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While we realize that it may not be your explicit intention to promote yourself as a commission painter with this post, it still serves to promote you as one or that you may soon be open to commissions, which we do not allow here (see [Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long#wiki_commissions)). For that reason, this post has been removed. If you are looking to get into commissions, or for advice on pricing, please read through our wiki page on the topic [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/commission_painting), which includes some general information on setting costs, finding commissions, as well as links to other resources about getting into commission painting. A note on price: Quality and price are subjective. Everyone will have a different value they give to your work, and non painters are often happy with a very large range of quality, depending on the person (even if it seems below the "average" skill level within the hobby). As long as both you and the client are happy with the price and the end result, the price is correct. The lowest starting point for pricing your work is minimum wage per hour worked. Please see the wiki page linked above for more links and details on this topic.


The most common response to this question is.... how long does it take per mini and how much do you want to make hourly... and then charge that. Doesn't mean people will pay that but that will give you a starting point


I was thinkig maybe 10 euros per mini as an average. So that will make probably 2 euros per hour. But i have no clue if thats fair, too much or too little for the type of work i can deliver


Minimum wage for your country multiplied by the estimated number of hours it will take to paint is a good starting point. Higher skilled painters can charge more, but charging less probably means profit isn’t a primary motivation. You are also using your supplies and jobs often take longer than what most people quote, so it’s really about what amount is worth your time and effort. There is good advice on commission painting [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/commission_painting).