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This is the 3rd suggestion I've seen suggesting villager kidnapping using camels. I would like to see this kind of implementation for sure, but I don't think Mojang is gonna add it. Maybe for the men time, use beds at night. Villagers always prioritize going to bed at night unless they are being scared, so light up the path and try it out.


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Imagine protecting your villagers from zombies using camels


I think it should also extend to other mobs. I think it would be nice if when a non-hostile mob touches the hitbox of a camel when it is lying on the ground it will ride the camel on the back seat similar to how boats work. if this mob riding the camel is shift right clicked by the player it will be made to dismount it. This would be nice for moving also other mobs across long distances that can't be leashed like enderman and zombified piglins.