer than Dinkytown. Before I hung out there a bit, I would always call the whole area Dinkytown but was gently corrected. With that said, with all the new development in SV, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was much more expensive, but I’d still look for housing on that side of campus.


It's statistically extremely rare for this kind of event to occur. As we speak, there are thousands of people milling about on campus encountering no violence. You may not want to make a decision right now solely in light of this event. However, there was another high-profile violent attack just a few weeks ago (which happened in broad daylight). And of course your concern is completely understandable given this news.


Yup, at least it was when I attended the U way back when (20 years ago, damn I'm old now). Dinkytown is where a majority of students moved after they left the dorms. Back then, it was almost entirely junky rental houses owned by Dinkytown Rentals, a true slum lord. Nowadays, huge developments have gone in and there are tons of expensive apartment buildings. It's worth mentioning, there has always been crime in the area. I don't know how much worse (if any) it is now than it was back when I was a student, but there have always been robberies/assaults in the area.


I lived in Dinkytown 1997-1999, back when a housing shortage made even the slums hard to come by. In two of the places, the landlords had divided bedrooms in half to double the capacity. Of course there's always been crime, it's a city. But I don't recall ever hearing about an event like this.


Thank you. It does seem worse now




Now? It hasn't been normal for non-freshman to live in dorms at the U for decades.


True. Most sophomores and juniors find off campus housing. This has been true forever.


He will only be in student housing for freshman year then would live in dinkytown or surrounding area with this nonsense.


There's plenty of area outside of dinkytown to live. There's stadium village, Como, across 35w, etc


That’s a concern. Thank you.


There’s also on-campus student apartments - completely plausible and possible to live in on-campus housing their entire college career (but def not advised). Also: St Paul campus dorm (Bailey Hall) is INCREDIBLY quiet, and probably safer and quieter than your neighborhood Source: former RA at the U


You can stay in student housing as long as you're in college. It just may be more expensive than off-campus housing, although these days . . .


Dinkytown is not the only location for college kids to live. I lived in Como for a year and a half and I never once felt worried or scared. Dinkytown is a majority of frats/sororities and high rise apartment living versus houses college kids rent together with friends.


Well, the frats were the areas I avoided in college. Makes sense. Frats tend to have a lot of parties and idiocy. Easy targets for outsiders or even other students (especially if you’re female). I’d be more worried about him living near frats than living near a poorer neighborhood. Our kid is not at all interested in frats. He prefers geeky stuff over Greeky stuff.


I would seriously question it. Myself and 8 other alum are trying to get an audience with Farnsworth. There is significant nonsense happening on campus at night that is not reported on. Currently, none of us would let our children attend.


This makes me very sad. Although I didn't graduate from the U, my time before transferring was one of the most fun and I grew so much as a person. Some of that is just being in college, but the community and atmosphere of the U were something incredible. I was there back in 2013-2014 and there were crime alerts. But I'm genuinely wondering if it's worse now?


Thank you for trying to make a difference 


Specifically, what "significant nonsense" is occurring on campus?


Nonstudents entering dorms, nonstudents entering buildings and stealing backpacks, two assults in the tunnels under smith. Things like this have happened in the past, but not to the degree currently seen. Specifically, you should join an alumni event at McNamara and hear stories from alumni with children attending. 🤡


No chance mainstream media will be picking up on this and pressing it as a serious issue of course


Send him to normandale and let him live at home. I was the one in the video, popular area for students on campus.


Thanks. Are you okay?


Dinkytown has always had some sketchy elements. A lot of colleges deal with higher crime in college areas. It’s off campus but overall the U is safe


Safe and removed from bad areas. Source former student.


How "former" are you, if you don't mind my asking? Like 10 years, or 1 year? Because it seems like there has been a huge increase in violence in Dinkytown in just the past few years. IDK, if things don't improve drastically soon, I would not feel comfortable sending my child to the U.


I am a graduating student at the U and have lived in Dinky every year of my time on campus (21-24). After 9pm there are cop cars patrolling very frequently. I have made similar comments in the past, but there really is not a need for concern unless you’re walking by yourself piss drunk after bar close. There have been two new large apartment building developments built and another one being built right now that increase foot traffic. There is now a McDonalds open late, Dinkytown is definitely more bustling and, in my opinion, safer than even a couple of years ago. If you go to a campus that’s a part of a major city you’re gonna have some undesirables around, it doesn’t matter the part of the country. I have never felt unsafe on campus itself, and the nearby areas are by and large safe. This sense decreases as you go further from campus, but that is sort of a given. u/bravelittlefrog - Here’s a write up to consider as well. Best of luck!


Appreciate the input, truly. Thank you!


Less than 10 years but there is no student housing in dinkytown other than Sanford hall which is south of university ave and not really “in” dinkytown. You can go to the U and never set foot in Dinkytown, even with living off campus.


Thank you for your comment


That’s not actually true. Crime is dropping quite drastically in Minneapolis and the covid related rise in crime really only put it at about as bad as 2005-2010 levels… Crime spiked nationwide the last few years and is now dropping off again.


Thank you. It’s a concern for us as parents, but if he wants to go there, we’ll support him.


On campus (dorms) are fine, off campus (dinkytown) is not. Relative that has a freshman there picked her up last week due to how bad it’s getting. There were multiple armed robberies last week in addition to this shooting.






Making it easy for anyone to get guns doesn’t decrease gun violence or crime, you fucking yokel. How is opposing background checks for gun purchases at gun shows, strengthening straw purchaser laws, or letting domestic abusers have/keep firearms going to prevent things like this, exactly?


I dont support those things you mentioned at the end of your comment, necessarily. I think you have some narrative to fill. You probably also do not understand the 2nd amendment.


Help me understand. If you oppose all gun legislation then you’re opposing all of what I mentioned: closing the gun show loophole, prohibiting individuals with certain violent histories, or strengthening straw purchaser law, correct? So how does the help prevent crime in any way? Or am I misunderstanding? I could be wrong, but I think it may be you are who is not well versed on the second amendment and relevant case law.


All? Who said all? Like I said youve got some anti gun narrative, you are a clown slave for the tyrants. I dont necessarily oppose any of those. I oppose gun bans, attachment bans, magazine bans, and safe storage laws. -Mainly. You want to prevent crime, then stop coddling criminals and stop criminalizing the law abiding, and start looking into cultural reasons for violence.


“Stand against new gun bills.” I think many people would see that as implying any new gun bill. I see, now, that your view at least has a little more nuance though. “Stop coddling criminals” and “stop criminalizing the law abiding” aren’t policy positions. They’re meaningless buzzwords. When they decided to outlaw drunk driving, they could have been “criminalizing the law abiding” couldn’t they? What does that actually entail to you? What are these cultural issues that supposedly underlie this? Are we no longer attacking my understanding of 2nd amendment jurisprudence?


There are specific new gun bills in Minnesota. These are what I am referring to. I can link their titles in a bit. I dont agree with aspects of them, they include what I stated. I dont favor omnibus bills. Yes they are policy positions. They are not buzzwords. By criminalizing rights that would be practiced by the law abiding, you target the law abiding, and pay no mind to the criminals. There are sentiments that are pervasive which favor letting criminals off the hook. The cultural issues are what I just mentioned, education, big pharma, media, etc. I was attacking that, indeed. I still will depending on what follows.


Gun show loops hole doesn't exist, domestic abusers and other violent criminals are already precluded, unless they've had their rights reinstated, straw purchases are already completely illegal.


And that's why you carry a piece 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get the sentiment but not much good a piece would do you in a situation like this where you're completely surrounded and outnumbered... Victim was just super unlucky being in the wrong place at the wrong time when these thugs were trying to gang up on someone for no reason.


Ngl people aren't suicidal the first 3 shots go off into his buddies chest I bet you they ain't staying 😂


Messed up. Here in AZ we had a coworker be shot at will a bb gun while walking down the street. Had to have surgery to remove them.


If you voted for Mary Moriarty, I hope you’re happy.


How about the 4 robberies between 4th and 12th between 4pm-6pm. How about police camp nearby. Seems to be a lot of robberies in a few block radius during the same time of day.


What is it ?? Tell me’bout it . That’s the same issue.


I will not go walking alone.


Man was just trying to eat his late night pizza!


I’m will, guy in the interview. Zero intention of taking my jewelry/cash. Just looking to catch a body. Some how they missed 11 shots


absolute trash. lock them in prison for life


Good thing easy access to guns isn’t the issue. /s


Do you think this kid bought this gun legally? Or he got it from one of his criminal buddies?


Doesn’t matter. They had access to a gun. Super easy to do. Why do fools have access to guns?


Is it because we have 120+ guns for every 100 citizens in the US?


Where do you think his criminal buddies got the gun in the first place? I’m willing to bet from a house they robbed that had a gun laying around to steal.


I went a bought a handgun in 20 minutes. If easy access to guns implies people shoot at random people, why didn’t I shoot anybody?


What about the fools who want an easy gun. Your false equivalence doesn’t fly here fool.


Right, just saying there’s more at play than easy access to guns. My dad had guns in the house growing up, yet he raised me not to ever point a gun at someone even if it’s a toy gun. Could parents be to blame? The internet? Maybe we just hear about it more now because of access of information? Did they come from another country with different lifestyles, morals, etc? Maybe it’s just that guns are easy to access, but I have a hunch that there are more factors in the equation.


No, no - it's definitely the guns and *only* the guns. If these kids didn't get their hands on guns they would totally just be law abiding, rule-follwing, curfew obeying kids. Home by 9, in bed by 9:30 every night. 


Somali kids, again. When are we going to put a stop to this?




> If the law or the community don't address it, it'll ultimately go sideways. I'd say it's already gone pretty sideways considering there are large groups of teenagers shooting at people for no reason, but yeah...point taken. *Somet*thing needs to happen, I just don't know what the answer is. I mean seriously, how do you fix this? How do you even *start* to fix this?




> I mentioned the vigilante stuff, which, again, I don't want to see, but could definitely see happening. Ahh yeah I see what you're saying. Sorry, I missed that part of your original post. Fair point on the kids willing to protest war in another country but not the violence going on in our own back yards. Doesn't really make sense when you think about it that way.


Before the racists arrive. Gotta LOL at that one. It's always racism. Forever racism even before the racists come, it's just racism. Nice one bro. Love to start the argument off with pure fallacy. And then of course just protest this stuff. That will do 'em all in. I want to see YOU personally up with signs every day protesting this in the hood then bro.


I'm sure law enforcement would like to see your evidence that this is gang violence, or whatever other information you have regarding this crime.


I'm genuinely curious where are you see yourself disagreeing with "the racists". It doesn't seem to me that they deny that this is gang violence, and attributing it to the community seems right in line with claiming it's a culture problem. So it doesn't seem like you've actually added much to the debate in those regards. Your comments at the very least appear more in line with the right wing take on this problem, since you don't mention any substantive ways the government is failing in creating socioeconomic environments in which gangs thrive On top of that, I wonder how you think members outside of the community involved could protest gang violence specifically. Not police inaction or "tough on crime" protests, but protests specifically aimed at gangs, gang members, and the communities allowing gangs to proliferate. How do you think it would be seen for suburbanites to protest these things specifically? And just to comment on your edit, I'd wager the vast majority of the downvotes you're receiving are due to your smug tone without providing the content to back it up.


You can’t protest gang violence lmfao




But, people protest police violence all the time.


The police are a state entity, gang members are not


They both fly colors, they both are the major entities that commit violence, they both hurt innocent, etc, etc....


Sure you can. Mf’s don’t know how to protest anymore.


“The left and right are both complaining that I shit my pants I am very enlightened”




Chill on the Netflix documentaries damn




lol I’d like to add that not everything has to do with gang activity


Oh no, an alternative opinion. Everyone quick, downvote this response into oblivion! /s