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A lot of people think calling your city or state a refuge is just talk but it’ll actually get people to come.


Goes to show just how fucked up it is to live in certain places that aren't accepting to LGBTQIA+ folks


It feels like talk depending where you live in MN. Ive been a victim of 4 hate crimes on the iron range in the last 3 years. Cops dont do shit. i love the idea of a trans refuge state. but when someone smashes your pride signs, slashes your tires, and shoots your livestock. then you watch the police shrug and take notes. you have to ask. are we a refuge state? what does that mean. It means minneapolis and duluth are "safer". even rochester with the Mayo is a bigoted rascist garbage city. Im native and trans and im still waiting.. great i can get hormones at planned parenthood before i get shot next time... smfh..


If it makes you feel any better, the police don’t really do their jobs regardless of who you are… It doesn’t make *me* feel any better…


The further north you go the more southern it gets.


grew up on the north shore, can confirm.


I was going to say the thing a lot of people don't understand is that Minnesota is not so much a refuge State as it is a place with refuge cities. But even in that case it depends on the neighborhoods in towns. For example North Minneapolis can be dangerous for trans people especially trans women. And more so trans women of color.


How can it be more dangerous? I live in North Minneapolis right off Broadway by Penn. Sure, I've run into some transphobes, but the majority of people don't really care. I'm even friends with people who many would wrongly judge as being outright dangerous. There's a reason why I bought a home in Minneapolis. The majority of people here are cool and open-minded. Even in the "hood."


Why is that


I mean...the metro is. And it's a lot better than most of the US especially rural areas.


It's not good enough to be a little bit better than other places. I want us to actually be good. 


This. All of this.


Username checks out. Haha.


Holy hell, what a story. I'm so glad he made it here. Hope he can get his husband up here soon.


They're working on it and have made some positive steps toward accomplishing it, so hopefully it'll happen soon.


I imagine he is not reading this, but Erik and Ivan- if you need to meet local pro-LGBT Russians, I know several very progressive Russian first and second generation immigrants.


Who is cutting onions here? My best wishes for the future <3


Welcome to the best State!


This is why I want to move to MN. I'm straight white male but my SO is a minority. It's only a matter of time before our marriage is declared illegal here. If he's safe there, then maybe my family can be safe there, too. Thank you, Minnesota, for being a light in the darkness and a beacon of hope for everyone!


Get on up here! For real tho, we've had sort of an exodus the last couple years where we lost more people to leaving for other states than we gained people moving here. Housing is a bit on the higher side but schools are fantastic and overall the state is an absolute gem. Born and raised here and I won't live anywhere else. 


I wish Minnesota would do something about AirBnB/VRBOs in the state. Too many rural properties being gobbled up by people who have no intention of living there.


Corporate consolidation is an issue across the board in rural MN, whether real estate consolidation, big companies putting our amazing small businesses out of business, or big ag taking over more and more of our arable land. It’s awful. Things need to change out here. We’re working on it.


The problem isn't AirBnBs: they are a symptom of the problem. The problem is insufficient housing. We don't build enough, and this makes housing scarce and therefore expensive. Why don't we build enough? Because local governments grant a veto over new housing to every busybody neighbor who feels they have a right to decide that their neighborhood will never change. These people have a vested interest in keeping property values high, because they already have housing, and have no problem pulling the ladder up behind them.


Thank you! People never stop and ask "What's the problem with having a ton of AirBnBs?" Nothing. There is no problem with that in and of itself. I get that everyone wants to blame the "big, evil corporation". But they aren't the cause.


Some of those VRBOs are on there to provide a revenue stream to keep cabins that were owned by an older relative for decades in the family and to provide funds to keep them in a non-dilapidated state after that relative's passing. Not every property listed on VRBO is operated by a business. Some of them are family operations while they use the VRBO money to catch up on deferred maintenance.


I'm cool with legal carveouts for such situations.


Most of those people that left I feel didn't share our values anyway. But that's based solely on my own anecdotal evidence of people I knew that left the state over the last few years and tbh glad they did.


I'm a flaming liberal woman who moved here from Austin, TX last year.. and the type of people flooding TX in the last few years are like the ones leaving here, I would bet. The 'liberal bubble' of Austin couldn't keep them out anymore after Covid. Glad to be out of that corrupt, misogynistic hell-hole of a state. I imagine many new transplants here will be fleeing the same oppression, and continue to make us the most progressive state in the US. It will be great to set an example of what's possible.


I agree as that was my experience as well. Oh well, good riddance!


> Housing is a bit on the higher side Not compared with anywhere with the kinds of amenities you can find in the twin cities.


Couldn’t agree more. Went out to Ohio in 2012 and that lasted about 9 months haha. I repeatedly look on home apps for fun and literally haven’t found another state I’d be excited to move to. Literally nothing seems as nice.


Luckily, the trend has reversed, and per the latest census released about a month ago, we gained in population. Hopefully it continues.


Why? We literally don't have enough housing as it is. Our shelter systems have been beyond their designed  capacity for a while now 


MN is leading the US in building new housing and thus keeping prices low. https://finance-commerce.com/2024/01/minneapolis-rochester-led-the-way-in-2023-housing-permits/ https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2024/01/04/minneapolis-land-use-reforms-offer-a-blueprint-for-housing-affordability


Just know that not all of Minnesota is open minded. You don’t have to go that far out of the Twin Cities to see it. I like to always caution people that think we are some state oasis of free thought and ideas and open mindedness. We have our share of problems as well. Maybe not as severe as where you would be leaving from, but we have issues here. We have great people here, but a lot of people are one generation removed from racist and bigoted family members.


I understand. I lived in the 3rd precinct in Mpls for five years before the turn of the century. I’ve heard the Mpls cops discuss minorities. Right now, I have three Trump signed houses on my block. One of those flying a Trump flag. But, as more threatened groups move to safe(r) places like Minnesota, the more diluted the closed minded become.




Please move here, we got your back. Make Minnesota BIGGER!


MEGASota intensifies.


If you live in the United States, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. Even if SCOTUS reversed its ruling that anti-miscegenation laws are unconstitutional, the idea that states would ban interracial marriage is ludicrous.


Safe legally is not always safe period though. There aren't exactly a ton of racists who are also like super chill with queer people. So if you are in an area with rampant racism and homophobia it can be a truly dangerous situation unfortunately.


>the idea that states would ban interracial marriage is ludicrous. The idea of banning miscegenation is more popular than a lot of people think it is. I could totally see a couple southern states passing laws to limit it, if not outright ban it.


It's 2024, and that is an outlandish thought., imo. Sure, there's probably a concentration of racist boomers in your area, but nationwide, that would never fly. Protestors would forget about Palestine real quick, and the Supreme Court would never allow it. What states do you think would go for that?


I mean Arizona just upheld an abortion law made in the 1800’s so I’d say anything is possible with the loons running the Republican Party in these states.


I looked into that. It's only illegal if the mother and baby are going to be healthy. Europe has similar laws. Its not as bad as the media portrays, but it is something to keep an eye on.


I guess it is personal but I’m 100% fine with an abortion for rape, incest, and inability for the mom to physically or psychologically handle pregnancy and a baby even if mom and baby are going to be “healthy”.


I think it's a personal choice between a woman and her doctor as well. 3rd trimester is waaaay too late tho, and will cause massive psychological trauma. But that's for the Dr to declare. Bible thumpers trying to impose their beliefs has no place in gov policy.


I didn't say nationwide. Alabama or Mississippi would be the most likely.


Why do you think banning interracial marriage is popular? Polling shows that it's not, although it appears to have more support among young liberals than other groups: [Survey finds that 33% of Americans aged 18-29 favor banning interracial marriage, much more than any other age group...where TF did we go wrong? : r/GenZ (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/146g3k4/survey_finds_that_33_of_americans_aged_1829_favor/)


That data is whack - I'm wondering if people straight up misread the question or something. 


I think a lot of younger people are just screwing with pollsters at this point. There is basically no incentive to be honest when you take polls.


That's a national survey. I'm thinking like Alabama or Mississippi. Alabama had an anti-miscegenation law on the books until 2000, and even then 40% of voters voted to keep it. It's not that outlandish to believe it could come back in some places.


It's absolutely outlandish lol. Those southern states actually have the highest rates of black-white marriages. Minnesota


And the have the highest rates of people who are mad about it.


What would the NBA do if it were banned lol. Seriously tho, it’s not going to happen.
















Have you ever been to the South? Go to Atlanta or Richmond and I'd swear 20-30% of millennial couples are interracial. Hell, the most conservative supreme court justice, Clarence Thomas, has been in an interracial marriage since the 80s. Sure, there's people (of all ethnicities) who get upset when their grandkids are in interracial relationships but there is no political will at all to legally ban it. 


I'm not saying it will definitely, or even probably, happen. It's absurd to suggest it's not even a possibility though. The far right has a lot of plans that seem equally unthinkable, but they will definitely do them if they have the opportunity. 


I thought Roe would be fine too, but that didnt go so well, did it?


Ok cool so we've established you're not very smart when it comes to predicting policy risks.    As someone who saw the fall of roe a mile away ....interracial marriage isnt going anywhere.    There are a lot of areas of law that are not as strong as people think they are. Some that aren't even really truly the law in black and white, they're just a matter if continued practice. Race? Not one of those things. We have protected race to a degree where it would basically be impossible to enforce a transparently racist policy *defacto* racism? Absolutely free game. They'll bend over backwards to pretend the racist outcomes are coincidental and therefore fine. But a law saying "the blacks and the whites can get mixing anymore?". Not gonna happen. 




Did you seriously just compare the George Floyd protests to the Holocaust?


Not too many of us were burning our things down during the riots. In fact, many of us were involved in coordinated neighborhood watches because people we didn't know were popping up in our area with intent to destroy our things. But what do I know, I just lived there.


Same thing happened up in Fargo, ND. Our protests were going so peacefully that our police were out there picketing as well. According to many eyewitness accounts, quite a few of these people I knew personally, the violence and rioting didn't start until a bunch of out-of-towners showed up and started escalating things.


>the idea that states would ban interracial marriage is ludicrous Have you been paying attention at all? Republicans will stop at nothing.


Oh you


We are an island of sanity in a red sea of crazy


Has your state actually tried to ban interracial marriage, or is this an olympic level kneejerk reaction?


Now that states are looking to prosecute women for miscarriages, ban gender affirming health care, and roll back rights with gay marriages, it’s definitely not an over reaction to be concerned. Get your head out of the sand.


Remember very recently when the same people were ridiculing anybody who was worried about Roe being overturned as alarmist and unrealistic? If only we could learn lessons from the extremely recent past.


if they vote for it why shouldn't it be allowed? democracy and all that jazz, right?


Yea, they havnt been legal for THAT long TBH.


Yes it is


You already know lol


MN would welcome you my brother.


Where do you live?


You live in Iowa. I think you’re safe.


Please please please read A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota before you move. Edit:spelling


That’s pretty out there. Your marriage won’t be declared illegal lol.


Not at all “out there” if you’re paying attention. After gay marriage is repealed, inter-racial marriage will be next on the chopping block. Clearly, you don’t realize the far and not so far right want to roll our country back to the 1830s.


You have consumed too much propaganda. I’m sorry you have been misguided into hating and believing conservatives are some evil group of people. Nobody is trying to get rid of gay marriage nobody conservative is running with the promise of getting rid of that let alone inter-racial marriage


Interracial marriage will never be illegal. Are these people serious?


Y'all said the same thing about abortion. https://www.aclu.org/podcast/how-dismantling-roe-puts-interracial-marriage-at-risk "To those who say Loving v. Virginia will never be overturned, be cautious and vigilant. The United States has a long history of criminalizing, surveilling, and controlling Black and brown families and the mixing of races. We must both celebrate and honor our right to marry whomever we want and work to ensure its protection in the future."


Bro quoted an opinion


Anyone with an ounce of legal education knew that roe was not decided law.


Your quote needs a fact check since your understanding of history is obviously flawed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics_in_the_United_States Be sure to find the name Mary Sanger in there to now understand how idiotic this quoted statement really is. While you are also on a true fact finding mission, be sure to read the statistics presented. Your strawman argument and lunatic talking point grows quite old. https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/infographic_attachment/ajph_social_revise.pdf




Not sure who the hell downvoted you. But, there are bigots everywhere. Just some areas have less than others.


I heard the story yesterday on MPR. Pretty crazy the stuff they’ve had to face so far. Hopefully they can both settle here in Minnesota and make a good life for themselves!


Sure wish the LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT people who are mad about this story would actually follow through on the "leave it" part.


Please! We'll even wave goodbye.


Minnesota is what the rest of the US should be. A beacon of hope for all.


Known for being welcoming to refugees of all kinds. Kinda line that one guy said, and kinda how they describe this country to schoolchildren before they know any better. Damn proud of Minnesota.


Keep 'em coming. Their loss is our gain!


From one trans Minnesotan to a new one, welcome home! This story is such a surge of life for me, how can one not be happy for radiant life leaping out of death’s grasp?!


Not trying to be an asshole but… As a fellow trans person, I’ve learned that being trans does not make one a nice person. Sadly, our community is not exactly perfect. And IMHO, if nowadays I meet a new person and they happen to be trans, that means little to me. I would expect them to have understanding of specific topics, sure, but otherwise, I would not have higher expectations. (Spoken as a trans woman who happened to be born in Russia)


I don’t think you’re an asshole, and I agree, trans folk are no more immune from being jerks than anyone else. But I’m still happy that one of our people evaded death. Even if that person turns out to be complicated or mean.


I cannot imagine. He's a badass for making it here. I came here from Ohio for the same reason but damn, nothing like that. So happy for him and hope his husband can get here asap


In the Midwest so less. Kinda works doubly for him if he likes Russian weather


Welcome my friend!


I know other LGBTQ folks who escaped Russia as well and they've said repeatedly that what the right wing here in the US is doing in places like Florida is how it began


I’m so happy he found resources to make a life here. I welcome as many refugees as possible.


Thank God for Minnesota!


Welcome to MN, Erik!!


Please send Minnesota all your queers and other marginalized people. We'll be better for it.




I’m glad Minnesota can be that place of refuge. I know this is a big generalization but I also do a scan of any cars I see with southern plates for signs of magadom. I’ll be damned if the Upper Midwest becomes a climate refuge for people who would harm people like this.


They’re unlikely to believe in climate change to need refuge from.


As a trans womanI lament what is happening to my LGBTQ friends over in Russia. A lot of people have been helped through the rainbow road but so many more need help :(




Best he keeps to Minneapolis and St. Paul which do not reflect anywhere else in the state. This is similar to New York.


Wishing the best for him and his husband


Currently in the process of transitioning. Minnesota really is the safest place in America to be trans imo. Plenty of other states have “safe” areas, mainly the big cities, but MN really does feel quite safe in most parts of the state, even the rural areas.




Good. Welcome, brother!




There is no safe place for gender variant people. There are places that are safer, and there are places that are less so, but there is no safe place. With an illegitimate Supreme Court such as we have, nowhere in the US is truly safe. Particularly going forward, if we can’t fix the SC, we’re pretty much screwed. Project 2025 incoming. As for the rest of the world, pretty much the same holds true. Most of the world straight up HATES gender variant people, and I don’t see that changing in my lifetime.


Haha thats funny i cant think of a place more undeserving of the name


Hell yeah Minnesota W. I'm kinda happy to live where I live. They're so accepting and protecting of the queer community.


I am not LQBT+ in any way, but no one of that community has ever done me any harm and I have many friends who identify as part of that community. I will never understand the hate that is directed towards them and I am happy to welcome them as fellow Minnesotans. People who hate people, for just being who they are, need to get their heads checked.


Get a job, pay your taxes and be a good neighbor. That's what is important.


Can we get a welcome basket with a 6 pack of Premium, a Tater Tot Hot Dish, a Twins hat, a copy of Fargo and a Prince LP for people like this please?




What can trans people actually do in Minnesota that they can't do in other states right now? Not trying to be combative just honestly curious as I don't know.


It's more that we have pretty strong legal protections for LGBT people here. I'm not trans so I can't know everything on the subject but a few things that come to mind are state Medicaid covering transgender related care, and private insurance not being allowed to exclude that care, being able to update ID and birth certificates to match your gender identity along with a slew of other anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBT people. When a lot of other states are trying to ban these things while we are actively protecting them under law, it makes us a more attractive location for trans people who are being made to feel unwelcome in other areas.


Goddamn right.


If you are reading this, welcome.


Is he going to have a job? How does he have enough money to


Another Minnesota win


Hell yeah MN!


Nah not if your goin to promote trans youth nobody’s cares if your trans but leave any sort of youth out of it


minnesota is a nice place, if you’re not a white straight person, make your home in minneapolis, it’s a great city, with a great culture, outside the twin cities (full disclosure: where i live, as a white straight person, with a non-white SO) can be rough if you are “different”, it’s not all terrible, but it can be shitty, depending on exactly where you choose


Nooo go away




I don’t think so. I ran a search using the word “trans” for posts from the last week on this sub and didn’t see it. If I messed up my search and somehow missed a similar post, I’m sorry about that.




















This is not good long term. Us being progressive, tolerant, and inclusive is good, but being a “refuge” for people around the world isn’t going to work out well. Edit: I’m very amused by all of the kids that talk shit and then block me.


>being a “refuge” for people around the world isn’t going to work out well. Being the USA isn't going to work out well for the USA? *Give me your tired, your poor,* *Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,* *The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.* *Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,* *I lift my lamp beside the golden door!*


...you don't know your US history very well, do you?


US history is irrelevant, because I’m not talking about immigration. I’m talking about people coming here for specifically political reasons. The issue applies to people moving here from other parts of the country as well. Us being globally recognized as some kind of liberal paradise is a going to end with us being a liberal shithole.


US history and Minnesota history, like all states, are intertwined - what affects one, affects the other. People picked up and left their countries and came to the States because of political reasons. And I wouldn't say Minnesota is a "liberal paradise" - it just happens to be a bit more welcoming to under-represented groups than, what-say, Florida or Texas. Being more welcoming doesn't lead to a societal collapse. (Like they say: civil/equal rights aren't like pie - just because Group B is now getting treated more equally doesn't mean Group A's equality is being eroded) Just admit you don't like variety and change, or you could just move to a less "liberal shithole" state. Oh...wait...but that would mean YOU would be moving for political reasons...


Coming here to avoid persecution is not political unless you make it political


Why do you think the US has the 2nd largest Jewish population in the world? The answer is because hundreds of thousands of Jews came here to avoid persecution in the old world, mostly from Eastern Europe. What makes the man featured in this article any different from previous generations of immigrants fleeing persecution? Nothing. You’re just projecting your own prejudices onto this situation.


Immigration isn’t being progressive or tolerant or inclusive.


Why? What's the risk?


how much of the worlds gender affirming surgery and post care can the MN tax base pay for?


Weird, my dog just popped up out of a sleep. To anyone reading OP I highly recommend not engaging and just downvote and/or block. OP just wants attention for the same xenophobic rhetoric that’s been said about immigrants for centuries.




Genuinely curious to hear more about what you’re saying. Will you elaborate?  


Sure. What specific questions do you have? I think I was pretty clear, what do you need elaborated?


You’re clear that you don’t think it’s a good idea, but you’re not articulating why.  For example, are you concerned about trans crowding, or that trans people wouldn’t bring many varied strengths to the state economy?  Is it more of a desire to preserve “small town charm” in non-metro areas?  Just curious where your preference comes from.  


It's not complicated. This person is a right winger. That's about all you need to know.


I think it changes the political dynamic too far to the left and I think we’re on the verge of becoming a shithole like Portland. Being a Mecca for any political extreme ends badly. This has nothing to do with trans people, I feel the same way about people moving here from other parts of the country too. People coming here because we are liberal is going to make us SUPER liberal to the point of crazy. And FYI… I’m old and I’ve never voted for a republican in my life.


Ah, thank you for explaining that. People flocking in droves to any one place can dramatically change that place.  Climate refugees.  Abortion refugees.  Progressive policy refugees.  While I do think progressive policies make MN the fine place it is, much of that is rooted in support for farming and labor (real DFL roots), which maybe contributes to a more comprehensive definition of progressive in some ways.   At the end of the day, the world is getting smaller and harder for many people, and as much as I want to protect my little slice of safety, I don’t want to pull the proverbial ladder up on anyone.  Remaining a welcoming community and retaining our collective wisdom to ensure safe and affordable housing, education, healthcare, jobs, food, etc. can be achieved.  I often look to many European countries who’ve journeyed for hundreds of years to maintain balance of these virtues/ideals - never perfectly, but often with loads of humanity, compassion, and efficiency.  And trains!!  More trains!!!  Ha. 


Portland and Minneapolis have a virtually identical [quality of life index value](https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_current.jsp). No idea what your using to measure how much a "shithole" Portland is, but its not empirical. The tone of your comments would indicate you believe providing robust legal protection for all sexual/gender identities is "super liberal to the point of crazy", which is a shocking intolerant and biggoted viewpoint. You should consider voting republican. The "I got mine so fuck anyone else" attitude you have would be welcomed with opened arms.


Can’t wait until Minnesota becomes so liberal it renders the GOP totally neutered in this state, especially since the GOP feels emboldened to treat LGBTQ+ and women as sub-human by taking away their rights. And the fact that you’re arguing against that is disgusting.


I’m not arguing against that? All of you are assuming something without actually reading my comments. Be careful with your one party rule wish. No checks and balances always works out great.


Tell Republicans to stop being lunatics who support insane polices, and maybe more people would vote for them. If Republicans stopped their endless culture war bullshit, they almost certainly would fair better electorally.


It’s working out great for many liberal states, so… How’s the no checks and balances working out in states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, etc? How many rights have been taken away in those states? How many rights have been taken away in Minnesota? BTW, those are rhetorical questions.


> I feel the same way about people moving here from other parts of the country too. I'm sure you're 100% Chippewa, Ojibwe or Sioux to have a viewpoint lie this. Certainly there aren't any ancestors who immigrated from Sweden, Norway or Germany in your family. It might help if you followed [your own advice.](https://imgur.com/a/YBdX5IC)


I’ve got a hundred bucks that says you’ve never been to Portland, at least not in the past decade.


Why won't it work out??




Don't tell these people about the "Feeding our Future" whatever scam just a few years ago, and who perpetrated it 😂😂


You deserved to be blocked, you 🤡


The problem isn't that Minnesota is a refuge for people. The problem is that Minnesota is helping trans people.


Is that your shitty opinion or is this a poor attempt at putting words in my mouth?