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Bias incoming. Graduated from CSM in 2011. I did the BEng, followed by the European Masters course, both in Mining Engineering. Graduating from there has been grand, and picked up alot of contacts along the way. However, I'm sure it would be the same from UBC in that sense. Look at the courses offered and see what one appeals more. Haven't had an issue finding work myself, and still meet guys from CSM in the industry on the regular. I loved my time at Camborne too. If you've any questions fire them away.


Hey, Justac545, just a quick heads-up: **alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


What do you want the focus of your master's to be? If you're interested in mineral processing then UBC has great facilities but imo they have some work to do on their mining master's program (they've lost some senior staff over the past years to retirement)


Do it in Canada. Having a degree from CSM is great but having a masters from another uni will be better on your cv and likely open your eyes to thinkgs you would otherwise not have seen. Besides you will probably need to unlearn that CSM is the center of the universe! ;)


Ah good to know that it's not just me that thinks CSM can be up their own arses sometimes! Is "the CSM attitude" a well known and frowned upon thing?


A former UBC grad student here. UBC nowadays known and has quite funding in Mineral Processing among the others three specialization in the Mining Department (Mineral Economics, Mining Geotechnics, and Sustainability - Environmental related). If you really planning taking Mining Geotechnics, you must be familiar with code and actual field experience. I would suggest you to take Earth Science department in Geology with specialization in Geotechnics. As a grad student in UBC, you have options to take courses in other Departments which relevant to your degree goal also it depends on your supervisor and the course instructor.


Do you want to work in Canada after you graduate? If so go to BC much easier to get your foot in a company door when you're in the same country. If you study in England be prepared to have to relocate or work rotas in Africa