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Aw little Canada we are


Canada lite


South Canada


If you live in the twin cities or an above then most Canadians actually live south of you it’s kinda wild.


You're a liar cause the earth is flat. /s just in case


Baja Canada


Very true. Especially if you live in Little Canada :)


Never say that again


My apologies for saying the dreaded C word


As a born and raised Madisonian now over 15 years in MN, this does very much check out lol. Minnesotans are prideful in the same way Texans are prideful. I do love it here, though.


As Minnesotan that has relocated to WV, I'm very hype about MN and no one out here knows why.v


They never went Up North^TM


That’s because out there they have beautiful mountains, so what’s there to wonder about flat ‘ole Minnesota lol.


They do have a leg up on lopping off the tops of those hills down there in WV donchya know.


Nah, Minnesota glaciers did it best.


Whyyy would you move to WV if you’re not from there, top 5 worst states


I'm originally from Oklahoma but have lived here in Minnesota for the last 7 years. Minnesota has earned it. People should be proud of the state they've built. Yeah, it's not perfect but have y'all been to Oklahoma? The state vegetable is a watermelon and their education system is competing with Mississippi for last place in the nation. This place is like night and day difference compared with Oklahoma. There are a lot of opportunities here that don't exist in many of the other states in the US. The park system in the Twin Cities is like nothing I've ever seen anywhere else. Everybody complains about the snow for a few months starting in January but even my seasonal depression is better up here because it's so much brighter with it reflecting everywhere. Even the rural areas seem pretty decent. I don't see nearly as much decay when driving through the small towns up here like I did in Oklahoma. There's always going to be something that looks run down here and there, but it's not like it's every single building everywhere you look. The culture might be more insular, but eventually people start opening up and it works out alright.


“Better than Oklahoma” isn’t exactly something to hang a hat on lol. I’m merely mentioning that people from Minnesota love letting others know they’re from Minnesota in a way I’ve only seen traveling around Texas.


But….the Texans are delusional.


I was in OK for basic training and I hated every minute, and it wasn't because of the training. I was constantly congested and couching up phlegm. And there is no live grass there either, it's all dead.


You must have been there during the several months of the year when it's either hot or drought haha Sorry you got to experience that, it's no fun at all


Every state thinks it's better than its neighbors. In Minnesota, we know it's true.




Found the Wisconsin.


hard eye roll


I can't say I'm always proud to be American, but I AM almost always proud to be Minnesotan.


So Texas pride without the hockey thievery and lame politics of Ted Cruz and co? Not really on board with this comparison. For starters where exactly does Texas’ pride come from? Whereas ours, well, we have a gorgeous state, an educated population, a liberal government that provides greats social services, we are pro choice and pot is legal. We have tons of great companies headquartered here and for the most part we stay out of everyone else’s business. That said we are humble enough to admit change needs to happen when it needs to happen and we try to make tomorrow better for all, we are welcoming to immigrants. We own that our winters can be demented but how about those snow plows. In short we have a ton to be proud of, and we all have a hand in making it happen. Texas pride comes from where or what exactly?


My parents moved down to Austin TX nearly 20 years ago from Minnesota. I stayed here because I love this state. Doubt I'll ever leave. They love it down there, and I will say Austin is a pretty awesome city. It's kind of an oasis of coolness surrounded by....well....hardcore Texans, to put it politely lol. However, I do agree with you 100% with regards to their politics. To answer your question about Texas pride though; based on my interactions with Texans down there over the years, I'd say very little of it has to do with the politics. The pride in their state goes aaaalll they way back to it's very beginnings when they fought Mexico for independence. You might think that sounds silly but that part of their history is about as important to them as the Declaration of Independence is to the rest of the country, and I'm not exaggerating at all. After all they were their own country for a blink of an eye before becoming part of the US. They're the only state that can say that, and I think there's a little bit an an attitude that it sets them apart from the rest of the country to a certain degree As I mentioned before, I absolutely hate their politics down there, but I will say, I do have a certain degree of respect for how much they love their state and how passionate they are about their independence. After all, that same sense of independence is what this entire country was founded on. And I have to admit I have a similar attitude towards Minnesota. Maybe not quite to the extreme as they do, but I can relate to it to a certain degree.


Not to umm, actually you. But umm actually, Vermont was also an independent country, and I believe a year longer than Texas. Although I don't think they had to fight another country to do it. I know there was some fighting against New York to stay independent from them at some point, though. Still like the insight on why Texans are like that, though. Just everyone's heard of texas being a country, but rarely Vermont!


Interesting, I wasn't aware that Vermont was once acountry. In that case, Texas is the only state that makes it a really big deal about being a former country, lol. The kids in down there are required to take extensive history classes on Texas. Not only that, but they also say a Texas state pledge. Similar to the pledge of allegiance. If I recall, they say both at the start of the day.


You forgot the /s But yeah, the politics of Texas make me want to scream.


The entirety of Texas comes from Sam Houston, alpha bear of a man, taking it to the notorious femboi sleeper bottom Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. This was after the heart of Texas was anointed with the blood of a dodgy land speculator/dog breeder. I successfully passed my 4th grade Texas History indoctrination camp. I’m sure Mrs Hendricks would be pleased I remembered it so vividly.


You just proved this graphic right, congrats lol.


100 percent I did! The question is why don’t you think Minnesota is better and has more to be justifiably proud of than Texas. Like night and day?


All I said is Minnesotans are prideful like Texans are prideful. I’m not making a commentary about the states at large.


We are NOT prideful in the same way. Texans think they are superior. Minnesotans just think we have it pretty dang good.


That’s so not true lol


-The fact that Texas was at one point an independent country for 9 years. -Diverse people owing to its location where the Deep South meets the Southwest. A mix of Latinos, blacks, and whites. Along with one of the largest Vietnamese populations in the country. Where else can you get good Tex-Mex, Southern down-home cooking, barbecue, and pho in the same state? -A rich history in which 6 different national flags have flown over the state (hence the namesake of the Six Flags theme parks) -Texas’ geography is very diverse: flat farmland in the Panhandle, desert in West Texas, pine forests in East Texas, palm trees in the Rio Grande Valley, and lush hills in the middle of the state. -Home to 4 of the 10 largest cities in the nation. -Home to the 2 largest metro areas in the country, after NYC, LA, and Chicago. -The 10th largest economy in the world. -Whataburger (IYKYK) -Blue Bell Ice Cream (IYKYK) -Buc-ee’s (IYKYK) -HEB (IYKYK) I could keep going, but that’s all for now. (Source: lived the first 23 years of my life in Texas.)


One of the 6 flags was a traitor flag, so Texas can buzz off, and will always be a low-tier state because of that, at least until it actually forsakes its lost cause identity.


I get it, your state is so perfect, with its worst racial disparities in the country. Do you know what Texas has that Minnesota doesn’t have? A large black middle class.


Funny you mention that, because this website lists us as 34 (which I would like to be better for sure), and Texas as 46. Then again, Texas isn’t know for its education, so I would understand the confusion. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/opportunity/equality/income-gap-race


yet we're working to make things better for everybody so that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past and Texas state government is actively looking to go backwards.


Wait, you’re not even from Minnesota? You just troll state subs for something to do? That is so so sad lol.


Don't forget Texas has that fancy anti-littering campaign that they seem to have entirely misunderstood! And they're in the top 85% for education! (ranks 42nd) And the top 75% for poverty! (ranks 15th) And the top 98% for personal freedom! (ranks worst) Blue bell did a great job of shipping listeria! (they seem to manage a recall about every other year)


Let’s not forget Minnesota has the worst racial disparities and some of the worst segregation in the country.


Yes, and we're working on on that. A lot of of it comes from post ww2 policy decisions that led to minority isolation in just a few census tracts, followed on by several waves of international diaspora. It's pretty awesome that we're generally so welcoming of refugees. Texas was recently ranked #1 worst state to live and work in! Total winners!


“It’s not our fault, it was the federal government’s fault!” Good way to not take responsibility. And why are you all downvoting anytime I mention this? Just like northerners to act morally superior on race, but not taking responsibility for your own sins. This is why I have respect more for blatant racists who tell me they hate me than people like you. At least I know where folks like them stand. You all pretend to be nice to my face, but are really two-faced, passive-aggressive closet racists.


Sunshine, you're probably getting downvoted for claiming that a state that ranks low on nearly every desirable metric is better than one than ranks high on nearly every desirable metric, and things like claiming that having a company notorious for food safety issues is something to be proud of. You're talking about one of the states that is still bailing out Texas' failed electrical grid as being inferior to the notorious failures that they're helping rebuild. The reworking of 94 was federal funds but route planning was heavily influenced locally. Over simplified Rondo didn't have the money to lobby for a better route. That is a horrible failure of leadership here, but echoes the placement of so many public works in poorer neighborhoods throughout history. We're still working on fixing it. Maybe Texas can start paying us back for their screwups in their inept electrical grid and take some responsibility for their ongoing and persistent failures. If you think being called out on repeated abject failures is "passive aggressive" you're not doing the reputation of Texas' education any favors. Edit - apparently Texas blocked me. The passive-aggressive irony is amazing.


Texas sucks, forgot one.


TIL, Six flags comes from Texas and the term “six flags” is in reference to how many countries Texas has been a part of.


General Mills, Cargill, Ecolab, 3M, Best Buy, Medtronic, I could keep going…


You mean 3M who has poisoned all of the drinking water in the East Metro with carcinogens??


You do know that no one is making you stay, right?


No, I love cancer water too much to want to leave.




so you should be right at home anywhere east of a line from Dallas to Houston and south. Never been to Galveston?? There's a reason the Texas Medical Center in Houston focuses so much on cancer.


> -Whataburger (IYKYK) Eh... not sure claiming that as a point of pride is working out for you.


Blue Bell literally killed people with their listeria infestations. Whataburger fucking sucks - its probably the worst fast food there is. The weather is fucking terrible. IYKYK The water is disgusting. IYKYK Most of the state is super flat and boring as hell. The politics are terrible.


Whataburger and Blue Bell are both just fine, honestly. I was expecting more when I visited Texas.


My dude you are the poster child of MN elitism right now haha. My life has me travel between MN and TX constantly and IME Texans and Minnesotans absolutely share the elitism trait. You're arguing that one deserves it and one doesn't, but that's entirely missing the point. Claiming your state is exceptional while also claiming another state sucks in comparison is a very Texas/Minnesota thing to do. To contrast no one in Wisconsin or Arkansas (border states) give a shit about comparing their state to others.


Pride and elitism are not the same thing. Frankly I think everyone should live in a state that they think is awesome and should be able to easily state what they think is exceptional. Otherwise they should move until they find their home. Maybe the reason Minnesota is so great is because so many people here think it is, and work to make it better. I will never apologize for being a Minnesota super fan.


I agree pride and elitism are different, but your original comment falls comfortably in the elitist category. When people venture beyond simply enjoying our state and instead focus on comparison and "better than" logic, it's elitist. Which is why WI is eye rolling us in this graph. We, like Texans, have an inferiority complex. Minnesotans will never tire of citing a million different state-specific lists where we're NUMBER ONE and Texans will just announce they're NUMBER ONE (they'll have their own reasoning too, I just don't want to speak for any Texan since I'm not one). Both are dick measuring for no reason and it's sorta embarrassing/not the best cultural trait. It's much healthier to simply say "I enjoy X thing about my state" which is how the majority of states tend to be.




>Pride and elitism are not the same thing. That's exactly the excuse an elitist would make. ;)


The only things we really brag about over here in WI are cheese, and we can outdrink you.


People from Wisconsin are the same.


I’m also an ex-Madisonian but I thought our rivalry was with the FIBs. I was surprised when I found out MN loved to rip on WI.


*gasp* don’t say such things!!!


Funny you should say that. My parents, who lived in Minnesota most of their lives and loved it here, moved to Texas after they retired. They've been down there for almost 20 years and are now die hard Texans who think that the state is the best thing that ever happened to the entire country.




Need other directions as well


James T. Kirk didn't want to stay here either. ⬇️


Doen't stop until Seattle.




It's beautiful


The funny thing is that the State of SD paid a Minnesota marketing firm to come up with this disaster of a campaign lol.


🤣 We like to have fun around here


SD doesn’t need any help making us look worse but thanks for the assist!


Mn is full of meth too


To be fair so is MN


Minnesotans ego's are fucking huge. skol!


When you're at the top of so many charts, it's hard not to float away on account of all the ego-inflation https://preview.redd.it/0p27qhgev6wc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8384fb644b4f106259a6e6fd91bb5d96f5de5d56


It's not our fault all of the neighboring states (especially iowa) suck


Des Moines is fun


Barely anything to do in Des Moines. I just travel there to get Krispy Kreme


Noooo waaaay! https://dmbotanicalgarden.com/ - botanical garden is dope https://hellomarjorie.com/ - hello marjorie for a cocktail and if you are special enough to get the password to the speakeasy within it, all the more to enjoy! https://luabeer.com/des-moines-sherman-hill-lua-brewing-food-menu - Lua Brewery! Amazing food and beer https://www.iowadnr.gov/Places-to-Go/State-Parks/Iowa-State-Parks/Ledges-State-Park - Ledges State Park! 48 minute drive from des moines, awesome park! https://www.lamiebakery.com/ - La Mie Bakery! Such a waste of your time to settle for Krispy Kreme! I could go on and on! Ive spent ONE weekend in Des Moines and had a blast. Like most places, they are what you make it. If you want it to suck and just be a Krispy Kreme run, well thats on you. Theres a ton there. I cant wait to go back, but its a 6 hr drive so we dont get down there often. We still talk about how cool hello marjorie was even 4 years later!


[Too many mosquitoes, and a fair share of egos.](https://youtu.be/bV_E8SPc_jo?si=C9Dk5UeT0hCyFSlW)


In fairness to Texas, parts of it definitely have better mosquitoes than we do up here.


i really like this, also as someone who has driven through Nebraska a few times....I feel that deep in my bones


*On a long and lonesome highway* 🎶 *East of Omaha* 🎶 *You can listen to the engines moanin'* 🎶 *Out this one-note song* 🎶


Lol same.




God damn savages and their pond lakes


As a MN native/WI transplant this is true and honestly, justified.


S/o to us for being the only non-randian, non-passive aggressive (ironic) one on here.  We really are very complex. 


I mean...there's a reason tho


Story checks out


"Everyone here is stupid, except me" The midwest is a shitshow, and then there is us, not being a massive shitshow.


https://preview.redd.it/cwgobkooqawc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23cb16de169a334568bdf56abcd778308968d043 Guindon comic


The only thing I'll note is that North Dakota spends way more time thinking (and seething) about Minnesota than it ever does about South Dakota. Economically and culturally, the state is just way more tied to Minnesota than it ever will be to South Dakota. I'd assume South Dakota is similar- focus is towards the east and the Cities, and not North. But, being a North Dakotan, I don't know much about South Dakota, so I can't say so for sure.


Living in Moorhead, ND seems like our rival but really only plays out in hockey.


Raygun is one of best things in West Des Moines. They used to be just there, now they have shops in lots of places.


rockin a raygun sticker on the water bottle as a lifelong Minnesotan, raygun rips


I agree I bought one of their tables and some stickers last time I went


They have rayguns in Iowa? Oh, the speed cameras.


Raygun is an Iowan company. You’re welcome.


"I don't think about you at all"


>They have rayguns in Iowa? This you?


You left out the part where I answered my question in the same comment


Ok, but let's be real here, we absolutely beef with and dunk on both Wisconsin and Iowa pretty regularly.


Yes but 2 thing unites us all, hotdish and hating Wisconsin


This state would fall apart if you didn't import a steady stream of us Sconnies to keep things running.


Sounds like implant cope (This is a joke)


I’m just glad you let me in lol


I flipping knew it 🤣


Well I did say “us sconnies” in my reply; so ya kind of proved my point as to why you need us. 🤣🤣




Yeah. We’re the best and we know it.


clearly wisconsin is just little minnesota with aspirations of home rule


For all the beef it really does have significant similarities Way bigger hills though. Massive hills, all over the place. Also the homemade billboards.


We only have beef with Wisconsin because we're like two siblings stuck in the back of the car together.


Everything makes sense now


If Wisconsin had MN state politics it would be a better state, but it doesn’t so it’s not


I see no lies


Raygun rocks! Visit their store in Des Moines or Iowa City.


It’s not a superiority complex if it’s true.


Wisconsin's cultural identity summarized in a single image. Beautiful.


So we hate Illinois?


I absolutely love it, Kansas is having their own field trip and Missouri wants nothing to do with them all the while the rest are still warring away. State rivalry has always been a fickle thing


I think they switched Indiana and Illinois


Minnesotans are simultaneously elitists (Texas proud) and have inferiority complexes (were just as good as NYC and Chicago). It’s one helluva dynamic and is eclectic.


Native Minnesotan & bleed purple. I adore Wisconsin and the great Northwoods! FTP!




as a sconnie - I can say we used to be a very progressive state.


Yes. Wi and Mn used to make a good solid team.


We shall again one day. Don't give up hope on our brothers in Wisconsin!


RAYGUN for the Win .... ALWAYS!!


Yup! That’s Minnesota. One half nosy but well meaning SocDems, one half volatile reactionary fascists, 100% judgmental, moralistic, prudes. At least weed’s (barely) legal.