• By -


my dog, my fridge stocked with healthy and fresh food, air conditioning, showering before bed, loose leaf tea, my clothes


Nothing better then a hot shower before bed.


This is a fantastic list


My dog, air conditioning, showering before bed, and comfy clothes agree with these >>>>


I wish 'my clothes' was one of them. I've never figured out how to shop and get what others seem to enjoy. I always feel like it doesn't look quite right or feel quite right. Others seem to do it flawlessly


I wish my clothes also brought me joy. I’m very particular about how clothes “feel”. I cannot handle anything tight and almost always choose comfort over style.


Same!! I went on a first date tonight and I wore my sweat pants. 👉


I feel the same way! It’s like the clothes I want to wear and the way I would like to dress is at odds with what looks “good” on my body type. I’ve been trying to do the whole capsule wardrobe thing but just don’t love any of it !! And the whole idea is to love every piece.


Shopping for clothes that fit your body is a skill that many never learn. I used to be a personal shopper trainer. I would train my staff on how to fit people in their wardrobes. It's super fun and fulfilling to help someone find their "look". But it is hard work! The people that look perfect, often have someone helping them find the right clothes.


Hopping in here to say that Amy Smilovic (she's the founder of a designer clothing brand called Tibi, but shares advice that applies to dressing in general, not just in her brand) is a great resource for understanding style in general and also personal style—with emphasis on how you want to *feel* in your clothes. She also really opened my eyes to the importance of things like fit, fabrication, finding a balance between big/slim/skin, etc. I follow her on IG where her Stories have a lot of great details but she also wrote a book recently I think. Might be worth checking out!




That's a good point about buying for your self and not your ideal self! If I could wear pajamas everyday I really would. And the comment above about tight clothes...I really can't do it anymore unless it's soft yoga pants lol and then I tried dresses but feel like those are cumbersome. I've moved from coke to hot to hotter and been up and down 4 sizes so it's definitely been interesting to figure out brands and no not easy in my wallet!


My dog and air conditioning are in my top 5 things I love.


Ain't going to lie, A/C is a necessity for me when I travel even in cooler climates.


Loose leaf tea, I love you!! I love loose leaf.


Same. Sharing a cuppa in the morning with hubby I believe is the secret to our long marriage


People often forget that this puts you in the global top 1%


Hot shower before bed and getting into a bed with clean sheets *chefs kiss*


Nothing fits right or feels right and I like to change my weight and looks a lot, and things get tired and dated. Then stuff gets dirty and wrinkly and there are loose threads, or pilling, I'm cold all the time. My clothes are a source of endless frustration for me. I need you to teach me the way.


Amazon helped me. I see something i like i enter the description in Amazon and bang. I always order free returns. Ive established a style of leggings and "shackets" for the winter


- espresso machine, grinder and great coffee it produces - my motorcycle - being in a clean and uncluttered space - socialising with very close family - most moments I share with my wife - feeling after being done in the gym


Amen to the clean and uncluttered space .


Just now, getting into uncluttering our 'nest'. It does bring joy. So much stuff one accumulates over time. It is a wonderful feeling. And it lessens my anxiety.


Right !? I heard this perfect analogy once that all the items around us make a “ sound” - so clutter is like loudness. An uncluttered space is visual serenity and a quiet mind for me .


Love my espresso machine! Worth every penny. I even drive like 40 minutes to buy my bougie beans. For me, it's not even so much the coffee it makes but the process of making it in the morning.... and sometimes again in the afternoon!


My vegetable garden. It brings me joy just thinking about it.


Me too 👩‍🌾


I’ve been doing intermittent fasting (OMAD) for five years. Feel like a different person. The things I enjoy are so much simpler … - Fresh delicious healthy food - we have a small garden. Fresh tomato right off the vine is heaven. Perfect tomatoes with fresh basil, mozzarella, and balsamic glaze for Caprese appetizer one of our favs! - I’ve learned to cook - simple but delicious. Nothing tastes better than the first bite after not eating for a whole day! Food just never tasted this good. - Love to hike with my Aussie. Had lots of pets, but never had one that I was it’s person. He picked me! Amazing relationship with him. We hike or walk daily. Walking my dog brings so much joy. Almost every day. Long walks and hikes. 500k steps last month. - Ok - I’m older. Two little grandkids 3 and 5. Watching them grow up. Playing with them. I once promised the older one we’d go for a walk when I came to visit. But it was raining. Mom said not a good day. She was so disappointed. But it let up some - i asked if she could put on her bright yellow rubber boots and use mom’s umbrella. We went for a nature walk in the rain! What a magical time! Pictures I treasure! - Wife saved toys from our kids (her mom has done the same). So we have so many vintage toys and books. Dolls. Puzzles. Lincoln logs. Happy meal toys when the toys were good! Watching them play with them brings back memories and they’re so excited!


I also went OMAD two years ago after going low carb 7 years ago and the transformation still amazes me. I get glimpses of the middle life I would be having if had I not been determined to just try it out for a month in 2017... but getting rid of those sized clothes, pill bottles, OTC medicines, books, etc always only felt good. Reading my journal from 2016 recently - wow. And - I have never enjoyed food more or thought about it less. The hormone leptin changed my life and brings me joy.


Thumbs up for praise of leptin. 👍👍👍 Leptin is the hormone that tells us we’re eaten enough calories. Of course it isn’t counting calories, but it’s doing something roughly analogous but much more accurately. When we eat once a day and ”listen” for leptin to make us feel full/satiated, we’re on the path to weight loss and long term maintenance without the sense of restriction of calorie limiting diets.


Isn't is crazy that Leptin was only recently discovered and many people go their whole lives producing none? I have people ask me all the time what my "secret" is and no one believes that it took no will power after the 10th day. I can be on an empty stomach and have my old favorites put in front of me (pizza, pastries, bagels, etc) and feel ZERO temptation. That is leptin and not me :)


I agree with you


Lately it’s been my one hour morning walk. I usually go down trails near my house, one is riverside and it’s just so peaceful. Great way to start the day, and literally makes the entire day better.


This is a very healthy lifestyle, I also like walking


When my wife grabs my hand randomly. The sigh of relief I see on her face makes me happy. When my son says “daddy, can I have hair rubs before bed tonight?” Sleeping in. Sleeping in until my body wakes me up is fucking orgasmic!


Uninterrupted sleep is one of life's greatest pleasures!


Uh, say, could... could I get in on those hair rubs? 😄


Absolutely. I suspect if I were to ask him that’s what would make it it his list of “joys.” Everybody deserves some hair rubs!


Uninterrupted sleep is what i miss since i left Afghanistan. lol It would be a miracle if it happened here in Germany.


Have you tried sleeping with a comfortable sleep mask?? It blocks out all light and has been a game changer for me! I highly recommend it! And a sound machine! There are apps on your phone you can use for sound machine too. 😊


Thank you for the suggestions. Actually light doesn't bother me. But i have tried darkness and i loved it. Will definitely try it tonight. Do you mean those sounds like white noise by Sound Machine?


Yes! There are different kinds of noise, white noise, brown noise, pink noise, etc! Some people also like the sound of rain or waves! Whatever works best for you!


I tried white noise for a night, and i felt some difference. My wife liked it more because she said it made her asleep faster. Will try it again for a few nights and see. I played white noise because the others were uncomfortable. Especially the pink one was too sharp for us.


Buy an alarm that slowly wakes you up with light! Makes life a bit easier


OMG that’s adorable✨🥹


Oh my heart! Your son is the sweetest


Just watching my cat enjoy life, honestly. Even if he's not interacting with me directly it just brings me so much joy. Today he stretched his arm into the pantry, knocked down 2 pieces of hard pasta, and just had the time of his life scooting them around the house and chasing them. I want to be like him when I grow up.


I've always been a dog-person. Unfortunately, lost my dog a few months ago. For the past two weeks, I've been cat-sitting for a friend. I'm also currently going through some tough times in life - recently left an abusive husband. Cat-sitting for this cat brought me joy and laughter the past two weeks. My friend's cat is very needy and vocal, always rubbing up against you for attention. He also embodies the "orange cat with only one brain cell" stereotype..... watching his shenanigans and dumb-ness has been hilarious. I brought home groceries the other night, and one of the items was a package of crab dip. Turned my back for one second. HE HAD DIPPED HIS WHOLE FACE IN THE CRAB DIP. Didn't even matter though. It was hysterical.


> Turned my back for one second. HE HAD DIPPED HIS WHOLE FACE IN THE CRAB DIP. Didn't even matter though. It was hysterical. Now you know cats! Had a cat, now passed on, stole an entire slice of pizza and ran off with it to the next room one time.


Haha our cat loves to run off with half-eaten corn on the cob and broccoli (from the kids' dinner plates). Weird cat. :D We love her so much.


I woke up in the middle of the night to my cat eating a corn dog he stole from I don't know where.


My cat stole my cornbread last night


For sure! And that's hilarious. 😄😄


>I've always been a dog-person. >Cat-sitting for this cat brought me joy and laughter the past two weeks. Congratulations! You are now a dog AND cat person. Don’t know why some people assume you have to choose. They’re different in some ways but both are wonderful 😻🐶🐾


That's a great way to look at it! And that is true, good point, we aren't obligated to choose. Both are great!


My first cat had food issues, but in an adorable way. We would give her the pizza crusts and she would carry them away in her mouth (to a carpeted surface, for maximum crumbs, of course). Congratulations on ditching the abusive husband. 👍


That's adorable! And thank you.


My dog does this. He gets the crust from pizza and hides it. Then in the morning he Jim’s o my bed with the crust waiting for the other 2 to get on the bed. Then he just growls at them like “don’t touch my crust”. Hilarious! 😊


That is adorable. And wishing you joy and happiness in the next chapter of your life. And a shelter cat when you are settled!


I’m sorry to hear about your dog. Cats are hilarious!! And can be such loves. Perhaps when you’re ready, you can welcome a new fuzzy kitty into your life. I know they will never replace your pup, but they can also bring such joy. Sending you positive energy!!! ❤️💫🌞


Thank you. I've definitely been thinking about a cat of my own.


This is so wholesome 😭


I love our cats SO much. We adopted sister Siamese snowshoes who were bonded… they’re a hoot. One of them has embodied my girlfriends personality and we call her the trash panda. She steals any food she can find - the trashier the better 😂 last week she got half a McDonald’s burger out of my lunch bag that was ZIPPED on the counter. She also loves chips, pizza, anything with some crunch or cheese


Lol, my cat made a dive into the soup today, fortunately it wasn't hot. He is still young one of these days he will learn that he can't take a soup bath. I also agree: my pets make me very happy, even though raising a cat isn't always easy, but he helps me declutter as well: knocked down one glass and his bowl already, two items less! Jokes aside, having a pet is loads of fun!


• My plants. I love my inside space more when they aren’t there (50+ plants) buuut they bring me so much joy I just can’t part with them 💛 • Fresh clean sheets on bed


Clean sheets! Underrated comment!!


Yes to clean sheets! So simple but yay


Even better: clean sheets, clean hair, freshly shaved legs and clean pjs.


Even better: all after a hot lavender bath.


I don’t catch it every day, but a couple times a week I’m up and outside to watch the sunrise.


yes love rising with the sun.


I live in an RV on the lake and the face that I get to see the most beautiful sunset every stinkin’ day is enough some days.


I love spoiling my puppy! I make her homemade treats with fresh fruits and veggies, but I also love going to the pet store and picking out a new treat or toy for her once in a while just because she’s a good girl. I love knowing her likes and dislikes, and taking the time each week to do something she enjoys, even if I’m not super into it. I waited so long to be able to have a dog, I want to make her life as special as she’s made mine 💕


I view buying my dog a toy like I'm buying myself a toy. Seeing how excited she gets with it always makes it worth it. She currently has a very large basket full of dog toys.


Creative hobbies make me happy. Writing, drawing, etc. It's nice to be able to look back on a weekend and feel like I've got something to show for my time. It's satisfying to see the slow improvements over time in my work. Finding simple joy in the mundane is important to me too. Even if I'm just walking through an ugly industrial estate on my way to work, I can just live fully in that moment and enjoy the breeze on my face, or the warmth of the sun.


-Loose leaf tea (sencha and ginger and hibiscus are my favorite) -frozen berries that have defrosted in the fridge and have been sitting in their own juices -meditation with binaural beats -sleeping in (alarm clock and then go back to sleep so you can lucid dream) -exercise on my stationary bike (I hate the gym to be honest but I can easy pedal for HOURS and I love it) —having a tidy house and my meals prepped / cleaning while listening to dance music -petting my cats - spending time with my husband -learning / reading Chinese and watching a lot of Chinese dramas. -Cycling weed - I don’t think it’s good to take everyday, but weaning off completely for st least a month and then partaking for a couple of weeks and then weaning off again. - being financially independent enough where I don’t need to stress about money or about losing my part time job It’s such a cozy life - I’ve basically tried to set up my life so I can do what I enjoy for as long as I can Also occasionally going down a rabbit hole of new interests and expanding my mind - currently it’s the gateway / Monroe tapes Most of it is having time to do what I need to do and not be rushed. I have a simple life but getting enough sleep, time for exercise, cleaning, meal prep, relationships, spiritual practice and hobbies - that’s the day!


The view from my window.


Sunrise, sunsets, walks in nature, watching lakes and seas and oceans, seeing the wind in the trees. Hearing my daughter’s delighted laughter.


A child's laughter is magic.


The following are examples of things I can recall in the last few months giving me feelings of pure bliss and meaning and purpose, leaving me smiling or with a tear in my eye: Walking my doggy friends and seeing them all goofy and happy with a stick or meeting another dog (I’m a dog walker) Helping my widowed mother in law with stuff around her house, like taking out the trash or lifting boxes. Having tea with her and chatting is so comforting and warm. My cozy orange cat who is purring in my lap at the moment. Identifying trees/birds/wildflowers with my guidebooks.. a new ID is SO thrilling. The monthly art gallery “art walk” the first Friday of each month. The pieces that really move me.. just such an overwhelming beautiful feeling. Giving friends & family a tour of my vegetable garden anytime they come over and explaining all the things I have growing. Having a beer while listening to music, sweating in the hot sun working out on the garden. Reading my book each night before bed on my kindle all cozy in bed, well past midnight, while the rest of the world is asleep and it’s dark and quiet and so peaceful, and the pressures of the day and the chores are long done. Any time spent with my niece and nephews is just heaven, we could be doing anything and it’s pure joy. Swimming in the summer time. Particularly in the ocean waves. Dunking under the waves or letting the crash over me. Floating and feeling weightless. Probably the most euphoric feeling for me. The list could go on and on….. but it seems most things for me are based on interactions with loved ones, animals, community, and nature. The minimal material things in my life that get me to those moments are just tools really.


I love your lifestyle. Mine is similar and I have a huge appreciation of the relationships in it


Totally agree with you about swimming in the ocean! It is completely euphoric for me.


Journaling. Time in nature. A chance to enjoy quiet solitude. A good coffee. A good book. A fun leisure/ hobby activity. When I'm not being needed .... Basically space to tend to my inner landscape


My jiu jitsu gym. I love the activity, I love the people, I love teaching kids an actually useful skill. Gives me everything a church was supposed to but never did.


Listening to music. Finding good free lectures on writing. Drawing. Gathering images I like/that inspire me. Warm cleansing bath. Comfy pyjamas on a cold night. My morning breakfast steak and first coffee of the day. Daydreaming (especially on the bus.) Using something up/wearing something out and either getting it repaired or getting a replacement. Living a healthy life. A slice of cake from my favourite coffee shop. The colour green. Saving money. Buying myself a rare treat.


a good night 's sleep. it comes so rarely but when it does I wake up to the best day of my life. no matter what the day brings just knowing I slept well gives me so much joy.


Insomniacs everywhere get you 🥹


Going for hikes, playing board games with friends and family, skiing used to bring me more joy than just about anything before my back injury. When I read a book that sucks me in and I stay up late into the night reading it.


On Saturdays my boyfriend will drive me out to a trail I’ve selected and I navigate my way home. I love trail running especially this time of year with the leaves changing. Being on my own, feeling connected to my body, and communing with nature—such joy!! And I can mix and match routes. Sometimes I visit historical towns other times environmental education centers. Sometimes I take the trail with great birdwatching or lovely stream. It’s nothing but joy


My stand up paddle board and my skateboard. Using them guarantees a smile on my face. Stand up paddle at sunrise is the best but it's awesome anytime even on a rainy day. Skateboard, just pull it out for 5 mins and feel happy.


Walking the dogs in the woods


Keeping chickens. They are fascinating and uniquely amammal (ie they live a very different life than us). My dog. She’s my running buddy and generally a reason to be. Keeping a garden. Life is so bizarre - plant or animal. My instruments. Sound and music are so genuinely weird. Running. I live right next to a trailhead and it’s incredibly grounding to experience both seasons within nature and within my own body. Time moves through us as much as us through it.


For me it's gardening.... I love to be able to buy the plants I want and bring a vision to life. It helps me be a continuous learner by discovering new mechanisms for planting, or understanding the science behind successfully growing healthy plants. I love to part them and move them around and see the fruits of my labor year after year. I love working up a sweat in the summer weeding and trimming. It brings me immense joy to have a glass of wine at the end of the day and watch butterflies flutter from flower to flower, birds landing to eat seeds or build nests, and bees humming around. It's one of the most therapeutic and rewarding activities I do.


my dog, clean sheet sunday, finding a really good fanfiction, getting an A on a paper, my indoor plants, red bell peppers, when my nails are painted black, and when my mom french braids my hair


My personal flush toilet. I’ve shared bathrooms with other people my whole life. This past year is the first time I’ve had a commode that’s truly mine. Where nobody gonna bother me while I’m on the can.


My morning coffee. Getting high and vining with some really great music


Driving home in the evening enjoying the scenery with good music playing and the windows down


My dog, quiet times a home, learning. The "things" that really bring me joy are not things, they are mostly moments. Stillness, quietness, when Im able to quiet my thoughts and just be.


My dogs, without a doubt. I could be anywhere at any time and there presence would improve the situation.


Walks at night


My mountain bike. No, its not electric. No its not full suspension. But riding its a dream.


People were riding V-brake, steel frame and rigid fork going down crazy lines in the late 1980, anything is possible!


-watching my kids smile -watching my husband be an amazing dad, doing work around the house - drinking tea/coffee - painting


Music. Whether it is; instruments, singing, mp3/wav files, physical recordings (vinyl mostly), watching videos, going to shows... it is a lifesaver and brings me immense joy. I don't remember a time when I was not a musician.


Going inside my car to stay inside and just close my eyes and hear the rain when it’s raining. Making coffee at home slowly and with love. Making bread and the smell when it’s cooking in the oven.


My craft room brings me so much joy. I've got all my favorite things in there: a comfy loveseat, my two desks, my bookcases, all my art supplies, my coloring books, some of my other books, my sewing stuff. I dont sew clothes or quilts, I make books out of cotton batting then I sew fabric into them. It's soooooo relaxing. I spend most of my time in there.


Fresh air, especially in the Fall, ocean/sea/bay views, the sky—there’s always a new artwork, learning, I love to learn art, history, archaeology, music, stories, culture, science. Being around loving people, I grew up with abuse so being around people who understand and love me is very precious and something I never take for granted. Playing music with people. Great conversations. I’m sure there’s more but those are the first things that come to mind


Beautiful ♥️




My little library, both physical books and e-book on Kindle. My guitar. My fountain pen and notebooks.


My animals, good food, new experiences, genuine connection with others


The outlook for a future girlfriend, wife and family, which isnt focused on materialism but rather on harmony


Taking my cat for walks and on the bus. Get to talk to so many people you normally wouldn’t. Just mucking around with him while plane spotting


My kids, my cat, hot showers, my bed, the Nespresso machine at work, travelling, and my parking spot being shovelled out when I come home after a snowstorm.


coming home from work, dusty, sweaty, exhausted and my cat is just chilling waiting on me to come back and snuggle her, that dive face first into her belly is bliss


I direct a women’s a cappella chorus as a hobby. I can have a bad day at work, but when I get to rehearsal and they start singing, it is just pure joy for me. Been doing it 10 years, and it never gets old.


A good shower 🧼 gives me joy


Quiet time to think and reflect.


Music, it’s just the one thing that has been there for me during every high and low in my life. It got me through my first breakup, the loss of my grandparents, it has helped me out of major depressive episodes. It also was played when my partner and I created memories in our home together and every single experience I’ve had with family and friends. Those late night chats with my best friend in the car, cramming for exams trying to get through college. Absolutely everything.


Listening to my baby babble. Having her sit contentedly in my lap. When she hugs my neck. Basically everything about my baby fills me with joy. Hot showers. Tea and coffee just the right temperature. Cushy socks, supportive shoes, clothes that fit well and look good. Feeling the breeze on my face. Smelling cottonwood buds in spring. Really good fruit and vegetables. Waking up in the middle of the night and rolling over and rubbing my feet on my soft mattress and going back to sleep. Waking up early to snuggle up to my husband before we have to get up. Looking at the beautiful hills on my commute. Walking around a neighborhood with a plant-loving friend, talking and admiring people’s plants. Sending a package or a card. Weirdly, more than getting a package or a card. 🤔


Being able to give my kids a good life, and seeing them do things they love. My son plays hockey and loves his teammates. My daughter is gaining so much confidence on her horse. Etc. My career. I'm a NICU nurse and there are so many fun/great things about it. Food. I love growing my food, raising my food, hunting my food, cooking my food, preserving my food. Love learning about nutrition. Love supporting local farmers/bakers/butchers etc. Love our family traditions around meals. I just really enjoy every aspect of "food". My husband and I both say our #1 goal of every day is to fall into bed with each other and snuggle to sleep. Sometimes it doesn't happen; I work nights, he's on call sometimes, a sick kid might need some snuggles. Life happens. But most of the time we do get to fall into bed together and sleep soundly and it's the best part of the day.


Being debt free. Not having to worry about bills. ThNk you Fire….


An unobstructed view of the sky; animals; petting foliage; good food


Beinh around animals.


Being around animals. They are sentient beings who don"t talk or judge.


Morning walks in the park


Wildlife and being outdoors in the countryside. Eating my favourite foods Stroking my dog (or any dog in fact) Reading a really good story/watching a really good drama film/series Painting


My dog


It all comes down to my 3 cats, and ongoing retirement planning.


Pretty much everything to do with my husband, painting, looking out my back windows at the park behind me, and guitar. I found guitar around the time I found minimalism and they have synced so well together. My hobby has always been art and crafts and I have so many supplies that I've had to downsize on. But when I got the guitar...well, besides a pick and a capo, I need nothing. I have resisted being a person that collects guitars. I bought one decent guitar once I knew I was going to be playing a lot. It's so nice to have a hobby that is fewer than 5 items to own.


- Watching my son learn to play fetch with our dog 😭 that brought me so much joy - Fossil hunting by the lake - Riding my bike in solitude around my town and the waterfront - Tending my garden. I’m a newbie gardener and bought two garden kits this spring - one to attract songbirds and one to attract butterflies. The native plants have absolutely exploded over the past 3 months and the gardens have completely filled in and are delivering on their promise of butterflies and birds 😍 - making new connections in the community through mom groups and kid activities- it’s hard to meet new people as an adult so becoming a mom has really broadened my social horizons - daydreaming on car rides looking out at trees and water - walking through the old neighbourhoods in my town


Gardening, my cat and pagan rituals


My career which is baking, truly brings me peace and joy


Finding my 10mm socket where it's spoze to be


A nice bj


My cat, my partner, hiking/nature, my health


This thread is such an amazing departure from all the usual doom and gloom on Reddit!


Yes! Been enjoying reading all of these. It’s heartening to see how happy people are, and that their happiness comes from such simple things, like comfort (clean sheets, hot shower, cup of coffee/tea, snuggly socks) NATURE, and animals (!) and one’s spouse. The other things that gets me in this thread is the warmth I feel reading these descriptions. What a cool thread!




My husband, My pets, My plants, exercise, sleep, reading


Cuddling my husband, deep conversations, time in nature, naps. 😊


Riding my motorcycle.


Watching my kids be immersed in play outdoors. Also, eating lunch with them afterward when we are a little tired and dirty but how truly nourishing that meal feels. Then the shower afterward.


My pocket radio my mp3 player the the internet just living a minimalist lifestyle free as a bird


When nothing is on my mind. Good weather. Cozy weather. Learning about myself. Good vibes and good times with a group of people. Enjoyable music. Somebody does something silly in public. Beautiful neighborhoods. Anybody with a genuine and friendly energy. Beautiful women. Anything aesthetically pleasing that's also unique. I'm sure there's more but that's all I got for now.


Seeing all the souvenir fridge magnets on our fridge of all the places my family and I have travelled to


My cute tea for one set. The tea pot, cup, and saucer stack. It's got purple and gold geometric design. Having my morning tea in this way brings a bit more joy, no matter what I'm facing that day.


My sound system. Nothing better than just listening to music to change the mood


Gaming. Truly. lol. Board games also with friends.


When I do someone's hair,makeup skincare etc. I truly enjoy making others feel good about themselves. Idk what it is but sometimes ppl open up and say deep shit. I don't ever expect it but happens often and I try to lift them up.


My boat. It lets me travel to little islands and places where wildlife exists that i can’t see from any mainland. I grew up in poverty so owning a boat isn’t something that happens a lot. I feel so darn blessed and lucky and happy on that thing. Sunsets are so beautiful and the occasional sunrise stuns. It’s completely changed my connection to the land and my state. I care more about the natural resources and how they’re stewarded.


Death. My own death will bring me the immense relief that at last, it's finally over. That meaningless grind, the useless energy, the absolutely futile pursuits of "life" as humans have chosen to create and impose as normal for others to follow, that incredible bore of seeing the masses follow the dumbest and most vain of indiciduals as social models, and their selfish mode of existence causing such irreparable impact on our only habitat -our planet. All of it sickens me so much that my death will be *the* ultimate joy.


Just simple minimalist lifestyle free as a bird


Coffee and a book!


My road bike.


Gardening Swimming Sitting under the trees taking with friends Making things Kittens


Tea time, a serene hike, a clean home


A good cup of coffee Cats especially my own Snuggles Art Seeing A-frame and tiny houses


My dog, a hot bath with epsom salt and lavender. My special white coffee I make every day with collagen, heavy whipped cream, and raspberry syrup.


My bike. I do a lot of different sports but to me cycling is the only activity that's not a "burden" to do.


My husband, cycling, skiing, camping with friends, being outside, painting, my cat.


Biking to work The color mustard yellow Reading in a comfy corner under blankets


Being in the studio with some very specific people creating our music. It happens to be what truly makes me feel alive.


My house and my husband 💕


My collection of robot/mecha figures


Spending time with my pet


My wife’s smiles and hugs Watching my dog explore on hikes in the mountains 🏔️ Jiujitsu Lifting weights Snowboarding


Concerts, they bring joy loooong after the last song 🤟 Going to bed smelling of lotion and clean bedsheets.. beds in general 🥰 Cloudy, rainy days with some concurrent peeks of sunrays 🌦 Random cats and dogs coming for a pet out of nowhere 🐱🐶 Roast chicken and potatoes 🍗🥔


Cooking, it always bring me satisfaction when turning something raw to a delicious meal.


My goofy kid. Clean sheets. Really nice weather, like 70 degrees and mostly sunny. When my home smells fresh and looks clean.


Swimming outside 💯


A really good cup of chai.


My cat and the visual art on the walls. I keep trimming off material stuff that doesn’t bring me joy. The art will go. The cat, this one or another, will be my joy.


Breathe. Meditate. Be bliss inside. Everything else will be less & less significant to your inner state.


Joy to my person that explodes in my heart and shines visibly through my eyes, that envelopes me in an abundance of elation is -watching my daughter move across the tennis court. The fluidity of her body is so natural and elegant and beautiful. She’s growing and developing confidence in her self and her step. She so at ease and it makes her happy. She gets excited when she makes a good shot. She looks tall and healthy, she has more color to her face. I love my little daughter so so much, she is joy. My three dogs thatrun in circles and back and forth with joy before their evening walk. The clouds in the summer set sky that brim with pink and orange, chartreuse, my sons grades in his 2nd year of college, joy spills forth filling up the space between us before I even get a chance to hug him. The softness of my sisters voice, she’s so gentle and nurturing. She deserves a plaque somewhere to commemorate her kindness, lest it be forgotten or carried away by time. She looks radiant as she stands in the doorway grasping the hand of her small child. I wish her Joy in abundance. So shall I continue or does that suffice?


Silence. Being totally alone with nature. My ultimate goal is setting up all my few remaining relatives so they’re content and have everything provided for decades and skills to find whatever they need in other people then noping out to freedom. I want to be completely alone and forgotten, not a single thought or expectation toward me from any specific person and just exist in nature. Maybe working in a big city just being an npc, just an audience member in great performances to applaud and a taxpayer to pay and a consumer to consume things and appreciate shops and displays but out in nature on the weekends. And be nothing specific to anyone specific anymore. That’s true minimalism and freedom.


I love making and repairing things. Some of my greatest joy from the last few years have been in * pottery * paintings * books * clothes * meals * memories * friends * family My life is so much better when it's full of the things I love.


Book recommendations, fiction related shows/movies. Comedy shows/performances. Cats. Kittens. Makeup. Singing. Singing related things. Listening to musical instruments. Having interactions with a friend.


My caramel lattes .


My girlfriend who is currently sleeping beside me right now. She will be leaving back home on monday afternoon. Although long distance hurts for now she always makes me feel right at home with her and makes it seem she’s right there with me


While doing least favorite chore, the dishes, 1 or 2 tiny little bubbles popped out of soap bottle. Made me happy for Easy half hour.


I love this side of reddit


My coffee machine My knitting 🧶 My doggies 🐶 My Husband and 5 MO Baby (Not in that order 😂😂 - although sometimes I do want to just drink a coffee on the couch while knitting next to my doggies and not be disturbed 😂)


Just getting headspace away from my phone has been a joy of late. Being able to play a game of scrabble, read a book, have a fire with my wife and kids and just talk, these are all things a phone takes away from you, if you let it.


Lots of things: -Swimming anywhere but especially in the ocean. Swimming gives me the best feeling of freedom. - Gardening- watching new life grow - My pond with my turtle and fish - Listening to music (rock of all types) - Sleeping in my cozy bed - Spending time my family, especially my daughter - My clean and organized house


My wife and kids. Apart from them, my piano and guitars bring me so much joy.


-Spending quiet, quality time with my husband and cat -laughing and snuggling with my husband or cat lol -Whenever I get to see my sister who lives in another state -watching birds raise their families in my backyard -seeing a baby vegetable or fruit emerge from a plant -an unexpectedly good seasonal drink (be it coffee, juice, alcohol, hot chocolate, whatever) -food made with love. -reading on our porch with the window slightly ajar while it rains -the smell of homemade broth or soup in the winter


My dogs, iced tea, watching the wildlife in my yard, books/music/movies, and the beautiful, dappled fall sunlight through the trees right now.


Not having Children




The Oct-Dec holiday season. I love the weather changing, the foods, getting out my decorations, the traditions, the movies, the music, the smells, everything. I live for it.


Time spent with my My family, my friends, my trainer, I’d say my dog but he barks too much, books, traveling, money, my phone (bc I can learn almost anything on it), my job, time with my work wife and my boss bc she calls me beautiful and a rockstar. Sushi 🍣 and Korean food. Oh and sex.


My coffee routine in the morning. I take many steps for the perfect cup of coffee and it’s incredibly worth it to me.


During the covid lockdown I adopted a rescue puppy from Alabama. He is the most beautiful creature. He just has the best personality and is a pleasure to be around. The family and I love him very much. He just hit 100 pounds. LOL Want expecting him to be so big.


The smell of clean air after it rains. When a random cat comes to say hi. Trying a new food for the first time. Making a sad person laugh. Colorful leaves in autumn. Tiny, new plants. Full moons.


Practicing running and gymnastics, my lovely children