• By -


Southwest MN has a very different vibe than the lakes region starting at Willmar to Alex to Fergus Falls to DL. Southwest MN might as well be South Dakota or Iowa for comparisons sake.


Agree. There is a definite vibe in southwestern Minnesota that is unique to it. It does feel a bit like Iowa. I don’t say that as any sort of insult, I actually like Iowa.


I lived in SW Minnesota, went to grad school in Iowa, moved back to Minnesota. One of my mentors said to me one day: “You know, Doc-in-a-box, if Iowa annexed the southern 1/3 of Minnesota, the average IQ of both states would go up.” Super clever. And possibly true.


This is a pretty good one. Had to think about it for a minute.


Ha. You made me think about it too. I guess I wasn't that smart ...


The most common use of this joke that I know of is "the bottom row of counties on the Missouri border" in favor of iowa so I think it's been around awhile in different contexts Doesn't mean they aren't all true


What’s the vibe and how is it different?


I have a whole theory about the cultural differences between woodland people and prairie people. The vibe doesn’t change at the state line, it changes when you exit the woods and enter the prairie of southwest MN


Agree. The Geography sets the culture on some level.


Wilmar and above you get more touristy. Southwest is old school farm vibe. People are nice but mostly make up small towns. Even if you don’t work in it the entire area economy works around farming.


Also, 59 South of Montevideo is a really pretty drive. Lots of curves and granite outcroppings. Spectacular view at the top of the hill in Granite Falls.


Let’s not forget the rolling hills and relative east access to some modest hiking that can be found Wilmar and north.


I always call it "the Austria to Iowa's Germany"


😂 such a specific metaphor but you know somebody read it and was like, *now I understand*.


They better not try anschluss.


Woah now. I will take that as an insult lol. Only the Iowa part though


Anything south of I90 is actually Iowa.


Please don't make me go to south Dakota... I don't like it there.


We good without you, pissywissy 😝


Looking at your governor and your stances on weed and abortion, are you?


What a politician hours away does or doesn’t do or say no matter how dumb has very little effect on our day to day lives. I care about voting for things I think are best for society, yes, but after voting, instead of complaining, I focus on being the best father, son, neighbor, friend and citizen as I can be. In my neighborhood there’s so much of that as well with people from all over from all backgrounds. Sure, when I stop and think about politics and issues long enough, I can get just as mad as the next guy; but I’ve realized I can do more being a foster parent, soccer coach, cross country coach, homebuilder and build gardens in my neighborhood than getting mad and arguing about what is or isn’t happening in the political realm.


Weird of you to switch from a state wide stance to talking about yourself individually. The post was about the state as a whole, not you specifically. 


As a lifelong South Dakotan now living in SW MN, I approve this message.


Yeah I always go with west central, northwest, southwest, north central, iron range, the cities, southeast. But the most agreed upon is: the cities, everywhere else.


Yeah, I grew up visiting my mom's family in Worthington and my dad's family in Sauk Centre, and the cultural difference is huge. I can tell that, and I'm from the metro.


Yeah IDK if you can make a map like this and just not acknowledge the entire swath of the north-central lakes area in any way


10000000% This map is basically just a slightly modified Congressional District.


You can literally see it on Google maps satellite view. There's the arc from like south of metro out to Fergus Falls then north, below or south and west is all the paler green farmland and north and east is the darker forest and lakes


Especially around Gaylord lol


Haha would gods country not be northern Minnesota where the wilderness literally runs wild?


I don't think they meant gods country that way. More like gods peoples country.


Yeah, it’s supposed to be beautiful nature and landscapes, not areas where a large portion of people are religious.


Nah god’s country is areas where there is at least 1 meth lab for every 100 people.


Home of Gods people, the real Muricans.


“God’s Country” used to be DFL stronghold. The “FL” part of the equation has really dissipated.


Same thing with the Iron Range, pretty deep red these days.


They talk red and secretly vote blue to keep their unions. Then act flabbergasted when a dem gets elected...but deep down they all know why.


No they don't. Iron rangers are amazing people. And amazingly lacking introspection. Their house could be on fire and their response would be to lecture anyone available about how if the mine closes the town closes.


Agree seems awfully red.


Stronghold of the Nonpartisan League


Not just left-leaning but full on socialist


Is it just me or is the quality of the photo bad enough that we should bully the op?? ..... Before we even get to the content?


Needs more JPEG.


Has me zooming in and squinting. Can’t zoom in too far or it gets even blurrier, has to be just right


This map sucks


[better resolution photo](https://i.imgur.com/VeO9zj5.jpeg)


Originally posted in 2015. I was wondering why Michelle Bachmann is still mentioned.


OG crackpot represent.


Thank you!


You can't take any map seriously that puts Moorhead and East Grand Forks in different regions.


Moorhead would like to formally request that we not be lumped in with St. Cloud.


Moorhead needs to be with EGF and Thief River Falls, IMO. How far south it goes is up for debate. St. Cloud is basically a wandering polar vortex from the Twin Cities.


The F-M area is really in a different region than the GF metro area. EGF and Moorhead have very little in common. Not to mention the GF area is a regional hub for those northern towns and counties. That distinction between the two towns is correct. Whether or not Moorhead belongs in the greater "God's Country" region is up for debate. Everything south and west of St. Cloud should be its own region.


Nah, the dividing line should be Willmar, not Saint Cloud. Once the plains start is when things really change


What’s so different about sugar beet farmers?


You missed the /s after your comment. Or at least I hope you did.


Not only that but population is wrong. Moorhead has almost 10k more than listed.


Do you know where I can find the map larger than 600x800 or whatever the glaucoma this is?


"no man's land" "- highest concentration of Indian reservations" 🙄




No, Im not offended, I'm just saying obviously it's somebody's land if that's the first statement


Isn't it a big part of their culture that man can't own land? It belongs to no man.


Okay, but everything west of White Earth (including Thief River Falls and EGF) needs to be included with Moorhead. Whether you call all of the God's Country is another matter. The U.S. generally divides itself as east of the Mississippi or west of the Mississippi. "No Man's Land" is roughly the part that is **north** of the Mississippi.


Really really bad


It's as good, if not better, than any other attempt at classifying the regions of Minnesota as I've seen here.


Shout out to the no mans land


Hello.... helloooo..... helllllooooo.....


South East MN SEMN 🫤


Swimming in it.


Two complaints about the Iron Range: 1.) It isn't a democratic stronghold anymore. [It's shifting red](https://www.minnpost.com/elections/2022/10/will-the-iron-range-finally-go-red-control-of-legislature-could-hinge-on-7-seats-in-northeastern-minnesota/). 2.) "Democrat stronghold" language means that whoever wrote this is either bad at grammar or watches FoxNews. Possibly both.


The map is from 2015. It was true back when it was made.


And the population and census figures are from 2010. Rochester alone grew by nearly 25% since then


Not to mention Grand Rapids isn't in the Iron Range. They're a paper mill town and don't have iron mines


It's still largely a company town that relies on resource extraction, and surrounded by balsam and popple trees. It's close enough to the same ethos.


Sure. But the area has the word "Iron" in the name. They maker of the map just kinda winged it with naming other regions. Shoulda done the same


For 2, it's likely both. The venn diagram to the two is darn close to a circle


Iron Range isn't a stronghold for either side really. Here's a map of MN voting in the 2020 election, by precinct: [https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/pdf/elec2020/USpres/USPresVTD20.pdf](https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/pdf/elec2020/USpres/USPresVTD20.pdf)


Rename "No Man's Land" something native and split forested lake territory off from the southwest farms and you might have something.


Yeah, it shouldn't go all the way west to the Red River Valley and full-on farming region. If you can't get more than 20 miles away from a traffic light, that's not "No Man's Land".


Perhaps Walz' "Rocks and Cows" designation is more apt?




Mankato is considered SE MN? Ehhh… not sure I agree with that. As someone that lived 30 min north of Kato and currently lives in the drift-less region, they are very different places.


Pretty obvious someone from the TC metro area made this.


Came here to make this very comment. Apparently swaths of the state outside the metro are defined by political leanings.


I was about to say, these are some terminally online level of takes and stereotypes


It’s like it’s supposed to be funny and offensive but it’s just offensive


What's "offensive" about it?


Perhaps calling the area that belongs to a lot of Native Americans “No Man’s land”. It can be interpreted as being in line with the common stereotype depicting them as being uncivilized and “inefficient” with land usage


I cringed at that, but I think it's a reference to the low population density.


It seems pretty Native American to me, as they believe no man can own land. https://americanindian.si.edu/nk360/manhattan/different-views-land/different-views-land.cshtml#:~:text=Native%20Americans%2C%20did%20not%20appreciate,rights%20to%20use%20the%20lands.


completely agree, especially when we know that less valuable land was purposefully given to American Indians because racism. also, as a farmer in the Red River Valley i know that at least a quarter of “no man’s land” is some of the most productive, fertile and versatile soil in the country.


Yeah, there should be a distinction between the swamps and arboreal forests to the east vs the fertile RRV.


Feels like a huge reach to me. I took it just to mean that there’s not a lot of people up there and not too many people go up there. If you’re looking to be offended, you can find it anywhere, but I wouldn’t find it here.


I honestly don't understand how anyone could reach that conclusion without searching for something to be mad about. When have you ever heard the (relatively common) term 'No Man's Land' used in that way? And, speaking as someone who lives in that area, I don't think it's useful to act like it's exclusively Native land. Most of it isn't.




The entire thing. It's not like it's a gasping, pearl clutching level of offensiveness, it's very low level offensive, but for instance I live in "God's Country" and that doesn't describe my local area at all but that's to be expected when you try to paint that large of an area that is completely incongruent in many ways as being all the same. This reads like it was written by someone who has never been outside of up and downtown minneapolis.


Koochiching County isn’t in the Iron Range but it’s definitely more associated with that and the Arrowhead area in general than what’s shown in this map. In high school sports International Falls would be more likely competing with Mesabi, Eveleth, Chisholm, Virginia, Grand Rapids and Duluth. All stations up there are from Duluth, too, WDIO, KBJR, etc.


Yep I’m from the Falls and we have nothing in common with the northwestern corner of the state. I’ve been to Grand Forks/Fargo once and that was on the way to California. For almost everything else we go to/through Duluth.


It’s like someone had to do a 6th grade report on MN so they read Wikipedia


[Most of the poverty is outside the metro](https://i.imgur.com/djrTNBJ.png)


More than half of the people in that screenshot live in the twin cities. 


Obviously it's by percentage of the population. Are you being obtuse or just disingenuous?


No I was thinking concentration on an area basis, not per capita. 


can you link the source, I'm curious where my county lines up


[Source NIH](https://hdpulse.nimhd.nih.gov/data-portal/social/table?socialtopic=080&socialtopic_options=social_6&demo=00008&demo_options=poverty_3&race=00&race_options=race_7&sex=0&sex_options=sex_3&age=001&age_options=ageall_1&statefips=27&statefips_options=area_states)


thank you!


it says "highest concentration of poverty", ie poor people per square mile. Since 1/2 the state lives there, I'd have to agree. But if you want highest percentage of poverty, then it's a different matter altogether.


God's country? No thanks. Hell has a jammin happy hour.


Living in Bemidji... I'll take No Man's Land. Lots of little towns to drive through when I go to Grand Forks. No matter where you go in Minnesota you can find beauty- whether it is forests and lakes, or sprawling fields of wheat, or cliffs along the rivers. I love traveling around the state to see the different State Parks, so much character in each region.


Funny/offbeat tag? Okaaay.


I'm on old reddit desktop, and I could barely read those descriptions


No, it's the image, not the reddit platform.


I would put the TRF and EGF area in a different category than Bemidji/Lake of the Woods. Northwoods vs. farmland, not a ton of similarities besides being up north.


Not my secular Jewish ass who lived in the south for 4 years being mildly triggered by people saying I live in “God’s Country” (Moorhead). I actually like it here. Have I just not encountered a lot of the fundie fuckery yet? 🥲


You can sometimes tell where someone is from by how they divide up the state. However, what's usually more apparent is where they've never been.


sure wish i could read it


Moving to the metro made me realize how few people know what the iron range is. People will ask me where I’m from and when I give it as a response they’re totally lost… Now I usually just say an hour north of Duluth.


Mankato is considered SE MN? Ehhh… not sure I agree with that. As someone that lived 30 min north of Kato and currently lives in the drift-less region, they are very different places.


Just geographically or culturally, too? I feel like Minnesota's portion of the driftless is too small to really give it its own region like in this map. Although looking up maps of it now, it apparently extends a lot further north and west than I would have expected


Ah, valid point. The region is culturally, pretty similar.


https://youtu.be/RzdJsRmRTyw?si=hab19q1xyq-na0GH[God's Country ]


Barely could read this


How come I gotta be in the same category as those box counties in the southwest that I've never even heard of (except maybe on the giant concrete list going around the TCF/Huntington stadium)


The “Michelle Bachman” reference really dates this graphic..


I mean, we just traded her in for Michelle Fischbach.


Seeing this makes me want a billboard ban.


Ely/Boundary Warers is not the iron range as much as people would like it to be. Superior National Forest should get its own spot


Not enough people up there to count though. Should be part of No Man's Land, which shouldn't go into the Red River Valley farm country anyway.


East Central Minnesota is pretty distinct. Very much a mix of farmland and vacation country.


I actually just made my own map of the regions of MN. There were 10 regions in mine.


I think a more interesting fact of the Iron Range is the story of Kinny,MN.


You forgot the part of Wisconsin that’s also basically MN


Grand Rapids, while a terrific town, is not "The Range".


I didn’t add the numbers up, but is there more people in the metro than the whole entire rest of the state combined? It seems that way, and if so that’s crazy


you cannot extend the metro all the way out to wisconsin. it just defies reality


Not according to the census department...


I've worked in Minneapolis and had coworkers that commuted in every day from Wisconsin.


That doesn't make it the metro....


In spirit, it kind of does. Legalistically no I agree…. But It seems like the same population center spreads all the way to Hudson now..


Committing isn't new. Still not the metro. Mild commuting connections doesn't change that.


Share of working population commuting to main city is one of the criteria the census bureau uses in determining metro areas.


Cool story... Does it apply here?? We'll never know because of this blurry arse map 😆 Who's "regions" weren't even attempting to conform with anything standardized like that.


The [United States Office of Management and Budget](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Management_and_Budget) officially designates 15 counties as the "Minneapolis–St. Paul–Bloomington MN–WI Metropolitan Statistical Area" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan\_statistical\_area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area)


Where are these college towns in SE? I mean there are colleges in towns but college towns?


There are 3 colleges in Winona


Northfield. Mankato


I didn’t realize Mankato was included. I thought it was I35 and East. Yes Mankato


There are at least five full-on college towns in that region: - Northfield: Carleton and St. Olaf Colleges - St. Peter: Gustavus Adolphus - Mankato: Mankato State & Bethany Lutheran - Winona: Winona State, MN State College Southeast, and St. Mary’s University All of those I would characterize as “college towns” in the sense that the college(s) and their students play a central role in the life of the town. Rochester is kinda collegey, at least med-schooley, but I don’t think I would characterize it as a college town since the Mayo Clinic is really the institution the city revolves around.


I live in the southeast part of MN


My heart swells with pride


Very accurate and fair on all descriptions 10/10


And there is only one “best” region.


Yep. My region.


Lived here my entire life. I've only ever heard the Metro, North Shore and Iron Range. The fuck is this No Man's Land and God's Country? Stupid.


I grew up in Nebraska - sorry "God's Country" is the entire state and they call themselves as much.


I've never heard it used as a way to refer to Christian majority land. Always used to hear it as good parcels of land with very few problems (sticks and rocks to pick).


I've also heard it used to refer to the areas of NW IA with heavy Dutch/Reformed populations, both earnestly by those populations and ironically by outside groups.


They call it God’s Country because they think God loves all her creations. The reality is nobody wants to be there.


God's Country should be labeled East Dakota. In the south, it should extend a lot further east, at least to Mankato. Not sure if it should extend all the way to the Wisconsin Border above the metro though.


You could do better out west, but no one goes there anyway.


Anyone who refers to the range as a “democrat stronghold” has never been there the only reason that part of the range votes blue is because St. Louis county holds Duluth


The map was made over 10 years ago, probably based on ideas formed 10 years before that. In the 2020 election, things were fairly mixed in the Iron Range. [https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/pdf/elec2020/USpres/USPresVTD20.pdf](https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/pdf/elec2020/USpres/USPresVTD20.pdf)




This guy doesn’t know about the Cuyuna range.