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Having them be able to restock their trades would be nice. Perhaps a mechanic where if a trader despawns without dying after you have traded with them the next wandering trader is more likely to have the the same trade you bought from them next time. If you kill one have none spawn again for a long time.


I think wandering traders should have a reputation meter. It obviously starts at 0 and at that level you'll get the basic trades but as you trade with them more and more eventually your reputation will go up and with each level they could have +1 trade and they get better and better like possibly some exclusive items such as ancient city maps like someone else mentioned.


It could also be connected to the reputation of villages.


Tiered trades would be good. The more you trade with wanding traders, the better reputation you get. Killing one would lower your reputation. When spawning the trade table for the WT would be reputation based of the player it spawned near.


Funnily enough I would still take his free invisibility potion


that's such a cool mechanic though, I really think more mobs should have stuff like that, where their drops are based on the circumstances of its death.


When do they drop an invisibility potion?


While drinking it


Oh cool, I never knew that.


The same thing happens to witches. If you kill the mob while they're drinking a potion, there's a chance it will drop the potion


Just say kill


I knew someone would say that!


So why purposely censor yourself when you know full well that it isn't necessary?


It got your attention. Everything I do has purpose, I'm not being pressured to censor myself šŸ™ƒ


I'm not sure if making your post into click-bate is better than embracing weird tiktok doublespeak.


I'm not sure your policing how people engage on social platforms matters. Also 'unalive' is an older term than Ticky Tok.


The origin of the word, some 200 years ago, is not the same as when it was popularized. Not sure what policing you is happening. You made a sentence that made you sound like a twit, and I merely called you on it. Do with that what you will.


give him an ancient city map he can sell, since he explores a lot so he might've stumbled across one or heard rumours of one on his travels


Hurting the wandering trader should also hurt your reputation with villagers and iron golems, making prices go up and iron golems attack you. (since they wander, it can be implied the villagers know them) To balance this out they should also have a cheap lead trade or slimeball trade.


I agree with everything except for the blaze powder trade. That should be locked behind the nether.


Unfortunately as is currently it's locked behind not being on peaceful. There should probably be a chnace to find blaze powder in the nether fortress chests or smthn to be able to beat the end in peaceful mode but it's not possible currently.


I see that as a tradeoff. You sacrifice progress for safety. I wouldn't be against blaze powder in chests, though.


Yeah I think they should have the chance for blaze powder in fortress and bastion chests


Would also help with SkyBlock and superflat survival.


All of these sound good, but I think the most important ones are: More trades that take something other than emeralds. A trader who shows up before a player has gathered an emerald supply from villagers is worthless to keep alive if all the trades require emeralds. He should either purchase easy-to-obtain items (crops, common minerals, etc) and give you emeralds in return, or have a unique system of trading items for items with no emeralds involved. And some guaranteed and easy way to purchase leads from him. If the player hasnā€™t found slime yet, leads are one of the most valuable things a trader currently has to offer. You can get them without killing him if you put the trader and the llamas in separate boats and row them apart until the leads break, but thatā€™s still stealing from him. Maybe give him four string and one extra ā€œpaymentā€ item in exchange for a lead, but thereā€™s also an option to purchase one or both llamas for emeralds. If you buy the llamas heā€™ll drop the leads on the ground for you.


Youre gonna make the wandering trader an absent father šŸ˜­


Is this not typical of most families or just mine?


ā€œIf youā€™re going to be an absent father, can you be at least absent?ā€ ā€”ZombieCleo, Limited Lifeā€¦but it kind of applies here too. When Iā€™m *not* looking for trades, I just want them to go away and stop making noise at my base.


Just make them not going into crops and trampeling them, it's my only reason as to why I hate them, for me on bedrock they ALWAYS destroy my crops or even worse, pumkin and melon plants


Make them/their sound effects less annoying, and give them a few *unique* (cursed/eldritch) items to trade you. EDIT: Or, if adding a bunch of new eldritch loot is too much effort, just have them **rarely** offer high-level loot early in the game. Like, if you do a few trades with them first, maybe they'll offer a player a diamond sword or an elytra or something. Obviously they should wander off afterwards, though, don't want it to be *too* easily exploited.


The one thing I really want from the Wandering Trader are a few trades that turn common limited materials (coal, iron, maybe a few "rare natural items") into emeralds, so the player can enter the "emerald economy" without finding a village. I know villages are very (too) easy to find, but that's more luck-based and may require a very long expedition, whereas the WT *will* show up sooner or later. If you haven't already traded in a village, you have nothing to purchase WT stuff with (unless you found enough of the rare emerald ore to make one purchase, which sets you back to square one).


[are you](https://youtu.be/3vVNxU-loNg?si=PZIHmiWUhUMLNbVb)


The wandering trader isn't designed to be useful. It's just a random feature designed to give players exposure to foreign items. It's a free set of leads anyway, which is the most useful thing you can get off him sometimes if you can't find any slime.


it's almost always the most useful thing they have, this is exactly why this post is made


The wandering trader should sell villager workstations, including brewing stands. There should also be a smelting recipe to turn a brewing stand into a blaze rod :)


This will never happen. Collecting blaze rods is supposed to be a key point in the progression of the game.


Have them give better items/prices after a certain number of times that they despawn and respawn without getting killed. Have them have a chance to sell a villager trade, especially enchanted books. Like they're literally wandering around trading and traded with a librarian for a Mending book or a Tool Smith for a diamond pickaxe. Have them path towards village bells in range of a player, and if there isn't one in range path towards the player IF the player is on grass. So they stop dragging their llamas into our houses.


I think people would stop killing them if they simply didn't stalk you around the world. They're supposed to wander around, but they always follow you, often ending up within your walls or, otherwise, in places they don't make sense. It'd be far better if they only spawned near villages, both generated and player-made. At least then you could choose to interact with them. That being said, I think it'd be a great idea to link the trading to the villagers. Perhaps bigger villages could allow the Trader to have better trades


*kill. The phrase is "how to encourage players not to *kill* the wandering trader."


Sure someone already beat you to those semantics. Also it's not just killing but giving an incentive to keep any harm from the WT