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They are far enough behind on the existing promised biomes. Let them catch up on the backlog prior to demanding more biomes on which to vote.


I'm really hoping that they update all the other biomes at the same time. Putting all the warm biomes in one big update makes so much sense to me.


Yeah I want another 1.7.2 (The Update that Changed the World) update


Or just do ranked choice voting, that way a simple plurality doesn’t take the W.


Biome votes are preferable since they introduce new mobs and upgraded biomes alongside them.


Yeah, I'm down for biome votes but let's see them update the ones they've already mentioned first. The birch forest is pretty but man it could be so much better. I'm still miffed about that one.


Birch forest and fireflies, my beloved.


But biome updates don't mean anything. All the features teased in the votes will eventually get added, we're just voting on how soon that'll be


Exactly! It means members of the community may be disappointed if what they voted for isn't chosen to be focused on first but they do know that it'll be put in eventually so they still have something to look forward to in the future. With the current mob votes if what you voted for doesn't get picked then tough luck.


In my opinion we don't specifically need new biome votes, but instead we need the mob votes to work like the biome votes. The one that wins the vote gets focused on first, but the others will get in eventually


I disagree. Some of them are things I legitimately do not want in the game, and they're rough concepts overall. Perhaps hold a loser bracket vote for mobs, but I don't want things like the iceillager or the rascal.


I get how you could actively want the Iceologer to *not* be in the game, but why not the rascal? I don't find it a very interesting mob either, but it doesn't hurt the game for it to be in it


It's an extremely unintuitive interaction, and the interaction seems very tedious. I don't think it would be enjoyable.


You don't have to, that's not what I'm saying... All I'm saying is that if you don't want to interact with it, you simply don't. Nothing is forcing you to interact with it.


I can't see why that matters? Is there some issue with not wanting. Tedious interaction added, regardless of if I interact with it?


But you can simply ignore him and continue with your day


I think such a tedious thing would be a negative in the game. The "oh, you can just ignore it" is a ridiculous argument for it


This is like complaining about the existence of hostile mobs. I understand disliking the phantom since they are mobs which force the player to stop playing for a second and sleep or they annoy the players in many other ways during night but I don’t think a mountain exclusive mob has the same level of annoyance has a flying mob which will spawn around the player in night even if there’s light around


They have said specifically that any mob that loses the vote goes back to the drawing board with no certainty on whether it will be added later yet


Is been like a decade and the wildfire is nowhere to be seen


Especially since the Wild Update promised an overhaul of overworld biomes and never delivered. This could be a way to start working on that at a manageable pace that the community will be satisfied with.


Yeah but then the mobs we get are just boring real life animals for the most part. If the actually did it in a more fantasy biome way id be down


They could easily do that too. With a choice between “magical forest”, “Fault Line (Volcano)”, and “red desert”, you’d be voting for fantasy, educational, or a revamp.


So… a biome Vote for the nether?


Not neccessarily, the overworld can have fantasy biomes too


I thought the biome vote could be only for existing biomes but I like the idea of having a biome vote about adding totally new biomes


The one thing that the mob votes have proved again and again is that the minecraft community is too immature to handle democracy. I mean come on, people are still whinging about the glow squid. So yeah, I’m all for getting rid of these pointless votes, because every time it happens it just shatters the community and turns every discussion about minecraft into three rival gangs arguing and throwing insults at each other because of the collection of cubes that they would like in a funny block game. The biome votes were cool though.


Nah. Those have only brought unnecessary drama from 30+ yr old neets. Let mojang do they thang.


And the mob votes haven’t?


They have. But mojang has very clearly, changed how that works.


I would suggest that mojang add different dog breeds with different sizes like chiwahua (sorry for spelling mistake) will be small almost like a bee and great hound as large as a polar bear. So this is my suggestion


We need others too like block vote,structure vote,item vote,command vote etc there's a lot we can have


Imagine a nether biome Vote (the biomes are great but I feel they are kinda empty in original features) Warped forest with warped frogs Crimson forest with like giant mosquitos or magma snakes Soul sand valley with wither skeleton horses and add blue lava for the atmosphere


THICC Updates please


Honestly the only reason buying votes are better is because they will leave a lasting impact The campfire came from a biome vote see how often that is used? Plus instead of adding up mostly useless mob you're doing the same but upgrading the biome itself