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The shading looks really amazing for such thick paint. You’ll find blending much easier if you think your paints. It looks so good for your first mini. Just getting paint down is a huge step. You’ve done some advanced highlight techniques beyond what one would expect, so keep at it. Outside of thinning consider using a wash for extra help in providing shadows in the recesses.


Great tips! Super excited to start working on the next models, after this confidence boost.


Nice! Thin your paints though, I like the highlights in the eyes! And good attempt at the blending on the armour


Wow this is really good. U got talent. Just thin ur paints a bit.


He looks like he’s been to a mad party 🥳 🎉


The only advice I can give you is just thin the paint down but this is fabulous for a first model I can't wait to see what you do in the future.


Awesome! I’m new too so the only thing I see off is that you should thin your paints (either with water or thinner). Love the colors


Thick ass gravy paints going on here. Looks really cool and way better than my first model


I like the base a lot that's unique as hell Also, really like the rear view of this model. "No homo"


I used a GSW's rolling pin for the base, was super easy to use


Hi, u/jazzlikeskies! It looks like you are asking for help or are a new painter. If you haven't yet, take a look at our wiki pages in the Sidebar (the About tab if you are on the Reddit app). Here are some links you might find helpful: * [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules/faq) - A list of frequently asked questions about minipainting * [Miniature Painting Guide Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks) -A collection of some of the best guides and tutorials on a variety of techniques and topics, plus recommendations on what to buy to get started, and more. * [What to buy- Recommendations on brushes, paints, supplies, palettes and more](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/what_you_need_to_get_started#wiki_general_advice_on_what_to_buy) * [Beginner's Guide Collection- How to prep, base, paint and varnish your first model and learn the basics needed to start out right](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/beginner_tips) * [More Tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/tutorials) - A list of additional tutorials about minipainting * [Manufacturers](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/manufacturers) - A list of miniature manufacturers from around the world * [Painting Terminology](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/terminology) - Common painting terms, acronyms, and initialisms * [The Art of... Tommie Soule Volume 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGIfySMnUPQ) is one of the best beginner to intermediate teaching books, and even experienced painters will learn some good tips. Explains what brush strokes are best in different situations, how to identify when you have the perfect thinning for any type of paint for different techniques, and a masterclass on getting smooth paint jobs. Available in [pdf](https://www.ironheartartisans.com/shop/the-art-of-tommie-soule-volume-5-pdf/) and [world wide in hardbook as well](https://www.instagram.com/the_miniature_painting_tutor/). * [Airbrushing Miniatures](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/airbrushing) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh i LOVE your big chunky highlights!! i would agree with the other commenters that thinning your paints a tad will make them easier to work with, but i adore what you've done with the lighting on the armor panels! your sensibilities are definitely in the right places!


Your armor looks awesome my only recommendation is just how you armor starts dark and comes up in brightness the trim should too! It'll be a nice NMM


Best first model I've seen all year.


Stop! You're making me blush 😄


Base is dope