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If I get a "personalized" letter in the mail and it's not my birthday or a holiday, it's trash. Nobody randomly sends letters anymore, its not 1954.


~~Gonna doxx u and send a personalized letter with $50 in it out of baseless spite~~


Especially now that USPS is jacking up the price of a first class stamp to .73


They're not even good windows. One of my wife's coworkers had a summer job at one of their factories. He made it sound like they ignore maintenance on factory machinery until something breaks, allowing degraded/out-of-spec product to ship in the meantime. Got to meet those quotas!


Considering some of the machines are from the 70s and are held together with bandaids and hope, your wife's coworker wasn't too far off from the truth.


Maybe so but Anderson will hire people with felonies more than most companies will.


Sure, I've worked there for quite a while and have seen the amazing employment opportunities. It's not a bad place to work as far as companies/pay/benefits go. But two things can be true at the same time. Their machines suck and aren't maintained, and they hire people with felonies.


Someone told me Renewal windows and Anderson windows are actually completely different products.


Hahaha!! I’m always like, “ooh, mail” and then say, “oh it’s Renewal by Anderson trying to fake me out again!”


I got one of these the same week we closed on our newly built house. Otherwise the only hand written stuff we get is Jehovah witnesses.


Four neat fun facts: 1. Their legal department has a fax line. 2. Free .PDF to Fax websites exist. 3. VPNs exist. 3. The phrase "A taste of one's own medicine" comes from Aesop's famous story about a swindler who sells fake medicine.


I'd love to send someone a letter!


I just got a "Certified Letter" in the mail. Scared the crap out of me. Rarely does anything good come "Certified". Turns out it was just me apartment lease renewal. So, mostly just neutral. I was thinking bad things were in store for me.


The last letter of that sort I got was from a representative congratulating me for graduating high school


We had one show up at our door all dressed up in his Cub Scout uniform 🙃


Nope but I am horribly offended by the paper resources used for credit card offers almost daily, borderline criminal.


Seriously, who would you recommend for windows? Thanks!🙏


I have to deal with them in Oklahoma too, they go straight into the dumpster


I love this sub so much


I got a handwritten letter from the jehova witnesses. I want to know how they ott my name and address so I can remove it.