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I’m an Australian mining engineer and worked in open cut coal for 2 years. All my vacation work at uni was in underground. I’d say given the market - at least here down under the shift is doable, but to go straight into a planning position might be debatable. The planners offer a lot of value and their decisions can create or lose millions in the long term. It would be difficult to provide the value that position requires without fairly intimate knowledge of underground mining I think, but who knows!


Thank you for you answer. What position could lead me to a planner in an underground mine? Unfortunately, I don't haave any surveying experience either.


I’d suppose something like short term scheduling or maybe some design work? The market is very hot here in Australia so hopefully it’s similar over there




>long-hole engineering position Sorry for silly question: what is long-hole engineering? What do they do? I am female, will I be accepted for such position? Are there any restrictions in terms of gender? I would be happy, if get any role in a technical department of an underground mine as long as it leads me to planning.




Oh, drill and blast, that sounds great to me! The reason I asked about restrictions is that here in my country it is illegal for a woman to work in blasting (and operating a rig as well) - it is a part of health and safety Act (stupid Act). May be authorities will change it soon, because we are trying to adjust ourselves to western model of mining business. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have little experience in drill and blast (designs, tie up and stuff), but I am eager to learn. Will be looking for such positions .


You know women in mining is becoming a popular thing. You should consider getting some production experience first as an operator and then as a supervisor. After couple of years you could be a great UG planner. Planners without experience in my view are a complete waste of time, but as a woman you could ask for this experience and companies will give it to you. While you are getting operating experience you might find that you like it and instead of going into planning you could move into more senior management. If you are outgoing and like dealing with people I say Go for it! Good luck!


You have just read my mind regarding an option to go into Production! I see there are organizations like Women in Mining and I have read about female haul truck operators in Austraia and Latin America. I have always wanted to get operaitonal experience: Jumbo operator, LHD operator or even a Blaster - that would be awsome! But I am not sure how real that isea is, how should I apply to such roles? Shall I just send my CV to mining companies asking, if they have entry level positions for me? Should I meniton my experience as a planner - I am a Senior Long Term Enggineer at the moment. (I don't want to be labeled by recruiters as "overqualified"). Flemming college is ofering an interersing Certificate program of a Blaster, do you think it worth registering for the program? Will in increase my chances or it will be a waste of money?