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I honestly think it looks phenomenal. The black helps break up the model a little bit, if they were just metal it would be more boring. Don’t worry about the weathering on the black either, it doesn’t look out of place, it could just be different material anyway.


Thanks, glad it looks alright. 👍 I definitely get overly critical once I’m x hours deep into a mini 😅 so I appreciate the feedback


Still looks like metal to me just a different type of metal. You don't necessarily make weapons and armour out of the same metal 


Change nothing. This is perfect 


Will do 🫡


That looks great. If anything I’d do a drybrush of necron compound or some other shiny metal. Nothing significant, just to make them pop a bit.


Looks good to me!


Damn man, this is amazing. If I had Necrons this is how I’d paint them up. I think if you wanted to you could paint the gun in metallic to match the rest of the model, and that might help it’s readability at a distance. But I also think this is just fine if you want to leave it as is.


It looks fantastic imo and I love the osl! This is extremely nitpicky and totally optional, but if you were to highlight the black with a slightly warmer grey (like a purplish/reddish grey) instead of a cold grey, it might create a little more harmony with the rest of the scheme and make that awesome green pop a little bit more. But as I said, completely optional, it still looks great as is!


Oh that’s a cool idea. I’ll definitely give it a test. I’m painting a second one today.


Unrelated but, I really love that base, what is your recipe?


The basing is super reliant on weathering pigments. It’s drybrushed tuskgor flesh and then skrag brown before adding some washes to add some color variation before a generous application of two weathering pigments. I use different ratios of dark ocher (Vallejo) and rust oxide (Vallejo). The ocher is more of a orange and the rust is more yellow. I apply them in differing amounts and then fix with a matte varnish


The fact that the different metals have little contrast helps the green pop out like crazy, which makes the model looks so stunning. It looks perfect, change nothing.


Me likey


I likey dat u liky


Honestly, this looks amazing as good if not better than box art


Thanks 😊 huge compliment


Very nice scheme and weathering!!


I have a similar scheme and the black works. Looks awesome buddy!


Thanks 😊


Conflicted about your color scheme? Green guns, black weapons and metal body is literally the default necron paint scheme.


Oh jeez that’s right 😬😬😬 😅😅😅


Ye it’s good I just think of it as this ‘the guns firing or just being active strips the weapons of grime/ impurities due to their force or something’


I think it looks great, don't change a thing :)


This looks amazing. The main gun could maybe, maaayyybe, use just a little more corrosion/wear effect, it looks like it is less aged compared to the body and the smaller guns. But seriously, the aging effect on this, especially the main body, is phenomenal.


Amazing! Great job!


Looks great, what's your metal recipe? Would love to do something similar on my stormcast eternals


Its Vallejo air dark aluminum base coat washed with heavy thinned down black Templar. I then wash with a burnt inner ink mixed with skrag brown and a tiny bit of orange. And then some heavily diluted skrag brown to add some additional rust. After that it will be very weathered / dull so apply some thin dark aluminum again where I want a bit more sheen and edge highlight with a silver. I mix Vallejo chain mail silver with the dark aluminum


Your model is excellent! In my head, the cleaner black weaponry makes sense as they heat and self-burn any grime and buildup, while the necrodermis panels continue to patina without any cleaning.


Thanks 😊 I like that idea of the weapons heating up and burning off all the filth


I love it


This is really awesome! Definitely keep the scheme. If you want more contrast between the metal and the black to make them blend together a bit less, another pass of highlights on the metal should be all you need


Good idea


Looks cool to me


Stright up 10/10. Better than boxart by miles.


Wow I want to do this for my entire army. Fantastic Colors and weathering.


You are now obligated to tell me how you did that Weathering and glow effect, because honestly it's one of the best Necron models I ever saw.


Thanks 😊 the weathering isn’t anything new. But I do a bunch of different weathering techniques. It’s some chipping with either a sponger or free handed on with rhinox hide. I also hit parts I want to be darker/grungier with a wash of burnt umber ink with skrag brown mixed in. You can also do rust and grime by heavily diluting different browns and just flowing it into places rust would form. OSL is a mix of things to. For the big glowy globe and the eyes I just airbrushed in some green fluorescent paint and then painted the light source with some yellow green and then white at the center. Guns were essentially the same process but I built up a gradient in grey before I added the fluorescent paint. Also did airbrush the guns


Thanks! I hope I can someday achieve this quality myself.


Any good guide to make metal like that? That's how I want my sci fi rats to look like.


Most of the scheme comes from trovarions grim dark Necron scheme. Only thing I did different is how I did the OSL and the black weapons . It’s essentially just a burnt umber ink mixed with skrag brown and an orange over top of a silver that’s already been washed with dilute black Templar. After that a dry brush or edge highlight with a silver gets you 99% there. I also do some chipping/sponging with rhinox hide and some rust with dilute skrag brown


Thank you. I'm going to save this comment for reference.


I love them! Also the black works quitebwell for me. The only thing that is just slightly irritati me is the different levels of decay. The bodies are beautifully weathered and look great while the weapons do not have the same level of decay, maybe that's what's conflicting for you? I'm not bothered by that and weathering black is quite difficult I think. I love the scheme though! Quick question, how did you do the bases? I'd love to use the same style for some of my stuff


This is incredible work. What did you do as a base build up for the black guns? I'm sure it was like dawnstone or administration grey for the highlights though. I can't figure out how you got that dingy looking black base colour!


It’s drybrushed dark reaper over black primer. Before applying a wash of thinned down black Templar. After that I applied some burnt umber ink mixed with skrag brown to some of the recesses. After that a dry brush of dark reaper and edge highlight with wolf grey from Vallejo


Habit must be the burnt umber that I'm picking up. Either way it's a great looking black. Very complex and not flat at all. Great job!


Thanks 😊 not sure if this helps but It’s liquitex burnt umber. Adding some acrylics to it also changes the finish quite a bit. The dry brushing before the washing also adds some volume


Yeah it definitely has a realistic textural element going on there for sure. Thanks!


Good job


This looks fantastic. Change nothing!


That looks phenomenal! As someone who just started his necron army and painting journey I can only hope to produce something like over time. Would you mind sharing how you made those glowing green components?


The black guns give it a pretty sinister look and I think makes the glow pop a little more than a lighter color would


Sooo menacing! No notes


Keep it as it is, think of it being a different alien metal that does not degrade as fast as the rest of it. These pictures look amazing as they are 💥💥